Quote Originally Posted by Spermatozoa View Post
Take any PMSing #MeToo feminist, imagine them with political power, and behold! Your inspiration.

Once I have finished my training, I intend to write an opera with the kind of villain that you've just described. In my view, the most dangerous villain is the one who sincerely believes that they are on a quest to make the world fairer and more equal, but all they end up removing is our freedom to express ourselves as unique individuals. The end (a dystopia where nobody is better off than anybody else) justifies the means. I am glad to see that you don't underestimate the dangers of this myopic dream, because it is a very real problem.
Yeah sounds good and the benevolent yet ominious and forbodding Court Magician Petterson can warn the Kingdom and the Court that at their peril they do not heed his warning: the end is neigh and their freedoms are soon to be obliterated....! Oh my wat a nightmare I surely hope not I surely surely do.