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Thread: Your typing of forum members

  1. #3801
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    talkin out cha azz whole

  2. #3802
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    Hej @Tallmo, would you mind volunteering your expertise, please? What do you think I am in the DCNH system?

  3. #3803
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Hej @Tallmo, would you mind volunteering your expertise, please? What do you think I am in the DCNH system?
    I cant subtype you sorry. Its usually easy in real life or video. Easier than main type. Dcnh is more on the surface. But its fun to learn. I'll get back to you later with some videos. Maybe you can compare yourself with them and figure it out.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  4. #3804
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    Harmonizing subtype for me? Do you agree or disagree or you can't tell?

  5. #3805
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Harmonizing subtype for me? Do you agree or disagree or you can't tell?
    Maybe Normalizing? You posted a picture once
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  6. #3806
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    You posted a picture once
    I posted a few pictures more of myself there:
    Last edited by WinnieW; 06-04-2019 at 07:32 PM.

  7. #3807
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    Only an EII-Fi would start a Family Photos thread:

  8. #3808
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me
    Only an EII-Fi would start a Family Photos thread:
    You silly boy, you typed Subteigh ESE even though he was one of the first to make a family photo thread. Not very observant are you. Thing about making absolute statements like you did above is that they often come back to bite you on the ass. Not to worry, most of your typings are a bundle of contradictions divorced from reality anyway so mistakes like this are not uncommon for you.

    Originally Posted by Kill4Me

    ESE-Fe: Chipsnunderwear, Suz, Inumbra, Subteigh, Kalinoche, FlutteringShyx, Mrrrmaid, Fardraft
    ESE-Si: Mu4, Wacey, Xerx, Esaman, KrigtheViking, Hacim, Little Timmy,
    P.S. @those I owe a pm, I am not actually back yet but when I am I will respond. I am just passing through. Welcome back @mfckrz

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  9. #3809
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    with such a passion you leave no chances for heresies

    the more you develop, the more of duals traits people may notice in you you overesteemate my progress

  10. #3810
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Only an EII-Fi would start a Family Photos thread:
    yeah only an EII-Fi would start a family photos thread

  11. #3811

  12. #3812
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    FeNi (EIE-Fe) > FiSe (ESI-Se):

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Victim mentality? Fuck your existence.

    So because you're a low empathy piece of shit that can't manage the extra mirror neurons to imagine being in someone else's shoes, which to a degree I could forgive because I can also be a bit empathy impaired (initially) to situations I can't wholeheartedly relate to at times (SEE, THAT'S COGNITIVE EMPATHY IN ACTION), you've decided to double down on an incomplete (if I were to be diplomatic) stance. That very act is what makes you a piece of shit, not the being unaware of someone's else experience/perception/vantage point and then learning when they attempt to school your evidently hard of learning ass, but doubling down because of your ego. Piss on you.

    Not ONCE, have I claimed or conducted myself like a victim--that's not a part of my being, BITCH; if anything, I've been actively fighting, in my own debauched way, against what I perceive to be unjust and irrational, which drew the ire from people like YOU, people who had conveniently overlooked other more problematic things in the thread, and jumped straight down my throat; people who tried to hold me to a standard they were conveniently unwilling to hold others to, others that have mass murdering ****** in their fucking avatar. I was more than HAPPY to continue on as I was, never asking anyone to back me up, but standing in my own fucking truth.

    The only reason why I replied to your comment about "not base T" is because I was already admittedly triggered by others taking issue with my bleach gif whilst they readily ignored WORSE shit, and you seemed to be piling on; based on your earlier comments (that I liked, as I have liked other comments of yours) in the thread, you seemed like a rational, reasonable person whom I not only agreed with but felt some appreciation for your openmindedness--you were one of few, if any, that spoke to another narrative not steeped in utter obtuseness, whether willful or otherwise. But your blind spot is the problem here.

    I tried to convey my perspective to you, not from a standpoint of wanting pity, but imparting understanding why, for some people, due to a PTSD of sorts and an accumulation of societal stab wounds and paper cuts, it's harder to be dispassionate about certain phenomena that trigger "fight or flight" impulses. I know far too many people, who in real time, every day, feel the amplification of bigotry that MFers like you don't readily experience. And we see that the root of it is deeply embedded within the current toxic social climate that is pervasive everywhere, and especially on the internet. Hate crimes are steadily on the rise, thanks in part to these (anti)think chambers at the far reaches of the net. These types of ideas amplify and affect my communities, directly and indirectly, every fucking day. I'm constantly pissed OFF lately because I'm doing backflips trying to decide life-altering things like which country is the best for me to be based in right now because the "local" politics directly impact my work and overall life quality. This shit is NOT a game to me. I'm Gamma Quadra motherfucker, we don't like to have our "hands tied" and productivity stymied by outside forces--it makes us want to FIGHT, which is what I do, in my own ways, as evidenced by my responses on this thread.

