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Thread: Do I have a type?

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    Default Do I have a type?

    Hi! I’m new here. I’m still not sure of my type (none of them fits me well), so I thought I’d start with a few questions from the questionnaire. English is not my mother tongue, so sorry for any mistakes.

    Tell me about yourself.
    I'm a 16-years-old girl (almost 17).

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I attend high school. What I like about school: well, it's supposed to help me get my dream job and make a living in the future? Of course, one never knows. What I don't like: getting up and going to bed early, boring lessons, homework, learning for tests.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I check a couple of websites (about
    socionics + DeviantArt), read and/or watch some news, listen to music, talk to my parents.
    I've been learning a new foreign language on my own for a few months. I devote some time to it every day, not much though.
    I don't really have any major interests or hobbies. I wish I could be really passionate about something.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    My mother. I think our relationship is very good, we're almost like friends. When I'm around her I don't feel any pressure to talk or do anything. If I have something to tell her, I can do it and she will listen to me. If I don't, she usually talks about something or we just sit there in silence and it's also OK. Unlike me, she reads on a lot of topics in her free time and sometimes she shares with me what she found out. I think it's nice. The only thing that annoys me is that when she gets angry from time to time she feels the need to express it very loudly, otherwise she feels she is going to explode. I don't like it when people can't withhold their anger.
    My father. I get along with him rather well, though there are some things that irritate me. He often keeps asking me "What's up?" even though I say "Nothing" (and I really mean it; I rarely feel I have something interesting to say). He can insist on talking to me and sometimes I'm busy or just not in the mood. And then I feel I am the bad one for not being nice enough. He's also extremely caring - he often asks me whether I'd like something to eat, etc. Sometimes I like it but
    usually I feel I take advantage of him or it's simply unnecessary. But I love having him by my side when I'm around people. He always knows what to say, how to act. He can create a good atmosphere by telling jokes and stories. And I've had some interesting conversations with him. I think it's best when, for example, we read the same book, then go for a walk and discuss it.
    I don’t have any friends.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    It’s hard to say because I have little experience in friendship and I’ve never been in a romantic relationship. I think I’d prefer someone more
    extraverted than introverted. I like it when people easily get to know others and know some of the “who? where? how?” of the external world. And aren’t afraid to go somewhere and do something. And talk a lot so I don’t have to. I also appreciate a good sense of humour, though it’s fairly easy to make me laugh.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Dad told me to put on warmer clothes and I didn’t want to because I think I know better when I’m going to be cold xD But seriously, I’m a very nonconfrontational person. I don’t encounter any conflicts at all unless someone tries to make me do something I really don’t want to do. And even that happens very seldom.

