Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
I did find that kind of off-putting. To me Bertrand was saying this is my opinion and I know I'm right but I am unwilling to prove it, which to me really said that he was unable to prove it and he was going entirely on an arbitrary hunch. That could point to Gamma as opposing quadra I suppose. I have a lot of Gamma friends, plus my mom, and although I love them I find it impossible to have a theoretical conversation with them. They will argue for a while and then get either mad or lose interest and just drop it as if they are right and there is no point continuing, but they still haven't really proven their point. I like to argue until we've exhausted all options.

And I do find you truly pleasant to talk to, so assuming you are correctly typed it is hard to imagine you as my conflictor. I've not known a lot of LSIs IRL so I've never been able to confirm that particular ITR. SEE on the other hand does make sense for my conflictor. I find them kind of intellectually dull and impossible to have a meaningful/constructive conversation with, no offense to any SEEs that might actually be reading this lol. I do know some SEEs I like and I value your generosity and loyalty.
Yeah I follow some of your ideas more easily / relate more to them than to what IEEs say.

If what you are saying about ethical types is true, then that actually makes a lot of sense. I have an ethical focus and in some ways I consider myself an ethical person (though not really in reality...) I am very very disconnected to my feelings. Partly because I am able to look at things from all sides so it's difficult to know how I truly feel about anything. It's too subjective.
What I said is basically the definition for what Ethics is, yes. The bolded is quite a stereotypical LxI thing - especially when they don't have much Fe input from others.

I actually know quite a lot of ILEs. And very few other NT types. I have found them to generally be more willing to engage strangers than me. I absolutely DESPISE doing this unless I'm drinking or have a reason to talk to them, like customers. I'm very kind and friendly to customers because that is my job, but I hate to approach strangers for no reason. My mom does this a lot and I can't stand it. I'll personally go way out of my way to avoid it and I don't even like talking on the phone. The main reason I consider myself an extravert is the stereotypical MBTI descriptions of extraversion vs. introversion that describe extraverts as gaining energy from interaction and introverts needing time to recharge. At a good party I usually am the last one awake trying to keep it going. Maybe this is just Fe valuing?
Heh, I know what you mean. I had a hard time understanding the MBTI idea on where energy is gained or lost because I also have that thing with good parties giving me energy. I do see it as just some Fe seeking thing, yeah. I discussed with actual extraverts about this MBTI idea and it turns out how they experience interaction is not how I experience it. For them it's kind of more smooth with consistently getting energy from interactions, for me it's a bit overdone (even if this is a subtle difference, I don't feel actually overloaded per se, I'm not a strong introvert) and so I wouldn't actually want to do it 24/7 even if it feels good. Where I have consistency with gaining energy (not too much energy, just getting/having smooth consistent energy) is activities with a more introverted focus. I'm overall still an ambivert and an active person, but I do filter things through my introverted cognition.

Actually one of the main reasons I originally doubted I was IEE is because I didn't think my Fe was strong enough to be 4D, but everyone who watches my videos immediately points out the obvious Fe, and I can see it. I smile a lot, often gesture, and get visibly excited. However my control over Fe is weak IMO. It is like I get swept away in it and can't do anything about it.
I agree that your control is weak over Fe, that's what I immediately noticed in the video. While you are clearly receptive to Fe stuff as per the video, your focus is not naturally on how to manage the expressions to influence people via them, your face and body language just don't seem adapted to it.