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Thread: VIDEO QUESTIONNAIRE - does anyone have opinions on what my type is?

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    Default VIDEO QUESTIONNAIRE - does anyone have opinions on what my type is?

    any help is appreciated - thanks!

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    I don't know if I did this right but hopefully someone will be able to gauge what my type is. I'm pretty certain on being Fe valuing, Fi does not resonate AT ALL. But to know which type exactly is difficult, I've gotten a lot of different opinions.

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    strongest impression for now is ILI. no high confidence in this
    it's hard to evaluate what values you have directly. it's easier to do this through intertypes - do you prefer Fe or Fi people, on average. Fi/Te valuers joke around and show emotion as well, but the 'flavour' is different. they're more polite, 'indirect', prefer a less agitated style.

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    definitely Fe, I don't really vibe well with Fi and much prefer Fe atmospheres.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cardamomday View Post
    definitely Fe, I don't get along with Fi types very well at all.
    i'm not excluding IEI or SEI. if you're interested, you can try and post your results for an intertype test

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    so you think its most likely to be an introverted type?

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    Quote Originally Posted by cardamomday View Post
    so you think its most likely to be an introverted type?
    yes. you seem quiet and restrained there. to me, you express yourself and smile shyly, not with an open, direct attitude. EIE/ESE have leading Fe - they're the loudest of all types.

    try to think whether you prefer introverts or extraverts, especially having your mind on those of the preferred sex. do you like quiet and somewhat distanced individuals, who give a humble and a bit ''submissive'' impression? or open, direct, louder, active, slightly aggressive ones? for an introvert, the latter should be more pleasant.

    the comment that you may as well read about relationships than to have them: it's an introverted attitude (and also intuitive - fantasy can replace reality - and mb also logical - less conscious awareness of emotional needs)

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    oh interesting, i should clarify that i dont think reading about relationships replaces them in my life. relationships are very important to me, as is the way i'm percieved - im actually pretty hyper-sensitive to it. it's very important for me to have friends. i struggle a lot with logical aspects too by comparison. when i said i may as well read that was moreso about realistic books, i.e why would i pick a book set in the real world over one set in a fantasy one? if i wanted to see mundane life i would go outside, in my books i want dragons magic and mystery or unrealistic romantic love that no real life love can actually live up to. i am very attuned to the emotions and vibe of a room, though not as attuned to my own unfortunately. i would rather be an ILI, I just don't think I am when considering these. I hate factual logical details and stuff like that too, my Te generally sucks. i should also note that I had to keep my volume down more than I usually would when recording which might give a more introverted vibe, normally i do speak a bit louder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cardamomday View Post
    i should also note that I had to keep my volume down more than I usually would when recording which might give a more introverted vibe, normally i do speak a bit louder.
    That indeed explains why you voice sounded like that of Michael Jackson ! This is allegedly his natural voice tone and volume but rumor has it that it was even deeper that this...

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    hahaha omg that’s brutal

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    Okay, I'll save here the text version of questionnaire (I had to redo about 15 % of the work cuz this site is unstable !). It took me several hours make a readable layout out of the brick wall like text of youtube's transcription. The text itself is barely edited but It's just the version 1.0 and I will probably enhance it latter. The good news is that I'm now quite familiar with the content of the video since I've used to help me put together this post. This will make easier the rest of the operation namely the analysis itself.

    okay hello to this forum a lot of people said that like the most accurate way to I can't be too loud right now but the most accurate way to get typed is to do like a video so that's what I'm doing.

    um I feel like some of the responses are going to be um you're SEI because you have a round face which um I mean maybe I am but yeah I don't know I feel like people are very stereotypical with socionics but I found the questionnaire that was posted and I'm going to try and answer the questions on that because I don't really know what else to do so yeah the first question is...

    1. What is beauty and what is love ?

    I think um I mean obviously it's very subjective um Beauty in general is very subjective beauty is something that you can find in everything in life in general. um you know within sad things within happy things within nature it's it's generally everywhere whether the experience is unpleasant or Pleasant that's usually an element of beauty to it that you could find I don't know if that makes sense but yeah.

