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Thread: Please type me before I die from uncertainty

  1. #201
    schwiftyrickty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post

    Food attitudes and habits do appear connected to type.

    So you sound intuitive, and not Si polr as you are so open and articulate about your weird food behavior. That leaves ILE, LII, IEI, ILI, IEE, EII. You’re also really funny so Ne > Ni. Nothing you didn’t already know.
    Yeah, nothing I didn't already know (though I like to be reminded I'm not totally off base) but I love to be flattered and being funny is the best compliment in my opinion so thanks haha. Some people find me amusing and some people find me infuriating I think. It's interesting to come on here and share my deepest darkest secrets basically and half of the people commenting are just criticizing my lifestyle and attitude and the other half find me likeable.

    I guess it's the same IRL lol
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  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I could make an argument for me being normalizing. Really Dominant is the only one I couldn't make a case for, at least not at this time in my life. The main issue I have with being a normalizer is that I don't think I could be terminal. I've never finished anything ever. Literally ever. I'm always starting things and leaving them. Plus I live a pretty chaotic lifestyle, but maybe not compared to other IEEs?

    And I feel that I do the same thing you do. I keep an eye on the people around me and try to level things out. For example if people are talking shit about someone I always try to come to their defense and give the other side of the story, try to explain their possible reasoning. I don't want things to get too out of hand. Or if I can sense tension between two people I will try to iron it out, maybe come between them to separate them. I act totally different depending who I'm around also. I feel I read the room and provide what is missing.
    OK non dominant. LOL, I have to do this argument thingy with you. Maybe creative? Creatives might put on some sort of normalizing show. Yes, I have noted noted that one celebrity ILE-C who certainly got very pendantic.

    Anyways, do N types try to put you in order? Or do you try to twist N brain?
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  3. #203
    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Here's a picture of my day:

    It's my day off. I've taken two naps today and walked about 4 miles. I've gotten high three times, showered for the first time in a few days, eaten an almond joy, a salad (1/3 of which I fed to my dog), and a banana. Now I'm drinking gin mixed with flat, watermelon perrier from yesterday (normally I'd never drink perrier but I love anything watermelon flavored). It was gross so I added lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar. It's still gross but it tastes better the closer to the bottom I get. Not sure if it's just because it's mostly gin and sugar down there or because my taste buds are going numb.

    I'm reading two books at once right now. The Bell Jar is on my left and Fight Club is on my right. I've taken to reading all the classics lately. Most of them suck. I'm also trying to learn Russian again. I made up a lot of flashcards that I study for twenty minutes or so until my forehead aches. I'm also watching all the sketch comedy DVDs I own and rating every individual sketch out of 5 stars and writing a brief description of each one. I will save these for later so I can remember which parts are worth watching and which parts were a swing and a miss. I like to share my love of sketch comedy with others but it's awkward when you watch an episode with them and they seem to fall flat one after the other and then they probably won't trust your taste anymore. Also I enjoy taking notes on things I watch. It makes me feel like I'm doing something useful even though I'm clearly not. But maybe someday I will make a compilation video of all my personal favorites. That's something I'd like to have.

    I should be cutting down some of the 6 foot weeds I have growing in the backyard. The city was knocking on my door a week ago talking about fines.

    Yesterday I vacuumed for the first time since my ex fiancee moved out (four months ago?). I hated it and I did a bad job and it took forever and I only did one room. I hate having to move furniture around only to have to move it right back. I hate how the cord gets in the way and if you tug on it too hard it might come out of the outlet and you have to plug it back in. I wished I didn't have a dog that got hair everywhere. It's not worth it. I have to get up and let her outside every fifteen minutes so I can let her back in in five.

    I'm lazy as shit and I don't care that much about anything. Just whatever is amusing at the moment.
    This stuff could make a really interesting lifestyle blog. Take glossy photos of everything against white marble, pose provocatively with a gallon of instagram kabuki makeup on your face ...
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    OK non dominant. LOL, I have to do this argument thingy with you. Maybe creative? Creatives might put on some sort of normalizing show. Yes, I have noted noted that one celebrity ILE-C who certainly got very pendantic.

    Anyways, do N types try to put you in order? Or do you try to twist N brain?
    Is there something about me that seems normalizing to you, or you just don't see harmonizing? I would say the people that know me best would consider me the antithesis of Normalizing. I'm all over the place. The only thing normalizing about me is how meticulous I am with laundry and my love of making lists and spreadsheets. And my current educational/long term career path would be well suited to a normalizer (paralegal), but that's kind of why I'm rethinking it. I don't think I'm personally suited to that sort of work. I just wanted an excuse to own lots of fancy watches and wear all my loafers and dress socks somewhere lol.I honestly don't know WHAT kind of work I'm suited for. I wouldn't want to be involved in something strictly creative either because I'm not enough of a self-starter. I give up too easily. I don't want to be supervised but I kind of need to be. The older I get the more I feel I'm destined for a life of mediocrity. I like my stupid job. I just need more money to pay off all my debt. The sheriff is apparently looking for me because I haven't been paying off my credit cards for like 5 years.

    Really I want to write novels and/or go into stand-up comedy. But I'm too easily distracted. I work on these projects on and off, quickly losing interest when I hit rough spots.

