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Thread: Typing me again (video questionnaire in English)

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    Default Typing me again (video questionnaire in English)

    Last edited by para; 06-17-2018 at 10:38 AM.

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    I think you're Ne creative, not sure if LII or EII.

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    Agree with Daisy, but just based on the words skewed more toward Delta NF. . .EII, reasons being what I would consider Fi>Fe value throughout the entire video. Some tidbits:

    Talks a lot about being aware of who you are, knowing your motivations
    -'If something is meaningful for me, I keep doing it'
    -'I feel appreciative when people let me do the things I want' when talking about family, preference for following own desires rather than appeasing group.
    -'I like people who are true to themselves'
    -'I am aware of myself. What I want and don't want.'
    -'I look for someone who searches for meaning'
    Seems to make a clear separation between desires of others and self.

    Ne value. . .lots of talk about being different than others 'I like non-conformists'

    Weak, unvalued Se
    -Intrusive people annoy me
    -When I have a conflict, I usually just let it go and forgive others and myself
    -Ignores people in conflict situations

    Delta values
    -'I want to be at peace with myself and who I am'
    -'I was with my friends, just relaxing.'

    Fe devaluing
    -I don't like loud people'
    and everything else said above in Fi about being who you are, doing what you want, being true to self.

    Listed as things you need help with
    -Knowing when to eat, relaxing so Si valuation
    -Organization, being in the real world

    Perhaps rudimentary, but what I got from it on first glance.

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    @Daisy @senki
    Thanks so much guys!

    I think that my conception of Fi was more in line with ''Assessing relationships and being aware of how they affect yourself'' than ''Being aware of what you want and staying true to yourself'' which is more my own version. I'm not very 'relationship oriented' so i've never really felt connected to the EII Model A or description. I also don't really like routine or structure in my external environment, but i do like to evaluate whether or not i will take it as it comes or i will prepare, though i ususally just improvise whatever i want to do, which seems to devalue rational Te. LII with creative subtype/Ne was my main typing for a long time, but i've begun to doubt whether or not my main mode of 'being in the world and in myself' is Ti base and Ne creative at all. The description of how the elements work inside the heads of the types makes me more inclined towards Ni or Ne base, but i can't seem to make a clear distinction when looking at my own thought process, as i seem to possess elements of both.

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    Hm, I'd always thought Fi was more general in the sense of taking stock of and processing one's own subjective feelings and being acutely aware of that (like, dislike, disgust, attraction, etc.). . .I think it also adeptly detects these qualities in others, and thus takes on this relational quality by means of comparison of needs and desires. Human relationships would be a clear application for its usage, but I think it's simply to do with the relation and attitude between subject and object in general, whether it be relationships. . a hobby, interest, or lifestyle choice, etc, and in that way can easily detect harmony or disharmony.

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    Quote Originally Posted by senki View Post
    Hm, I'd always thought Fi was more general in the sense of taking stock of and processing one's own subjective feelings and being acutely aware of that (like, dislike, disgust, attraction, etc.). . .I think it also adeptly detects these qualities in others, and thus takes on this relational quality by means of comparison of needs and desires. Human relationships would be a clear application for its usage, but I think it's simply to do with the relation and attitude between subject and object in general, whether it be relationships. . a hobby, interest, or lifestyle choice, etc, and in that way can easily detect harmony or disharmony.
    That's very concise and helpful, thanks. Hm, i might have to consider EII then, though my relationships with definite, clear-cut EII people have always been me *not* being cognizant of their Fi, and them being quietly uninterested in what i'm interested in, though i suppose this can happen between people of all types.

  7. #7
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I'd say LII again. Creative subtype.

    You seem distanced from feelings, like you can talk about them, and analyze them, but I have a hard time imagine you as an EII.

    This thing about having to control or make sense of things in order to accept them sounds familiar. My oldest friend is LII and he has always done that. Like he doesn't necessarily have to understand things, but they have to make sense for him, otherwise he will oppose them. But what it means to make sense, can be hard to see for others. Sometimes it can go as far as him accepting things because they don't make sense, because "things should not always make sense". Some kind of hyper-rationality.

    anyway, hope you find your type. Relationships will help, lots of them.

