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Thread: Trump Babe Potential For Women (Rate Yourselves)

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    Default Trump Babe Potential For Women (Rate Yourselves)

    This is a quick questionnaire I have just designed

    Trump Babe Potential


    First, please insert a topless pic of yourself

    I will assess your facial attractiveness…
    0 Stop taking this test, lolol -100 pts
    1 -10 pts
    2 -8 pts
    3 -5 pts
    4 -2 pts
    5 0 pts
    6 2 pts
    7 5 pts
    8 8 pts
    9 10 pts
    10 Photoshopped… so only 8 pts

    What is your body fat percentage?
    <15 % -5
    15 – 19 0
    20 – 24 5
    25 – 29 10
    30 – 34 5
    35 – 39 0
    40 – 45 -5
    45 + -10

    How big are your boobs?
    A 0
    B 1
    C 2
    D 3
    Bigger than D 4

    Are you white?
    Yes +20
    No -20

    Have you had any interracial sex?
    No +3
    Yes -30

    Are you on welfare or indebted?
    Yes, it’s a man’s job to look after me -10
    No +5

    Are you are a feminist?
    No +5
    Yes -30

    How many guns do you own?
    None, and I want more gun control -3
    None -1
    One 1
    More than one 3

    Final Score
    Less than 30 pts Feminists, degenerates and other undesirables
    30 – 39 Some redpill potential
    40 – 49 Significant redpill potential
    50 – 59 Confirmed Trump Babe.
    60 Unicorns and trannies

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    *designs demeaning quiz about penis size*

    Also I can't understand why it's not good for it to be a man's job to look after me. Here I thought closed legs don't get fed. So apparently Trump is not after whores? He prefers the women that would rather he didn't enter the locker room when they are naked for "inspection" of the building. Then she is unwilling and that is more exciting. Also it allows him to humiliate her for being unreceptive, which he might enjoy very much.

    Yet he has put money into a lot of hot women and has expected them to kiss his ass for it. But if they don't, then humiliation will do. It makes him hard.

    I mean, am I wrong?

    *runs off to have interracial sex*

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    I do this is about 2 seconds when I first see somebody. Monkey brain ain't no shame.

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    I'm sorry is this the puberty section?

    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 07-10-2018 at 05:39 PM.

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    What the hell is wrong with this guy?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    What the hell is wrong with this guy?
    A ILE, can't you tell?

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    A ILE, can't you tell?
    Nah, I'm pretty certain his original typing as Ni-EIE is/was correct.

    Though designing a quiz like this can't be TR. If he's serious about it I dunno what to say, if it's tongue in cheek, well, he's a good entertainer.

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    I think that is the point.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Is the thought process the problem here or is it the bluntness? It looks like 90% of the forum's conversations about sexual selection but without a veneer of politeness on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Is the thought process the problem here or is it the bluntness? It looks like 90% of the forum's conversations about sexual selection but without a veneer of politeness on it.
    lol that's a joke, right?

    the problem isn't this isolated incident, it's an accumulation of very similar incidents which usually revolve around his warped view of females wherein he generally believes they exist for his sexual pleasure and nothing more (in short, the main issue is his overactive libido). i don't think he's a serious threat, and nobody's claiming his thought process is foreign to males on this forum or elsewhere, but that still doesn't excuse how he speaks to various females on this forum, or how he speaks about females in general. i'd assume that somebody who identifies as a feminist would understand why some people (esp. females) would eventually take issue with him, unless feminism is only useful if it applies to your own discomfort with such uncouth behaviors.

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Is the thought process the problem here or is it the bluntness? It looks like 90% of the forum's conversations about sexual selection but without a veneer of politeness on it.
    Both women and men objectify each other and I'm not uncomfortable with that (as long as it stays within reason), but the OP is clearly out of touch with reality with his fantasies. I don't think women feel threatened by him or should feel threatened by him, the problem I have is more that he seems delusional to me. Unless, of course, he is joking.

    Also, I take issue with some of the questions which clearly divert from sexual attraction into racism "Are you white?" and "Have you had interracial sex" etc. Not that worse things are not said on this forum, though...