    Love in comparison I think the only true love is unconditional love. um so I guess following that example um not example like opinion um the only person who can truly love you is like your mother or something um but yeah. And I think um Love in general a lot of of love is shallow love it's not genuine like a lot of romantic love is very transactional it's something that you have to earn or push and pull for which I don't know genuine pure love I think would be something different. um but yes I don't feel like that wasn't a very good answer but yeah.

    2. What are your most important values ?

    I don't know um I value my family a lot um specifically my mother um that's a person that's not the thing but family is a value but individ but yeah like the individual um my mother is not a value but in general I think I I think I value Justice I think I've always valued Justice like fairness what I consider to be fair is has always been like very important even when I was like a kid um everything had to be fair in my eyes or I would complain about it and yeah people bring that up um when they remind me of my childhood that I was obsessed with things being fair. for sometimes for groups of people sometimes for myself.

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual or religious beliefs and why do you hold them or not them in the first place ?

    um so I do so I cherry pick um I don't like submit to any particular religion 100% like I pick and choose um a lot of like spiritual elements I feel like there's definitely I don't like attach my identity to any particular religion um but I know sometimes I feel like I need guidance from a traditional God so I'll speak to a more traditional God in my head sometimes I follow more spiritual elements um things that lean into like basically hippie [ _bulshit_ ] but I like it um so even things like lighting incense to clear the bad energy like I like stuff like that.

    why do I hold them in the first place ? um I feel like life is really Bleak without stuff like that like it's just dull and boring without anything sort of mystical and even aside from that it's it helps with the general sense of aimlessness I think people would otherwise have if religion is religion didn't exist like it it would life could feel potentially hopeless um and I know I think it it gives a lot of people a sense of purpose and for me it's a way of feeling guided and just I like the sense of mystery of just what we see not necessarily being all that there is in um it just makes it more intriguing.

    4. opinion on war and militaries and what is power to you ?

    I'm not educated enough on the intricacies of politics um to respond with an answer that will sound smart um but in general I don't think War can ever be justified I don't think anyone has the right to send other people to die on their behalf I don't think people in power should have the right to just sacrifice the lives of the masses of innocent people for their own agendas that when these agendas don't benefit the people at large um so I don't think it can ever be justified um and fighting for a country is it's generally to me is stupid um and yeah and to be forced to sacrifice your life for one is just I don't know it's even more stupid and going back to the point of like values and Justice um I remember when I first found out what war was um I was obsessed with how unjust it was that people were um sacrificing their lives like would being forced to sacrifice their lives for something that doesn't serve them essentially.

    5. what have you had long conversations about what your interests and why ?

    I've had long conversations about a lot of things. I mean you can't really have long conversations about like surface level topics I think I don't think anyone can because they don't Inspire anything for the conversation to elongate like how long are you going to talk about the weather or like I think most people in the world would say like they like deep conversations or something I think that applies to me too and most people but anything generally that I feel passionately about I can have long conversations about.

    what are my interests and why ? I mean I like video games I like cooking I like reading I like all of these things because they're pleasure [not leisure ! lol] activities and they're fun and yeah. Aside from that I what are my interests (?) I know I like socionics I like spirituality I like podcasts I like creepy things um back to the sense of like mystery of things that are um and explain so podcasts about aliens and history and stuff like that.

    6. Are you interested in health and medicine as a conversation topic ? are you focused on your body ?

    I'm focused on the way my body looks um I focus on diet but it's not necessarily like an intuitive sense of knowing how to like improve my diet and like that like I just try to follow General guidance as a conversation topic like health and medicine like stuff like that it's very boring um it's more so like something in my opinion like sorry if you like that stuff but it's just something that we have to do to then go on to other things because we have to take care of our vessels.

    7. What do you think of daily chores ?

    Boring no one I feel like this is a stupid question not stupid but like it doesn't seem like a very good question because no one likes chores I feel like no type is going to be like "I love chores I really enjoy washing the dishes I really enjoy sweeping the floors" like I don't like it no one likes it I put them off everyone puts them off um it's just not enjoyable.

    8. books or films you've liked (?)

