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Thread: Your typing of forum members

  1. #7041
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    When she posted about her essay, I had a similar impression. Definitely, I mean, OliSunVia just uploaded a video about the topic too, she's an obvious IEI youtuber, along with Alice Cappele.

  2. #7042
    sp874 Muira's Avatar
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    The essay was a simplification and inspiration of her video, it is incomplete and I was going to finish it and extend further on how this connects to the "dumbification" of Americans, and add a spin off on how the US is likely going to collapse like the roman empire. Just its fun to link things together and predict the future in a way that makes sense.

  3. #7043
    sp874 Muira's Avatar
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    One person thinks I am IEI, another thinks I am LSE/SLE??? Sorry, this is too funny.

  4. #7044
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    Since you had the unmitigated gall to assign a (false) type to me, let me be a better person and actually provide your correct one: SEI-N E9w1 SP/SO. You're welcome! But I just want to briefly take a trip down memory lane when you first made a "type me" thread full of ignorance, foolery, fuckery, blatant contradictions, and not knowing what the hell you were talking about while still having so many opinions:

    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Apparently I use Ni, Fe, Te, and Si consciously. I consider myself very introverted. Then I may be either SEI, IEI, SLI or ILI
    Right, because you are. This is you, right?

    On what planet is this person an extrovert? lol All of your non-verbal communication signal a painfully withdrawn, inward-reflecting person; there's no EXXP energetic or behavioral cues, whatsoever.

    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    I agree with at least 80% of it, but deep down, I feel that I am a feeler. I also think that I'm an extrovert who likes to socialize with a few people. And I tend to consider myself intuitive instead of a sensor. And I am pretty much Perceiving type. So, this results in ENFp, although I don't relate to the descriptions for this type.
    lmao I cite this to illustrate the degree to which you pussy-popped and back pedaled all over your typing thread once you found types that you wanted to be, rather than what you had initially claimed to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    That's true. I love comfort, and like stable relations, but apparently I relate more to the descriptions of IEI than any other INFx.
    lol Somehow you acknowledge that you love comfort (Si) and stable relations (Fi), but then somehow still manages to "relate" more to IEI. Sure, Jan.

    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    If I'm SEI, so it is very sad for me, because I may be very retarted, who didn't learn to fit society who doesn't understand why everybody around is so silly worrying about meaningless material things. I try to appear ok. SEIs seem too down to earth and normal.

    But I may just be an awesome SEI guy who plays down his abilities.
    DING, DING, DING! Right, like many an SEI E9.

    I'm quoting the following members because, in a rare case of near unanimity around here, the general consensus on your typing thread was that you are SEI...which was accurate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    F-I type
    N is possible, but not sure in N
    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    your videos clearly indicate SEI-Fe 9w1 so/sp as your full type.
    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    I am sure that you are not IEE. You seem like SEI or SLI based on your video.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warm Soapy Water View Post
    Also IEI is lookalike with SEI, the peace making pansy type. It is a very common thing for somebody to be confused with their lookalike. Deeper internal motivations are often needed to be revealed to find the true type. As superficially they are very much the same.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Your other post speaks of an abstract sensuality that I associate with Si. It's not just about food or memory. Sensory memory is different anyway. The introverted functions are all abstract. Your posts do not point to an intuitive type thus far.
    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Maybe some clarification would help. Firstly, "abstraction" being the domain of intuition is only true in certain senses; don't consider it too much. SEIs are indeed a very 'abstract' type, and tend to have a robust inner world and profound feelings about various subjects -- (to be clear, I mean "feeling" in the general sense of the word, not necessarily in the sense that Socionics uses the term). The difference is that ISFps often spend time contemplating themselves, their emotions, their impressions of other people, and so on, getting a grasp on where they stand, where Fi-bases quickly know "where they stand" on various topics, and don't need to "find themselves". They won't spend hours a day wondering what about them seems different from others; they're typically more aware (either instinctually or through experience) of their individuality, and care to an extent less about it (or even take pride in it, INFjs especially). Fi bases also tend to think about concepts that don't directly relate to their own selves; they're just not wired that way, and too much contemplation of "why am I the way I am" will begin to bore them.

