Te= business logic. Te types care for investment of resources and profit. Is not necesarily about money, could be different benefits or goods.

Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
Primary question is in the title. This thread comes from Delilah's thread, "Why Te."

Here are some other questions that go along with the primary question: Do Te ego types enjoy work for its own sake?
No, they enjoy profit
Do they generally seek out work for the purpose of working rather than meeting a goal?

Are there Te ego types who do not agree with the idea that work has inherent moral value?
I don't get what you are referring to. Inherent moral value of work? What do you mean?

Should we expect Te ego types to be productive, hard-working people?

If someone is not productive or hardworking, does that mean that the person in question is not a Te ego type or that this person does not value Te?
No, Te doesnt mean hard work when talk about productivity, is about gain.

I think this is a pretty important set of questions to ask. @Bertrand was saying in Delilah's thread that Te just means basically that Te types value logic that is based on objectivity rather than subjectivity, and that a lot of the descriptions had added extra stuff that wasn't really part of the nature of Te -- if I'm remembering and interpreting correctly. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Are there lazy Te types?
Yes, xLI.

If there isn't a universal value/understanding all Te types share for work, do the descriptions need to be changed?
Which ones?