    How would your friends describe you?
    People usually call me “shy”, “quiet”, “calm”, “clever”.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People: calm, self-discipline, intelligence.
    Me: I’m not a hysterical person. I don’t get upset about little things. I tend to look at the bright side. I’m well aware of my emotions and moods. I don’t hold grudges or at least see no point in doing so. I’m harmless. I can usually make myself do the things I think I have to do.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    People often tell me I should open up more, call me too quite.
    Lack of passion. Lack of determination. Lack of people skills. Feeling awkward around others. Having little to say. Laziness. The feeling that most things require more energy than I have. Little interest in anything.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I’m not bad at managing my time. I don’t forget to eat, sleep, etc. I think I can dress rather well.
    I don’t feel I could help anyone with anything.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    Homework. Learning. House-hold chores.
    Anything I feel like doing.
    Usually things that don’t demand much effort.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    Talkativeness. Living on one’s own terms, not caring about society’s opinion.
    Caring about achievements/titles/status.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    Tiding when the mess starts bothering me. Oh, once I spent five days decluttering my room and I got rid of a lot of old things. I was happy to see empty spaces here and there.
    I don’t like them.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I’m never first to start a conversation. I try to keep a neutral look, avoid eye contact, not draw attention to myself. When someone talks to me I observe their
    behaviour. I don’t trust them, but if I don’t sense danger I can answer their questions, etc. I try to smile and be polite.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I hate it. I try to stand my ground. I might try to assess someone’s determination, how long they’re going to push on me. It’s not very conscious, though.
    No one ever insults me.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    No. Telling others what to do is unnatural for me. But sometimes I might come up with suggestions.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    Very rarely. Usually when I try to do something and fail time after time. I find computer programmes especially frustrating, they can even make me cry xD I also don’t like being expected to use my imagination. I hate writing stories, interpreting poems with deep symbolism, etc. And I get annoyed when somebody orders me to do something.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    My appearance is important
    for me. However, I think I spend relatively little time working on it. I quickly decide which clothes to put on. I don’t wear much make up. Doing my hair also doesn’t take me much time.
    I usually choose clothes that are a bit elegant but simple at the same time. I don’t like sportswear or flashy, strange-looking clothes. I prefer neutral
    colours like grey, black and dark blue. My outfit usually consists of a sweater and a pair of trousers in winter and a T-shirt and shorts in summer. I try to make sure my clothes match one another satisfyingly. And of course, I don’t buy anything uncomfortable. And I don’t wear dirty clothes. I seldom wear jewellery.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I'm not that interested in politics. I have too little knowledge to have any beliefs.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I'd have no idea what kind of business it should be or how to run it.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I didn't cause my parents much trouble.
    I was very sensitive - I used to start crying whenever my mom was angry, even when she wasn't angry with me. I couldn't see the difference.
    I used to believe in magic and even tried to
    practise it.
    I was very shy and lonely during the first three years of kindergarten.
    I had difficulty saying "no".
    Then I had a couple of friends. It was a strange time. I was quite emotional and even a bit aggressive. We were the "good" ones, some other kids were the "bad" ones and we fought them. I also liked to fool around to make others laugh. I was most sociable when I was 6 - 9/10 years old.
    I’ve become calmer, less social, less competitive, more realistic. And I’m no longer violent.

    What was your high school experience like?
    My high school experience has been ok so far. I get good grades. I don’t mind commuting by bus. No scary teachers. No bullies. I even talk to two of my classmates a bit. And
    still have quite a lot of free time.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I don’t like interacting with them. I can’t really play with them, I’m not sure how to behave.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would make sure they’re healthy and secure. I would teach them what dangers to avoid and how to do it. To respect others and be polite. To take care of themselves. I would motivate them
    to learn but also to try as many things as possible to see what they like and are good at (I wish my own parents had done that).

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    Are you enjoying math? Are you good at it? Do you hate it? Is it difficult for you?
    Do you consider yourself logical person or you are more like feeling person?

  4. #4
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    Hello, Moln! Welcome to the forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    English is not my mother tongue, so sorry for any mistakes.
    Don't worry. I guess there are a lot of people whose native language isn't English either; including myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    I think I’d prefer someone more extraverted than introverted. I like it when people easily get to know others... ...And talk a lot so I don’t have to. I also appreciate a good sense of humour, though it’s fairly easy to make me laugh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    I’m a very nonconfrontational person. I don’t encounter any conflicts at all unless someone tries to make me do something I really don’t want to do. And even that happens very seldom.
    Telling others what to do is unnatural for me. But sometimes I might come up with suggestions.
    I’m harmless.
    The feeling that most things require more energy than I have.
    I don’t feel I could help anyone with anything.
    Strong evidence of -PoLR type

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    Talkativeness. Living on one’s own terms, not caring about society’s opinion.
    Caring about achievements/titles/status.
    And I get annoyed when somebody orders me to do something.
    Introverted judgement in ego block.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    Tiding when the mess starts bothering me. Oh, once I spent five days decluttering my room and I got rid of a lot of old things. I was happy to see empty spaces here and there.
    I don’t like them.
    Really? I'm the same, tbh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    I try to make sure my clothes match one another satisfyingly. And of course, I don’t buy anything uncomfortable. And I don’t wear dirty clothes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    I have too little knowledge to have any beliefs.
    Introverted NT type

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I didn't cause my parents much trouble.
    I was very sensitive
    I used to believe in magic...
    I was very shy and lonely during the first three years of kindergarten.
    I had difficulty saying "no".
    Then I had a couple of friends. It was a strange time... I also liked to fool around to make others laugh. ...
    I’ve become calmer, less social, less competitive, more realistic.
    You are a carbon copy of myself when I was younger.

