Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
The biggest trouble I have with is EII-Ne. I.e. my Superego with strengthened Creative that's my PoLR. For what it's worth.

The Ne in the way they have it just does my head in, it may be hard to follow the train of thought of some IEEs but it's hardly ever as outright irritating as that creative all-over-the-place-random Ne of EII-Ne especially if the EII-Ne is unhealthy, that's when it really really does my head in. For more healthy EIIs it's still kind of more like, half of what they say seem nice Ni-ish then random (to me) Ne gets mixed in, it's not one nice Ni trail but gets random bits mixed into it. If that makes sense. And for some reason that's most jarring to me. (The Ni part can be still nice though at times. So it's not always 100% bad.) Ne leads are just consistently vague...

(Their Fi is less annoying actually, I think.)

EDIT: On second thought, all this comes from experience from a not too close distance, i.e. not living together or anything like that. (I did try to date IEE before but it did not go very far.) If I were to live with a Delta NF, I can see how the very random lifestyle of IEE could pose a bigger problem in practice than the Ne of EII-Ne just doing my head in mentally. But at this point, my experiences indicate the above.

@schwiftyrickty What sounds unpleasant about LSIs? And how do you have the biggest problems with SLE (so far)?

I still don't really think you'd be SEI, IxE is way more fitting for you.
Hello again

I think my own thoughts are very random but I make an effort to at least attempt to organize them. I go on a lot of tangents. I'll have random interjections that I must follow or I might forget and the thought could have lead to something important. So if I'm writing for example, I'll take my tangent to a completely different page, do what I can with it, then when I'm done I go back to the original page/thought. So my notebooks look crazy in a way, but they help keep my thoughts organized. Like I'll have a story or journal entry that may be a dozen or more pages but it's constantly being interrupted by unrelated things, all on their own pages. Every so often I go through all my notebooks and tear out pages that are important or show promise and put them in a 3 ring binder and organize the pages by category.

Or a lot of times when I write I will digress but I usually put the digressions in parentheses (like so. It's probably not a great practice but no teacher or anyone has ever called me out on it. And usually the asides are somewhat amusing so I guess it's kind of part of my "voice") so I don't lose my original train of thought. This is something I've done since I was a child.

Are you saying you also prefer your superego to your conflictor? I have heard that super-ego relationships can be more outwardly acrimonious.

When I read about LSIs, it's always rules and structure. Which I hate. Being told to follow a rule just because it is a rule is one of the quickest ways to piss me off. I need to understand why a rule exists and I have to agree with its practicality and logic. And I take great pleasure in breaking arbitrary rules.

LSIs seem kind of harsh. Idk if Javert from Les Mis is actually LSI, but I often see him typed that way, but I hate that character more than any other character lol. I know he's the "bad guy" and you're not really supposed to like him, but I usually have no trouble sympathizing with "bad guys". Actually I tend to prefer them. But fuck Javert. His existence was meaningless and I took great pleasure in his suicide.

SLEs...My stepdad is SLE so I know at least one very well, but it seems like 50% of the men I know are SLE. I can tolerate the 7w8s and to an extent the cp 6w7s (not really though) but I cannot tolerate the 8w7s very well. I can't stand aggression and harshness. Loudness. Alpha male attitudes. We always butt heads.

I don't mind SEEs so much. Their Se is softened by Fi. They may be loud and pushy at times, but they care. ILEs can also rub me the wrong way with their sometimes harsh and categorical statements. Plus they can be annoying and try to push your buttons for the fun of it.

I don't think I'm SEI either, but for some reason I can't stop thinking about it. If I am SEI then my understanding of socionics is totally flawed. But I do think I appear to have a kind of Ixxp attitude. I don't seem to be an extravert at all. I seek interaction less than even most introverts I know. Also the SEI-Fe subtype description does sound a lot like me. And I am pretty pleasure seeking but don't care about comfort. (Is that more Si- or Si+? My understanding is that Si- [Delta right?] is more about avoiding discomfort and Si+ is more about creating pleasant sensations. In that case I am more Si+. I love and need pleasure (though my idea of pleasure is often not related to anything physical. I consider making lists deeply pleasurable. Or Daydreaming. Or matching my socks while I listen to podcasts [I guess that's technically physical]. Planning is a big one, but I rarely actually do anything.) but I don't care about discomfort/comfort in the slightest. Or things like furniture/decor/lighting. Trivial.