    I'm not saying that what I did was "right," necessarily, but it was DESERVED, and my disagreeable posturing was rooted in what I perceived to be unfair treatment and double standards--if you're going to condemn my act, condemn the other MFers as well. And if you don't condemn them, the shut the fuck up about what I say or do. Keep that same unbothered, apathetic energy. I never asked for any of you to hold my fucking hand so go choke on an unwashed bag of ISIS dick.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    You've done nothing but pussy pop and back peddle all over this thread, and especially after it got too hot for you.

    That’s literally what the fuck you said and now you act as if you were misquoted once it became glaringly obvious to anyone reasonable enough to see beyond your clusterfuck of right wing trigger words that you were wading neck deep in logical fallacies (as you are wont to do).

    The problem is that you do this often–you’ll make the most rudimentary, blatantly obvious, uncritical, hyper reductionist observations and string them together with a fuck ton of low brow conjecture, buttressed by incomplete and/or inaccurate information. Your comments often read like Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson had a chromosome depleted love child.

    Honestly, it seems to me that you enjoy presenting false equivalencies for the sake of appearing "fair and balanced" or neutral, a tactic which flies in the face of critical thinking and historical nuance, which you often lack.

    Here’s the thing > ANTIFA is not completely blameless--and no one here has argued that. Some of its members clearly have gone overboard with some of their tactics. But hyping and over-inflating the threat they pose paints a decentralized, relatively impotent (in the grand, hegemonic scheme of things) group with a broad and overly simple brush, and contributes to a disproportionate right-wing panic and hypocritical pearl clutching in the process. The fact of the matter is that the worst of ANTIFA's sins don't compare to that of the far right. There is no ANTIFA equivalent to the murder of Heather Hyer, the Charleston church shooting, or the attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue. ANTIFA has no relationship with the Democratic Party nor do its members really support the party; on the other hand, many far right activists are ardent Trump supporters, and at times seem to get tacit support from the White House (e.g., Charlottsville and the 'both sides' comment) and propagandist machines like Fox News. Placing a focus on ANTIFA unnecessarily distracts from the much greater problem of far-right extremism. By creating threads like this, you are part of the problem, not the solution. You want to stop ANTIFA? Then stop the right wing extremists that give them cause to exist.

  13. #3813
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    @Kill4Me On top of an obviously diminished ability to draw abstract connections beyond your limited ass sense perception, you're also a bumbling idiot. Interesting how you cherry pick posts that you think may portray (heaven forbid you actually articulated a fucking thought strung together by something called words to ARGUE and PROVE your assertions like a moderately intelligent person) a certain type, while neglecting the vast majority of my posting history.

    The first post involved a violation of my Fi value system. The second post, I honestly don't know what the fuck you're getting at there that would speak to my being an ethical type, especially seeing as how I'm actually addressing someone's persistent usage of logical fallacies.

    If you are too lazy to give an actual analysis, then keep your myopic, cogntively rigid, low rent, half-assed opinions to yourself. The only thing you're doing is making your typing method look more shoddy than what it already is.

  14. #3814
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    EIE-Fe is the right call for Alonzo. So, the only two viable options for it are EIE-Fe or ESI-Se. First, subtract out its E6 adversarial features (pugnaciousness, accusation, projection, defensiveness, victimized entitlement, us versus them). What’s left? A ciphon-like cognition attempting to passionately translate and express the feelings/hopes/fears/anxieties/moods of communities/movements/groups....the orientation towards communities/movements/groups comes from so/sx but the cognition itself is FeNi clear as day (Ni-creative fuels the expression with imaginative framing and heightened mental drift).
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 07-12-2019 at 01:08 AM.

  15. #3815
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    "you're also a bumbling idiot"

    ESIs. LIE are not as rude as Alonzo. He's not LIE. They are rude alike me.
    I hope this makes you feel better about your duals.

