Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
Yes. And dichotomies need to add value to the model. Accepting/Producing adds no value in the conscious blocks because it's correlated 100% with other dichotomies, specifically dimensions. And in the unconscious, it's not understandable how 3D accepting functions operate compared to 4D accepting in the conscious blocks.
Accepting/Producing is not really a dichotomy but you're right, none really cares to explain accepting/producing. I'm noting though that if you keep the accepting functions as they are they're the same of your Contrary, but inverted upside down, and if you value dimension instead, you'll have the same order of your Quasi, but inverted, and if you mirror the functions, as you've noticed, you'll find your mirror.

Accepting/producing looks like a rather interesting way to distinguish conscious and unconscious functions, if you have the same dimensionality of your Quasi you can distinguish the two by studying what sort of information they can produce or instead are firm on; base is accepting and 4d, it takes more to be shaken, while creative is producing and 3D, more prone to build bridges and change course based on external things, so 2 Quasis will have opposite ways to be firm and producing, even if they share the same dimensionality. You can say it's because of conscious/unconscious functions, but once the functions of the unconscious become conscious, you're just making a type switch, as you've shown in your first codes. Now, an EIE is supposedly totally another type, not just the shadow of an IEE, so their information content and flow should be different as well.