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Thread: Whatever Type I Am, I'm Fairly Sure That I'm Unhealthy

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    Default Whatever Type I Am, I'm Fairly Sure That I'm Unhealthy

    Let's just jump right into it guys. I am going to try to report things in my life without the normal embellishing of my traits. It is kinda hard to be this honest with myself, but I believe it's needed for me to really learn my type and understand myself. I will explain how my personality was and a few life events from my youth to now.


    I was known to be a very reserved child, I stayed in my room at all times and did not like to talk to really anybody, though I could hold my own in a conversation if someone initiated it. I had one friend who I talked to more than all of my siblings(I have 8, but only 7 at that time) and he was literally the only person I would leave my room willingly to go hang out with.

    On the school side of things, I was noted to have been gifted and as such I was put into the gifted courses at my school. Apparently, I was able to maintain all A's and had a 4th grade reading level while only being in 1st grade. My parents then put me on a pedestal and regularly complimented me on my intelligence while putting down my siblings for struggling with what I found easy. This caused the rift between my siblings and I to widen as they saw me as the enemy instead of an ally. I was the prince and they were peasants in their eyes.


    My mother found my father was cheating on her and basically the whole house became a warzone. She refused to kick him out, instead opting to have fights with him every other night and calling the cops about once a month. She refused to get a restraining order, she just did it to try and scare my dad. The worst part was that she would have my siblings and I badmouth my father as well and if you didn't, she would get angry at you as well.

    My dad, being an alcoholic, gang member, and a drug dealer was normally pretty calm, but he would flip into a rage if you didn't do something exactly the way that you said to do it. He had certain rules for how we could be and was primarily concerned with his boys looking like "men". To him, that meant dressing in baggy clothing, listening to only to rap, and never crying. He would actually sometimes get physically aggressive if the boys showed any kind of emotion and encourage us to fight people who "looked at us the wrong way".

    I was the only boy to not follow this out of the 4 of us, I preferred reading. I would read for hours on end every day and play video games when I wasn't doing that. I preferred violent dark books about serial killers that my mom enjoyed reading. I grew to be obsessed win these murderers and got in trouble multiple times for bringing these books to school. I didn't want to emulate these people, but I loved seeing a person acting on complete impulse.

    By the time I reached 5th grade, I was reading on a 12th grade level and known as a chill kid who didn't say much, but was always hanging around the troublemakers. I somehow managed to keep my grades all high through all of this and thus my parents kept praising me

    They did nothing that really deterred me. Verbal abuse didn't get to me and I didn't care about the physical abuse. I had become numb to it. So eventually, my parents just stopped because they saw that they couldn't get to me anymore. They didn't care as long as I kept getting good grades so that they could brag about me.


    These years are pretty much a blur. Nothing of note really happened during these years other than that I became more of a daredevil and started enjoying messing with people when I could. I was still the smart quiet kid, but now I we cool with the leaders of all the major groups. I was even friends with people who weren't friends with each other and would play both sides when they would conflict with each other.

    I was no slouch in getting physical either, when people called me out for a fight, even a friendly one, I was willing to do it. I never initiated however, but if people called me out on something physical, I had to do it. My heart does not allow me to give up once a conflict has started. I will avoid people and conflict, but once they start it, I'm all for it. The signal you send me, I send right back to you. My environment determines what version of me that you get. The only constant is my pragmatic nature and my aloofness.


    My grades finally dropped to just barely passing around this time though my teachers would still believe me. Notably, my hippie English teacher asked me to be the President of the Philosophy Club even though I never put much work into his class. I agreed and it was a fun little gig while it lasted, but I eventually started ditching my own club to hang out with my friends.

    Everyone at the school had at least heard of me during this time as I a love interest for several popular girls and I had a very eccentric look for High School. I let my hair grow really long and didn't take care of it at all and it actually looked kinda like Einstein's at times. Girls would love to touch it and I was happy that it made me stand out because I started to dislike looking like everyone else and blend in.