    I say: Your type is LII... of course.
    Last edited by WinnieW; 03-24-2018 at 11:37 PM.

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    I mainly notice your Fe suggestive, and by extension Si HA. So yes, i agree with LII.

    ''I have too little knowledge to have any beliefs.''
    Ti and Ne valuing.

  7. #7
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    seems SEI-Si.

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    Are you enjoying math? Are you good at it? Do you hate it? Is it difficult for you?
    Do you consider yourself logical person or you are more like feeling person?
    I don’t mind it, maybe even enjoy it a little bit. I’m not bad at it but not very good either. I generally understand the theory but sometimes have problems with practice.
    I’m not sure whether I’m that logical. Sometimes I get a feeling I might be contradicting myself.
    I think Fe and Fi (along with Si) are the elements I pay most attention to, at least consciously. I’m not very aware of my use of Ti and Te. Maybe they’re weak, maybe they’re strong, I honestly don’t know.

    I think I do (I don’t mean I don’t value Fi/Te at all).

    Strong evidence of -PoLR type
    It matches me rather well.

    I do value Si, that’s one of few things I can say for sure : )

    I say: Your type is LII... of course.
    I typed myself as LII for a year or so. Now I can’t say I’m more T than F. I’ve focused more on ethical types for the last couple of months. Why do you think I have strong Ti?

    I mainly notice your Fe suggestive, and by extension Si HA.
    I think I focus on Si most of the time.

    seems SEI-Si.
    Why?: ) LIIx3 and 1xSEI so far, interesting.

    (Sorry for quoting this way, I don't know how to quote many posts in one reply )

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    No byebye

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    If you could make your mind whatever you are feeler or thinker that would be great. That would limit possibilities to only 3-4 types and from there we could definitely find out what your type is.
    So I would like to ask you again about it.
    Have you enjoyed humanistic subjects like languages more than math and similar?
    Do you feel sometimes people are making errors in their logic?
    Do you correct others people logic?
    Have someone told you that you were rude while you were making argument?
    Are you sometimes inconsiderate towards people?

    You said plenty of things which would point out that you are feeler type. For example, you want your kids to be polite.

    I don't get the LII typings at all, you haven't said anything poiting out to logic in any way. That's why I am a bit confused.
    I thoght you would be introverted feeler so that would be SEI, ESI, IEI, EII. And I would rule out ESI because you just don't sound like one. So that would left 3 types only. If you say you value Si that could be SEI or EII. But that's a bit of jumping in conclusions for the moment.

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    Have you enjoyed humanistic subjects like languages more than math and similar?
    More or less. I like the history of literature, reading extracts from books, etc., and foreign languages are easiest for me. I used to like history but it’s become more detailed lately and I hate memorizing all those dates and events. I don’t like physics and chemistry. Boring + difficult (for me, ofc.). I find maths rather clear but I get worse grades than in any other subject xD I don’t know how to go about some exercises.
    Do you feel sometimes people are making errors in their logic?
    Hardly ever.
    Do you correct others people logic?
    Not really.
    Have someone told you that you were rude while you were making argument?
    Maybe once or twice. I must’ve been angry or in a bad mood.
    Are you sometimes inconsiderate towards people?
    I don’t know. I think I choose my words rather carefully. I can’t criticize people or argue with their opinions, I’m afraid they’re going to be cross with me. I often listen without making remarks or at least avoid personal attacks.
    I'm not sure if it's relevant (I can recall only two situations) but I was able to say/do something that seemed completely natural to me and when my parents heard about it they were shocked and said it was rude. Maybe I was simply immature, I don’t know.

