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Thread: Differences between Ne-ILE and Ti-ILE (ENTp subtypes)

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    The Ti subtype is less judgmental as lavos pointed out and I agree with everything he said. I agree with everything falsehope said and I agree with everything rebelondeck said except the Ti subtype is just as adventurous and fun-loving and is much more common in my experience and is one of the most common types among females. The Ne subtype actually isn't more inventive and they focus on one thing for a longer period of time. The Ti subtype is immune to bipolar disorder, the Ne subtype isn't. The Ne subtype isn't heavier or if they are then not by much. The Ne subtype's communication is drier and harder. The Ti subtype is more economically successful and is much more likely to be famous. The Ti subtype looks more beautiful (Ne subtype women are rare, and they don't look as feminine). When the Ti subtype dresses up they look even better; Ti subtype females are more into fashion than most other types and they start wearing make up at earlier ages than most other girls. Ti subtype has much higher sex drive, likes to touch and gently be touched more, is more inventive sexually, and isn't really worse with relationships. The Ti subtype goes to parties more and interacts with people at them more naturally than the Ne subtype does. The Ti subtype is more successfully domineering and more gentle, they're gently domineering. Ti subtype changes occupations more. I don't know if this is true for the Ti subtype but one thing I've noticed is that the Ti subtype will miss the city they grew up in if they leave it.

    Ti subtype people's demeanour and appearance is a combination of Alpha and Beta, while Ne subtype is a combination between Alpha and Delta.
    this is painful to read
    whoever paid you to say this, i'll pay you double to un-say it.

    Edit: The only thing i have to contribute to this thread is that basically all the stuff at the beginning of this thread, copy pasting descriptions of ILE-Ne(can't speak for Ti's, though I'd assume they're the same) and making brash assumptions about subtypes based on two guys they knew are bad and should be ignored.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rivka View Post
    I don't think ILE-Ti is more melodramatic or playful than ILE-Ne. Their Fe isn't "strong", it's just codified and orchestrated so their ego blocks can respond to it easily. ILE-Ne forgoes this process and experiences Fe a lot more crudely & intimately, though its still encircled by a haze of Ne. Ne subs have worse command over their emotions and can even be vaguely aware of their Fi baggage. Ti subs are more appealing from a distance than up close and they know it. A lot of ILE-Tis, once you get to know them, will complain about feeling empty, all their energy is spent on impressing people (SLE-Ti won't admit this). One ILE I know described it as feeling like a "pig to the audiences"

    They don't really feel any emotions of their own, and on top of that it takes a lot for them to be affected by Fe because they work so hard to earn it they can't even tell when they're being proffered it.
    I mostly disagree with this post, except that Ne sub has worse command over their emotions. I have known of plenty of ILE-Ti who are internally emotional but they seem to almost always be in control.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    this is painful to read
    whoever paid you to say this, i'll pay you double to un-say it.

    Edit: The only thing i have to contribute to this thread is that basically all the stuff at the beginning of this thread, copy pasting descriptions of ILE-Ne(can't speak for Ti's, though I'd assume they're the same) and making brash assumptions about subtypes based on two guys they knew are bad and should be ignored.
    I'm sorry, it's just what I've observed of the examples. But I'm ok with most ILE-Ne, I just prefer ILE-Ti. But I really don't like spending much time with anyone.

    The Ti subtype isn't totally immune to bipolar disorder, but they're not very likely to have it.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    I'm sorry, it's just what I've observed of the examples. But I'm ok with most ILE-Ne, I just prefer ILE-Ti. But I really don't like spending much time with anyone.

    The Ti subtype isn't totally immune to bipolar disorder, but they're not very likely to have it.
    I don't think you understand what the problem is. The explanation you posted was so obviously tied to your real life examples that you didn't even bother to think how many of their traits actually had to do with their types. You literally linked beauty to someone's type, something with outrageous that you might as well have just named whoever you were talking about instead of using the type name. If you don't like someone, that's fine, just don't be a dick and splash their bad character traits onto an entire group that you think they're in.

