Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
I agree, at the present day, capitalism with UBI is likely the best way to go. So capitalism with a socialist element added in. The main fault of capitalism like Aramas pointed out is that people are stuck on jobs they hate so UBI will give people who hate their jobs a good chance to find another one. It also gives people who are not mentally capable of working a high enough income to live a basic quality of life.

Basically, there will be much less homeless people suffering on the streets due to mental illness or drug addiction or both. Perhaps, in the future, we will conceive of a better system than capitalism and socialism. That will make capitalism and socialism look like archaic and barbaric methods to run society. However, for now I think capitalism with socialist elements is the way to go IMO.
Not to mention the fact that home prices are vastly overinflated. There are enough homes in this country to obliterate homelessness overnight. But the system is designed to inflate home prices so that those who already own homes can mortgage them and buy nice things with the extra debt. If prices deflated, Mona wouldn't be able to afford her fifth Mercedes. You wouldn't want that, would you?