Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
I'm inclined to think EII with possibility of EIE. EIx

How would you describe your vs from your POV?

- I love it in media. I think most of the art that I consume is Fe in one way or another. Seriously though, have you watched Penny Dreadful? An ILI I know said he was disgusted and couldn't finish the series, yet they managed to get to the second season, up until the finale. Anyway, I don't actively use it. I find it unnecessary mostly, and I can't really be assed to use it since it's exhausting. But when in good compan I can "absorb" the atmosphere around me and really blend in. Example being school- The only reason why I managed to survive and not lose my sanity or gain the stigma of total social outcast was because I managed to get with a few folks in my classroom. I laugh alongside them, I make stupid dick jokes with them and the likes. There are times when I genuinely find certain moments or jokes to be funny, but I'm not sure if I've conditioned myself to or it's genuine. There are times when I'm "The life of the party" but that's rare, and even when it happens I climb my way using a combination of wit and "Twisted" Fe, sort of. Besides that, I don't care for 78% of the people that I spend my time with at school, honestly. And I'm a bit of a recluse at this point in life.

- Okay, this is confusing. I'm an enneagram geek. I find it to be a better system for describing human dynamics and the self and it, in my opinion, trumps socionics from all sides. I do believe that I have SX as first or at least second in my instinct stack. As such, I don't know how many instances of me doing "Fi stuff" is actually Fi and not SX, and the other way around. I can easily feel when there is a gap in the relationship, but that might be SX. I am eager to separate deep bonds and true friends from mere acquaintances or just buddies, but that might be SX.
My best friend for over an year recently said she didn't want to be my friend anymore. I sort of saw this coming. Not a mile away, but I saw it coming. I had my doubts, and I chose to go with them, instead of being 100% sure that my friend will leave me for good. I took her for granted, did (and said) stupid stuff, and now poof- She's gone, probably for good. The only person that I actually thought of as being my equal in this world, or even my superior, the one that was worthy of me spending time with them and actually understood all my silly refferences, my stupid puns and everything of that sort, they are gone. Is this relevant to the topic? Probably. Not sure.

Point being, I'm not 100% confident in both functions' use. Maybe 82%, but not entirely.

EDIT: Not to say that I don't relate to people like, let's say, Cuivienen for example. At all. I saw his conversation with Oli today and most of what he said truly made me cringy or irlol because of how cheesy it all was. It seemed really forced and unnecessary to me.