  16. #3816
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    EIE-Fe is the right call for Alonzo.
    Says who? You can't type for shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    So, the only two viable options for it are EIE-Fe or ESI-Se.
    Says who? You can't type for shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    First, subtract out its E6 adversarial features (pugnaciousness, accusation, projection, defensiveness, victimized entitlement, us versus them).
    lol Fuck you. I don’t adhere to your pissy enneagram profiles or your flawed and flimsy typing method, which by the way, you yourself completely contradict. You are the biggest coward on this board when it comes to self-assertion, dominance or confrontation, on any matter. You like to be aggressive with those who don’t push back on you. But you’ve never gotten rowdy with me, most probably because you know I’d turn your ass every which way but loose. You are no 8, motherfucker. I’ve never lived my life based on fear or cowardice. My chief motivator is ANGER and my vice, a gluttonous lust for it, which is why you feeble minded, disingenuous simpletons insist on labeling me an ethical type. But name one “emotion” I broadcast around here besides anger. I’ll wait.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    What’s left? A ciphon-like cognition attempting to passionately translate and express the feelings/hopes/fears/anxieties/moods of communities/movements/groups....the orientation towards communities/movements/groups comes from so/sx but the cognition which orients itself is FeNi clear as day (Ni-creative fuels the expression with imaginative framing and heightened mental drift).
    Cute. But no.
    1.) Everyone is capable of everything. Lemme repeat> Everyone is capable of everything. Once more for the cheap seats in the back> Everyone is capable of everything. The differentiating factor is that our usage of the functions vary in scope and strength. Point out where I utilize 4D Fe and 3D Fi. I’ll wait.

    2.) To an ant, raindrops crash like massive, inescapable tidal waves; but to an average sized adult, rain drops aren't remotely as overwhelming, awe inspiring, and noteworthy. You, motherfucker, emotionally speaking, are an ant. And Fe raindrops will therefore appear larger and more threatening to you than to others; I'm more like a scrappy kitten (avoids getting wet when possible but won't die from the occasional sprinkling), whereas an actual Fe dominant, would be the human being with a more nuanced, sophisticated relationship with emotional downpours and flooding. Just because I’m a higher evolved species than you are, does not mean that I’m an ethical type. There needs to be a moratorium on those with utterly deficient ethical skills typing anyone who’s somewhat better than them at it as “clear as day” ethical types. Ridiculous.

    3.) Any human without significant developmental disabilities, be they a logical or ethical type, should be able to sufficiently “express the feelings/hopes/fears/anxieties/moods of communities/movements/groups” if at the very least, they know how to read, watch, and listen, which is what I do. I know what’s going on with people because I. READ. FUCKING. BOOKS. I also watch television (documentaries, the News, interviews, film) and more than that, I observe, engage and interact with people on the regular and listen to what they have to a normal fucking person. Both Te and Fe are beholden to the tribe and what’s going on with the tribe; it’s just they engage the tribe along different parameters. I'm far more competent at providing Te services than Fe ones. But I shouldn’t have to point that out to an alleged “typing expert."

    4.) This bit right here seems the most challenging for certain sensors to understand. Basing your judgments purely off of what can only be immediately beheld with the senses is A LIMITED way to perceive the world. It’s certainly a valid, vital perspective but only ONE, which does not tell the complete story. There are a plethora of "behind the scene" variables and factors that matter when typing someone. Moreover, to a certain extent, you must allow other people to speak to their experience, an experience that exists beyond what you see yourself, and that has to count for something. When I’ve said time and time again that I am not an empath (which one would have to be to varying extents in order to be an ethical type), and damn sure not one that experiences affective empathy (by way of contagion), which all types that value Fe experience to some degree, you must take my word for it. There has to be some level of trust that I know myself well enough to make such a declaration. It’s impossible for you to know the full inner workings of my mind and body. PERIOD.

    5.) Oh and I also VI as a LIE based on Filatova’s portraits, which are exceedingly more reliable and empirically based than any of your disastrous VI templates. But again, you'll just have to take my word for it. Unless you want to trade pics.

    6.) You also acknowledge subtypes, but then seemingly refuse to acknowledge that a LIE-Ni would have strengthened intuition and ethics and so accentuated Fi and Fe would be par for the course > like some ersatz NF. DERP.

    7.) You get no awards for your paltry, insufficient, ill conceived and poorly reasoned “observations.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    "you're also a bumbling idiot"

    ESIs. LIE are not as rude as Alonzo. He's not LIE. They are rude alike me.
    I hope this makes you feel better about your duals.

    More idiocy. Are you feeling dizzy and lightheaded today? Did you not receive your daily rations or whatever stale, crusty ass bread they feed you people these days?

