Quote Originally Posted by Doggy View Post
I've noticed Ti subtypes are rather rigid and uncreative (also they're thin, and I'm not). As an Ne subtype, they seem to want more objective data, rather than playing with the idea itself and letting it flow. It's almost as if their Ne has become fettered by Ti (though I suppose it's vice versa for myself). If I had to use a term or phrase or whatever for Ti-centric ILE people, it'd be "anal retentive."
I wanna disagree with this but it's mostly true lol. However I have to say that ILE-Ti are not uncreative. It's just that their creativity is more real-world oriented. Say, if you ask me to come up with some random idea involving a certain object then I really can't come up with anything. This is what the "bucket test" does. The bucket test is a test that attempts to measure creativity but it sucks. It measures creativity with this arbitrary "come up with random useless shit!" task that is completely contrary to the way my ideas 'flow' so to speak. However when it's time to solve a tangible problem, especially something involving Ti, I am very quick not only to come up with a solution but also to implement it, something which most ILE-Ne fail at.

ILE-Ti are definitely more rigid. From my perspective ILE-Ne are too gullible and they'll just eat up whatever you tell them lol. ILE-Ti need to be convinced via Ti, they're can be skeptical as LII or ILI.

It's true that Ti subtypes are generally thin and often short and Ne subs often tall and stout lets call them. But of course it's not a rule, more like a 75%/25% likelihood. This rule seems to apply to SLE as well. The shortest SLE guys I met were often Ti subtype. N and H subtypes as well are often shorter in both ILE and SLE.

I also have to agree with Ne being restricted somewhat with Ti. ILE-Ne has unbounded 4D Ne, along with IEE-Ne they have the strongest Ne in the socion. But at the cost of weaker Ti. Personally I quite enjoy having strengthened Ti because it balances out my main functions. Rather than fettered, I'd say my Ne and Ti synergize and work pretty well together. The only problem is that it further weakens Fi making it a "double-POLR" so to say lol.

Well if I think the term "anal-expulsive" is equally suitable for ILE-Ne. If ILE-Ti is overly careful and pedantic, ILE-Ne is way too careless and reckless in day-to-day life. Just some thoughts, don't mean to offend. A close friend of mine is ILE-Ne and we both lived together for a couple years. In a way it was hell for both of us lol.