Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
Oh. Being an aesthete isn't a LSE specific thing.
it's Si specific and is more noticable among Si types. Se types have good Si too, but may lesser use it
so Se types may dress with good taste when want, but then to dress in rather random style
while Si type will more try to hold the style he likes

Quote Originally Posted by Seraph View Post
You mentioned trust a few times which is probably a sign of Fi polr. SLEs want trustworthy people around them because they worry about being deceived or betrayed and they have difficulty guessing the true motives of others.
it can be N related, more about Ne
for example, ESI and SEE are not so good in the understanding of people and it's easy to loose their trust with minor "bad" actions. they mb slightly paranoid, too suspicious, to fantasy redundantly bad about people