    On the other hand, Fi types (as all introverted types) also have a deep "inner world", which is just as emotional as ISFPs'. Their main perceptive functions are just extraverted, and their interest flows from the inside outward, rather than circling inward.

    I'll increment the SEI typing people seem to have of you. Your thoughts remind me of my SEI girlfriend's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    I've followed your threads closely and the first one you made that included the questionnaire was dripping in Si+Fe; it was only later that you went on to actively resist being an Si lead which led to a slew of contradictions and inconsistencies with what you had initially expressed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    Makes sense, that would be cool. I still think I'm bad with Si though
    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I play the keyboard and the guitar regularly, I can spend many hours playing the keyboard alone, but I prefer when someone is present so he or she can enjoy the music. I am always trying to find information that I can apply to practical matters. I once memorized 1500 digits of Pi in two days just to learn memory techniques. I can learn musical instruments really fast. I like language learning books and courses, and have learned 4/5 languages well enough to understand conversations and read in it. I am always trying to gain practical knowledge and develop mental abilities.
    That's effective enough Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I am good at making my environment beautiful. that's all. Daily chores are seen as boring but necessary. I hate a messy house. I hate objects with no use in the house, I'd rather get rid of them.
    Your ILE dual would love you for this.

    And I also read where, as a kid, you'd sometimes eat spoiled or rotten food and you think that signifies poor Si; ummm, our lead cognitive functions are still in development when we are children. Just because a child is a Se lead doesn't mean he/she can hit a back flip on their very first attempt--it doesn't work like that.
    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Attachment 15228
    Ok, I got ENFP on the test indicated by ooo. But I identify like 85% with EII-Ne (not with ENFP), and almost 100% with IEI-Fe, except for the extroverted part. So EII-Ne is a good candidate.
    1.) As I'm sure you well know, what someone "relates to" and what they'd like to be ideally may be different from who they actually are--I've already tried several times to explain within Socionics theory how IR can affect who we are, how we develop, etc..., even using myself as an example. Of course, what we resonate with matters, but that just can't be the sole criteria. Furthermore, I'm sure you also know how easy it is to let one's biases skew test results in favor of what they'd ideally like to be. I keep going back to his initial posts, which I feel were probably more honest than when he started reading around and coming across descriptions he really liked (idealistically), descriptions that would be incompatible and inconsistent with how he initially claimed to be.

    2.) What (conscious) Fi lead would say this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    What are your values, and why?

    I don't like to think about it, so I'm not very conscious. Sorry
    But what makes an IEE or EII is strong, conscious Fi that prompts them, in part, to most definitely ponder/consider/ruminate over their highly personalized value systems and relationships. Now that doesn't mean that they shout it to the rooftops and openly declare it everywhere; but they damn sure know how they feel about something/what they believe in. SEIs, on the other hand, tend to more readily diminish their strong, unvalued Fi for the sake of valued Fe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    I hate to do things without a purpose. I hate to study subjects that have no real application in real life or can't be observed IRL...
    lol The bane of a IEI or EII's 1-2D Se/Te existence can be successfully carrying out the above, and yet, according to him, he is so drawn to what is practically applied and observed in real life.

    3.) Why can't I pinpoint anything in your posting history that would encapsulate a 3-4D "intuiting" process? I just can't find any evidence of strong intuition in what you actually say and do, which should be distinguished with what you claim to say and do. There must be evidence, "receipts" of the intuition and here you stand, empty-handed and penniless. lol

    If I were you, I'd refrain from boldly typing others seeing as you haven't even accepted what YOU truly are. SMH.

  5. #7045
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    So many brazilians at this forum holy shit

  6. #7046
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Since you had the unmitigated gall to assign a (false) type to me, let me be a better person and actually provide your correct one: SEI-N E9w1 SP/SO. You're welcome! But I just want to briefly take a trip down memory lane when you first made a "type me" thread full of ignorance, foolery, fuckery, blatant contradictions, and not knowing what the hell you were talking about while still having so many opinions:

    Right, because you are. This is you, right?