    In a surprise moment, I cut my hair and started wearing a bun. On the wardrobe side, I began cutting up my jeans and jackets so I could express myself more adequately. People began claiming my style as their own and it would simultaneously anger as well as excite me. I was making an impact.

    On a more introspective note, I began keeping a diary where I would pour out my feelings just to get rid of them. I filled up about 3 notebooks front to back with everything from major life events to what tasks I need to achieve and general ideas of action.

    I wanted to become an artist who dabbled in all mediums. I began writing a novel, poetry, music, and working on a movie script. I still work on those projects today.
    At home, I became very confrontational with my siblings and father. I just tried to ignore my mother as I was pretty sure she was mentally ill, but she preferred to self-medicate instead of going to the hospital.

    I completely rebelled against my father's idea of a man. I started listening to rock music which he said was for "weirdos", I wore skinny jeans and often wore an open cardigan with no shirt underneath. The cardigan would have holes placed in it by me to give it that extra punk look. The thing that angered him most was that I refused to bow to his dominance, I saw him as worthless with no chance of a happy ending to his life. I was better than him and if I was better than him, why would I listen to him?

    I used people and things whenever I could to get my way and if anyone called me out on it, I'd mobilize all of our friends against them. People didn't really mess with me because I had an army of people willing to defend my actions and if that didn't work, I had no problem going toe-to-toe with you. Whether it would be physical, mental, or emotional, I would beat you and you would know your place. And if I did lose, I'd make sure to drop information or hit you in such a way that you'll feel worse than I do.


    Currently me, I've actually chilled out on a lot of the bad things that I used to participate in, but I suspect that it's because I haven't really been interacting with as many people anymore. I'm chill and try to be tolerant of people, I can only really manage this with children however. Everyone else is a target.

    I don't steal from people or beat up people unprovoked, I may let my instincts drive me sometimes but even I have rules. As long as I don't initiate the conflict, how I handle it is not my problem. I always help a person if they ask me for help and I respect you all people at least a little until they prove themselves unworthy.

    Lately I've been wondering if I'm just a total shit person which could be true. I am now affiliated with my cities community reform group and I have noticed that every time that something is brought up. My first thought is how can it help me and that's been something I've become hyper aware of. I've even discarded friends after I saw there was nothing they could do to help me rise to the next level. I only have 2 people that I truly trust and a 100 who only know a certain aspect of me.

    I don't know why, my mind automatically frames everything into how I can use it to my benefit no matter how shady it would be. I don't take those chances all the time, but I take them a lot of times and it's starting to finally get to me how I could benefit off of someone else's pain and hard work without a care in a world. Even right now, I'm thinking about how bad it would look if people found out something bad I did to them instead of how they would feel. My image controls me more than I do at times.

    Oh yeah, my parents separated and abandoned me out when I was 16 so I've been on my own for the past 3 years.

    That's about it guys, if you have any questions just ask. I want to grow as a person and truly know myself.
    Last edited by BeamerBoy; 04-11-2022 at 02:35 AM.

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    You should take a personality test to determine your type. That’s a quick method.
    A slower method is to interact with people on the forum for a while. You will get plenty of opinions and can see which ones ring true. Some people here are better at typing than others.
    Personally, I’m not a great typer and tend to place people into one or two types. I get an initial impression from your writing that you could be IEI.
    My reasons for saying that are:
    1. You turned to reading when faced with a difficult home situation. - introvert.
    2. You wrote a lot. IEI’s often do that to convert their Fi to Fe so they can better understand it.
    3. You went through an emo stage where you presented yourself as a Victim of life.
    4. You stated that you have people who will fight for you. This is typically what Ni wants from Se.
    5. Your method of surviving is primarily through emotional manipulation, not physical confrontation. Home life may have prepared you for that, but there is a recent thread on this site about IEI’s and manipulation.
    6. You seem uncertain of your type. I’ve seen this most often in IEI’s because of their ability to mimic other people so well that they can “become” that person briefly, which can confuse them when it comes to knowing who they actually are.
    7. You chose your site name to be BeamerBoy. I assume that relates to BMW ambition rather than the ability to shine light out of yourself somehow. BMW bills itself as the Ultimate Driving Machine in an appeal to Se-seekers. The two types I’ve seen most often in BMW’s are ILI’s and IEI’s.

