This is a quick questionnaire I have just designed

Trump Babe Potential


First, please insert a topless pic of yourself

I will assess your facial attractiveness…
0 Stop taking this test, lolol -100 pts
1 -10 pts
2 -8 pts
3 -5 pts
4 -2 pts
5 0 pts
6 2 pts
7 5 pts
8 8 pts
9 10 pts
10 Photoshopped… so only 8 pts

What is your body fat percentage?
<15 % -5
15 – 19 0
20 – 24 5
25 – 29 10
30 – 34 5
35 – 39 0
40 – 45 -5
45 + -10

How big are your boobs?
A 0
B 1
C 2
D 3
Bigger than D 4

Are you white?
Yes +20
No -20

Have you had any interracial sex?
No +3
Yes -30

Are you on welfare or indebted?
Yes, it’s a man’s job to look after me -10
No +5

Are you are a feminist?
No +5
Yes -30

How many guns do you own?
None, and I want more gun control -3
None -1
One 1
More than one 3

Final Score
Less than 30 pts Feminists, degenerates and other undesirables
30 – 39 Some redpill potential
40 – 49 Significant redpill potential
50 – 59 Confirmed Trump Babe.
60 Unicorns and trannies