Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
That's fascinating lol. I pretty much never imagine things in text form and just assumed everybody imagined things in movie form like I do.
I wouldn't unconsciously imagine things in text necessarily (though I can), but my thoughts are just an inner monologue. Not a very focused one, but just words. One of the many downsides of this is that I can only think as fast as I can speak/read (though I can and tend to do those very fast and perhaps I think faster than those who think in pictures, I have no way of knowing), unless I am intentionally trying to think without verbalizing, sort of like speed reading. If I was to picture something, my eyes would have to be closed and it would be a struggle.

Perhaps my inability to think in pictures has something to do with why I feel the need to write everything down. Words tend to leave less of an impact and are more easily forgotten, especially when there's thousands of them, few taking precedence over the others. I find it difficult to decide which thoughts are important.