    When it comes to Thinking vs Feeling.
    I can decide on which things I have to do and when. At least when it comes to the nearest future. I think I can manage my time well. However, once I’m done with all homework, learning, etc., I don’t care if I spend my free time productively. I don’t need the feeling that my actions bring me benefits.
    I don’t feel like gaining knowledge in areas that I don’t find interesting. And very few things evoke my interest, so… Of course, I learn for tests, but I hate memorizing stuff. And after a couple of weeks I can’t remember anything anyway.
    I hate being treated like an expert in any subject.
    It annoys me when somebody asks me how to do something. I don’t know why, but I don’t like making explanations.
    I sometimes find it hard to learn the right sequence of actions. Especially when I have to repeat it after someone (and remember!) instead of learning an instruction first.
    I don’t like learning how things work.
    I get confused when I’m presented with contradictory information. I don’t think I have problems comparing things by objective criteria.
    I don’t get criticized for being illogical.

    I could tell how I'm feeling at almost any given time. My emotions are as real for me as my physical perception. However, I rarely experience very strong emotions. Maybe my life is a bit monotonous, maybe I just don't care very deeply about most things. I easily come to accept disappointments, etc. I think of myself as a calm person. But when I do feel strong emotions - well, sometimes I wish I could be less aware of them.
    I think I could often tell someone's emotions by their expression/behaviour. Sometimes I see it coming when a person is going to start crying or shouting. I rarely try to affect others' emotions. When someone close to me is sad I usually just hug them. Maybe it's helpful in the long term ("What would I do without you?") but if I can't see an immediate reaction to what I'm doing I doubt it works.
    I can be a bit sensitive to changes in the atmosphere, especially when it gets thicker after someone's remark. I can feel the tension rising between two people (e. g. a teacher and a student) and how it is reflected by the group atmosphere (entire class).
    I never try to affect the atmosphere. In a group of people I'm always the quiet one and in one-to-one conversations I'm too absorbed in my own feelings of shyness, having nothing to say, etc., to be concerned with the atmosphere.
    I like meetings where people joke and laugh. The more the better. I still talk very little but I can enjoy myself quite a lot.
    I like imagining stories for fun (and only for fun!) and I remember that when I was 10 or 11 I came to the conclusion that I'm most interested in creating characters’ emotions. It hasn't changed.
    When I say something I like seeing an emotional reaction to it.

    My values/moral standards play a great role in my life, though it might be difficult to see, because they’re just not something I like talking about. For me there’s no objective morality, because it simply isn’t a material thing that you could see or touch. I think it’s a matter of belief, not knowledge, therefore I can’t expect others to share my values – everyone can believe in what they want. It also seems to me that many people would call my values obsolete/ridiculous. So I keep them to myself.
    I would never criticize someone’s behaviour or tell them they do wrong. I feel it would be extremely naive of me. And pointless. I make evaluations of most things I come across but it happens automatically, somewhat at the back of my mind and I don't pay much attention to it. Other people’s deeds are none of my business anyway. I also think being judgemental isn't good and I'm sometimes ashamed of what comes to my mind.
    I think I could describe my present and past relationships, what I like about somebody, what annoys me, etc. I rarely think of others' attitudes towards me. I sometimes think I made a worse impression than I actually did.
    I don't do anything to improve my relationships with others. I accept them as they are. I'm not a perfectionist in the sense that I don't try to be as good as possible but rather "not too bad". I suffer from Pure O from time to time and can obsess over my "moral obligations" but it feels unnatural for me and I find it extremely tiring. Well, I do it when I'm "ill", after all.
    I’m able to create psychological distance between myself and others.
    I like the ideas of love, mercy, etc. and they mean a lot to me. Still I find it really awkward to use these words in conversations. They just sound too serious.
    When reading a book I'm usually interested in characters' relationships and how they change.
    I hate being asked about my values/deeper feelings. It feels like an intrusion into the most personal part of my life. The more serious I feel about something the less I want to discuss it.