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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    lol that's a joke, right?

    the problem isn't this isolated incident, it's an accumulation of very similar incidents which usually revolve around his warped view of females wherein he generally believes they exist for his sexual pleasure and nothing more (in short, the main issue is his overactive libido). i don't think he's a serious threat, and nobody's claiming his thought process is foreign to males on this forum or elsewhere, but that still doesn't excuse how he speaks to various females on this forum, or how he speaks about females in general. i'd assume that somebody who identifies as a feminist would understand why some people (esp. females) would eventually take issue with him, unless feminism is only useful if it applies to your own discomfort with such uncouth behaviors.
    I get why people take issue with him. I just think it's not a threat precisely because its so obvious. It just becomes "express your commonly held views in a more socially acceptable way," and eventually he'll learn and become a real threat instead of something visible that can be sidestepped. I can barely even stomach the forum anymore because I was feeling objectified and shitty any time I looked at the chatbox but at least if spermatazoa were ever harassing me people might actually believe it and/or give a shit (or not, but at least it would fit the narrative and wouldn't be crazy-making). That doesn't "excuse" it any more than its excused from anyone else (whatever that means, as though my acceptance or lack thereof holds any weight, it demonstrably doesn't). For these reasons and others I appreciate when garbage is out in the open where everyone can see it, even to the point of being sympathetic towards people with disgusting worldviews who are at least fucking honest about it and willing to take the fall and let you know what you're dealing with. Its not that I expect or hope for this outlook from anyone else, and i definitely don't expect a similar sympathy from anyone else. It's that I don't see much utility in pointing at an obvious pile of garbage and saying, "look, it's garbage," when there are 20 other piles along the sidewalk covered in leaves. But that's just my personal feeling about it all and not some broader statement or call to arms. I don't really identify as a feminist anymore even though I'm sympathetic and I think it's an important cause, mostly because you're right - I realized that I was using feminist theory selfishly to make sense of and digest my experiences more than in service of any greater good and I do think the label should mean more than it does.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    What the hell is wrong with this guy?
    What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for with his charms as this thread pretty much displays.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    if spermatazoa were ever harassing me people might actually believe it and/or give a shit (or not, but at least it would fit the narrative and wouldn't be crazy-making).
    Since I said this I also want to say that in my personal dealings with him he's had a good sense of boundaries, so this part of my post wasn't meant to convey that he's clearly a harasser or anything. More that he's someone people would expect that from while ignoring shitty behavior from polite people.

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    I also want to say that I don't have anything against him, personally, I've never conflicted with him or anything of the sort.

    I actually don't take offense to this thread's OP as much as it might seem like I do, I nearly fell of my chair laughing at it last night, when I read it thoroughly, but I also think the OP is in lala land if he thinks women are going to post a picture of themselves and answer degrading questions: a masochist might get a kick out of it, but I doubt a masochist would actually degrade themselves in public. That's why it seems unrealistic to expect women to answer the questionnaire, and that's why I said what I said initially.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    I also want to say that I don't have anything against him, personally, I've never conflicted with him or anything of the sort.

    I actually don't take offense to this thread's OP as much as it might seem like I do, I nearly fell of my chair laughing at it last night, when I read it thoroughly, but I also think the OP is in lala land if he thinks women are going to post a picture of themselves and answer degrading questions: a masochist might get a kick out of it, but I doubt a masochist would actually degrade themselves in public. That's why it seems unrealistic to expect women to answer the questionnaire, and that's why I said what I said initially.
    Lol yeah, it seems more like baiting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Is the thought process the problem here or is it the bluntness? It looks like 90% of the forum's conversations about sexual selection but without a veneer of politeness on it.
    Pretty sure this goes over the line...:

    Quote Originally Posted by Spermatozoa View Post
    Are you white?
    Yes +20
    No -20

    Have you had any interracial sex?
    No +3
    Yes -30
    Also I'm not sure why you think "Well at least he's honest!" is a defense. If he has these thoughts, then fine, but keep it private (at least people have freedom of thought). The fact that he's making these thoughts public is exactly the reason why he's being criticized for it. And he might even eventually suffer the consequence for it, such as being banned.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Also I'm not sure why you think "Well at least he's honest!" is a defense. If he has these thoughts, then fine, but keep it private (at least people have freedom of thought). The fact that he's making these thoughts public is exactly the reason why he's being criticized for it. And he might even eventually suffer the consequence for it, such as being banned.
    Its not a defense. It's an expression of annoyance at the rest of you for only caring about objectification or dehumanization when its expressed in an anti social or provocative fashion.

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    I mean, one of the major reasons ive been distancing myself from this place is that half the conversations were about hot young gold diggers who are good at housekeeping and it was accepted and welcomed by the community. I gave my opinion that adults having sex with 14 year olds was wrong and I was lambasted and called an SJW. But then some dude who is all like, "Hehe look at me say the N word, I'm a bad boy" logs on and suddenly people have a moral backbone? Right. I don't buy it.