    Disclaimer: I’m usually wrong.
    Good luck type hunting.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-05-2018 at 12:06 PM.

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    @Adam Strange

    I will integrate into this forum as good as I possibly can. You seem to have a good grasp of the system yourself. I like your analysis here.

    And yeah, my name is supposed to be for the BMW. The other name I was considering was Crybaby so that probably points towards IEI as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BeamerBoy View Post
    @Adam Strange

    I will integrate into this forum as good as I possibly can. You seem to have a good grasp of the system yourself. I like your analysis here.

    And yeah, my name is supposed to be for the BMW. The other name I was considering was Crybaby so that probably points towards IEI as well.
    There are others here who are much better than I am.

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    @Adam Strange

    I suspected as such. I've read some posts by members on here that seem to have everyone's respect when it comes to typing and then there's the ones that I'm pretty sure everyone thinks are completely insane with their typing. Anyways, it's a colorful place.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BeamerBoy View Post
    @Adam Strange

    I will integrate into this forum as good as I possibly can.
    I can't remember the source, but there was one article on SLE, probably on this site, that said SLEs are capable of blending in or integrating/adapting to the social setting around them amazingly well. This is one of the features of Fe HA. I actually first thought I was an EIE when I got into socionics initially, because I was very confident in this ability of mine.

    They did nothing that really deterred me. Verbal abuse didn't get to me and I didn't care about the physical abuse. I had become numb to it. So eventually, my parents just stopped because they saw that they couldn't get to me anymore. They didn't care as long as I kept getting good grades so that they could brag about me.

    This line was highly relatable for me, and I believe this points to Si ignoring / Se lead.

    What you've said about refusing to bow to the dominance of your parents/people is all extremely relatable for me. I may not necessarily push back if I'm pushed, but I will not bow down outside of my own terms or against my own agenda. I am unsure why so many people are typing you IEI since you are reporting having a high degree of control over your own power and a deep nuanced understanding of power dynamics -- this isn't a feature of Ni leading at all.

    Moreover, your thoughts are so concise and coherent and your delivery of them is just so rational. NFs are rambly for the most part. Like me, you seem to admire unfettered emotional expression -- maybe because you have difficulty doing that yourself with all your logical thinking and control.

    How would your friends describe you?

    Smart, manipulative, moody, eccentric, and pragmatic.

    This is uncannily similar to how people in my IRL life have described me.

    Have you taken a look at SLE type descriptions by any chance? I would suggest it if you haven't. Really look into the details, the neanderthal trope is really overblown for some of us. I'd be interesting in hearing your thoughts.
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

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    I am also very confident in my ability to adapt to whatever environment that I am. So much so that some people know me as a quiet nerd while others know me as a emotional narcissist. Both are actual sides of me however, I just put on the right mask to match whatever is around .me.

    I believe it's because I frequently describe myself as quiet and creative. I don't really know, but I can be my Beta.

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    Interesting backstory. However, a lot of what you mention is not type related. Regardless, I think you are / and / valuing so that narrows you down to Beta IMO.
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    Gosh darn it! I actually had a feeling that I wasn't delving deep enough into my thought process and more just narrating life events. Well, if there's anything you could ask for more clarity, feel free to do it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BeamerBoy View Post

    Gosh darn it! I actually had a feeling that I wasn't delving deep enough into my thought process and more just narrating life events. Well, if there's anything you could ask for more clarity, feel free to do it.
    Hah, it's all good. Even active posters here make the mistake of looking at NTR factors in typing others. Yeah, Socionics pretty much deals with how we perceive, interact and communicate with the world around us and that includes other people. So basically, to get into the core of what your personality is will have to be based more on these factors rather than NTR factors that can apply to any type.