    On what planet is this person an extrovert? lol All of your non-verbal communication signal a painfully withdrawn, inward-reflecting person; there's no EXXP energetic or behavioral cues, whatsoever.

    lmao I cite this to illustrate the degree to which you pussy-popped and back pedaled all over your typing thread once you found types that you wanted to be, rather than what you had initially claimed to be.

    lol Somehow you acknowledge that you love comfort (Si) and stable relations (Fi), but then somehow still manages to "relate" more to IEI. Sure, Jan.

    DING, DING, DING! Right, like many an SEI E9.

    I'm quoting the following members because, in a rare case of near unanimity around here, the general consensus on your typing thread was that you are SEI...which was accurate.

    That's effective enough Si.

    Your ILE dual would love you for this.

    And I also read where, as a kid, you'd sometimes eat spoiled or rotten food and you think that signifies poor Si; ummm, our lead cognitive functions are still in development when we are children. Just because a child is a Se lead doesn't mean he/she can hit a back flip on their very first attempt--it doesn't work like that.

    1.) As I'm sure you well know, what someone "relates to" and what they'd like to be ideally may be different from who they actually are--I've already tried several times to explain within Socionics theory how IR can affect who we are, how we develop, etc..., even using myself as an example. Of course, what we resonate with matters, but that just can't be the sole criteria. Furthermore, I'm sure you also know how easy it is to let one's biases skew test results in favor of what they'd ideally like to be. I keep going back to his initial posts, which I feel were probably more honest than when he started reading around and coming across descriptions he really liked (idealistically), descriptions that would be incompatible and inconsistent with how he initially claimed to be.

    2.) What (conscious) Fi lead would say this?

    But what makes an IEE or EII is strong, conscious Fi that prompts them, in part, to most definitely ponder/consider/ruminate over their highly personalized value systems and relationships. Now that doesn't mean that they shout it to the rooftops and openly declare it everywhere; but they damn sure know how they feel about something/what they believe in. SEIs, on the other hand, tend to more readily diminish their strong, unvalued Fi for the sake of valued Fe.

    lol The bane of a IEI or EII's 1-2D Se/Te existence can be successfully carrying out the above, and yet, according to him, he is so drawn to what is practically applied and observed in real life.

    3.) Why can't I pinpoint anything in your posting history that would encapsulate a 3-4D "intuiting" process? I just can't find any evidence of strong intuition in what you actually say and do, which should be distinguished with what you claim to say and do. There must be evidence, "receipts" of the intuition and here you stand, empty-handed and penniless. lol

    If I were you, I'd refrain from boldly typing others seeing as you haven't even accepted what YOU truly are. SMH.
    Nah, I don't believe any of these things I've said about myself now that I've known who I am.
    Your posting texts from a time incompatible with my true beliefs, as I can absorb and create any mental picture about myself based on what I read.
    That is, this whole post form.yours is just bullshit.

    - I don't believe wholeheartedly in model A any longer
    - intuition is not necessarily palpable as most other functions as you expect
    - Socionics may type me as SEI or IEE depending on what seems more differentiaded to an external observator, I won't explain why because you just won't understand it with you inferior Extroverted Intuition compared to mine
    - people's usage of words are highly associated with what they read, and listen about, not necessarily their type, this can be misleading
    - I was open to the possibility of being a Si dom, but I am really lacking at this function, if you lived with me you'd know I'm intuitive
    - Most of what I say is pure intuition, and you keep asking for explanations, you just can't see that (your retardness and inability to see different perspectives or come to conclusions on your own)
    - You are just too naive to attach yourself to what others say and do. Especially you take a lot of Socionics descriptions at face value, and you just can't see the possibility that they might be about something not related to type.
    - Read Jung instead of Socionics, and you'll understand the types (of course you can't because you want to mental masturbate with this shit called Socionics)
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  7. #7047
    Moderator myresearch's Avatar
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    I typed @MathHysteriaOfSoul when I knew less. Now that I know more and not enough, he shows signs of IJ temp and static nonverbals but video can be too short.