    For comparison: Swedish criminologist Leif GW Persson is imo C-LII. Here in his younger version. (He actually looks a little like you).
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    From your posts here I thought LII, but seeing your video I can't help but think EII, you give me NF vibes. EIIs can be quite detahced and you have a sensivity underneath which I associate with being Fi more than Ti. LIIs seem colder than EIIs.

    But "trying to understand things in order to accept them" is Ne imo, I don't really think it's Ti.

    I think it's quite clear that you're Ne ego, perhaps you thinking you're Ne or Ni dominant has to do with your accentuated Ne. I think of the creative function as the instrument and the first function as the melody. The instrument is used to create the melody (which is the purpose). The instrument is apparent but the melody is something abstract, hard to see.

    And you know yourself better, but I think you could narrow it down to INxj. I also can't see you as Ni/Se valuer.

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    Thanks, you guys make some very helpful posts.

    Yeah, Ni-Se valuing has some things i see in myself, and other things where they seem foreign to me.

    Se-seeking seems to want 'presence' and 'the now' which i seek, since i tend to be detached and 'away' from the world. But this 'now' could also be Si.

    I really relate to the fantastical description of Ni base, and the 'seeing wholeness' aspect, but i'm not very appreciative of people who are controlling and seek power, which i also associate with the center quadras.

    Also i feel much more irrational than rational, both in my emotional state, which fluctuates and tells me different things at different times, and also the spontaneity and improvisation of the external and internal world in some ways. But you seem to say that Ne-creative, which is accentuated in some people, has the 'Ip' feel?

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    I just don't see you as Se seeking at all. While I think it's true that there is definitely a quality for both sensing types about being present and within the moment and that is always part of it, Se appears to take that form by having an impact on or manipulating the environment in some's also about exerting one's will and recognizing/evaluating willpower and strength in others. It's also more about sensing something's physical properties, presence, and characteristics.

    In contrast, Si is more about honing in on one's (or others) internal responses to outside stimuli/objects. Of course Si also manipulates its environment, but more to the ends of adjusting or maximizing one's internal response to an object. I get the sense from how you describe your leisure time, and your hang outs with your friends as a desire to relax and kind of even out your inner world that it's more a value of the latter.. . .so more like Alpha or Delta values. While everyone needs to relax sometimes, I wouldn't in general isolate 'hanging out and calming down/being at peace with myself' to be an Se valuers idea of fun.

    I don't think Se suggestive types just want to be in the present, feel their body (not just be in their head), and experience their environment in that very visceral way. I think what they really desire is to impact the environment and set some kind of events in motion. . .to see some kind of result or change since they themselves can feel somewhat powerless in interacting with the world in that way.

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    Being seeker of meaning towards the future (if I got it right) points towards LII over EII. EII tend to have nostalgic elements (past meaning) in their speech patterns.

    Lots of logic
    Little relatedness towards social sphere (in comparison to ethical types)
    Utility seems to be discarded (not lots Te)

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    What is your understanding of Fe and how would you say you relate to that function? From the video, I feel like we got some sense of valued Si, but not much about your relationship to Fe. As said, I really got valued Fi from a lot of the stuff you were saying about being able to do your own thing and do/be aligned with what's meaningful for you, but I think it'd be helpful to hear your take on Fe and people who you think exhibit it.

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    Hi doomy~
    first thing first, I really liked your essay on language. I wrote a comment to it some days ago but didn't want to post... anyways that really vibed as Ni to me, Ne too, because of all the side ideas and references you quote, but you keep in line with your initial idea, as in tuning in to the matter, so I guess that's more Ni. By that same essay I could sense a stronger T than F, although you delved in some ethical parts that were really interesting in that context, and language itself is like... what keeps all us humans together, so that it could make sense to relate the topic, overall, to F, but the way you exposed it looked more T to me.

    Wtv your type is, keep being awesome

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    I feel like I’m in a sensory deprivation chamber on the next planet over listening to your soothing voice and hearing the birdies chirp outside near you. Ni lead confirmed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by senki View Post
    What is your understanding of Fe and how would you say you relate to that function? From the video, I feel like we got some sense of valued Si, but not much about your relationship to Fe. As said, I really got valued Fi from a lot of the stuff you were saying about being able to do your own thing and do/be aligned with what's meaningful for you, but I think it'd be helpful to hear your take on Fe and people who you think exhibit it.
    Well, one of the reasons i've been confused is that my Fe seems very situational. When i'm in a setting where i feel that the conversation and people i'm around ignite me in a meaningful way, i feel confident in my ability to emote and be socially present, but Fe 'for the sake of it' doesn't do much for me. I definitely appreciate cheerful people more than gloomy ones, but that's mostly because i feel that i'm the gloomy one, so to speak. When someone generally shows warmth and good emotions, i feel safe, but emotional hysteria or emotionally charged group activities don't do much for me.