    I like a lot of different things I like a lot of things that are like light-hearted and make me feel good um and that are just generally like joyful I guess I also like things like creepy and unsettling for like I really like "Midsummer" and "perfect blue" they were very like impactful to me and um they made me feel unsettled which was a feeling that I enjoyed whilst I was like consuming that media um the same goes for most media but I generally also I really like fantasy like I don't really like things that are too realistic cuz it's like if I wanted to read like a boring adult book right like if it was a romance but it's like set in the real world it can be a bit boring cuz it's like if I wanted to go live in the real world and like see that I would just do it like I don't want to read about it like when I read or like watch movies I want it to be a bit Fantastical so yeah.

    9. what has made you cry and what has made you smile ?

    I know a lot of things. In general I I smile very easily and I cry quite easily so um yeah

    10. Where do you feel at one with the environment and a sense of belonging ?

    I don't really feel that bond with the environment um that's something I struggle with, a sense of belonging. I guess where there is the people who are similar to me who understand me who make me feel like I belong than I feel a sense of belonging I feel like most people relate to that but yeah.

    11. What have people seen as about as your weaknesses what do you dislike about yourself

    A lot of things I think there's a a lot of things I could improve on and I want to improve from within my life and I mean I think being self protocol is also one of them but um yeah a lot um be I can be quite bossy I can be um lazy I can be sometimes too serious um like I'm an overthinker I can be anxious um I can be too stuck in thought sometimes.

    One of my strengths um what do you like about yourself (?) I've been called very diplomatic and I've been told that I'm good at motivating people by people who are close to me and that's something I take pride in um that's something I like about myself think uh yeah it's I know I like motivating other people um and I'm I'm glad that's something I can do if that is the strength of mine um I feel like it is and yeah I take pride in it and I think I can see um I can definitely help to like unify people I think I would consider myself diplomatic that's hope I'm not being like big headed there but...

    12. what in what area of your life would you like help ?

    Humm, I don't know um I guess being less lazy be one being consistent being consistent is hard um do you ever feel stuck in a rock I don't know I don't feel like I have a good answer to that so I'm just going to skip it.

    13. What qualities do you like and dislike most with other people ? What types do you get along ?

    with I feel like I get along with people who like I don't like people who get too easily offended things or who just who don't consider like other people um it's it can be very annoying um I don't like people who are too dry and like boring um in this like in the sense not like someone who won't laugh or joke around um which is rare I think most people will but um I guess maybe to an extent like that could be a character flaw of mine because I'm intimidated by those people as well so yeah um but I don't know there's a lot of different types of qualities I admire in all kinds of different kinds of people um for some people it's their ability to stick up for what they want for other people it's you know their their strength um compassion intelligence like it it really depends um but mostly I admire anyone who can like is very good like sticking up for them like themselves and what they believe in because I'm not that good at that.

    14. How do you feel about like romance and what qualities do you want in a partner ?

    um I I don't know I don't really know what qualities I want in aart and I feel like it changes all the time in general I want someone who can calm me down because I'm I can be quite anxious um but I don't know I I don't know I feel like romance in general is overhyped like it's probably not all that I really like reading about it but actually experiencing it I don't know like is it it's like people make it the center of their entire lives and does it really need to be like I don't know.

    15. if you were to have a child what would be your main concern what measures would you take and why ?

    um my main concern would be like not traumatizing the child like making sure it has a good childhood and good opportunities and it feels Loved um it they, they feel loved um and I would just try to make them feel loved and accepted and um like they can be themselves so they can like when they grow into an adult they can be the most well adjusted version of themselves and of a human being and they aren't held back by things they experienced in childhood like most people are.

    16. When when a friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs what is your Inward and outward reaction ?

    If it's a close friend I'll probably voice that I don't agree um I might get quite depending on how close we are I could be completely silent and pretend not to care or I could be quite expressive about it and show anger in some sense um maybe try to persuade or um it it would generally be like maybe a feeling of anger or frustration depend like if the belief is uh an ethical one like if it's a logical one I don't think I would I mean it wouldn't have much emotion attached to it so I don't think I'd have much reaction at all but if it was something that was important to me personally like ethically I think I would maybe be like angry or have um yeah that that kind of reaction.

