I'm curious.
Here's mine:
07490 IDK
1981slater (ILE) ENTp Confirm
Absurd- (SLI) ISTp Confirm
Agarina -(SEI) ISFp Confirm
Airborne (SLI) ISTp Confirm
Aiss IDK
aivonua nainini (SEI) ISFp Confirm Final.
aixelsyd (SEE) Fi-ESFp
ambivalent existence (SLI) ISTp confirm
ananke (SLE) ESTp Confirm
Anglas - (LIE) ENTj thus far
anndelise - (SEE) ESFp Confirm - very official..
as per the post in the Languages of Love thread. @applejacks - (IEE) ENFp Confirm
April (SEE) ESFp Confirm
Ashton (SLI) ISTp Confirm @Aster- SEE final type
Aylen - (IEI) INFp for now
Azeroffs (SLI) ISTp Confirm
Bardia IDK @Becca (EII) INFj
Bionicgoat - (SEE) ESFp
blackburry - (ESI) ISFj Confirm
Blaze (ILE) Ne-ENTp
bluehenrybob- who is this?
Brilliand -LII or ILI
BulletsAndDoves- (IEE) ENFp
Cardinal -(SEI) ISFp Confirm
Cat King Cole - (ESE) ESFj Confirm
Cerise Sauvage - (SEI) ISFp Confirm
Christian Bale -
CPig (ILI) Te-INTp or SLI ISTp
cps - (SLI) ISTp confirm
cracka (ESE) Fe-ESFj - so easy to type Confirm
crazedrat IDK - IEI
Crispy- (LII) INTj Confirm
Crow - (EII) INFj
@Daft21 (SLI) ISTp Confirm @darya (IEI) INFp Confirm and Final
DeAnte (SLI) Te-ISTp Confirm
@Destroypuppy (SLI) ISTp Confirm @Deestructor (SEE) ESFp Final
DJ Arendee - (SLE) ESTp Confirm
Diaphanous - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
Director Abbie SEE Confirm
Director Kam SEI Confirm
discojoe (LSI) ISTj Confirm Final
dolphin (SEE) Fi-ESFp Confirm
Eliza Thomason - (IEE) ENFp Confirm
EmotionsFroze - a spontaneous type
EyeSeeCold-(ILI) INTp Confirm
Ezra- (LIE) ENTj Confirm
ephemeros/Bolt (SLI) ISTp - GF Parasite is (IEE) ENFp confirm
Erk/Tov IDK
esper (IEI) Ni-INFp @Etar - LSE final type
eunice (SEE) ESFp Confirm
expat (ESE) ESFj @Fay - (IEI) INFp
fairylight(s) - (SEI) ISFp Confirm @FDG - (SEE) ESFp Confirm - oh I have added you oops
fenryrr - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
Fireyed - (SEE) ESFp Pretty sure of this change. @FoxOnStilts - (ILI) ENTP
Galen (IEE) Fi-ENFp
glamourama (IEI) Fe-INFp Confirm
Golden (IEI) INFp Confirm
GrandPa Rob - (LSE) ESTj Confirm
Gravolez - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
@queentiger- ESE ESFJ final type
GuavaDrunk - (ESE) ESFj Confirm
HandiAce - (IEE) ENFp Confirm
HaveLucidDreamz (LSI) ISTj Confirm
Haley (IEE or SEE) ENFp or ESFp husband ILI or LSI - either way they are duals.
Heath (SLI) Te-ISTp
Hemoglobin - (SEI) ISFp Confirm
Herzy (SLE) Ti-ESTp
Hitta - (SEE) ESFp
hkkmr (ILE) Ti-ENTp
InkStrider - (
InvisibleJim -(???) Annoying type
Jarno- (SLI) ISTp Confirm
Jennifer - (IEE) ENFp Confirm
jessica129 (SLI) Te-ISTp Confirm
Jimbean (LSI) Ti-ISTj
Jinxi - (SLE) ESTp Confirm
Jonathan - (ILI) INTp
Jason_M - LII
Johannes Kenneth Sherlock Huxley - (IEE) ENFp Confirmz
JRiddy (ILE) Ne-ENTp
JWC3 (SLE) Ti-ESTp Confirm
jxrtes - don't know
@Kada1212 -(IEI) INFp confirm
k0rps3y (SLI) ISTp - close to confirming.
Kamangir IDK
Kassie/Lungs - (ESI) ISFj Confirm
Khola IEI (maybe) @Kim- (SEE) ESFp Confirm and @kingslayer -LSE final
@Kray ISFp final type
Kingsley - (SEI) ISFp Confirm @Kirana - (LII) INTj confirm final
KMFDMfan - (SLE) ESTp Confirm
krae (LSE) ESTj Confirm
Krig The Viking - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
labcoat IDK
laghlagh- (SEE) ESFp Confirm @leckysupport - (LSE) ESTj Final @Legerdemain-(SLI) ISTp Confirm and Final
Lemon - SEI or ESE; lately, I've been leaning towards ESE.