    Something i've seen related to Fe is also 'making emotional impression' on both the self and others. I'm not very outward in my expressions i think, but i feel an intense and close connection to my feelings and emotional 'arousal'. Considering my relations with others, i have had a tendency to, in a subtle way, want to emotionally mark people with the things i find important, so for example, if i'm with a friend and they're expressing something about a thing i find important, i will subconsciously and consciously try to 'colour' the concept/thing with specific attributes in conversation, which satisfy my own emotional and intellectual connection with the thing, as in it serves my view of it in relation to the whole, what place it has, which can mean something to me. (it's very hard to explain lol)

  16. #16
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    Regarding LII vs IEI ask yourself: is your logic more self generative or learned.

    Anyways, IEI's tend to focus on people even when they deprive themselves from social contact. They usually think about people or relation and become very manipulative when it comes to relations. Matching stuff etc.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    Hi doomy~
    first thing first, I really liked your essay on language. I wrote a comment to it some days ago but didn't want to post... anyways that really vibed as Ni to me, Ne too, because of all the side ideas and references you quote, but you keep in line with your initial idea, as in tuning in to the matter, so I guess that's more Ni. By that same essay I could sense a stronger T than F, although you delved in some ethical parts that were really interesting in that context, and language itself is like... what keeps all us humans together, so that it could make sense to relate the topic, overall, to F, but the way you exposed it looked more T to me.

    Wtv your type is, keep being awesome
    Aww, thanks!

    Yeah, i feel like that text had some conceptual consistency that aligned with how i feel about the world in some way. So i felt able to express something important there, that reflect a longer stream of thought, in a way that can be hard to do on an internet forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Regarding LII vs IEI ask yourself: is your logic more self generative or learned.

    Anyways, IEI's tend to focus on people even when they deprive themselves from social contact. They usually think about people or relation and become very manipulative when it comes to relations. Matching stuff etc.
    Hm... I tend to think about my relations, but they're more related to when i'm reading or thinking about something else, i will draw parallels between my feelings and relations towards others to the thing i'm doing or thinking about.

    Regarding my logic, i find it hard to tell whether or not it's learned or created, i think it's a bit of a mix. I tend to draw logical conclusions both from my own thoughts, but i can also occasionally make these conclusions with 'outside' help, like reading something directly related to the problem, or hearing another person speak about it.

    fwiw, i'm not very 'science-method' oriented, i have trouble following large diagrams or statistics, but i am very good at verbal, interpretive reasoning, like reading poetry or other kinds of literature, where you tend to be more imaginative in the solving of problems, and less systematic and controlled.

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    - the subjective logic is the clearly preferred one.

    IEI's tend to parrot things but the more mature they get they use start to use formula where they plug their reasons. Parts from model x and model y then plug it together and forget the external logical integrity. LII's can do it when they want to build something cool. IEI's do it when situation calls for it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    @Daisy @senki
    Thanks so much guys!

    I think that my conception of Fi was more in line with ''Assessing relationships and being aware of how they affect yourself'' than ''Being aware of what you want and staying true to yourself'' which is more my own version. I'm not very 'relationship oriented' so i've never really felt connected to the EII Model A or description. I also don't really like routine or structure in my external environment, but i do like to evaluate whether or not i will take it as it comes or i will prepare, though i ususally just improvise whatever i want to do, which seems to devalue rational Te. LII with creative subtype/Ne was my main typing for a long time, but i've begun to doubt whether or not my main mode of 'being in the world and in myself' is Ti base and Ne creative at all. The description of how the elements work inside the heads of the types makes me more inclined towards Ni or Ne base, but i can't seem to make a clear distinction when looking at my own thought process, as i seem to possess elements of both.
    Bolded seems Fe - if assessing external manifestations of the relationships and the effects they have on people (incl. yourself)