    I would recommend taking a test, which is usually useless with someone who is well versed in Socionics, but very useful for someone who is new to it. Here is a few you can take: There's a short and long one depending on what you're in the mood for. It might not necessarily give you your definite type, but it will give you and us an idea of what your type could potentially be at least.
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    Test Result
    Your Sociotype: SEE-1Se SeFi (ESFp)
    Sensing Ethical Extrovert - The Diplomat

    That's what I got on the long test.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BeamerBoy View Post

    Test Result
    Your Sociotype: SEE-1Se SeFi (ESFp)
    Sensing Ethical Extrovert - The Diplomat

    That's what I got on the long test.
    Interesting. I was thinking Se-SLE as a possibility because you appeared Beta, but Se-SEE is possible too. I guess your best bet is to read through the descriptions for SEE, SLE and other types as well and see which one fits you better. Here are some descriptions to read for these two types:

    Since you and others in this thread think IEI fits you, you can check out this description:

    If you think none of these fit you, you can look through any of the other types here and see which one fits you best:
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    this links up nicely to the hypochondria thread

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    Can you tell me as to how I relate to it? Or is it just something I need to see myself?

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    Beta should be fine. IEI or ILI for me (with IEI far more likely).

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    The bit you thought you are better than your father might be a bit of overestimation. If your dad is psychopath, then very likely you are as well. It is inherited by son from the father usually. Anyway, time to get a job and rent your own flat.
    You seem to have weird perception of life. Like some kind of fights and people protecting you? This is not a normal life, this is more like a gang life. If you don't plan to sell drugs or similar things that should not concern you.
    What should coincern you is your future, like your realistic, non-illegal job were you can produce goods or make services. To achieve it you don't need to fight anyone.

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    I guess me being a psychopath is always a possibility, but regardless of whether I am or not, I am determined to become a productive member of society.

    I have no interest in gang life and I like conflict, but I always try to avoid putting myself in it as it can be stressful. Only if someone else initiates the conflict will I begin striking back.

    And do you have an opinion as to my type?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeamerBoy View Post

    I guess me being a psychopath is always a possibility, but regardless of whether I am or not, I am determined to become a productive member of society.

    I have no interest in gang life and I like conflict, but I always try to avoid putting myself in it as it can be stressful. Only if someone else initiates the conflict will I begin striking back.

    And do you have an opinion as to my type?
    Regarding type it's hard to say because of little information but introverted feeler for sure, and because of other things you said that could be intuitive and that would be IEI, as it's Se valuing unlike EII.

    You can leverage your socionics knowledge to your profit and direct your efforts properly so you can have good career. The good career is when you have talent in doing it which then in turn can be turned into good profits. Directing your efforts properly means not wasting time on subjects which might sound interesting because they are profitable (Te-PoLR) but are not what you as being introverted feeling type would be happy with. And not being happy means lack of motivation to grow your skills and not having natural talent for the subject which in turn would make you grumpy and unhappy in the long run, or even would make you abandon career path.

    For introverted feelers going into art is very profitable business, because by being naturally artistic you could leverage it to produce high quality goods. Jobs like graphic designer, animator, musician, are good because you can self-teach them and when you apply for the job you just need to provide portfolio you can produce yourself so you don't need diploma. It's not true that artists are unemployed, that's rubbish, it's very hard to hire one in every part of the world and most of them lack talent big time and do the stuff quickly without any hard work like they were keeping their skills to themselves or not making any effort. So the art is good because it's well paid without diploma, but you need to become expert so you need to work hard and be very focused on this. If you learn to play an instrument well for example, you can play with many bands and travel at the same time which is very suitable for IEI.
    Last edited by falsehope; 04-05-2018 at 07:55 PM.