    1.) Any type can be “rude” or “nice”; those things are not type related. Furthermore, I am a complex human being with agency and can use this platform in whichever way I choose–perhaps I use it to blow off steam. You do not know me or see me in my day to day life. This persona is only a fraction of who I am. A true logical type would be able to understand that distinction. Even still, if one were to actually go through my posting history, they’d see that in totality, I’m clearly Te > Fe. Only the dumb, willfully obtuse or flat out trolls say otherwise.

    2.) I can manifest a particularly mean, nasty, sadistic streak when I want to, which if one were to THINK about it, makes sense for someone with submerged ethics. I rarely if ever feel bad for the shit I say because I’m not emotionally attached to any of it. They are just words to me. Most of the time, I don't say things to make people feel bad. I just give my raw, unbridled thoughts, which is what Te types are known for.

    3.) A while back you said that I have strong intuition (which I do), but now all of a sudden I'm a sensor? lol How logical, consistent and coherent of you.

    4.) And if logical types can't be rude, then logical types also shouldn't believe in random, illogical, superstitious ass tarot cards and bitch and moan and cry in the Random Thought Thread about all the evidently intelligent women that don't want him.

  17. #3817
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    you have Fe type. mb SEI
    and there are no clear methods to understand which functions are accentuated at you. especially without normal data about nonverbal
    as you like to ask a lot of senseless questions, then mb your Fe is accentuated above average

  18. #3818
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you have Fe type. mb SEI
    and there are no clear methods to understand which functions are accentuated at you. especially without normal data about nonverbal
    as you like to ask a lot of senseless questions, then mb your Fe is accentuated above average
    I really wish you would spend more time critiquing (and improving) your English and less time focusing on other peoples' types. Then perhaps it would be easier to discern if you are actually saying/contributing anything of value. Any base Te user worth their salt values competency, accuracy and effectiveness; your broken pigeon English, in part, prohibits you from manifesting those objectives. At the very least, there are myriads and myriads of decent, easily accessible English language resources on the internet and so there would seem to be little to no excuse for you...or is there?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    That is why you and others have considered ESI before
    because those "others" were incompetent noobs which typed by bad materials without video
    the noobs could be close, as ESI is not far from the most probable SEI

  20. #3820
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    because those "others" were incompetent noobs which typed by bad materials without video
    the noobs could be close, as ESI is not far from the most probable SEI
    Tbh, I can't see SEI personally and I still lean towards Fi-EII, but I suppose it is possible.
    Last edited by Raver; 07-14-2019 at 03:14 AM.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

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    there is my IR test in the signature. the last SEI which do it got at top ILE and other types fiting to SEI not badly
    you'd need to understand correctly your type before asking anything here. then you'd had lesser misunderstandings of the basics to ask nonsenses

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    1.) Everyone is capable of everything. Lemme repeat> Everyone is capable of everything. Once more for the cheap seats in the back> Everyone is capable of everything. The differentiating factor is that our usage of the functions vary in scope and strength. Point out where I utilize 4D Fe and 3D Fi. I’ll wait.
    Base T types impress by the thoughts but not by the size of the font.

    so is Alonzo LIE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Base T types impress by the thoughts but not by the size of the font.

    so is Alonzo LIE?
    By any chance have your tarot readings predicted a ghastly death for you anytime soon? *crossing my fingers*

  24. #3824

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Says who? You can't type for shit.

    Says who? You can't type for shit.

    lol Fuck you. I don’t adhere to your pissy enneagram profiles or your flawed and flimsy typing method, which by the way, you yourself completely contradict. You are the biggest coward on this board when it comes to self-assertion, dominance or confrontation, on any matter. You like to be aggressive with those who don’t push back on you. But you’ve never gotten rowdy with me, most probably because you know I’d turn your ass every which way but loose. You are no 8, motherfucker. I’ve never lived my life based on fear or cowardice. My chief motivator is ANGER and my vice, a gluttonous lust for it, which is why you feeble minded, disingenuous simpletons insist on labeling me an ethical type. But name one “emotion” I broadcast around here besides anger. I’ll wait.

    Cute. But no.
    1.) Everyone is capable of everything. Lemme repeat> Everyone is capable of everything. Once more for the cheap seats in the back> Everyone is capable of everything. The differentiating factor is that our usage of the functions vary in scope and strength. Point out where I utilize 4D Fe and 3D Fi. I’ll wait.