    And you posted this recently in another thread

    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    The thing i've realized about my emotions is that they do not need anyone else to morph. I come off to myself and especially others as totally balanced, indifferent, stable and almost half-asleep in my unemotionality. This was my primary basis for my own typing as 'not' Fe ego. But even then, i occasionally experience intense, pumping feelings about something, i just never let it show. I always become kind of embarrased about it, because it's so unlike my normal temperament. It feels both good and embarrasing though, like i'm freed by some sort of revitalizing, clarity enducing state. I see this as, if i'm not entirely off base, as a sign of 'inert subtype' sporadic Fe creative. So i'm still reflecting on the possibility of XEI, while considering Ni>Si lead as more likely.

    So, i think it is possible to fall into the trap of the 'equality' of generalization. That certain categories necessitate that everything within these are totally in equivalence to each other, which of course is not the case with the 16 types of socionics. There is a degree of interpretation needed to keep socionics consistent, and by this it becomes more and more muddled and blurry to the vigilant applier of systems like these.
    That seems like you may want to go back to your LII typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    Well, one of the reasons i've been confused is that my Fe seems very situational. When i'm in a setting where i feel that the conversation and people i'm around ignite me in a meaningful way, i feel confident in my ability to emote and be socially present, but Fe 'for the sake of it' doesn't do much for me. I definitely appreciate cheerful people more than gloomy ones, but that's mostly because i feel that i'm the gloomy one, so to speak. When someone generally shows warmth and good emotions, i feel safe, but emotional hysteria or emotionally charged group activities don't do much for me.

    Something i've seen related to Fe is also 'making emotional impression' on both the self and others. I'm not very outward in my expressions i think, but i feel an intense and close connection to my feelings and emotional 'arousal'. Considering my relations with others, i have had a tendency to, in a subtle way, want to emotionally mark people with the things i find important, so for example, if i'm with a friend and they're expressing something about a thing i find important, i will subconsciously and consciously try to 'colour' the concept/thing with specific attributes in conversation, which satisfy my own emotional and intellectual connection with the thing, as in it serves my view of it in relation to the whole, what place it has, which can mean something to me. (it's very hard to explain lol)
    Seems lile you prefer Alpha Fe to Beta Fe. Again all of this is in line with LII okay

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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    You're very small, look kind of like a dot, and you're not moving . . . so idk, should we be worried?

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    Last edited by para; 07-29-2018 at 11:14 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    Here i am again. I'm not too comfortable with myself being up here for too long, so i removed it the first time.
    Oh wow you so strongly remind me of a guy I used to know many years ago who was INTx. I was leaning towards ILI for him but never tried to decide his typing really (I was no longer in contact with him when I found typology). But based on what he said once about how he realized his views on things were wrong, maybe he was LII (Rational rather than ILI whose logical reasoning is more flexible). I think LII makes sense for you too, this video doesn't go against that IMO. You are incredibly low on Fe, for sure.

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    I just glanced at the first few seconds of the video and my impression is LII.

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    @Myst @Adam Strange
    Thank you both. Yes, i think that the internet forum as a medium for expression can create discrepancies between how you actually react to social information, and how it is percieved outside the subject. Therefore, people can appear more or less 'emotional' in their attitude which may not reflect dynamic, real life interaction. More than a few people on here think i'm nowhere near being suggestive/PoLR Fe, which is very interesting when considering how both myself and the people i interact with IRL view me.

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    Thanks a bunch!
    I see that my VI is very similar to aspects of this SLI description - i've previously tried to type myself with VI, and i found that i resemble the ILI type the most, but this is also accurate. I'm still not sure about how to apply VI, or how important/integral/compatible it is with the rest of the theory, but it is definitely interesting.

    As for the type, i don't find that SLI fits very much with Model A for me, but i will look into the subtype schematics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    Well, one of the reasons i've been confused is that my Fe seems very situational. When i'm in a setting where i feel that the conversation and people i'm around ignite me in a meaningful way, i feel confident in my ability to emote and be socially present, but Fe 'for the sake of it' doesn't do much for me. I definitely appreciate cheerful people more than gloomy ones, but that's mostly because i feel that i'm the gloomy one, so to speak. When someone generally shows warmth and good emotions, i feel safe, but emotional hysteria or emotionally charged group activities don't do much for me.