  5. #45
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    Idk about IEE-Nes besides they remind me of Al Yankovic and Nardwuar. Zany, odd, a bit spunky. Your ILE-0 looks like Michael Reeves, Simone Giertz, CodeMiko. Good with tech, class clown, slightly awkward but loud if they want to be. ILE-Tis can look like a completely different type but their most distinguishing feature is they love to troll. They can talk for quite a long time if you get them really going (which is not particularly difficult), "sticking it" to stupid moral conventions and they absolutely despise PC woke culture. If they are an internet celebrity they have probably been canceled once or many times. They're number one arsenal is they're ability to debate, and although many of them sound smart and can come up with many witty quips to win over the crowd in my opinion some of them need to know when to shut the fuck up. Examples: Leafyishere, Destiny, Hero Hei

    Incidentally I knew an ILE-Ti who thought he was a sociopath until he found a girlfriend and discovered human emotions.
    Last edited by aryuki; 07-19-2021 at 06:39 AM.

  6. #46
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    @The Banana King

    Next time you’re online, I really want your perspective on this! I really like reading you Ti perspective as a ILE-Ti. Especially as most of the ILE on here are Ne doms. You’ve mentioned you need more Fe in a partner. If you can, could you go into what you need in Fe and why it’s attractive to you?

    I am more so curious is as irrationals are still irrationals even with a rational subtype and so I view the need from Fe from an irrational is different from a rational needing Fe. That, and I’m curious from a SEI-Fe perspective so I can let my more natural parts of that fly to attract an ILE-Ti or more Ti types.

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    Ti - - Ne

    Ne Ne Ne Ti
    Ne Ti Ti Ti
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  8. #48
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    Is ILE-Ti just the Normalizing subtype in the DCNH system? I'm not really familiar with the 2 subtype theory.

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    Sacha Baron Cohen ILE?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    @The Banana King

    Next time you’re online, I really want your perspective on this! I really like reading you Ti perspective as a ILE-Ti. Especially as most of the ILE on here are Ne doms. You’ve mentioned you need more Fe in a partner. If you can, could you go into what you need in Fe and why it’s attractive to you?

    I am more so curious is as irrationals are still irrationals even with a rational subtype and so I view the need from Fe from an irrational is different from a rational needing Fe. That, and I’m curious from a SEI-Fe perspective so I can let my more natural parts of that fly to attract an ILE-Ti or more Ti types.
    Sure! Let me think about it...

    Personally as an ILE-Ti I feel more like a mishmash of different types rather than the usual ILE archetype of "mad scientist/crazy messy philosopher/debater". Although I do have distinctly ILE attitudes, especially when I'm in a good mood for socializing, my attitude with people I don't know well, or my attitude when I'm alone can be quite different. I think I give LSI or Beta vibes normally. To the point where my apparent rigidity makes Fe creatives dislike me a bit, on the other hand it charms Fe leads, especially EIE. If I had to guess, it's my Se-role being used a "shield" to protect my ego or something. Essentially only Si leads, and to a lesser degree other Alphas can make me lower my guard so to speak, so that I feel like using Ne naturally. This being said, if I feel common ground with someone I will naturally let out Ne.

    Fe to me is... I guess something that allows me to read people's thoughts a bit better. People are a mystery to me, and it's just a hundred times easier to understand people when I see emotions on people's face. Especially the mouth (I hate the pandemic cause wearing masks makes reading faces a lot harder ). So with Fi people I feel naturally wary, as they aren't predisposed to showing what they feel so blatantly as Fe types. I sorta assume that if people don't show positive emotions around me then they probably don't like me. Coupled with the Fi tendency of imposing moral judgement on everyone, I feel ill at ease around Fi egos especially lol.
    Fe, being my hidden agenda ("to be liked/loved"), shows as attention-seeking/reaction-seeking, not blatantly but rather subtle in the form of making jokes, quips, etc. When someone regularly gives me a response (especially laughter) then I assume they value Fe and share some of my sense of humour.

    I think the biggest difference between Ne subtypes and Ti subtypes regarding what they "seek" is that Ne subs want a constant barrage of Si, with some Fe in there. I can't speak for other ILE-Ti but in my case I prefer frequent Fe with the occasional Si in the background. For some reason I'm not immediately thankful when someone shows Si/does a Si favour for me. In my head I think "well, I could've done it myself but thanks anyways!". But those Si gestures help immensely to drop my guard and let loose my Ne. I also drop my Se tough guy act when I feel that it puts people off.