Loki IDK
Marie84 - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
Maritsa33 (EII) INFj Confirm
marmite (ESI) Se-ISFj
MatthewZ (LII) INTj
Mechman- (ESE) ESFj, Pretty sure on this and only second to that I would say LSE but at a long shot according to VI
mercutio could be SLE; I need a VI
MegaDoomer-(ILI) INTp
Mikemex- (IEE) ENFp Confirmado
Mikesilb - (ESE) ESFj Confirm @Minde - (EII) INFJ Final
MindHunterINFJ - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
Mirrorsoul - (SEI) ISFp Confirm
Miso Soup - (LSE) ESTj Tentative Confirm
MisteryNi - (ILE) ENTp Confirm
Moredhel- (LSE) ESTj Confirm
Morcheeba (EIE) Fe-ENFj - I wonder if Morcheeba is SLE
Mountain Dew (LSI) ISTj Confirm
My Moosey Moose - (SLI) ISTp Confirm...keep playing music.
MysticSonic (LII) Ti-INTj @Name13 (SEE) ESFp confirm and final
nanashi (ILI) Te-INTp Confirm
NewBorn STAR (LII) INTj Confirm
Octopuslove - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
Olga (ESI) Se-ISFJ @ooo -SEE ESFp final @Olimpia- SEE ESFP final type
Pauluch aka Ver -(SEE) ESFp Confirm
Peteronfireee- (LSI) ISTj Confirm
pianosinger SEI
pinkcanary (SEI) Si-ISFp
Pirate - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
polikujm (LIE) ENTj For a while
Cookie - (IEI) INFP for now
@quaz00 - ESTp SLE final type
Radio - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
Raver - (IEE) ENFp confirm
@robobot14- ISFp final type
Ryene Astraelis -(ESI) ISFj Confirm and final
redbaron- SEE ESFP final type.
Rasputin - (LSE) ESTj Confirm
Rick (IEE)-ENFp Confirm
Ridella-(SEE) ESFp Confirm
Rim - (
rowdyness - () ???
Ryene Astraelis (SEE) ESFp Confirm
RYU- (SLI)-ISTp Confirm @Saberstorm - (SLI) ISTp Final
sarinana (SEI) ISFp - looking for ideas on her hair style; needs a change (Ne DS) Confirm
Scapgrace (IEI) INFp Confirm
ScarlettLuxx - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
shindaiwa21 (ILE) Ne-ENTp
silverchris9 (SEE) ESFp Confirm
Siuntal - (IEI) INFp Confirm
Slacker (IEE) Fi-ENFp Confirm
Smilingeyes - @Smilex LSE Confirm
Snegledmaca - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
squark (LSI) ISTj Confirm
Somavision (SEE) ESFp - Confirm
Somewhere - (SEE) ESFp - Confirm
Spasm -
squirreltual - (SLI) ISTp Confirm and Final
Ssmall (IEE) Fi-ENFp Confirm Wife is his dual (IEE) ENFp Confirm
Subterranean @Subteigh -EII
thehotelambush (LII) Ti-INTj - IDK I was also considering ESE
Taknamay -(SEE) ESFp Confirm
thePirate- being mean is not type related just as crazedrat
Ticaud - (LII) INTj Confirm
Timeless (ILE) Ti-ENTp
timewaster (SEI) ISFp Confirm
tiny_dancer (IEE) Fi-ENFp
Trevor (LII) Ti-INTj
Typhon - Aristocratic, Serious type.
Twitch IEI or SEI
Uniden - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
Uwace - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
Vero (ESE) ESFj Confirm
Vois - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
warrior-librarian (LII) INTj
Wittmont (IEI) Ni-INFp
Woofwoofl- (LIE) ENTj Confirm
Words (SLI) Te-ISTp Confirm
WorkaholicsAnon (SEE) ESFp Confirm @zbrobins (SLI) ISTp
Ezra (LIE) ENTj Confirm
Gulanzon (ESE) ESFj Confirm
Jenna- (SEE) ESFp Confirm
Joy - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
JuJu - (SLI) ISTp
Khamelion (SEE) ESFp Confirm
niffweed17 if the person is the same as aestrivex than this person is (SEE) ESFp Confirm
ragnar (ILI) INTp - no doubt in my mind an ILI Confirm
tereg - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
walker31- (SEE) ESFp confirm