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    Yeah, the arts are the only way I could see myself making it and I've spent the last few years working on my writing, music, and acting abilities. I have come a long way in increasing my skills but I still have a ways to go.

    I appreciate your advice though and I will do my absolute best to heed it.

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    @User Name

    Yes, this is seeming to be the consensus on me. I could very well see myself being a beta of some sort.

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    its just a joke about the essence of hypochondria which is working backward from the general assumption one is sick, it was funny because it was just a forthright statement of that kind of neuroticism

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    Ah, I get it now. Funnily enough, I used to have a little hypochondria. That damned WebMD is much less help than it is a fear machine.

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    I think IEI sounds right.
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    Yep, that seems to be what everyone is thinking and as of right now, I have no reason to question it. Thank you my dear sir or troll in this situation.

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    @BeamerBoy if you have time I recommend you to fill out one of the questionnaires on the forum (my favorite is thehotelambush's one). I can put my Ti to work and try to find out more information about your type, even if IEI seems to work for you.

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    @User Name

    I'll get right on it

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    @User Name
    Tell me about yourself
    According to my diary written when I was 17. "I'm a narcissistic bastard already and I am just 17. I play with people's thoughts and self-esteem for no clear reason. I truly am my father's son I guess. I must improve myself, I can not live a fulfilled life if I don't make myself better. I'm not even sure if there is a reason to want to be moral. Most successful people aren't moral, why do I want to be a moral person? Maybe I just don't wanna be successful on a subconscious level?

    Life has no meaning but what you give it, so why am I concerned about something as lowly as morals. Action over morals, thought over morals, freedom over morals. Niccolò Machiavelli had the right fucking idea. Why am I being such a coward? You must step on others to rise and you must strike before you are struck."

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I study politics and philosophy, but I am in the process of becoming a musician. I've done a few gig's and am working on a mixtape. I also am passionate about writing and am working on a story that I've been planning for the last year or so.

    I came to do this as I am a creative person and I desire to be completely free. So my thought process was essentially: how can I make lots of money and do it on my own terms? That answer was of course to do creative work or start a business. Since I do not have the capital to start a business, I will do the creative work and then start a business. If I'm not exposed as some corrupt person or a scandal destroys me, I will transition to politics around my 50s.

    What are your values, and why?

    I value creativity, love, honor, bravery, and intelligence. Those are the 5 traits that I believe make a well-rounded person in general. So if a person can manage even 3/5 of those, you'll be a pretty great person and make a noticeable impact in your environment.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I play video games and look at current events in politics and pop culture. I do these things because I like being informed of the world around me and seeing new tactics on reaching my goals. It also doesn't hurt to see what your peers or soon to be peers are up to.

    The video games and music stuff are what I do to just kick back and relax.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    No particular features. If a person is fun to hang around with, I'll hang out with them. I literally have friends of all different cultures and cliques. Nerds, jocks, gang members, teacher's pets, and everything else.

    A lot of my friends even hate my other friends. I find it pretty funny because people talk trash and I get to know both sides of the stories, it's pretty cool.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    People often get mad about my critical nature. I always point out flaws in people's plans and am known to kill the mood if I get upset. I have a hard time entertaining ideas that don't seem even remotely possible and am quick to point out there not possible.

    Out of nowhere, I can get quiet and withdrawn, not knowing how to convey the dark feelings overtaking me. At times like this, it is best for me to be left alone as I will get aggressive and I often don't even know why I go into these moods. My feelings just come out of nowhere.

    How would your friends describe you?

    Smart, manipulative, moody, eccentric, and pragmatic.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    Pessimistic about other people's ventures to the point that people will avoid running ideas by me out of fear that I'll critique them.