    2.) To an ant, raindrops crash like massive, inescapable tidal waves; but to an average sized adult, rain drops aren't remotely as overwhelming, awe inspiring, and noteworthy. You, motherfucker, emotionally speaking, are an ant. And Fe raindrops will therefore appear larger and more threatening to you than to others; I'm more like a scrappy kitten (avoids getting wet when possible but won't die from the occasional sprinkling), whereas an actual Fe dominant, would be the human being with a more nuanced, sophisticated relationship with emotional downpours and flooding. Just because I’m a higher evolved species than you are, does not mean that I’m an ethical type. There needs to be a moratorium on those with utterly deficient ethical skills typing anyone who’s somewhat better than them at it as “clear as day” ethical types. Ridiculous.

    3.) Any human without significant developmental disabilities, be they a logical or ethical type, should be able to sufficiently “express the feelings/hopes/fears/anxieties/moods of communities/movements/groups” if at the very least, they know how to read, watch, and listen, which is what I do. I know what’s going on with people because I. READ. FUCKING. BOOKS. I also watch television (documentaries, the News, interviews, film) and more than that, I observe, engage and interact with people on the regular and listen to what they have to a normal fucking person. Both Te and Fe are beholden to the tribe and what’s going on with the tribe; it’s just they engage the tribe along different parameters. I'm far more competent at providing Te services than Fe ones. But I shouldn’t have to point that out to an alleged “typing expert."

    4.) This bit right here seems the most challenging for certain sensors to understand. Basing your judgments purely off of what can only be immediately beheld with the senses is A LIMITED way to perceive the world. It’s certainly a valid, vital perspective but only ONE, which does not tell the complete story. There are a plethora of "behind the scene" variables and factors that matter when typing someone. Moreover, to a certain extent, you must allow other people to speak to their experience, an experience that exists beyond what you see yourself, and that has to count for something. When I’ve said time and time again that I am not an empath (which one would have to be to varying extents in order to be an ethical type), and damn sure not one that experiences affective empathy (by way of contagion), which all types that value Fe experience to some degree, you must take my word for it. There has to be some level of trust that I know myself well enough to make such a declaration. It’s impossible for you to know the full inner workings of my mind and body. PERIOD.

    5.) Oh and I also VI as a LIE based on Filatova’s portraits, which are exceedingly more reliable and empirically based than any of your disastrous VI templates. But again, you'll just have to take my word for it. Unless you want to trade pics.

    6.) You also acknowledge subtypes, but then seemingly refuse to acknowledge that a LIE-Ni would have strengthened intuition and ethics and so accentuated Fi and Fe would be par for the course > like some ersatz NF. DERP.

    7.) You get no awards for your paltry, insufficient, ill conceived and poorly reasoned “observations.”

    More idiocy. Are you feeling dizzy and lightheaded today? Did you not receive your daily rations or whatever stale, crusty ass bread they feed you people these days?

    1.) Any type can be “rude” or “nice”; those things are not type related. Furthermore, I am a complex human being with agency and can use this platform in whichever way I choose–perhaps I use it to blow off steam. You do not know me or see me in my day to day life. This persona is only a fraction of who I am. A true logical type would be able to understand that distinction. Even still, if one were to actually go through my posting history, they’d see that in totality, I’m clearly Te > Fe. Only the dumb, willfully obtuse or flat out trolls say otherwise.

    2.) I can manifest a particularly mean, nasty, sadistic streak when I want to, which if one were to THINK about it, makes sense for someone with submerged ethics. I rarely if ever feel bad for the shit I say because I’m not emotionally attached to any of it. They are just words to me. Most of the time, I don't say things to make people feel bad. I just give my raw, unbridled thoughts, which is what Te types are known for.

    3.) A while back you said that I have strong intuition (which I do), but now all of a sudden I'm a sensor? lol How logical, consistent and coherent of you.

    4.) And if logical types can't be rude, then logical types also shouldn't believe in random, illogical, superstitious ass tarot cards and bitch and moan and cry in the Random Thought Thread about all the evidently intelligent women that don't want him.
    Okay so you are Te.

    I agree, one thing that bothers me about ST sensor thinkers, si, te, is that they make many many wrong assumptions about things going on in the work place. They see the end result of stuff, and make these huge logical leaps and wrong assumptions about how you got there. I actually find this to be the most frustrating part about working with them. Only knowing what you can see isn't actually the greatest. I find myself saying> okay thanks for your help, now go away.

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    Quote Originally Posted by waddup View Post
    Okay so you are Te.