    17. Describe your relationship with Society. How do you see people as a whole ? What do you consider a prevalent social problem ?

    um I mean there are many prevalent social problems um naming just one is difficult social problem I think right now like just the rise of like extremist ideology and just in cells and stuff like that um but my relationship to society as a whole I don't know I I don't feel like I fully fit into it I guess most people might not feel like they fit into it I do feel kind of outcasted a lot of the time time um and I feel like Society ranks people and if you don't fit into that it you know it can be very easy to become isolated um and you know like most people I try to fit into it but it's feels safer to detach sometimes.

    18. How do you choose your friends and how do you be behave around them ?

    So if I like my friends like obviously I like my friends but if it's a group of people that I feel particularly close to or comfortable with I will be loud I'll be I'll make jokes I can be like Rowdy or whatever um I can talk too much almost uh which is the case with with most of my friends like I don't shut up I laugh a lot I like joking I like the atmosphere there to be like happy and pleasant um in the sense of like humor and like jokes being made but I don't want it to be like too soft like um it still it still has to be fun like you know that's what I was saying about I don't like people who are too easily offended either um but...

    How do I choose my friends (?) I don't think I choose my friends I think a lot of the friends I've made have been I don't know in generally it has to be people who are similar to me um which most people I can really be friends with someone who's like very different like politically or maybe acquaintances I wouldn't be like close friends with someone who is very different in ideology to me.

    19. How do you behave around strangers ?

    I don't talk much strangers usually um probably think of me as like a shy and reserved person because I mean nobody's going to be their full self around strangers I try to be polite um I usually give off that impression of being polite um but aside from that not much.

    And that is I think all the questions so um I hope that this act can give anyone some opinion maybe on what my type might be the most common responses that I've gotten are um EIE um I've gotten SEI before and I've gotten I got ESE once um and I think all of those are possible. I think most people seem to think that I'm like an ethical type so um with Fe and I think I agree with that um but yeah I aside it's one of those I think, probably unless it's not. I know you'll tell me if anyone is watching this I which I hope they are because I spend 23 minutes recording it and that is all. Thank you um if you did watch this far and bye.

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    oh wow, thank you so much for taking the time to do this i really appreciate it!

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    Quote Originally Posted by cardamomday View Post
    oh interesting, i should clarify that i dont think reading about relationships replaces them in my life. relationships are very important to me, as is the way i'm percieved - im actually pretty hyper-sensitive to it. it's very important for me to have friends. i struggle a lot with logical aspects too by comparison. when i said i may as well read that was moreso about realistic books, i.e why would i pick a book set in the real world over one set in a fantasy one? if i wanted to see mundane life i would go outside, in my books i want dragons magic and mystery or unrealistic romantic love that no real life love can actually live up to. i am very attuned to the emotions and vibe of a room, though not as attuned to my own unfortunately. i would rather be an ILI, I just don't think I am when considering these. I hate factual logical details and stuff like that too, my Te generally sucks. i should also note that I had to keep my volume down more than I usually would when recording which might give a more introverted vibe, normally i do speak a bit louder.
    SEI, IEI are also possible. For this, it helps to consider your intertypes with people you know, to decide between SEI/IEI. For sensory types, intuitive types should be more interesting, more ''exotic'', more like they have something you lack and thus attractive. I first got sure of my S when I thought about who were more interesting people for me, S/N?

    It should be said that it's not always easy to evaluate your own functional strength directly (by yourself, in isolation) - intertypes should be evaluated to be sure of this. Maybe you'll find that F types are more interesting than T types. The intertype test I linked earlier was made to help with this.

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    SEi or IEI. I think your carefulness in articulation points toward process or right spin (??? ... whatever Aushra used) type which means SEI.
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    Props for doing a video. It's so much easier to accurately type someone when one can see the person's body language.

    First thing I noticed is you are quietly expressive. I would definitely ascribe an introverted feeler to your personality type (aka one of the Sincere types).
    I would say you seem more irrational than real reason. It's just my gut feeling.
    So I would start looking into SEI and IEI.

    nifl's suggestions are good. re: what types are more exotic

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