    So now you're thinking, how come you seek Fe much more than Si? Doesn't that mean you're LII?
    The reasons I'm most likely not LII are:
    -Ne and Se too strong
    -Ti not as pervasive (AKA, I don't use my Ti to solve every problem I come across, I solve problems more flexibly using Ne first)
    -MOST IMPORTANT: Energy levels. My temperament is very distinctly EP. Despite the apparent rigidity, or "toughness" on the surface that reminds of IJ types, my energy levels fluctuate A LOT and without any apparent reason. I have generally high energy levels that drop after a while and recharge quickly (cyclical throughout the day).
    -I have a tendency to "drag people along" (EP-IP dynamic) rather than "being dragged along" (IJ-EJ dynamic)
    -I feel comfortable leading a "vagrant" sort of lifestyle, trying out my luck at different places and different activities for a living (contrast with IJ/LII need for stability)

    So those are my thoughts/experience as (probably) an ILE-Ti. I'm thinking my subtype is N, rather than H, because of strong role. But I'm not really sure.

    My advice if you want to meet ILE-Ti: ask lots of questions about what they like to do, and what they want to do in their life. Don't pay too much attention to attitude, but figure out their lifestyle, energy levels, etc. If there's something that the ILE-Ti I met had in common, it's a predisposition to adventure and risk that is not as common as in LII and even ILE-Ne. One ILE-Ti I met was running a small business as a software dev, and seemed SLE or LIE at a glance.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by rivka View Post
    I don't think ILE-Ti is more melodramatic or playful than ILE-Ne. Their Fe isn't "strong", it's just codified and orchestrated so their ego blocks can respond to it easily. ILE-Ne forgoes this process and experiences Fe a lot more crudely & intimately, though its still encircled by a haze of Ne. Ne subs have worse command over their emotions and can even be vaguely aware of their Fi baggage. Ti subs are more appealing from a distance than up close and they know it. A lot of ILE-Tis, once you get to know them, will complain about feeling empty, all their energy is spent on impressing people (SLE-Ti won't admit this). One ILE I know described it as feeling like a "pig to the audiences"

    They don't really feel any emotions of their own, and on top of that it takes a lot for them to be affected by Fe because they work so hard to earn it they can't even tell when they're being proffered it.
    This one hits close to home. Wherever I go, I'm the class clown. *honk honk*

    However I wouldn't say I don't feel any emotions, rather, my emotions (especially negative) are confusing and I want to get rid of them ASAP. I can feel sadness or anger but I suppress them quickly so that they don't interfere with my clarity of mind.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    Sure! Let me think about it...

    Personally as an ILE-Ti I feel more like a mishmash of different types rather than the usual ILE archetype of "mad scientist/crazy messy philosopher/debater". Although I do have distinctly ILE attitudes, especially when I'm in a good mood for socializing, my attitude with people I don't know well, or my attitude when I'm alone can be quite different. I think I give LSI or Beta vibes normally. To the point where my apparent rigidity makes Fe creatives dislike me a bit, on the other hand it charms Fe leads, especially EIE. If I had to guess, it's my Se-role being used a "shield" to protect my ego or something. Essentially only Si leads, and to a lesser degree other Alphas can make me lower my guard so to speak, so that I feel like using Ne naturally. This being said, if I feel common ground with someone I will naturally let out Ne.

    Fe to me is... I guess something that allows me to read people's thoughts a bit better. People are a mystery to me, and it's just a hundred times easier to understand people when I see emotions on people's face. Especially the mouth (I hate the pandemic cause wearing masks makes reading faces a lot harder ). So with Fi people I feel naturally wary, as they aren't predisposed to showing what they feel so blatantly as Fe types. I sorta assume that if people don't show positive emotions around me then they probably don't like me. Coupled with the Fi tendency of imposing moral judgement on everyone, I feel ill at ease around Fi egos especially lol.
    Fe, being my hidden agenda ("to be liked/loved"), shows as attention-seeking/reaction-seeking, not blatantly but rather subtle in the form of making jokes, quips, etc. When someone regularly gives me a response (especially laughter) then I assume they value Fe and share some of my sense of humour.