    I would definitely say N types try to put me in order. But it's hopeless. As soon as I'm alone I do what I please. I don't think I'm too put-off by normalizing tendencies though. I might find it cute. They're probably more put-off by me. Because you see I don't care. Normalizing types care. Very few things are important to me. Ideas and people, that's all that matters. Things aren't real to me.

    Functionally, normalizing or harmonizing makes the most sense. I don't think I have the enhanced Se that creatives are supposed to have. I have zero willpower.
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 07-27-2018 at 10:32 AM.
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  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    This stuff could make a really interesting lifestyle blog. Take glossy photos of everything against white marble, pose provocatively with a gallon of instagram kabuki makeup on your face ...
    That is a good idea...I got a few pics with my weeds for you. Well, I just picked one and posed with it. There was a lot of rustling going on in the "forest" area. Lots of wildlife. I didn't want to venture in too deep.

    Note: that second picture might be my new favorite picture of myself lmao
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  6. #206
    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    That is a good idea...I got a few pics with my weeds for you. Well, I just picked one and posed with it. There was a lot of rustling going on in the "forest" area. Lots of wildlife. I didn't want to venture in too deep.

    Note: that second picture might be my new favorite picture of myself lmao
    Omg you’re adorable!

    I’m reconsidering you as SEI. Even if Si dom is stereotypically into their food in practice it can jut be a kind of cute hedonism and you have that going on in a major way.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    Omg you’re adorable!

    I’m reconsidering you as SEI. Even if Si dom is stereotypically into their food in practice it can jut be a kind of cute hedonism and you have that going on in a major way.
    Oh no! I was almost settled! If I was SEI I'd be SEI-Fe. I can't imagine me being 4.5 Fi?? Also I got called robotic again at work today. I think my personality is very erratic. Every person I know will give you a totally different description of me. I guess I relate to being a "cute hedonist" though. lol I've identified as a hedonist since I was like 14. I used to type as a 7w6, but now everyone is telling me I am probably a 9 including my sister who knows me and the enneagram very well. I've been struggling with severe adult-onset acne the last year or so which I think has dulled my personality a lot because I have no confidence. It's kind of improving so I seem to be coming back into myself. Maybe I'll go back to 7 typing at some point.

    SEI would make sense because I can see how I could be Merry+Process+Introverted. But I strongly identify as obstinate and static as well, moreso. And by my understanding of sensing, I am a very poor sensor. I have no innate sense of fashion or aesthetics and like I said I don't eat, and I don't mind being uncomfortable at all. And I find myself to be much less materialistic than any SEI I know. I would give everything I own away in an instant for the right reason. I like starting over sometimes. I'm kind of a minimalist. Also, ILE can't be my dual. They drive me totally nuts at times (I actually recorded a video of me talking about something fucked up an ILE coworker did at work the other day but I'm having a hard time uploading it. I think I'm going to keep trying because I seem my most Fi valuing when I witness injustice. I feel like I've been avoiding really talking about Fi stuff for some reason.) and I prefer someone more practical. Me and an ILE would accomplish nothing together.

    I can see how I may resemble an SEI for sure but the ITR makes no sense. I resemble Alpha a lot, yes. But Betas make me nervous and I love Gammas. Fi doesn't bother me at all.

    Of course there's always the chance I'm missing some vital piece of the puzzle and I could be SEI all along.
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 07-27-2018 at 10:59 AM.
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  8. #208

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    Omg you’re adorable!

    I’m reconsidering you as SEI. Even if Si dom is stereotypically into their food in practice it can jut be a kind of cute hedonism and you have that going on in a major way.
    But his eating habits are fucking terrible lol, even my 4D Si demo cringed at that stuff lool even though he described it in a kind of funny way too

    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post

    Food attitudes and habits do appear connected to type.

    So you sound intuitive, and not Si polr as you are so open and articulate about your weird food behavior. That leaves ILE, LII, IEI, ILI, IEE, EII. You’re also really funny so Ne > Ni. Nothing you didn’t already know.
    (Not trying to criticize personally.) This just seems kind of apophenia, with taking just some little bits that don't really determine type otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Oh no! I was almost settled! If I was SEI I'd be SEI-Fe. I can't imagine me being 4.5 Fi?? Also I got called robotic again at work today.
    I doubt an IEE would rever get called robotic tbh

    SEI would make sense because I can see how I could be Merry+Process+Introverted. But I strongly identify as obstinate and static as well, moreso. And by my understanding of sensing, I am a very poor sensor. I have no innate sense of fashion or aesthetics and like I said I don't eat, and I don't mind being uncomfortable at all. And I find myself to be much less materialistic than any SEI I know. I would give everything I own away in an instant for the right reason. I like starting over sometimes. I'm kind of a minimalist. Also, ILE can't be my dual. They drive me totally nuts at times (I actually recorded a video of me talking about something fucked up an ILE coworker did at work the other day but I'm having a hard time uploading it. I think I'm going to keep trying because I seem my most Fi valuing when I witness injustice. I feel like I've been avoiding really talking about Fi stuff for some reason.) and I prefer someone more practical. Me and an ILE would accomplish nothing together.
    Bolded: PoLR Fi again?

    I'd be really interested in hearing how you talk of injustice, yes, it would show if it's a Ti or a Fi approach. Can you just write a few sentences here instead of uploading that video, for now? It'd be faster for me too, not just for you.

    (Quick note: the Reinins won't determine your type. Waste of time trying to use them for that.)

