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Thread: Your experiences working with ILEs/ENTps

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    ILEs are the best. I have very good experience working with them. (as predicted by THE THEORY)

    ILE Woman, 20-something (N subtype)
    We were working in gardening. The boss paired us and we drove to different places in town to plant bushes etc. In the beginning she was shy but then we got a really pleasant chemistry. At one point I didn't find the right destination on the car navigator and we got lost in some odd part of town. We both enjoyed the uncertainty, it's hard to describe but just to be together in the unknown and continuing driving until we got to the right place, without any worrying. Not everyone can enjoy that like we did.

    The next days I noticed she made some arrangements to be with me again, and we worked together again. I just thought work had never been this good. It was like a vacation. We did what we were supposed to do, but it didn't feel like work.

    We talked about insignificant Si stuff, like I mentioned that it would be good to bring a coffee pan so we could make coffee when we were out working. It was just a half joke, but then she actually mentioned it again, like she was expecting me to actually do it. We shared music that we listened to, and I brought her some sheet music for the guitar (she was practicing and I also play). She liked that very much.

    We worked together for about 2 weeks, and then work ended. I still miss her

    ILE woman, 60-something (D subtype)
    She hired me to do a stone pavement in her garden (this was a good opportunity for me). She was quite demanding but also flexible. She made arrangements that helped me with the work (as ILEs often do). She was an E8.

    ILE man, 40-something (N subtype)
    I was doing training as a house painter. He is an experienced handyman. I got on his team and we painted apartments, fixed windows etc. He could be nervous and moody. We continued working for 3-4 months. Most of the time we didn't have that much to say to each other, and he was often irritated. But he helped me a lot with advice and contacts as I was trying to get into this field of work. He was often nervous and irritated and could make critical comments, but somehow it was not that bad. Because he was also understanding at the same time. He considered lunch and coffee very important and our best moments we had when we had to work late and we took a break in the late afternoon with coffee and cake and then continued the work. That was a special moment. He is obviously not in his ideal field of work, so that might influence his behaviour. We still keep in touch occasionally. What I especially noticed with him was Te demonstrative, as he could be very " now we just do this and that and then nothing more and then we're done and we're outta here"
    Last edited by Tallmo; 03-29-2018 at 08:12 PM.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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