    Well, I think I might be a feeler.

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    So that would make you introverted feeler, there are 4 types like that each from different quadra. So there's SEI, IEI, ESI and EII.
    I would rule out ESI because you just doesn't sound like one but I would not fully exclude that. Anyway, there's some evidence for Se-PoLR so that would also exclude ESI. For example, the thing that you are not confrontional. There's also some evidence for Te-PoLR.
    That would leave IEI, SEI and EII. It's not clear to me what type of these you could be as you said many contradicting facts.
    In your last post you pointed out that moral values play significant role in your life, that could be EII. That would be in line with Se-PoLR but not with Te-PoLR.
    To further narrow down your type, you could consider whatever you are intuitive or sensing.

    Sensing Types

    1. More realistic and down to earth.
    2. Rather notice details than the big picture.
    3. More focused on their surroundings, living in the here and now.
    4. More naturally comfortable with physical confrontations.
    5. Often more interested in practice than in theory.

    Intuitive Types

    1. More idealistic and head-in-the-clouds.
    2. Rather see the big picture than the details.
    3. More focused on ideas than on surroundings.
    4. Less naturally comfortable with physical confrontations.
    5. Often more interested in theory than in practice.

    People when considering this very ofteh make mistake. It is not clear from your questionnaire if you are sensing but I would say intuitive.
    That would narrow it down to EII and IEI.

    Here is some discussion on both:

    Here is comparision but it's not really the best one I think because I think it's generated (at least to some degree):

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    It’s hard for me to choose between S and N, I had this problem back when I tried to find my MBTI type ~2 years ago (I usually get ISTJ/ISFJ, though).
    I feel neither very idealistic, nor practical. I live mostly in the here and now or in the nearest future.
    I think I could exclude ESI and IEI because I’m pretty sure I value Si, not Se. It’s not that clear when it comes to Ni/Ne. It seems I prefer to decide on one path leading to a particular goal rather than leave my options open.
    I can describe how I deal with each element, maybe that’ll be useful.

    I can tell if I find something boring or interesting.
    I’m not that intellectually curious.
    If I haven’t done something before I don’t know if I’d be good at it. I usually feel I wouldn’t.
    I suppose there are different outlooks on most issues.
    I hardly ever think about others’ potential.
    People’s hidden intentions are usually a complete mystery for me (but maybe that’s connected to Fi).
    I use conditionals quite often.

    I can tell if the time is passing quickly or slowly, I might assess how much time has passed, how much time something’s going to take, although not always correctly.
    I’m rarely late.
    I don’t try to predict future, I can’t really see any trends or whatever.

    I hate conflicts, I find them unpleasant and draining and I can go to great lengths to avoid them. I probably seem overly delicate and unassertive at times. But it’s almost impossible to make me do something I really don’t want to do. I can be very stubborn, especially when something is a threat to my comfort.
    I don’t care about power, control, etc.
    I give up on many minor plans because of a lack of motivation. But I’m able to achieve
    the most essential goals. Self-discipline or ambition are seen as my strengths by some.
    I don’t like the idea of pushing my limits to accomplish something. Very few things seem worth it. I’m a lazy, discomfort-avoiding person. Suffering for a higher purpose would be completely unnatural for me.
    I think I could tell the
    colour, shape, texture of most things.

    I’m aware of my feelings of discomfort, pain, pleasure and other sensations. I know when I’m hungry, cold, tired, etc. I feel how my surroundings affect my organism (at least partly). I value aesthetics and like looking at pretty pictures or listening to nice music. I always know if I like the food I’m eating. I couldn’t forget about the basic needs of my body.
    I don’t always like it when someone tries to take care of me. I often feel I take advantage of that person, not giving anything in return. I don’t feel like taking care of anybody either. I’m rather unaware of what others experience.