    I can see how I may resemble an SEI for sure but the ITR makes no sense. I resemble Alpha a lot, yes. But Betas make me nervous and I love Gammas. Fi doesn't bother me at all.
    Look at some Bertrand posts on this forum for ESI's Fi stuff, see if that's the kind of "Fi" you had in mind. You don't have to, just curious.

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    But his eating habits are fucking terrible lol, even my 4D Si demo cringed at that stuff lool even though he described it in a kind of funny way too

    (Not trying to criticize personally.) This just seems kind of apophenia, with taking just some little bits that don't really determine type otherwise.

    I doubt an IEE would rever get called robotic tbh

    Bolded: PoLR Fi again?

    I'd be really interested in hearing how you talk of injustice, yes, it would show if it's a Ti or a Fi approach. Can you just write a few sentences here instead of uploading that video, for now? It'd be faster for me too, not just for you.

    (Quick note: the Reinins won't determine your type. Waste of time trying to use them for that.)

    Look at some Bertrand posts on this forum for ESI's Fi stuff, see if that's the kind of "Fi" you had in mind. You don't have to, just curious.
    I feel that you can't see how strongly I feel about injustice without seeing me actually talk about it. I get rather...incensed. I can see in those moments where I might seem pretty illogical.

    One example of me getting bent out of shape over an injustice was when my mom was going to hire a friend of mine and insisted on drug testing him even though she knew he smoked weed (as do I, and as did she most of her life) and had no problem with it. But she still wanted him to take the test and pass it, even if he cheated (wtf?). I personally think it's wrong to drug test for marijuana. It stays in your system too long so you have no way of knowing if they're doing it on the job and they should be able to do it in their free time. We eventually came to the compromise that she should only do oral swabs, not urine tests because it should only matter if you're smoking on the job. I also have a problem with drug testing for marijuana for people on probabation. It's not practical and it makes things worse. I've known lots of people, most of them really young, to get busted for weed (which is basically harmless and soon to be legal anyway, we all know it) and they start doing harder drugs that don't stay in your system as long. That's how a lot of my friends got hooked on meth and other stuff like that. They would've been fine just smoking weed. They are just addicted to getting high. Why not let them do it in a basically harmless way if they're definitely going to do SOMETHING?
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  10. #210
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    I also wouldn't see an IEE being called robotic. Nor do I see myself as robotic. But I am often referred to as "unflappable" and "cool" in my interactions with customers and coworkers compared to most people. Me losing my temper or getting emotional is a rarity. But it can be quite a show when it happens lol. I remember once I got really pissed at something a customer did (probably littering in the parking lot, that's kind of my kryptonite.) and I just wasn't having it that day and I slammed the drive thru window, went "GAHH!" and threw a cup of soda across the store. Instead of being uncomfortable with my display, my coworkers seemed amused and impressed. I think that was one of the only times I've ever gotten visibly mad in like 7 years in customer service.
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  11. #211
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    Here's the video. I won't be offended if you don't watch. I hate watching typing videos personally. I just find them fun to make and it's easier to talk freely and unedited.
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    Oh and as for Bertrand, I like him. But I admit I skim most of his posts lol
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  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Is there something about me that seems normalizing to you, or you just don't see harmonizing? I would say the people that know me best would consider me the antithesis of Normalizing. I'm all over the place. The only thing normalizing about me is how meticulous I am with laundry and my love of making lists and spreadsheets. And my current educational/long term career path would be well suited to a normalizer (paralegal), but that's kind of why I'm rethinking it. I don't think I'm personally suited to that sort of work. I just wanted an excuse to own lots of fancy watches and wear all my loafers and dress socks somewhere lol.I honestly don't know WHAT kind of work I'm suited for. I wouldn't want to be involved in something strictly creative either because I'm not enough of a self-starter. I give up too easily. I don't want to be supervised but I kind of need to be. The older I get the more I feel I'm destined for a life of mediocrity. I like my stupid job. I just need more money to pay off all my debt. The sheriff is apparently looking for me because I haven't been paying off my credit cards for like 5 years.

    Really I want to write novels and/or go into stand-up comedy. But I'm too easily distracted. I work on these projects on and off, quickly losing interest when I hit rough spots.

    I would definitely say N types try to put me in order. But it's hopeless. As soon as I'm alone I do what I please. I don't think I'm too put-off by normalizing tendencies though. I might find it cute. They're probably more put-off by me. Because you see I don't care. Normalizing types care. Very few things are important to me. Ideas and people, that's all that matters. Things aren't real to me.

    Functionally, normalizing or harmonizing makes the most sense. I don't think I have the enhanced Se that creatives are supposed to have. I have zero willpower.
    Nah. Do not at IE's when it comes to DCNH. I suggested Creative as creatives have drive to put their thoughts into established form hence their all over the place behavior becomes normalizing at times.
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  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Nah. Do not at IE's when it comes to DCNH. I suggested Creative as creatives have drive to put their thoughts into established form hence their all over the place behavior becomes normalizing at times.
    You think the strengthened IEs thing is bullshit and look at DCNH as its own independent system? Do you also think it is wrong to compare yourself to other people of your type when deciding DCNH? Like to say "compared to most IEEs I may seem normalizing, but even compared to a creative LSI I will seem C."?
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  15. #215
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    If simply looking at creatives like this: "creatives have drive to put their thoughts into established form ", then yes. I'm 100% creative. But I would think most IEEs would have that drive. How would you summarize harmonizing and normalizing types?
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I feel that you can't see how strongly I feel about injustice without seeing me actually talk about it. I get rather...incensed. I can see in those moments where I might seem pretty illogical.