    Something i've seen related to Fe is also 'making emotional impression' on both the self and others. I'm not very outward in my expressions i think, but i feel an intense and close connection to my feelings and emotional 'arousal'. Considering my relations with others, i have had a tendency to, in a subtle way, want to emotionally mark people with the things i find important, so for example, if i'm with a friend and they're expressing something about a thing i find important, i will subconsciously and consciously try to 'colour' the concept/thing with specific attributes in conversation, which satisfy my own emotional and intellectual connection with the thing, as in it serves my view of it in relation to the whole, what place it has, which can mean something to me. (it's very hard to explain lol)
    Creative function is situational and turns on and off, at your discretion if awake and unconsciously if you are not.

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    SAw your video and my guess is LII.

    ILI's are Te types, logic of how when and why to do stuff.

    Is this you? Do people come to you to help them sort their task out? Doesn't look like it.

    Plus can we talk about the laundry hamper and the scattered papers on the floor.

    You are a thinker, you spend your time pondering whatever. Which is cool, its just how I summed you up.

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    Thanks! It seems that most people agree on LII. I find that to be a decent fit, as far as all the other types go.
    Very interesting. Yes, even considering our ability to feign patterns, or 'create order where there is no order', there are definitely real patterns to be seen in your link. Cool stuff.

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    right on big friendly giant.

    Here is a super peppy version of your activator for your enjoyment:

    Note the Ne?

    Last edited by Eos; 07-20-2018 at 03:12 PM.

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    Lots of Fe advice here.

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    Thanks again! I'll look into that video.

    I will say that i feel i fit 'childlike curiosity' better than 'sober professionalism', it may just not show. I often find myself become so curious and engulfed in a particular subject that i will only think of that for several days, and find it to be the most important thing in the world, and then discard it as uninteresting, even worthless days later. I feel bubbling excitement over one thing, and connect it to everything else i'm doing or thinking mentally. I'm only really 'professional' in small bursts, i tend to let the free flow of interest and disinterest take the lead. (which is, from what i've read, indicative of valued, strong Ne?)

    I will certainly look into the SLI type, thanks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    This actually fits SLI so well. @Bertrand once commented SLI has Se Ignoring. Se = actual, external reality. Now, note SLI is an Introverted Dominant, so if super Introverted-focused/oriented - which is how I typed him - it fits for him to have a dirty room, as he doesn't care about the outer world (xE Ignoring) as long as he himself feels good (xI).

    Furthermore, look at Filatova's pictures. All the LIIs have "tidy, neat, [complex, mostly]" appearances - vs SLI who is casual, i.e. comfort-concerned primarily. Now, tell me how his manner of dress, and the other "LII" I referred to in the music thread's, is.

    @Bertrand: If I may take the stand, this supports what you said about how many people being mistyped/assuming their real type is their DCNH.
    Im all to familiar with how grubby SLIs can be, in their liars that is. Not all: Si messy chaos.

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    Last edited by para; 03-16-2019 at 01:23 PM.

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    Introverted Intuitive, I lean towards xII, but Ni lead is possible.

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    Thank you. Why intuitive?

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    Quote Originally Posted by para View Post
    Thank you. Why intuitive?
    Same thing that Niffer said. You don't seem "here" also Se seems absent.
    Last edited by Faith; 02-03-2019 at 07:06 PM.

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    I think you are probably LII. You haven't mentioned any thing related to Te and you haven't expressed any of the things you said in terms of Te. Besides that I also don't hear any Te intonations. It looks like you either have Te-ignoring or Te polr. Si-bases (especially SEI) can seem dreamy at some moments, however, they are grounded and they don't seem unattuned to physical reality like a person who has 1D Se. You seem Ne/Si valuing based on your VI and according to the context of your video. I think LIIs tend to be very abstract and they can be vague to others since all the strong (also unignored) functions of LII are very abstract. I think all the context of your video points to LII. However, I haven't seen so much Ne or enough Fe in your VI and you don't seem very strict like a Ti subtype, that's why I wasn't sure of your type based on your VI. I don't know any other LII in real life, so it is hard for me to see different representations of LII. I recorded a couple of videos to see how do I look on the outside, I used different communication styles and I looked different in each video. I think your VI make sense. So my conclusion is that you are probably LII.

  40. #40

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    Thank you. Do you have a video i can watch?

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