    YES. LSI is likely based on short video, I know the reasons he cannot be but signs tell this so

  8. #7048
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Nah, I don't believe any of these things I've said about myself now that I've known who I am.
    Your posting texts from a time incompatible with my true beliefs
    Sure, beliefs can change but you were typed, in part, based on the things you said you actually/concretely did:

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I play the keyboard and the guitar regularly, I can spend many hours playing the keyboard alone, but I prefer when someone is present so he or she can enjoy the music. I am always trying to find information that I can apply to practical matters. I once memorized 1500 digits of Pi in two days just to learn memory techniques. I can learn musical instruments really fast. I like language learning books and courses, and have learned 4/5 languages well enough to understand conversations and read in it. I am always trying to gain practical knowledge and develop mental abilities.
    Recanting on the above doesn't constitute a change in belief, it constitutes a mental break from reality AND/OR you simply being a liar flailing and scrambling to justify the unjustifiable (i.e., you being IEE). I'm going to go with the latter.

    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    as I can absorb and create any mental picture about myself based on what I read.
    Of course, you can do this because you're SEI. lmao You do understand that you're describing an aspect Si, right?

    "When an individual of this type is preparing something, he starts from envisioning all the associated qualities that the final product will have."

    Recreating/recalling/being reminded of rich, subjective sense/aesthetic impressions (free of context) is the foundation upon which Si-dom perceiving/constructing begins. "Oh, I remember that time I ate spoiled food and had a stomach ache and so I must have weak Si!"--but what about the 1,244,456 times you didn't do that? This is how SEIs, in particular, might easily mistype themselves, because they can pinpoint, cherry pick, and combine various sense impressions (present and past) that conveniently suit whatever perception they wish to have about an object (which includes themselves).

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    That is, this whole post form.yours is just bullshit.
    I get it. You're pretty salty that I publicly scalped you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    I don't believe wholeheartedly in model A any longer
    What you believe is irrelevant. Just because you disagree with being a certain type by the standards and criteria of a particular system, does not mean you aren't that type (within that system). DUH.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    - intuition is not necessarily palpable as most other functions as you expect
    Lies. Every IE is trackable based on objective, discernible criterion. You not knowing what they are is a personal failing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    - Socionics may type me as SEI or IEE depending on what seems more differentiaded to an external observator,
    Wrong. One's dominant function is so "over powered" that it flavors/colors/influences every other IE. Subjectively, it's so omnipotent that we may not readily see it in ourselves, akin to fish that don't know they're swimming in water--because they're simply be-ing. However, to everyone else, it's rather obvious. At least within an informational capacity, it isn't difficult to track the functions people prioritize according to the frequency, pervasiveness, and dimensionality or dynamism of the information being conveyed. Again, your inability to do this is a personal problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    I won't explain why because you just won't understand it with you inferior Extroverted Intuition compared to mine
    But wait a minute, we're only having this convo because you said that I'm an ENTJ. And ENTJs have 4D Ne and 3D Ni, same as an IEE (which you most certainly are not). lmao Again, you keep projecting your own confusion and limitations onto others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    - I was open to the possibility of being a Si dom, but I am really lacking at this function, if you lived with me you'd know I'm intuitive
    I love that you make an argument for subjective, anecdotal evidence (Si) to justify your utilization of intuition. lmao This is so sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    - Most of what I say is pure intuition, and you keep asking for explanations, you just can't see that (your retardness and inability to see different perspectives or come to conclusions on your own)
    1.) The only "intuition" you seem to access is the colloquial, non-Jungian kind that is more typically referring to subjective, internal instincts (Si) ,e.g. "a woman's intuition." Most women are SF types that have strong Si.

    2.) The only "retardation ('retardness is not a word)" I see in this situation concerns the alleged Ti PoLR person (laughably and mistakenly) criticizing me for not producing my own subjective thoughts. lmao Again, what you are doing is projecting the inadequacies of your own weak, albeit valued Ti mobilizing function.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    - You are just too naive to attach yourself to what others say and do. Especially you take a lot of Socionics descriptions at face value, and you just can't see the possibility that they might be about something not related to type.
    lol Provide an example of this, Mr. Galaxy Brained intuitive person. I'll wait (probably forever). Furthermore, I actually don't take the profile descriptions at face value--what I do is take in as many different sources as possible and then distill the most consistent, trackable characteristics down to a holistic whole (Se/Ni convergence).