    I agree, one thing that bothers me about ST sensor thinkers, si, te, is that they make many many wrong assumptions about things going on in the work place. They see the end result of stuff, and make these huge logical leaps and wrong assumptions about how you got there. I actually find this to be the most frustrating part about working with them. Only knowing what you can see isn't actually the greatest. I find myself saying> okay thanks for your help, now go away.
    Hold up--took a quick scan through your post history and wacey is your other account on here? You're one of my faves. You gotta be ESI-Se or something approximate, right? Reading your posts has a very soothing and calming affect on me--I'm very suggestible to your brand of Fi; your judgments have often felt correct to me and somewhat remind of a close cousin and one of my best friends who are also ESI-Se and with whom I no longer readily have the benefit of nudging me towards "higher ground." lol Cheers to you.

  26. #3826
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    ^ @wacey, you’ve been busted.

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    even an obtuse troll would see that being so emotionally triggered 70% of the time is F > T.

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    I thought the nick was obvious

    Is waiting for getting typed as F.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    everyone tell me which way I'm mistyped

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    When in doubt, type IEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by atlascog View Post
    everyone tell me which way I'm mistyped
    all the way through


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    Within several posts on that now closed thread, I used Socionics (seeing as how we are actually on a Socionics site) to illustrate precisely what my problem with you is (Te, by the way, and peons like you and Sol claim I solely use emotions to make my arguments) and why my reactions to you, in particular, have been so intense. But being the irrational, over imaginative (but bearing little substantial fruits) person that you are, you'd like to believe something else, as if you are actually somebody worth lying to. Fine. But I just need to correct a few things that don't necessarily fall out of sync within this type me thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post

    if "this" started here, you're just admitting you can't stand people who contradict you/ your type. just proving what I've already said.
    Untrue. We can stay within this thread to find examples where someone contradicted my self typing and I "withstood" it remarkably well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    @Alonzo ILI
    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    ILI/INTp/INTJ was the very first typing I ever received and the one I gravitated to most, until I came across the Socionics LIE/ENTj--I've never fully gelled with MBTI ENTJ. I had always identified as an introvert (but in a social sense) but no one else around me ever seemed to agree. lol But a while back, I stumbled upon "ambiversion" and read several places that those who are extroverts and intuitive can oftentimes appear to be more introverted than what they actually are, and seeing as how Te, in particular, is not inherently extroverted in the social "let's be friends" sense, I figured it made sense as to why I tended to prefer my own company to that of others unless work was involved and frequently liked to disconnect from the world and live in my head for a bit.

    It's just that regarding Fe and Se, I'm not a complete incompetent; I concede that my usage of Fe is heavy handed and not particularly sophisticated, but at least my face actually moves and I try at it. lol I see the utility in it though I'd rather not deal on those terms, at all. And with Se, I've never had too big a problem with taking action and asserting my will, especially when "go time"; moreover, I enjoy getting in people's faces and throwing my weight around. lol If anything, I err on the side of being restless and impulsive more so than inert and lethargic. If not a non subtype LIE, then the only other options I'd see for myself are LIE-Ni and ILI-Te.

    Btw, are you IEI? Something about you (read: vibez) strikes me as a IEI but you don't have shitty Te, as in, you don't seem to fear it...which is refreshing. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Chakram View Post
    A few days ago I was actually thinking that you might be an EIE. My reason is that from some of the posts you have made in this thread recently you seem to agree with many self typings in a very complimenting, positive manner. This of course makes you seem more knowledgeable to these people and they become more trusting of you in the process. This isn't to say you aren't knowledgeable, simply that you are good at manipulating internal perceptions of you. Your descriptions of other people also tends to be self relating, how these people "feel" or come across to you in an ethical manner. I could be entirely wrong, these are just my observations.

    Instead of EIE, have you thought of IEI or ILI? You have the Ni subtype in your TIM but my last point about your priority on self relational typing makes me think you could be an introvert.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Thanks for the feedback.

    For one, we must remember that everyone has 1D Fe, at the very least, which is predicated upon experiences, and so theoretically all one would require is to have had previous experiences using Fe in a way that was effective enough to achieve some end; that doesn't necessarily connote 4D Fe.

    Secondly, any and all seemingly Fe "agreeableness" from me is rooted in Fi and my admiration for certain (transformational) aspects of Fe and valuing its utility, especially as a means to buttress Te output, in getting people to do what's needed/whatever I require. Generally speaking, I like to be "pleasant" but as evidenced by this thread, whenever my subjective values are crossed, I couldn't give a 2 stroke fuck about maintaining/respecting/elevating the emotional atmosphere, "ambient vibes" be damned. I value constructive criticism, especially when rendered in an evaluative and applicable "Te" fashion; but critiques rendered in "bad faith" may be returned in "bad faith," subject to when/if I feel like it, without any regard for what others may think or feel about it.