    One example of me getting bent out of shape over an injustice was when my mom was going to hire a friend of mine and insisted on drug testing him even though she knew he smoked weed (as do I, and as did she most of her life) and had no problem with it. But she still wanted him to take the test and pass it, even if he cheated (wtf?). I personally think it's wrong to drug test for marijuana. It stays in your system too long so you have no way of knowing if they're doing it on the job and they should be able to do it in their free time. We eventually came to the compromise that she should only do oral swabs, not urine tests because it should only matter if you're smoking on the job. I also have a problem with drug testing for marijuana for people on probabation. It's not practical and it makes things worse. I've known lots of people, most of them really young, to get busted for weed (which is basically harmless and soon to be legal anyway, we all know it) and they start doing harder drugs that don't stay in your system as long. That's how a lot of my friends got hooked on meth and other stuff like that. They would've been fine just smoking weed. They are just addicted to getting high. Why not let them do it in a basically harmless way if they're definitely going to do SOMETHING?
    I see nothing illogical here. What do you see as illogical in this reasoning? I see zero reference to Fi btw, this is all Ti to me. All impersonal and explicit reasoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I also wouldn't see an IEE being called robotic. Nor do I see myself as robotic. But I am often referred to as "unflappable" and "cool" in my interactions with customers and coworkers compared to most people. Me losing my temper or getting emotional is a rarity. But it can be quite a show when it happens lol. I remember once I got really pissed at something a customer did (probably littering in the parking lot, that's kind of my kryptonite.) and I just wasn't having it that day and I slammed the drive thru window, went "GAHH!" and threw a cup of soda across the store. Instead of being uncomfortable with my display, my coworkers seemed amused and impressed. I think that was one of the only times I've ever gotten visibly mad in like 7 years in customer service.
    Bolded: Ti. Even to the point of leading Ti.

    The underlined is somehow a stereotypical LII thing in the case of some LIIs (Ne creative for some reason), lol, not that this needs to be the explanation for why you care so much about that.

    Lol though that was definitely you being mad

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    BTW lots of argument ready SEI's are not ready to take SEI typings. Something what I have noticed.

    Well, the thing is that their role might be uncomfortable and processing external dynamical logic can be void.
    Self-reflection through time and actions can be energy consuming and hard.

    If swift is SEI this seems to be quite apparent as the title of this thread implies.
    BUT I'm not going to force type anyone.

    Anyways, this also speaks against H subtype whichever sociotype type swift really is. H sub would have better access for self reflection.

    I'm probably going to hear counter arguments for all of this...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    BTW lots of argument ready SEI's are not ready to take SEI typings. Something what I have noticed.

    Well, the thing is that their role might be uncomfortable and processing external dynamical logic can be void.
    Self-reflection through time and actions can be energy consuming and hard.

    If swift is SEI this seems to be quite apparent as the title of this thread implies.
    BUT I'm not going to force type anyone.

    Anyways, this also speaks against H subtype whichever sociotype type swift really is. H sub would have better access for self reflection.

    I'm probably going to hear counter arguments for all of this...
    Don't tell me you think I'm SEI again too now. Tell me how I could be a dominant sensor. That's the one thing that no one has been able to tell me.
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    Also, I self reflect constantly. I spend 90% of my time doing it in some way or another. Sorry, you right, I'm going to argue this lots.
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  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    But his eating habits are fucking terrible lol, even my 4D Si demo cringed at that stuff lool even though he described it in a kind of funny way too
    Well that was what I originally assumed. It’s so OTT and quirky though that I don’t know what to make of it anymore.

    (Not trying to criticize personally.) This just seems kind of apophenia, with taking just some little bits that don't really determine type otherwise.
    I’m sure it could be, and I’d like to avoid that. It seems to me that S types are better with food and the orderly maintenance things he’s discussing. Do you disagree with that?

    I find it hard to see how Si polr could even tolerate some of the foods he talks about and describe them in such a detailed way because the foods would draw so much attention to themselves, and the posts show a lot of sustained and detailed attention to things related to self-care. Does that run counter to what you observe?

    And/or are these ideas not supported by the theory?

    @schwiftyrickty btw I was being very lighthearted in saying SEI because mainly it’s just that I find you ridiculously charming and cute. Sorry if I derailed things by tossing that out.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    Well that was what I originally assumed. It’s so OTT and quirky though that I don’t know what to make of it anymore.

    I’m sure it could be, and I’d like to avoid that. It seems to me that S types are better with food and the orderly maintenance things he’s discussing. Do you disagree with that?

    I find it hard to see how Si polr could even tolerate some of the foods he talks about and describe them in such a detailed way because the foods would draw so much attention to themselves, and the posts show a lot of sustained and detailed attention to things related to self-care. Does that run counter to what you observe?

    And/or are these ideas not supported by the theory?