    I think the biggest difference between Ne subtypes and Ti subtypes regarding what they "seek" is that Ne subs want a constant barrage of Si, with some Fe in there. I can't speak for other ILE-Ti but in my case I prefer frequent Fe with the occasional Si in the background. For some reason I'm not immediately thankful when someone shows Si/does a Si favour for me. In my head I think "well, I could've done it myself but thanks anyways!". But those Si gestures help immensely to drop my guard and let loose my Ne. I also drop my Se tough guy act when I feel that it puts people off.

    So now you're thinking, how come you seek Fe much more than Si? Doesn't that mean you're LII?
    The reasons I'm most likely not LII are:
    -Ne and Se too strong
    -Ti not as pervasive (AKA, I don't use my Ti to solve every problem I come across, I solve problems more flexibly using Ne first)
    -MOST IMPORTANT: Energy levels. My temperament is very distinctly EP. Despite the apparent rigidity, or "toughness" on the surface that reminds of IJ types, my energy levels fluctuate A LOT and without any apparent reason. I have generally high energy levels that drop after a while and recharge quickly (cyclical throughout the day).
    -I have a tendency to "drag people along" (EP-IP dynamic) rather than "being dragged along" (IJ-EJ dynamic)
    -I feel comfortable leading a "vagrant" sort of lifestyle, trying out my luck at different places and different activities for a living (contrast with IJ/LII need for stability)

    So those are my thoughts/experience as (probably) an ILE-Ti. I'm thinking my subtype is N, rather than H, because of strong role. But I'm not really sure.

    My advice if you want to meet ILE-Ti: ask lots of questions about what they like to do, and what they want to do in their life. Don't pay too much attention to attitude, but figure out their lifestyle, energy levels, etc. If there's something that the ILE-Ti I met had in common, it's a predisposition to adventure and risk that is not as common as in LII and even ILE-Ne. One ILE-Ti I met was running a small business as a software dev, and seemed SLE or LIE at a glance.
    Thank you soooo much!

    This seriously helped and it will help me keep an eye out for more ILE-Ti. I grew up in a heavy Fi valuing and Fe polr household so any emotional expression was met with criticism. I shut down with emotion very easily and become blank despite being obvious “Fe like” on here. It only seems to show when I am more comfortable. So I’m just trying to get an idea what to look for and not take so personally. I will keep this in my notes for sure

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    Quote Originally Posted by PseudoRandomBSGenerator View Post

    Ti - - Ne

    Ne Ne Ne Ti
    Ne Ti Ti Ti
    So if you're an ILE, regardless of subtype, you have an 11-out of-12 chance of being weird, nerdy or strange looking?

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    So if you're an ILE, regardless of subtype, you have an 11-out of-12 chanve of being weird, nerdy or ugly looking?
    …….don’t diss my duals please! Nerdy is cute!

    i will say, I have dated the third row 3/4 ILE on the page. I am attracted to him the most out of all of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    Sure! Let me think about it...

    Personally as an ILE-Ti I feel more like a mishmash of different types rather than the usual ILE archetype of "mad scientist/crazy messy philosopher/debater". Although I do have distinctly ILE attitudes, especially when I'm in a good mood for socializing, my attitude with people I don't know well, or my attitude when I'm alone can be quite different. I think I give LSI or Beta vibes normally. To the point where my apparent rigidity makes Fe creatives dislike me a bit, on the other hand it charms Fe leads, especially EIE. If I had to guess, it's my Se-role being used a "shield" to protect my ego or something. Essentially only Si leads, and to a lesser degree other Alphas can make me lower my guard so to speak, so that I feel like using Ne naturally. This being said, if I feel common ground with someone I will naturally let out Ne.

    Fe to me is... I guess something that allows me to read people's thoughts a bit better. People are a mystery to me, and it's just a hundred times easier to understand people when I see emotions on people's face. Especially the mouth (I hate the pandemic cause wearing masks makes reading faces a lot harder ). So with Fi people I feel naturally wary, as they aren't predisposed to showing what they feel so blatantly as Fe types. I sorta assume that if people don't show positive emotions around me then they probably don't like me. Coupled with the Fi tendency of imposing moral judgement on everyone, I feel ill at ease around Fi egos especially lol.
    Fe, being my hidden agenda ("to be liked/loved"), shows as attention-seeking/reaction-seeking, not blatantly but rather subtle in the form of making jokes, quips, etc. When someone regularly gives me a response (especially laughter) then I assume they value Fe and share some of my sense of humour.