    I dislike that I can't stabilize my moods and thus they take control of me and cause me to do dumb things. I'm also too willing to prove myself to people that I don't need to, I am determined to impress other people and will avoid any situations that will make me look bad even if it's a situation I should go into.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I can manage myself creatively and can physically take care of myself as well. I hate people who wanna control me or baby me, that's so disrespectful.

    I would like help in identifying what is the proper direction to follow to achieve my goals. I also need a person I could talk to about my feelings and some of the connections I see in the outer world.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Cleaning and any kind of manual labor that isn't a sport of some kind are things I would rather not engage in.

    I enjoy hanging out with my friends more than anything else in the world. Except maybe going to amusement parks or places with "scary" activities such as skydiving are more fun.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I wanna become a great person of the world's mythology. I want to rise to the pantheon of the JFK's and The Beatles if possible. I might not make it but I will get as close as I can in my time here.

    I don't really know why I came to adopt these dreams. I guess I just have a fear of being forgotten, that makes me emotional just thinking that I could just be nothing in the grand scheme of things.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    I would party, hang out with friends, and attempt a political career. Of course, I'd start a family and also try to help my friend's gain a good amount of prosperity as well.

    By this point, I'd probably be fairly philanthropic and have my special charities that I would donate too.

    I'd have a big house with a lot of unnecessary but cool things. Put some of the money away for my children when I'm gone and spend the rest of my life buying exotic items.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    I like it when people call out other people's fears, but only if the other person is a willing participant. Needlessly bullying someone isn't cool, but ridiculing someone you're about to compete against is perfectly fine. Like Conor McGregor or Frieza/Vegeta essentially.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I buy items that other people do not have so it can have a unique flair to it and style things in a strange way so that it's just right for me.

    Daily chores are boring,but it's best to do them right when something happens. I do t follow this advice of course because it's not my kind of thing.

    I hate picking up other people's messes, I only feel inclined to pick up my own mess. This causes friction as I don't wash other people's dishes or sweep up their messes. It's not fair that I be punished for their actions. I don't care if it's my turn to do the dishes, if everyone washed their dish, there'd be no dishes!

    How do you behave around strangers?

    I am sociable if they draw my attention with their appearance or opinions. If not, they must engage me and I will happily banter with them about whatever they wanna talk about it. If left alone, I'll do my own thing and not interact with anyone.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    Any energy sent to me, I send back to you with 2X the force you sent at me. Unless there's no way I can win in that situation in which I would just leave the situation and plot on how to take down that person in a way that I can look like the clear winner.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is?

    That hard work gets you anything in life. Smart work is the only thing that matters. I could keep running myself into a wall hoping it breaks or I can find the door and walk through it. Personally, I prefer the way that saves me energy.

    What did you do last Friday?

    Went to the lake with my friend and his family. I showed his sister's how to throw a football and played tag with them. Pretty chill day.

    Who do you admire, and why?

    I admire Lil Peep, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Tupac Shakur, and Theodore Roosevelt.

    I am very drawn to self destructive people who succumb to their vices at a young age. I can also relate with their beliefs on the world and believe all of these men are in the same quadra as me.

    Theodore Roosevelt was an asthmatic weakling who literally worked himself into becoming a man of great acclaim.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    I'm just thinking about how to make even bigger moves towards achieving my goals and wasting less time in unnecessary things.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    If there is a God, he is not actively intervening in our world, it is up to us to shape our own destinies, whether it's good or bad is up to the individual.

    I read a lot of Nietzsche and Sartre during my teen years.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    I am a capitalist pig as some would say. I believe that we need a 3rd party that is completely moderate on all issues as moderation is key to keep this country running. We cannot go too far left or right, that would be the end of this country and it's values.

    As you can see, I am interested in politics.

    What was your high school experience like?

    Boring. I just liked the social aspect of school. I ditched the entirety of my junior year of school and missed a lot of days senior years. The kids were cool and the teachers were mostly average.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    Kids are the only people that I can let my guard down around. Most of them haven't gained the power to backstab me and they listen to your stories and advice with such enthusiasm. I would not hesitate to put my life on the line to save a child.