    @schwiftyrickty btw I was being very lighthearted in saying SEI because mainly it’s just that I find you ridiculously charming and cute. Sorry if I derailed things by tossing that out.
    Don't be sorry at all. SEI was already in the running, but I consider it a long shot because several people have suggested SEI mostly because I give them "vibes" or I seem pleasant, or because of Reinin, but no one who has suggested it has been able to give me any logical reason that I could possibly be Si dom when everything about me screams that I have no idea what to do with it. I totally agree with you that there is no way I am Si PoLR. I believe I seek it and am at least almost definitely Si valuing, but it seems laughable to me that I could be 4d Si. All the definitions would be rendered meaningless. I'm flattered you think I resemble an SEI because I am "cute and charming". I adore SEIs myself, I know a lot of them and respect them all greatly. And I've had plenty of opportunities to compare/contrast myself to SEIs and I know I am not that, unless we majorly stretch the definition of Si.
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    The only way I could justify me possibly being Si dom is because I am Self preservation last, maybe I am less concerned with the practical aspects of Si. The only one who has consistently given me real reasons for any typing, diligently picking through my posts and finding examples of things I've actually said is @Myst who thinks I am Alpha NT. Which I find very flattering but I still doubt, deep down, though in my mind it makes sense. I kind of think she could convince me of anything lol.
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    In your video you’re talking about subjective feelings and then interpersonal ethical scenarios, but that was the topic you intended to focus on, right?

    You used the term shameful regarding someone’s behavior, that’s pretty strong, not that I disagree, it’s just strong. You’d need to feel confident about ethics to use it in an accurate and convicted way as you did imo. When you found that Aaron was getting more marginalized you felt moved to draw him back in, and you’re coming across as having a kind of moral oversight.

    These things seem F to me. I see people have said Fi polr for you upthread as I’m going back to read more carefully. That seems at odds with what I’m hearing.

    But thinking aloud ... My son for instance is ILE and does have a good amount of insight about people though he’s much younger than you, and it has to do in his case with the gap between what people say vs what they do. He has really low tolerance for hypocrisy. He will make observations about people like, “The reason people are disrespecting that woman’s work is because she’s older and a different race than them.” I haven’t heard an ILE be so clear about the minutiae of interpersonal scenarios as you are in the video.

    FWIW you don’t seem robotic to me in your video, your face shows some pleasant animation.

    Don’t give up, you’re gonna get a type, it’s so close. I can feel it in my bones! The E9 qualities are maybe the obstacle.
    Last edited by golden; 07-27-2018 at 02:56 PM.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    In your video you’re talking about subjective feelings and then interpersonal ethical scenarios, but that was the topic you intended to focus on, right?

    You used the term shameful regarding someone’s behavior, that’s pretty strong, not that I disagree, it’s just strong. You’d need to feel confident about ethics to use it in an accurate and convicted way as you did imo. When you found that Aaron was getting more marginalized you felt moved to draw him back in, and you’re coming across as having a kind of moral oversight.

    These things seem F to me. I see people have said Fi polr for you upthread as I’m going back to read more carefully. That seems at odds with what I’m hearing.

    But thinking aloud ... My son for instance is ILE and does have a good amount of insight about people though he’s much younger than you, and it has to do in his case with the gap between what people say vs what they do. He has really low tolerance for hypocrisy. He will make observations about people like, “The reason people are disrespecting that woman’s work is because she’s older and a different race than them.” I haven’t heard an ILE be so clear about the minutiae of interpersonal scenarios as you are in the video.

    FWIW you don’t seem robotic to me in your video, your face shows some pleasant animation.

    Don’t give up, you’re gonna get a type, it’s so close. I can feel it in my bones! The E9 qualities are maybe the obstacle.
    I also used the terms "douchebag" "piece of shit" "asshole" and my favorite: "garbage" a lot lol.

    Btw if you're curious, there is an epilogue to this tale of douche-ness. I have already basically forgiven "Skylar". I offhandedly mentioned that what he did was probably unforgivable (in my sounding like a joke but I'm actually serious voice), and he jumped to his defense saying that the last time he gave him a ride home he ended up lost for two hours. So basically it ended up being much more inconvenient for him than it should have been, and he ended up driving almost as long as "Aaron" would've walked.

    I empathize because at his age I was also just awful with directions, though I am better now and wouldn't attempt the trip without GPS. His phone was dead I guess. So yeah, last night he actually did take him home, though he made it sound like he was doing it to repay me for paying for his uber last time, not doing it for Aaron or to be a nice person, or a considerate coworker.

    So I can kind of see why he didn't want to take him home, but I can also think of a dozen more logical and considerate ways he could have dealt with it. He could have at least explained it to us for one thing instead of just leaving without a word and laughing and waving.

    Still a dick. But yeah. After I realized all that I kind of chided myself for being so judgmental and jumping to conclusions when I didn't know the whole story. Of course, I still disagree with him, but things seem less black and white when you know all the details.

    I'm always learning these neat little life lessons haha
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    In your video you’re talking about subjective feelings and then interpersonal ethical scenarios, but that was the topic you intended to focus on, right?

    You used the term shameful regarding someone’s behavior, that’s pretty strong, not that I disagree, it’s just strong. You’d need to feel confident about ethics to use it in an accurate and convicted way as you did imo. When you found that Aaron was getting more marginalized you felt moved to draw him back in, and you’re coming across as having a kind of moral oversight.

    These things seem F to me. I see people have said Fi polr for you upthread as I’m going back to read more carefully. That seems at odds with what I’m hearing.

