Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
yeah I think thats true. I think conflict is more or less a product of there needing to be a differentiation to experience for it to have any meaning, otherwise it all recedes back into unconsciousness, so however you slice it: chaos/order pain/pleasure clarity/confusion love/hate, etc consciousness is experiencing these things so as soon as you do away with them you do away with being, so you can think of conflict in this sense as an inevitable consequence of being itself. in my mind this doesn't erase the distinction between better/worse, or the value in striving, but you're right the quadras provide another layer of distinction that as a byproduct produce "conflict" we which often call "evil" but its just another word for adverse values and goals, and this adversity occurs across every imaginable strata, so for the people who want the same ends they fight over the means, for the people who agree on proper means nevertheless disagree on what the end should be. there's always the play of opposites and the counter position; and its hard for me to see how it could be otherwise without also ending life or consciousness itself. you might even say the anti natalist or pro eradication of humanity position is the opposing pole to the position that life itself, with its difficulties, is worth living
Yeah. Differentiation is required for experience. Everything ultimately descends from some unmanifest monad. From there comes dyadic being and the rest of reality follows from that. Experience without distinction can't be experienced. All that philosophical jazz.