  14. #14
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    SEI-Si with self-doubt disguising their Fe creative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    The only thing that annoys me is that when she gets angry from time to time she feels the need to express it very loudly, otherwise she feels she is going to explode. I don't like it when people can't withhold their anger.

    You don't like Se much.

    But I love having him by my side when I'm around people. He always knows what to say, how to act. He can create a good atmosphere by telling jokes and stories.

    You like Fe a lot, but you also seem uncertain in that area. Might be related to you overall being a little down on yourself, though.

    I don’t have any friends.
    It gets better.

    It’s hard to say because I have little experience in friendship and I’ve never been in a romantic relationship. I think I’d prefer someone more
    extraverted than introverted. I like it when people easily get to know others and know some of the “who? where? how?” of the external world. And aren’t afraid to go somewhere and do something. And talk a lot so I don’t have to. I also appreciate a good sense of humour, though it’s fairly easy to make me laugh.

    This desire strikes me as a type that's not particularly interested in Se or Te.

    Dad told me to put on warmer clothes and I didn’t want to because I think I know better when I’m going to be cold xD
    Confidence in your own judgement with Si.

    But seriously, I’m a very nonconfrontational person. I don’t encounter any conflicts at all unless someone tries to make me do something I really don’t want to do. And even that happens very seldom.
    By the way, have you looked into enneagram? You strike me as very type 9.

    Me: I’m not a hysterical person. I don’t get upset about little things. I tend to look at the bright side. I’m well aware of my emotions and moods. I don’t hold grudges or at least see no point in doing so. I’m harmless. I can usually make myself do the things I think I have to do.
    "I'm well aware of my emotions and moods" fits SEI. "I'm harmless" is, I agree with others, devalued Se.

    Lack of passion. Lack of determination. Lack of people skills. Feeling awkward around others. Having little to say. Laziness. The feeling that most things require more energy than I have. Little interest in anything.
    seriously check out enneagram, you will love the type 9 description

    I’m not bad at managing my time. I don’t forget to eat, sleep, etc. I think I can dress rather well.
    Good Si, good self-care.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I hate it. I try to stand my ground. I might try to assess someone’s determination, how long they’re going to push on me. It’s not very conscious, though.

    Fe creative

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    Very rarely. Usually when I try to do something and fail time after time. I find computer programmes especially frustrating, they can even make me cry xD I also don’t like being expected to use my imagination. I hate writing stories, interpreting poems with deep symbolism, etc.
    Don't like Te, feel inadequate at Ni.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I'm not that interested in politics. I have too little knowledge to have any beliefs.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I'd have no idea what kind of business it should be or how to run it.
    More lack of confidence at Ni. I'd expect an IEI answer to be something like "I have a vague idea but I have no idea how I'd pull it off", needing a Se push to get things going. The necessary push for you would be more Ne, an influx of ideas.

    What was your high school experience like?
    My high school experience has been ok so far. I get good grades. I don’t mind commuting by bus. No scary teachers. No bullies. I even talk to two of my classmates a bit. And I
    still have quite a lot of free time.

    your general description here focuses on your comfort and feeling of well-being, leaning Si
    Last edited by Stellafera; 04-05-2018 at 06:03 PM.
    Phobic So/Sp 6w7 3w2 9w1
    Bit of a comic books nerd, bit of a fashion nerd, a lot of a generalized nerd

  15. #15

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    SEI-Si with self-doubt disguising their Fe creative.

    SEI-Si seems rather plausible. I don’t use Fe that much, maybe partly because I’m a typical introvert, shy in addition. Actually, my dad had very similar problems in his youth and I type him as SEI.

    By the way, have you looked into enneagram? You strike me as very type 9.
    Yes, my enneagram type is most likely 9w1. If not, then maybe 4w5 > 5w4. I scored as 5w4 first (2 years ago), then 4w5, then suddenly got 9 in a few tests. Now I think it's the best option.

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