    But thinking aloud ... My son for instance is ILE and does have a good amount of insight about people though he’s much younger than you, and it has to do in his case with the gap between what people say vs what they do. He has really low tolerance for hypocrisy. He will make observations about people like, “The reason people are disrespecting that woman’s work is because she’s older and a different race than them.” I haven’t heard an ILE be so clear about the minutiae of interpersonal scenarios as you are in the video.

    FWIW you don’t seem robotic to me in your video, your face shows some pleasant animation.

    Don’t give up, you’re gonna get a type, it’s so close. I can feel it in my bones! The E9 qualities are maybe the obstacle.
    Oh btw I love the way you seem to draw the essence out of my little anecdotes and explain what I really mean when I tell the story or really understand what I mean even if /I/ don't fully understand it.

    oh oh and did you suggest EII and then delete it!??
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    Annnd sorry, I do want to comment on your son. He in a way sounds like Skyler (the "turns out I was too harsh in my judgment of him" Skyler). I'm always surprised by how accurate his assessments of people can be. And he really always does what he says and says what he means, in a way. So in some ways I respect him. And he definitely doesn't tolerate hypocrisy. I guess I hate hypocrisy too, but I don't see things as "literally" if you know what I mean. I see more grey areas.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Oh btw I love the way you seem to draw the essence out of my little anecdotes and explain what I really mean when I tell the story or really understand what I mean even if /I/ don't fully understand it.

    oh oh and did you suggest EII and then delete it!??
    I did suggest and delete Bc I wanted to look back through the thread and see what mess you’ve already been dealing with before I throw in more stuff.

    Just ime sometimes the dominant IE is something that we’re immersed in so constantly it feels natural and like “me” and not like an IE. I wondered if that might be the case here. I mean to me your entire video had a massively Fi focus and tbh I am not as good with all those little interpersonal details as you are, which is why they stood out to me. You were really weighing a lot of different factors about people and I’m more ... reductive and stick to general principles or something.
    Last edited by golden; 07-27-2018 at 03:58 PM.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    I did suggest and delete Bc I wanted to look back through the thread and see what mess you’ve already been dealing with before I throw in more stuff.

    Just ime sometimes the dominant IE is something that we’re immersed in so constantly it just feels natural and like “me” and not like an IE. I wondered if that might be the case here.
    Oh yeah, you totally should. It's been quite a rollercoaster. I just feel unsolvable. Probably like you said because of my 9ness. I feel like a have a bunch of personalities that come out at the opportune moment. I could probably convince you I was just about any type if I chose the right story. As you said, I intentionally chose an ethical story to tell in that video because I felt my ethics were being overlooked. Yet if you read the rest of the thread I also provide plenty of examples of when I was just as much of a douche as Skyler lol.
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    And I actually got EII on the most recent socionics test I took. I took it with the mindset "Maybe I'm SEI". And got EII. D: But within 1% chance of IEE and it still said I was Ne dom, but since I appear Se PoLR I guess it picked up on that. I do feel more Se PoLR than Ti.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Also, I self reflect constantly. I spend 90% of my time doing it in some way or another. Sorry, you right, I'm going to argue this lots.
    Maybe, but in the area you are doing it seems quite narrow and totally confined. Is it particularly broad one? Just speak let's say with ILI's...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Maybe, but in the area you are doing it seems quite narrow and totally confined. Is it particularly broad one? Just speak let's say with ILI's...
    I just don't know what you mean. I am constantly analyzing my own wants, fears, strengths, weaknesses, fantasies, regrets, shame, hang-ups...What else is there? I mean maybe I haven't shared every thought I have about myself. There are only so many words. I could write a trilogy.

    I'm actually kind of ashamed by how much I think about myself. That's not to say I'm not missing something or that I'm not too close to see the big picture though. But how would I know?
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I do feel more Se PoLR than Ti.
    How so?

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    How so?
    I can't stand overt displays of Se. I wish everyone would be a bit more subtle. SLEs always rub me the wrong way. I prefer people who are gentle and modest. I hate trying to force others and I hate others trying to force me.

    The only ways I do relate to Se is that I am highly competitive. Like don't go bowling with me. And I love to have contests. Arm wrestling, breath/note holding, pain tolerance, etc. It's always games with me though. I'm never competitive in any way that matters, like getting good grades or a good job or being in good shape. I just like to prove for one second that you've underestimated me and move on.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I just don't know what you mean. I am constantly analyzing my own wants, fears, strengths, weaknesses, fantasies, regrets, shame, hang-ups...What else is there? I mean maybe I haven't shared every thought I have about myself. There are only so many words. I could write a trilogy.

    I'm actually kind of ashamed by how much I think about myself. That's not to say I'm not missing something or that I'm not too close to see the big picture though. But how would I know?
    Yeah. That is what I meant. It is a start but then there are other things like seeing outside of oneself and through that forming more and more intricate view of the world when all the patterns start to say: THIS...

    If I strain () myself, its is like enough for me but then there are plenty of people who go much further within same time. While I have done it it has payed off but it is lame.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 07-27-2018 at 05:33 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    You smile and laugh way more than I do. You also talk much faster, and seem hyperactive lol.