    Furthermore, I've already spoken to this several times in this thread but it bears repeating > I know for a fact that I'm not a Fe lead/valuer because I don't experience emotional contagion and I believe that this is one of the most effective ways of determining who "values" Fe or not. Fe is dynamic in that it constantly picks up the "continuous excitations in people's psychological states," which I read as affective empathy, being able to feel/take on the emotions/moods of others/the environment by way of contagion (a particular set of mirror neurons oriented towards adjusting to social feedback).

    Even Dario Nardi, in his research subjecting the 16 types to EEG brain scans, found that ENTJs have low activity in the regions of the brain where mirror neurons generally affect behavioral mimicry and prompt people to adapt to emotionally induced social feedback like shame or embarrassment. Fi, on the other hand, is more concerned with closing psychological distances via cognitive empathy/"mind reading" and placing one's self into another's shoes and even though I can still struggle with this, it is the only way I access empathy channels.

    Lastly, on dichotomy tests in the past, I've often scored about 65-75% extroversion and so LIE-Ni would make more sense than ILI-Te; I'm definitely not Fe-PoLR and I don't have trash Se. The "self relational" typings I did were based on ITR (from my vantage point) and so "vibes" and "feelings" about other types is an integral aspect of that.

    Nah. That's not done for Fe "expressiveness" but Se "impact"; the bold is done for emphasis in a hammering/avalanching way, not to impart any emotional cue. Similarly with Te, people conflate Fe and Se. For *IEs, Se is nothing but the volitional will, the energetic force that supports and buttresses Te or Fe aims > for Fe, the end result can be "liveliness" and with Te, more like staccato gun fire.
    For one, I'm not using ad hominem when I say that I legit believe that you are not too bright. And so your "observations" tend to strike me as daft, which full disclosure, irritates the fuck out of me. That in addition to your sly condescending digs about my nature only compounded my disdain for you. You keep making sweeping generalizations that I uniformly act in a hostile or combative way to those that "contradict" me and that is false. I simply don't like you, in particular, for previously articulated reasons. Other people I spar with on here, even when it gets nasty, at the end of the day, I don't give a fuck or hold onto shit. In another thread, in another context, I may be quite civil or even gracious to them. But because you're so self-focused, you can't see beyond your echo chamber of inanity and conspiracy theorizing. To reiterate, I simply don't like you, in particular, which makes sense within the confines of unpleasant relations of benefit.

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    , how was my intervention to FlyingDutch disrespectful? because I contradicted with you.
    I'll repeat the same thing I said then in that thread >

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Don't be baffled, dear, you low key called me a sociopath. "Talk shit, get hit." In your delusional world, empaths are effortlessly amazing at logic and logical types are deeply and hopelessly feeling beings, but guess what? Socionics doesn't agree with you. Do subconscious logic and ethics drive conscious logic and ethics? Of fucking course, but without being dualized or extreme situations, it can take an entire lifetime for the subconscious to fully emerge in a way that makes the functions confined to that space more ostensible and apparent. Therefore, to imply that one is a sociopath unless they have an "easy, nuanced, sophisticated" handling of ethics/empathy is FALSE and a particular shitty thing to say. But it's all good, because I know that's how you really feel--just be honest and not a passive aggressive slag. I see right through your shit. Don't try to throw the stone and hide your hand.
    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    you can act like mr big boy but when someone else does that with you, you lose it : )
    Nope, by that point, I had already begun to think that you were patronizing and I did not care for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    the logical fallacy in your FlyDutch analysis was already pointed out, but to use your own words:

    feeling bad for someone we don't know doesn't fall in any particular type of high empathy that you address to F. in facts what he said is described in the SLE description.
    This is the lack of rigor that often leads me to be believe that you are "limited" and/or intellectually dishonest. You perfectly illustrate Low D Te's struggle to utilize nuance, clarity and accuracy. In previous comments I posted from that type me thread and ones below, I explicitly and implicitly acknowledge that "feeling bad for someone we don't know doesn't fall in any particular type of high empathy," including all Fe valuers, and therefore, SLEs >