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    I think IEI as well. Beta values stand out, and you don't seem to have a thing for social order the way beta rationals do, which leaves only SLE and IEI. However, due to the way you described yourself as a child, introversion is very probable. So that leaves IEI. And the fact others are seeing it as well reinforces it.

    Interesting your English teacher was a hippie. I had a hippie English teacher in Middle School, when I lived in Vegas. Maybe it was the same guy...who knows. The world is small (I see you live in California, which isn't far from Vegas). Though that was like over 20 years ago, so maybe my English teacher was retired by the time you say you had him...but who knows.

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    Yeah, I'm beginning to really lean towards IEI.

    It could have been the same man. My teacher is in his 70s I believe and he even ran when he was drafted for Vietnam. He did nothing in his life until for like 10 years then got his credentials to be a teacher. He was quite the character indeed, I enjoyed listening to his perspective on hot topic issues.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BeamerBoy View Post
    Let's just jump right into it guys. I am going to try to report things in my life without the normal embellishing of my traits. It is kinda hard to be this honest with myself, but I believe it's needed for me to really learn my type and understand myself. I will explain how my personality was and a few life events from my youth to now.


    I was known to be a very reserved child,
    Interesting choice of words.... "I was known to be" vs. "I was"

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    I didn't really see myself as all that different than other children. But it was everyone telling me that I was quiet which will admit is true, most people just annoyed me thus I kept to myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BeamerBoy View Post

    I didn't really see myself as all that different than other children. But it was everyone telling me that I was quiet which will admit is true, most people just annoyed me thus I kept to myself.
    I thought your choice of words was significant, because it implied that you saw yourself through the perspective of other people rather than from within yourself.

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    Any idea of an enneagram with that?

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    Reading your post I was immediatly reminded by the EIE i know irl, even your life events are similar. Everything points toward EIE. People describe you as gifted which is EIE trait, the way you think your family see you compared to your siblings is also EIE, like they're lower than you.

    "I started testing my parent's dominance over me by leaving for school and not coming back until 11 at night." ,"At home, I became very confrontational with my siblings and father." This is so EIE imo in their teenage years maybe. They're rebellious. IEIs are peace lovers unlike EIEs.

    "I was happy that it made me stand out because I started to dislike looking like everyone else and blend in." EIEs do this too, they dislike appearing dull.

    "On the wardrobe side, I began cutting up my jeans and jackets so I could express myself more adequately." ,"On a more introspective note, I began keeping a diary where I would pour out my feelings just to get rid of them." => Fe and Ni. EIEs tend to accumulate feelings and they feel good/better when they express them (writing, singing...).

    Maybe you should read this description of EIE. I think it's very accurate, EIEs also mistype themselves at first as IEIs, because many EIEs like living the life of a recluse.

    Last edited by Kernel; 04-05-2018 at 09:15 PM.

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    I'll give that article a read at once. I thank you for taking the time out of your day to reply to me. It is seeming extremely probable now that I am a Beta type of some sort.

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    @BeamerBoy I’m gonna read it tomorrow. I’ll let you know.

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    @User Name

    No problem

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    I guess you could interpret it in that way. I mean, when I'm trying to convince people of something, I bring up what other people are doing even if they actually aren't doing anything. I guess I use pack mentality and peer pressure a lot.

    Even with myself, I convince myself to do things based on what other people may think of me. I am very in tune with my image, but I don't really associate with people like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BeamerBoy View Post

    I guess you could interpret it in that way. I mean, when I'm trying to convince people of something, I bring up what other people are doing even if they actually aren't doing anything. I guess I use pack mentality and peer pressure a lot.

    Even with myself, I convince myself to do things based on what other people may think of me. I am very in tune with my image, but I don't really associate with people like that.
    That's an interesting perspective and really quite foreign to me.

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