    You ain't an introvert. I also doubt you're a rational type. You seem like you could fare well in a pure Ne/Si rich environment. Judging functions in you seem to be of secondary importance.
    You for sure give some strong Fe vibes. I doubt a Ti lead could appear like this. You nearly smiled the whole time. You seem like a person that could entertain himself with his own stories for hours (you may think I'm considering you weird, but it is actually positive for me). You're a very positive dude.
    You like deaf people because they use exaggerated facial expressions. That strikes me as something kind of Fe valuing.

    Also, the memorizing random stuff like flags etc is something I've always done. It was funny when you started talking about the fact that you would like sport statistics and back stories of the players more than the actual matches. It's the same for me. I tend to fall asleep if I actually have to watch a match, despite liking to read about the commercial, historical and statistical part in my free time.

    I used to start learning tons of different useless languages that appealed to me because of the exotic factor. I obviously forgot most of them, but at least I tend to remember the alphabets (when there's people around me and a vodka bottle on the table I just read the russian vodka bottle to impress them LOL). Recently I wanted to learn the maori language because it looks and sounds beautiful. I'm just a walking encyclopedia of random useless stuff.

    I'm more focused than you, and you're more a multitasking kind of person. I prefer to focus on one task at a time. Because of the similarities with me, I rewatched my own videos and tried to compare them with your's. On the surface we have nothing in common and appear to move and talk in very different way, but the similarities about interests and habits impressed me.

    I love talking about food, especially with my dad, since it's (other than soccer: but as I mentioned before, I fall asleep during matches) the only common interest.

    Btw, I too had acne butchering my face and self esteem and making me want to hide under a rock. It sucks, I know, but it will eventually pass. For me it stopped after discovering I was lactose intolerant. Stopping with eating milky stuff made all the pimples go away in a short time, improved my mood and removed the constant tummy ache. Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your diet?

    I don't know if you're my extroverted counterpart, or if you're even in my same quadra. I think you're Ne lead or ESE. I would rule out IEE, since the Fe I see in you doesn't seem demonstrative. It seems truly valued as a function. So it's ILE vs ESE. ILE was the first type I thought about opening the first video. And your Fe seems strong to me... so this would rule out ILE. BUT we have to consider something: I'm probably a Fe valuer, but the strenght of my Fe is something like 0. So even a shitty Fe could appear strong to me. And ILEs for example have stronger Fe than LIIs.

    According to me, you're an alpha extrovert for sure. I'm preferring ILE over ESE right now.
    Thank you I relate to much of what you say and appreciate the detailed response.

    I also know a lot of alphabets! I know ASL, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, French, Spanish, and Greek. I think that's all of them...I actually speak Japanese semi-fluently. I took it all throughout [what little] highschool [I attended] and college. I loved memorizing Kanji. I knew more than anyone in my class despite being a very poor student overall. I won three Statewide Kanji bees in high school and college and memorized hundreds of characters only to realize no one took it nearly as seriously as me and I won embarrassingly quickly every year. D: And that's the only thing I've ever won. I should have involved myself in more memorization contests in school!

    My personality seems inconsistent, but the one consistent trait I have is unfocused I'd say. Like if I had to boil it all down to one thing.

    My acne did start around the time I started eating ice cream regularly (I always assumed I was lactose intolerant to some degree), but as soon as I noticed it I immediately stopped eating it entirely or drinking milk. I continued and still continue to eat cheese frequently like I have my whole life with no problems. I've been trying to cut out sugar too. I don't know if I can stop eating cheese and butter. I might die. Fat is the only thing I really enjoy eating. And to answer your question, EVERYTHING IS WRONG WITH MY DIET. lol It also started happening around the time when my fiancee of 5 years moved out of the house. I eat much worse now for sure.

    I can't rule out IEE because every single test I've ever taken tells me I'm IEE and I relate to the descriptions. It makes sense in every way except "I seem Alpha". ESE wouldn't be too crazy except I'm incredibly irrational.

    Oh yeah and do you ever watch your own videos or read things you've written over and over, trying to gain some new perspective, then when someone else says something about it you watch/read it again but try to do so from their perspective?

    Oh oh and what you said about entertaining myself with my own stories is very true. I've often said all I need is a notebook and I could never be bored.
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    Well that was what I originally assumed. It’s so OTT and quirky though that I don’t know what to make of it anymore.
    It really seems like OP can't engage well with the sensory world overall, from that food stuff

    I’m sure it could be, and I’d like to avoid that. It seems to me that S types are better with food and the orderly maintenance things he’s discussing. Do you disagree with that?
    Oh, no, I agree that there is a correlation for overall strength of S functions. I just think the specific attitudes and habits are what won't help much with typing.

    I find it hard to see how Si polr could even tolerate some of the foods he talks about and describe them in such a detailed way because the foods would draw so much attention to themselves, and the posts show a lot of sustained and detailed attention to things related to self-care. Does that run counter to what you observe?
    In my experience Si PoLRs hardly mention Si things at all, but they can tolerate pretty bad foods... again IME

    Where I warned of apophenia was about: specific habits/attitudes towards food (beyond the above very general stuff and correlations), and linking being funny to Ne vs Ni (but maybe you were joking there ).

    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    You used the term shameful regarding someone’s behavior, that’s pretty strong, not that I disagree, it’s just strong. You’d need to feel confident about ethics to use it in an accurate and convicted way as you did imo. When you found that Aaron was getting more marginalized you felt moved to draw him back in, and you’re coming across as having a kind of moral oversight.
    I think anyone can do that sometimes, need to see a pattern over time on how this is typically done by the person.