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Ok, answer this > can you feel/take on the emotions of others and whatever environment you're apart of, as if by contagion? Valuing Fe involves being dynamically aware of the "continuous excitations in people's emotional" states. To varying extents and degrees, all Fe valuers (E*Es, the most and L*Is, the least) are aware of and in tune with the ambient emotional vibes in the environment, though they may have differing facility and competency when it comes to utilizing and responding to this brand of "feedback." If you relate to this, then Alpha and Beta quadra are likely. If not, that leaves Delta and Gamma.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Dutchman View Post
    Yes I do relate to that. But me taking on others emotions tends to be somewhat selective and reserved for people I can somehow relate to, liking them. I am business-like around business-like people, I try to be fun around fun people, sad around the sad et cetera. I am not a true PRO on displaying emotions like ExFj’s seem to be but it’s clearly noticable for me. I clearly remember being on a bus one time and I could just sense (probably visually) that a woman in the seat across from me was feeling very depressed/sad. I took those emotions over and could actually feel it weighing down on me for the whole evening. I wanted to help, do something about it, but I knew that I wasn’t in the position to be able to. So yeah that’s my version of empathy.
    And so, no, dear, you did not point out a logical fallacy. I had already taken in account your observation. Clearly, your inability to properly differentiate information is the problem here. Tsk.

    Lastly, it's interesting that people who type me as a Fe dominant and want to quote posts of me "showing emotion" never quote posts of mine similar to the ones above that show my more frequent usage of Te. Funny.

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    thx mods, and this last one ^

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    thx mods, and this last one ^
    Uhhh, no, this is relevant to the thread.

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    did someone already make an "in soviet russia, iei types you" joke?

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    it was relevant to the topic that was deleted. btw, you're just confirming on and on what I've already said. your quoting of past conversations doesn't change the way you react to people you don't like. it doesn't excuse you, either.

    the last paragraphs you quoted are your umpteenth attempt to "crawl on mirrors" as we say in here, basically, you're just quoting non-sequiturs to the points you've made, and non sequiturs to what I called you out for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    it was relevant to the topic that was deleted. btw, you're just confirming on and on what I've already said. your quoting of past conversations doesn't change the way you react to people you don't like. it doesn't excuse you, either.

    the last paragraphs you quoted are your umpteenth attempt to "crawl on mirrors" as we say in here, basically, you're just quoting non-sequiturs to the points you've made, and non sequiturs to what I called you out for.
    The paragraphs show that you are prone to intellectual dishonesty and that by no means do you point out my "logical fallacies." You're painfully ill equipped for the job. But it takes me no time at all to successfully point out yours. Te base > Te mobilizing. I'm sorry if that's an inconvenient truth for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    The paragraphs show that you are prone to intellectual dishonesty and that by no means do you point out my "logical fallacies." You're painfully ill equipped for the job. But it takes me no time at all to successfully point out yours. Te base > Te mobilizing. I'm sorry if that's an inconvenient truth for you.
    yeah right, so what about Megatrop, Sol, Muddy, Carolus, Raver, me... who else? I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. if you don't like someone that doesn't excuse your offensive behavior when they express their opinions. internet hate is voiced like this.

    the logical fallacy was made clear when you admitted that all Fe types are empathetic somehow (everyone is), yet what he did was showing of ego Fe (in facts it's just stated in the SLE profile). obviously that was not the only one...

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    yeah right, so what about Megatrop, Sol, Muddy, Carolus, Raver, me... who else? I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. if you don't like someone that doesn't excuse your offensive behavior when they express their opinions. internet hate is voiced like this.
    What counts as "offensive" is relative. Don't speak for people who aren't speaking up for themselves. You're the only one in here complaining, which makes sense seeing as out of everyone you listed, you're the only one I actively dislike.

    And, as usual, I can count on you to disingenuously conflate related but different things. The thread I made about "online hate" was concerned with a specific brand of organizational bigotry and prejudice largely targeting racial/ethnic/religious minorities. Having arguments with random individuals on the net where there are barbs traded is something different. Nice job trivializing a form of hate that results in the murder of innocents.

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    the logical fallacy was made clear when you admitted that all Fe types are empathetic somehow (everyone is), yet what he did was showing of ego Fe (in facts it's just stated in the SLE profile). obviously that was not the only one...
    lol Ti PoLR in action. Herregud.

    What my comment showed was that, within the particular context of discussing Fe valuers/those who experience affective empathy by way of contagion, there are degrees and extents of empathy and that, therefore, the types experience/react to them somewhat differently (which is true for all of humanity); and that the way he claimed to use empathy seemed more in line with an Fe ego type--that was my reading of the situation/end conclusion based on what he had articulated along with other factors. That involved no fucking fallacy because my argument was logically consistent with itself. Every time you try to articulate some form of logic, it literally feels like I'm talking to a 6 year old. Ridiculously frustrating. Just...stop.

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    you two should just fuck already. this mating ritual is taking far too long.
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