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    - Read Jung instead of Socionics, and you'll understand the types (of course you can't because you want to mental masturbate with this shit called Socionics)
    SO THEN LEAVE! WTF are you here if Socionics is such "shit." You make absolutely no sense, whatsoever. As is often the case with most of the disillusioned around here, you're a "know-it-all" that knows jack shit. You can't even perceive your own glaring blind spots that make it difficult for you to properly utilize the system. Sure, it's flawed but your thinking, and ability to see patterns/connect the dots (or lack there of), is an even greater part of YOUR problem.

  9. #7049
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  10. #7050
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Sure, beliefs can change but you were typed, in part, based on the things you said you actually/concretely did:

    Recanting on the above doesn't constitute a change in belief, it constitutes a mental break from reality AND/OR you simply being a liar flailing and scrambling to justify the unjustifiable (i.e., you being IEE). I'm going to go with the latter.

    Of course, you can do this because you're SEI. lmao You do understand that you're describing an aspect Si, right?

    "When an individual of this type is preparing something, he starts from envisioning all the associated qualities that the final product will have."

    Recreating/recalling/being reminded of rich, subjective sense/aesthetic impressions (free of context) is the foundation upon which Si-dom perceiving/constructing begins. "Oh, I remember that time I ate spoiled food and had a stomach ache and so I must have weak Si!"--but what about the 1,244,456 times you didn't do that? This is how SEIs, in particular, might easily mistype themselves, because they can pinpoint, cherry pick, and combine various sense impressions (present and past) that conveniently suit whatever perception they wish to have about an object (which includes themselves).

    I get it. You're pretty salty that I publicly scalped you.

    What you believe is irrelevant. Just because you disagree with being a certain type by the standards and criteria of a particular system, does not mean you aren't that type (within that system). DUH.

    Lies. Every IE is trackable based on objective, discernible criterion. You not knowing what they are is a personal failing.

    Wrong. One's dominant function is so "over powered" that it flavors/colors/influences every other IE. Subjectively, it's so omnipotent that we may not readily see it in ourselves, akin to fish that don't know they're swimming in water--because they're simply be-ing. However, to everyone else, it's rather obvious. At least within an informational capacity, it isn't difficult to track the functions people prioritize according to the frequency, pervasiveness, and dimensionality or dynamism of the information being conveyed. Again, your inability to do this is a personal problem.

    But wait a minute, we're only having this convo because you said that I'm an ENTJ. And ENTJs have 4D Ne and 3D Ni, same as an IEE (which you most certainly are not). lmao Again, you keep projecting your own confusion and limitations onto others.

    I love that you make an argument for subjective, anecdotal evidence (Si) to justify your utilization of intuition. lmao This is so sad.

    1.) The only "intuition" you seem to access is the colloquial, non-Jungian kind that is more typically referring to subjective, internal instincts (Si) ,e.g. "a woman's intuition." Most women are SF types that have strong Si.

    2.) The only "retardation ('retardness is not a word)" I see in this situation concerns the alleged Ti PoLR person (laughably and mistakenly) criticizing me for not producing my own subjective thoughts. lmao Again, what you are doing is projecting the inadequacies of your own weak, albeit valued Ti mobilizing function.

    lol Provide an example of this, Mr. Galaxy Brained intuitive person. I'll wait (probably forever). Furthermore, I actually don't take the profile descriptions at face value--what I do is take in as many different sources as possible and then distill the most consistent, trackable characteristics down to a holistic whole (Se/Ni convergence).

    SO THEN LEAVE! WTF are you here if Socionics is such "shit." You make absolutely no sense, whatsoever. As is often the case with most of the disillusioned around here, you're a "know-it-all" that knows jack shit. You can't even perceive your own glaring blind spots that make it difficult for you to properly utilize the system. Sure, it's flawed but your thinking, and ability to see patterns/connect the dots (or lack there of), is an even greater part of YOUR problem.
    ENTJs don't have 4D Ne, that's bullshit. But your IQ is too low to be able to see that for yourself.
    Keep using Socionics as your base, and keep fighting wind mills, throwing garbage, being a dickhead and useless as you've been so far
    I'm not gonna read this much trivial, baseless, but intuitive pondering, that all ENTJs use to justify their formulas to fit everything in their limited worldview.
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  11. #7051
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    ENTJs don't have 4D Ne, that's bullshit. But your IQ is too low to be able to see that for yourself.
    Keep using Socionics as your base, and keep fighting wind mills, throwing garbage, being a dickhead and useless as you've been so far
    I'm not gonna read this much trivial, baseless, but intuitive pondering, that all ENTJs use to justify their formulas to fit everything in their limited worldview.