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    Its seems as though its socially acceptable to hack people’s accounts and computers and share findings with several others in a large underground joke behind people’s back (true story).

    This thread is child’s play compared to the ligit petty crimes some forumites have actually done, some of which have actually gotten people banned for dubious reasons - until a pattern emerged and the real shadsters were doscovered. But nooo you get called the bad guy, or coined off as just a troll for calling them out. If they were here I would deck their skulls in, actually.

    As far as this thread goes its a bit like Milo Yanniopolos, who I find totally fucking abhorant in his flaunting historically socially acceptable sociopathy and sociopathic worldviews towards woman and minority groups.

    The irony is that I do something like this thread anyway, but its something I can mentally manuever around and juggle my way through, the best way by keeping my mouth shut and not perpetuating the cultural sociopathy inherent in my mind’s eye. Age and stage is another factor here as often times its easy to be somewhat polly-anna about differences because you haven’t been burned by them, nor does your life path, circumstances, and collective company of peers, your immediate society, envoke universal sympathies for others. The path is a knife’s edge and I’m not going to love everybody or pretend to myself I do and I’ve already had Se sex and otherwise over the years so I don’t pine for it in imaginative fantasyland threads.

    I can relate though to needing some level of badassery in my close inter relationships and I’m pretty jaded and to awake to want to be around polite company on a continious basis so for those reasons and like the stated original thread comments of mine I overall approve of the threads satire. Its a joke, a pretty weak ime compared to what my friends and acquaintances say in real life, and far better then other behaviours Ive seen here over the years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post

    Also I'm not sure why you think "Well at least he's honest!" is a defense. If he has these thoughts, then fine, but keep it private (at least people have freedom of thought). The fact that he's making these thoughts public is exactly the reason why he's being criticized for it.
    Yeah Milo Yanniopolis does the same thing as here when he travels around giving lectures like some Marriah Carry prima-donna: travelling from hotel to hotel, speaking on topics that are to himself of utmost importance, just very important person. Really he's just motivated by the ego, a narc like all the rest, and he found a topic of conversation he can be a wind bag about and decided he would cash in on the controversy of it all. Fuck you Milo, if you don;t have anything good to say, then don't travel around from country to country saying it.

  22. #22
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Who are you referring to @ashlesha?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    Who are you referring to @ashlesha?
    The N word thing? Lol my nonliteral impression of the way spermatazoa presents himself. I don't think he's ever actually used the N word. His behavior just comes across as this impish boundary pushing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Yeah Milo Yanniopolis does the same thing as here when he travels around giving lectures like some Marriah Carry prima-donna: travelling from hotel to hotel, speaking on topics that are to himself of utmost importance, just very important person. Really he's just motivated by the ego, a narc like all the rest, and he found a topic of conversation he can be a wind bag about and decided he would cash in on the controversy of it all. Fuck you Milo, if you don;t have anything good to say, then don't travel around from country to country saying it.
    Sounds like you're butthurt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Remiel View Post
    Sounds like you're butthurt.
    Not personally, no, not at all.

    I just recognize retardness when I see it.

    You are going to tell me this guy is motivated for the greater good of this world and not to perpetuate his own egoic self?

    Getting make-up done, getting his pampered little coffees, his little journey's from hotel to hotel, his jackets and bracelets and jewelry and total non-chalant douche bagery where he just off hand says the most ignorant bullshit isn't just a total narc?

    These are the kind of guys I can't stand. I don't hang around them. --->"do for me, but let me also deride you at the same time". eww.

    This is the kind of person I conflict with. A boy -man. Just on the horizon of reasonable and logical, which is just smoke and mirrors and I see right through it to the tiny narcish core. Its not so much his messages that bug me, its him. I sense something really twisted and wrong with him personally. I've been vindicated with that gut feeling before so I trust it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    A ILE, can't you tell?
    Threads of such pubertal style are likely made by someone being a member of a quadra with childlike romance style.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Threads of such pubertal style are likely made by someone being a member of a quadra with childlike romance style.
    Sure, historically that's been true. I don't know what type he is. I don't mind him. This thread is a bit of a laugh and let's face it, this is the current collective consciousness of the world right, this clash of values and opinions on this topic, so a Ni type would be easily aware of that paradigm. A Ne type be as well as they are connected to outer trends and are cognizant for the current paradigm. So, still the same problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    His behavior just comes across as this impish boundary pushing.
    yeah + vulgar, racist and misogynist.

    but the thing I find most interesting is that you've felt objectified and it has bothered you yet it's ok if a similar behaviour spreads around coz "Ive been through worse/he's innocuous/I've seen it many other times".