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I can't stand overt displays of Se. I wish everyone would be a bit more subtle. SLEs always rub me the wrong way. I prefer people who are gentle and modest. I hate trying to force others and I hate others trying to force me.

    The only ways I do relate to Se is that I am highly competitive. Like don't go bowling with me. And I love to have contests. Arm wrestling, breath/note holding, pain tolerance, etc. It's always games with me though. I'm never competitive in any way that matters, like getting good grades or a good job or being in good shape. I just like to prove for one second that you've underestimated me and move on.
    Why not go bowling with you?

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Oh btw I love the way you seem to draw the essence out of my little anecdotes and explain what I really mean when I tell the story or really understand what I mean even if /I/ don't fully understand it.
    This seems Fe seeking to me (i.e. Fe being in superid), maybe a bit more Fe HA than DS

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    Tell me about your delta NF inclinations?

    Humanity and such. They tend to give very feeling based answers like what is going out there and what is happening to people, state of the world and how we are positioned in it, the worries, demographics and such.
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    Okay I now have read most of the thread.

    * Most people agree you have strong Ne
    * Many people think you have strong Ti
    * Almost everyone says Alpha NT or Delta NF but more Alpha
    * The Fi aspect of you is being explained as Fi role or sx
    * Se polr fits

    Your original questionnaire shows you offering up a lot of emphasis on ethical things. Then as the thread progresses, people draw more information from you that looks like Ti.

    Fi polr is a really hard sell for me. It does seem possible that Bc you were trained in your childhood to make so many moral evaluations of others that even though the religious content is no longer in the judgments, the basic outlines of moral judgments have remained in place and you are filling them in with your own original observations of people instead. Is that possible?

    In light of the whole thread, LII seems closer to your type than ILE or IEE, I think. When I explained your observations in a way that pleased you that could be my meeting them with Fe.

    I struggle to see EP temperament. You resemble EII. You could be LII with a very well developed ethical side, that could explain it.

    IEE really doesn’t seem right. Ti polr doesn’t fit you.

    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    It really seems like OP can't engage well with the sensory world overall, from that food stuff

    Oh, no, I agree that there is a correlation for overall strength of S functions. I just think the specific attitudes and habits are what won't help much with typing.

    In my experience Si PoLRs hardly mention Si things at all, but they can tolerate pretty bad foods... again IME

    Where I warned of apophenia was about: specific habits/attitudes towards food (beyond the above very general stuff and correlations), and linking being funny to Ne vs Ni (but maybe you were joking there ).

    I think anyone can do that sometimes, need to see a pattern over time on how this is typically done by the person.

    Why not go bowling with you?

    This seems Fe seeking to me (i.e. Fe being in superid), maybe a bit more Fe HA than DS
    I actually have a very intimate relationship with shame and wonder how other people can do the things they do without feeling shame. Like littering in public...It gets me more when they do it right in front of me face. Like, don't you have any shame? What are you, an animal!?

    Don't go bowling with me because I suck at bowling (my high score is like 100), I think I'm better at bowling than I am, I'm very competitive, I like to talk trash, and I'm a sore loser. (This was more true when I was younger. I've learned some self control.) Same with pool or darts or any bar game, but bowling seems more serious. Competition also drives me though. I prefer climbing with a partner because without competition I give up too easily.

    Really? I would've thought that actually sounded a bit Ne seeking. Like I'm fixating on concrete details and I want someone to show me the big picture. Not that I think I'm Ne DS, but I thought that kinda seemed it.

    Oh and there's no way I'm Si PoLR. Lets get that straight lol. I think I actively seek Si. Every trivial Si thing my SEI ex did, I actually thought was cute that she cared about it even though it means little in the scheme of things. She was always trying to have a garden or getting new plates or trying out a new lifestyle, or sport, or drinking a new liquor in every possible combination. Sometimes that stuff annoyed me because I knew it wasn't going to last and it would just wind up junk in the house, but I liked to get caught up in her enthusiasm.
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    Okay I now have read most of the thread.

    * Most people agree you have strong Ne
    * Many people think you have strong Ti
    * Almost everyone says Alpha NT or Delta NF but more Alpha
    * The Fi aspect of you is being explained as Fi role or sx
    * Se polr fits

    Your original questionnaire shows you offering up a lot of emphasis on ethical things. Then as the thread progresses, people draw more information from you that looks like Ti.

    Fi polr is a really hard sell for me. It does seem possible that Bc you were trained in your childhood to make so many moral evaluations of others that even though the religious content is no longer in the judgments, the basic outlines of moral judgments have remained in place and you are filling them in with your own original observations of people instead. Is that possible?

    In light of the whole thread, LII seems closer to your type than ILE or IEE, I think. When I explained your observations in a way that pleased you that could be my meeting them with Fe.

    I struggle to see EP temperament. You resemble EII. You could be LII with a very well developed ethical side, that could explain it.

    IEE really doesn’t seem right. Ti polr doesn’t fit you.

    The one thing you missed was that the one thing almost everyone sees is Fe, so how can I be LII? I'm clearly creating plenty of my own. I regularly laugh at my own thoughts before they even formulate.

    But ooh I do love the way you summarize things. What does that mean? Haha
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