Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
In each block, there is a stronger function. That stronger function is in control of the block, at least in the conscious blocks. Base and Role function are stronger than Creative and Vulnerable so they control the blocks. e.g. an Si>Fe is more focused on understanding the human condition Si while Si<Fe is more focused on influencing humans Fe.
From this misconception, of the theory, your whole analysis falls apart because you've adopted an axiom that nobody follows. You are on your own, following your own derivative version of the theory now.

Your definition of "strength" is incompatible with the common folk, so you'll need to explain it.

Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
By symmetry, the unconscious blocks should be the same. This makes sense intuitively, that someone who is a conscious perceiver is an unconscious judger and vice-versa. In the current system, the demonstrative is stronger than ignoring functions so it wouldn't be possible for the ignoring function to accept all the information from the demonstrative function. This is a BIG PROBLEM in the current model; unexplained.
"conscious" now means something totally different in your model, without creating your own theory from the ground up, you'll just be adding confusion and misunderstandings since you are implying that others share comparable axioms - thus oblivious to the incompatibility in comprehension of the supposed phenomena you are trying to communicate.

Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
Below is my revised Modal A diagram, where I added 2 axes. With this change, the flow of information is the same between conscious and unconscious blocks in terms of I/E.

Horizontal axis is Conscious/Unconscious
Vertical axis Introverted/Extraverted
Flow of information from Producing to Accepting
[Function Strength / Dimensions]

IEE fixed

[1] Ti ---|--> Se [2] (Super-Ego)
[3] Fi ---|--> Ne [4] (Ego)
[3] Ni ---|--> Fe [4] (Id)
[1] Si ---|--> Te [2] (Super Id)
Unfixed IEE (Status Quo)

[1] Ti ---|--> Se [2] (Super-Ego)
[3] Fi ---|--> Ne [4] (Ego)
[3] Ni <--|--- Fe [4] (Id)
[1] Si <--|--- Te [2] (Super Id)
The problem with this diagram is that it says the person prefers weaker functions in the unconscious block while they prefer stronger functions in the conscious block. In addition, the Quasi-identical is the only other type with the same dimensionally to their functions. But if you try creating the Quasi-identical while preserving the current accepting/producing dichotomy, it won't be possible.

Derived EIE Quasi-Identical
[1] Si <--|--- Te [2] (Super-Ego)
[3] Ni <--|--- Fe [4] (Ego)
[3] Fi ---|---> Ne [4] (Id)
[1] Ti ---|---> Se [2] (Super Id)
This model says that your quasi-identical should be an introvert because their conscious introverted functions are producing but that isn't the case.

Derived EIE Quasi-Identical Fixed
[1] Si ---|--> Te [2] (Super-Ego)
[3] Ni ---|--> Fe [4] (Ego)
[3] Fi ---|--> Ne [4] (Id)
[1] Ti ---|--> Se [2] (Super-Id)
This diagram makes sense. By having demonstrative and mobilizing, all one has to do is swap ego<->id and superego<->super-id to go between Quasi-Identicals.

The more I think about it, the more confident I get that this change is correct. This change gets rid of the entire accepting/producing dichotomy by incorporating the information into preference between introversion vs. extroversion.
At this point, you are no longer using model a, so you should create your own model. BTW you might wanna check on the energy-model and/or model g since they've realised that dimensionality can conflict with model a - hence they've got.

For IEE:
Base Ne
Creative Fe
Demonstrative Fi
Control Ni

In that model the reason for the first two functions being the same is based on acceptance of energy being the most dominant influence in behavioural profiles. Most of the "Fi" observations attributed to IEE are that F-traits but heavily charged with extroverted energy. Any actual "Fi" is for conclusion purposes - selling ideas developed via the NeFe processes.