    This must be the air we're breathing collectively lately ok, but I'm just pretty impressed that someone can find it breathable. I mean, if it's so ok overall, then why not just get along with what it comports, harassment, objectification, racism, etc.?

    The scary thing of Sperma is that he's actually not joking, he's been repeating and supporting these ideas since he joined. Hail.

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    Some woman LIKE being grabbed by the pussy. That will never get stamped out of the world. Quadra values coming to a final conclusion on the global scale?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    but the thing I find most interesting is that you've felt objectified and it has bothered you yet it's ok if a similar behaviour spreads around coz "Ive been through worse/he's innocuous/I've seen it many other times".
    Behold where I said it was "ok"

    Its not that I expect or hope for this outlook from anyone else, and i definitely don't expect a similar sympathy from anyone else.

    But that's just my personal feeling about it all and not some broader statement

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Some woman LIKE being grabbed by the pussy. That will never get stamped out of the world. Quadra values coming to a final conclusion on the global scale?
    Lmao if he grabbed my pussy I'd knee him in the balls.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Sure, historically that's been true. I don't know what type he is. I don't mind him. This thread is a bit of a laugh and let's face it...
    It looks like that at least -valuing woman don't like such threads at all.
    I don't find such humor funny, either, but I don't show my dislike in an emotional way.
    tbh. I can't take a lot of his posts seriously.

    Ok, I guess I do a lot of jokes either, but most of my jokes are not derogative, with a few exceptions... e.g. politicans.
    If you post a lot of staff with non-serious attitude then how other people get you right when you post something with a serious attitude?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Lmao if he grabbed my pussy I'd knee him in the balls.

    so some women can't or won't ball kick, so society got pretty enlightened for the most part and added rule of law to the equation to help those ones. like this isn't rocket science to figure out.

    Attitudes cannot be stamped out by law though thats a lesson I had to learn growing up. For instance, blacks haven't been slaves for generations yet there is STILL fallout in all kinds of ways. Dysfunction is everywhere, always has been and always will be. It's never ending, that's why they call it the never ending wheel of suffering. The current awareness for everyone is about women's, minorities, different nationalities---> welcome to the wheel, we are all collectively aware of it on a planet wide scale like never before. Who can say how this will turn out?

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    Are you an illegal immigrant?
    No -10000
    Yes +10000

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Some woman LIKE being grabbed by the pussy.
    Cough. That's an oversimplified generalization, I'd say. I seriously doubt that the majority of woman like it being touched at such an intimate part of the body by a stranger.
    Last edited by WinnieW; 07-11-2018 at 06:19 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Cough. That's an oversimplified generalization, I'd say. I seriously doubt that woman like it being touched at such an intimate part of the body by a stranger.
    Human preferences are wider than you think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Behold where I said it was "ok"
    hmm ok, so you just find Sperma as a somewhat amusing character and for this wtv he says has that flavour of "oh well it's Sperma", while was it Adam or whoever else well maybe not so amusing, that can bother. I mean... it's totally understandable, we all do that for the people we like or not. But going off the tangent of possibilities that I often don't follow myself, even if my bestf were to be so racist I'd call her out, but I doubt I'd be close friend with such a very racist person.

    The excuse here is that he's not addressing anyone* and so we can have a laugh at its stupidity, ok. The ideas behind this suck though and I find it commendable that someone came to point it out.

    *in particular

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Human preferences are wider than you think.
    Ok, please fill in "the majority" in my previous statement.... Ok, I do it for myself. Post #35 editing time...

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    It looks like that at least -valuing woman don't like such threads at all.
    I don't find such humor funny, either, but I don't show my dislike in an emotional way.
    tbh. I can't take a lot of his posts seriously.

    Ok, I guess I do a lot of jokes either, but most of my jokes are not derogative, with a few exceptions... e.g. politicans.
    If you post a lot of staff with non-serious attitude then how other people get you right when you post something with a serious attitude?
    Alpha's for the most part play it safe and the one's that don't --> think Rocket from Guardian's of the Galaxy --> suffer for it by ostracization --> which was where Rocket's character arc went in the movies. as an aside: the irony of the closed mouth agenda, as long as you are Fe nice, you can get away with saying A LOT.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Cough. That's an oversimplified generalization, I'd say. I seriously doubt that the majority of woman like it being touched at such an intimate part of the body by a stranger.
    I never went anywhere near what you just said. I said some woman liked being grabbed by the pussy. Trust me, I know grabby grabby is not a alpha quality.

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