    I think the biggest difference between Ne subtypes and Ti subtypes regarding what they "seek" is that Ne subs want a constant barrage of Si, with some Fe in there. I can't speak for other ILE-Ti but in my case I prefer frequent Fe with the occasional Si in the background. For some reason I'm not immediately thankful when someone shows Si/does a Si favour for me. In my head I think "well, I could've done it myself but thanks anyways!". But those Si gestures help immensely to drop my guard and let loose my Ne. I also drop my Se tough guy act when I feel that it puts people off.

    So now you're thinking, how come you seek Fe much more than Si? Doesn't that mean you're LII?
    The reasons I'm most likely not LII are:
    -Ne and Se too strong
    -Ti not as pervasive (AKA, I don't use my Ti to solve every problem I come across, I solve problems more flexibly using Ne first)
    -MOST IMPORTANT: Energy levels. My temperament is very distinctly EP. Despite the apparent rigidity, or "toughness" on the surface that reminds of IJ types, my energy levels fluctuate A LOT and without any apparent reason. I have generally high energy levels that drop after a while and recharge quickly (cyclical throughout the day).
    -I have a tendency to "drag people along" (EP-IP dynamic) rather than "being dragged along" (IJ-EJ dynamic)
    -I feel comfortable leading a "vagrant" sort of lifestyle, trying out my luck at different places and different activities for a living (contrast with IJ/LII need for stability)

    So those are my thoughts/experience as (probably) an ILE-Ti. I'm thinking my subtype is N, rather than H, because of strong role. But I'm not really sure.

    My advice if you want to meet ILE-Ti: ask lots of questions about what they like to do, and what they want to do in their life. Don't pay too much attention to attitude, but figure out their lifestyle, energy levels, etc. If there's something that the ILE-Ti I met had in common, it's a predisposition to adventure and risk that is not as common as in LII and even ILE-Ne. One ILE-Ti I met was running a small business as a software dev, and seemed SLE or LIE at a glance.
    Sorry, LSI-Ti impose their moral views on people more than Fi-leads do, at least ESI; they're often way more moralistic and traditional and willing to use violence to support their ethical or social viewpoints than ESI usually are (it's a common misconception that ESI are moralistic, some are, but many are more concerned with consistency and fairness and material goods and their own wishes and peoples' feelings and safety), but not necessarily EII. I have some doubts that your type is ILE-Ti. Thank you. Sorry.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    Sorry, LSI-Ti impose their moral views on people more than Fi-leads do, at least ESI; they're often way more moralistic and traditional and willing to use violence to support their ethical or social viewpoints than ESI usually are (it's a common misconception that ESI are moralistic, some are, but many are more concerned with consistency and fairness and material goods and their own wishes and peoples' feelings and safety), but not necessarily EII. I have some doubts that your type is ILE-Ti. Thank you. Sorry.
    Can you elaborate a bit on that? What type would you suggest for me? I'm very open to having my type questioned so don't worry about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    Can you elaborate a bit on that? What type would you suggest for me? I'm very open to having my type questioned so don't worry about it.
    if memory served me correctly... a while back you said you used inductive reasoning, which many ILE-Ti tend to avoid (they strongly favor dedcution)

    Also, you said ILE-Ti are uncreative, when they're really one of the most creative types IMO... two examples would be Kimberly Kane and Kelsey Obsession... I associate the ILE-Ti's crudeness, which I enjoy, with originality.

    but you might be an ILE-Ti, because you said you were open to having your type questioned and LII tend to be more sure of themselves and you would know better than I would. I don't understand anything or anyone well, really. I went by the Aushra Augusta's "the Dual Nature of Man" for type/information element descriptions and
    And from her descriptions, Ti and Fi both kind of fit what my base type would be.

    I'm really not for traditional morality and really never understood morality well (I would rather not think of things as moral issues really and more about who and what brings me pleasure and anguish). My attitudes towards humanity and individuals really aren't very stable; sometimes I love them other times I hate them. But I favor the core ideology of libertarianism (I favor decentralization of political power) with some modifications due to the fact that the state exists and due to my emotional instability and what I want.

