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Thread: LIE-SEI conflict reactions (ENTj and ISFp)

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  1. #1
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    You may be talking about Ti-build values, which also can be 'refusing to compromise' and pretty firm. They do happen in some Fe-egos as well (see: Mother Theresa, probably IEI). The more Fi-build - the one you see in LIEs for example - seem 'naive and borrowed' to you, maybe (contrary: Fe doms usually feel very fake to me, example ESEs).
    You are talking about principles I think. Principles are not values, they are not subjective relational fields between the self and objects.
    A principle tells me nothing about how I relate to you or what Adam said in "y" post.

  2. #2
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I personally think what we usually see as /valuing/ and maybe even /morals/ can be either Fi (and Te) or Ti (and Fe) based, where Fi is usually more personal (see: liking the object and speaking from a bond perspective), while Ti more system-based (cough most organized religions cough). These two different in 'from where we come from', interpretations and overall flavor (for me, Ti rules/principia don't feel so great). And of course, a person can use - with different preference - both Fi and Ti to build something.

    Edit: you may feel like you dislike us and yet not use Fi for that, lol. XLEs with time can see that they 'dislike' someone, if they don't want to play Fe with them, base more Fi rules and generally disdain they Ti-thoughts.
    Hmm, knew a LII once. He was religious (protestant) and based his faith on Kantian deontology. While I enjoyed discussing Ti with him, it always bothered me that he'd rely on an abstract system like that. To me it seemed like even if it was elegant, it had little utility IRL.. as ppl could just disregard it without the necessary violence to enforce such a morality. Its also kinda how I see rights. Without the will to defend rights and violence to back up that will, we have no rights, its just make-believe. If there is nobody there to enforce the law, the law doesn't matter lol unless you chose to follow it regardless.. e_e meh I never cared much about religion tho. It made sense that one would have the free will to chose to be moral or not and that the choice was important.

    I don't think I dislike you guys as ppl, I just fundamentally disagree with a lot of how you think & see the world. If I'd hate/disliked you we wouldn't be talking. I don't even go see, let alone talk with my grandmother for example, I hate her to that extent for what she has done to my parents and for the kind of person she was and continues to be.

    Back: I also would like to remind you that maybe a month ago you were reading about Fi (and how they see Fi) on one of socionics derivatives and you were yourself going with 'wtf I don't relate to it all, I do see a lot of Ti in me tho'. You saw Fi as very alien. Then you seem to have forgotten about that.
    Yeah, I haven't forgotten, it was this: I can't relate to it.

  3. #3
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I think this may be just a difference between LXI and XLE. For XLE, Ti is kind of a tool (a very valuable and valued nonetheless, but it's below Ne or Se, and in strength below demo Te), while LXI is basically Ti-centric (and Te-ignoring, an aspect you don't seem to ignore yourself). And ofc religion =/= Ti, as you have irreligious Ti-egos and religious Fi-egos (but of different flavor).
    :> you and sbbds seem to be of the opinion that I'm alpha quadra ILE.. but there are some serious problems with such a typing as ILEs are goofy extroverts interested in novelty, exploring ideas and prototyping - inventing.

    .. I'm more of a melancholic-choleric emotionally reactive introvert, who's main interest seems to be a sociocultural paradigm shift away from the current trajectory of a meaningless & empty life chasing GDP as wage slave

    lol this band has my gaming days nichname "Lich King" lmao

    Last edited by SGF; 08-08-2020 at 11:23 AM.

  4. #4
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymphaeales View Post
    Ti creative twisty logical use back at it again
    explain plz?

    *sigh* i could be Te demonstrative and thats why I disagree with LIEs sure.

    *shrug* at least if ILE.. my duals can be hott af and scare LIEs :>.. where is that pole dancing SEI girl Sol posted in 2015..?

    Last edited by SGF; 08-08-2020 at 06:15 PM.

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