    I hope this helps.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    if memory served me correctly... a while back you said you used inductive reasoning, which many ILE-Ti tend to avoid (they strongly favor dedcution)

    Also, you said ILE-Ti are uncreative, when they're really one of the most creative types IMO... two examples would be Kimberly Kane and Kelsey Obsession... I associate the ILE-Ti's crudeness, which I enjoy, with originality.

    but you might be an ILE-Ti, because you said you were open to having your type questioned and LII tend to be more sure of themselves and you would know better than I would. I don't understand anything or anyone well, really. I went by the Aushra Augusta's "the Dual Nature of Man" for type/information element descriptions and
    And from her descriptions, Ti and Fi both kind of fit what my base type would be.

    I'm really not for traditional morality and really never understood morality well (I would rather not think of things as moral issues really and more about who and what brings me pleasure and anguish). My attitudes towards humanity and individuals really aren't very stable; sometimes I love them other times I hate them. But I favor the core ideology of libertarianism (I favor decentralization of political power) with some modifications due to the fact that the state exists and due to my emotional instability and what I want.

    I hope this helps.
    I do use inductive reasoning a lot actually. (Strict) deductive reasoning can be too constraining sometimes, so I use a sort of fuzzy logic based on probabilities and some deductive reasoning on the side. Inductive reasoning is essentially Bayesian inference and I feel that works well with my Ne.

    I would say ILE-Ti are uncreative versus ILE-Ne. Problem being that Ti-sub has more "follow-through" ability than Ne-sub so Ti realizes their creative endeavors more easily, Ne-sub lives in the clouds too much and doesn't realize their creative potential to the fullest without external support (Si). So it may give the false impression that Ne subs aren't as creative. I just mention this from my experiences with a close ILE-Ne friend. He never considered himself creative but IMO he was more original and better at "thinking outside the box" than I am.

    I still entertain the possibility of being LII or even something else entirely but the more I read about the types, how they interact and my relationships with people IRL the more I feel ILE-Ti is the best fit.

    Thanks for your point of view.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    I do use inductive reasoning a lot actually. (Strict) deductive reasoning can be too constraining sometimes, so I use a sort of fuzzy logic based on probabilities and some deductive reasoning on the side. Inductive reasoning is essentially Bayesian inference and I feel that works well with my Ne.
    Yeah. Fuzzy logic but it itself is quite deductive. Setting boundary conditions for potentials. 1L rant but anyway it is strange how similar deduction and induction can be.
    You'll grasp the potentials illogically (Ne) and then deduce (Ti). Dunno. As if so called induction phase does not have anything to back it up it is not really reasoning hence it fails to fulfill inductive reasoning premises.
    This is jut something I have noted about myself. My base is irrational and devoid of reality values.

    MB total raw BS:
    N+T configuration checks potential logically (deduction) opposed to T+N configuration where assured reason need to be backed up by unreal perceptions. As S is real S+T is inductive because reality expands through logic while S+F fails to fulfill inductive premises hence it backs it up with deduction via experience. N+F is batshit insane totally making up their shit from unreal and only case where it can apply is induction. F+N deductive as if assured feels need to be backed up by potential perceptions. T+S is deductive as assured logic needs to be checked against real stuff. F+S is inductive because feelings needs to be felt against external world.
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  20. #60
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    I'd say, when comparing the two, the Ti-subtype is more concerned with being correct while the Ne-subtype has a greater interest in their ideas being legit for their own saje

    For example, my ILE-Ne buddy got elated by his idea of building a strip club near a truck stop, while my ILE-Ti friend figured it fun but more readily deduced any obstacles that could get involved.

  21. #61

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    I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have said ILE-Ti are more beautiful as if it were fact. I've always been aware beauty is subjective, I'm just terrible at expressing it.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have said ILE-Ti are more beautiful as if it were fact
    There is no theory to say about a link between static body physical traits and Jung types. Jung types are about a behavior.

    You may perceive people of some types as more attractive because of IR. Partly your mind may mix (an illusion) this with S evaluations about physical beauty.
    Personal sympathy related to IR predisposes to perceive people as more sexually attractive. Because it's easier with them to make good pairs.
    Some IR, even being negative or not good, may predispose to personal attractions too. Probably with surface human knowledge personal traits of those people are unconsciously evaluated as reminding positive IR. Then that higher attraction may stay by innertia, until hard inter-personal problems will cold down. I find conflictors women as higher attractive, for example. 2 times got long feelings to them.

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