    Ok, buddy. But let's not talk about IQs seeing as how you look barely evolved enough to light a small fire. Bye bye now!

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    @necrosebud looks ethical

  13. #7053
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socionics Is Not A Cult View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  14. #7054
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    I don't believe any of these things I've said about myself now that I've known who I am.

  16. #7056
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I realized later that he is Megatrop. Typed him IEI a while ago
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    One person thinks I am IEI, another thinks I am LSE/SLE??? Sorry, this is too funny.
    Promised video was not given.
    Not that then noone will assign conflictor types, but average types difference is expected lesser.

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    I'd look at your video. Sometimes you produce too much of drama for T types.
    Also your opposing to idea about low emotional expression for T types may be your rationalization against having F type.

  19. #7059
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    I'd look at your video. Sometimes you produce too much of drama for T types.
    Also your opposing to idea about low emotional expression for T types may be your rationalization against having F type.
    1.) lol Thank you for the offer, Sol. And, yes, I am more likely to "produce drama" when facts/data/logic does not work (after explaining 567,323 times) OR if I'm bored. lol An SLE knows how to put pressure on someone's weak points (4D lead Se) and taunt/mock/insult/joke (2D mobilizing Fe).

    Think about it this way: a few years ago, you typed me EIE, and recently, LSI. Based on my behavior around here, I think that these are reasonable assumptions. However, neither of those types completely fit me because I am a combination of both of them > their louder, naughtier, more unruly offspring > SLE.

    Function usage, from strongest to weakest:

    Se: SLE > LSI >EIE
    Ti: LSI > SLE > EIE
    Fe: EIE > SLE > LSI
    NI; EIE > LSI > SLE
    Te: SLE > LSI > EIE
    Si: LSI > SLE > EIE
    Ne: EIE > SLE > LSI
    Fi: EIE > LSI > SLE

    My behavior sits somewhere in-between EIE and LSI. My first instinct is to explain things using objective data (Se), actionable facts (Te), and subjective logic (Ti); however, if I must use emotional pressuring(Fe), I have no problem doing this. The problem with me being an ethical type is that the only emotion I ever experience and showcase with any frequency and intensity is anger. That would be unusual for any F type, especially for an Fe ego--they are supposed to experience and show a range of emotions, from good to bad, pleasant to unpleasant> love, happiness, sadness, fear, anger, etc...

    2.) Also, I know you don't think so but subtype really does exist--surely, you understand that there is a degree of behavioral diversity within every sociotype. How do you account for this? In Model A, I'm SLE-Se and, in Model G, SLE-C. These subtypes have strengthened sensory and ethical functions. My subtype is the most "emotional" among SLEs, but, again, that emotion is most often anger and other emotions are very shallow and short-lived. in comparison to "emotional" types like EIE, ESE, etc..., I am a dead, passionless robot (The Terminator).
    3.) I can't do a video because if I show you my face, I must kill you.

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    When in doubt just post videos of cockatoos that makes it all better.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    I can't do a video because if I show you my face, I must kill you.
    This should not be a problem, as I suppose there are no strict time limits. So you may do not hurry and such may happen that after alike 100 years there would be no need.

    While the usefulness to understand your correct type exist at now and ESTP is doubtful.

  22. #7062
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    Record a video facing backwards

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    I always confuse lavos for alonzo and vice versa. I think it's because of their pfps for some reason at first glance they appear the same to me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    While the usefulness to understand your correct type exist at now and ESTP is doubtful.
    lol Again, I will remind you that you've typed me multiple times, already:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you have nice imagination to support N for you
    still nothing good in logics. just Fe drama. keep trying

    also seems you have Si as nonvalued, as what you do not like you describe in Si terms. this supports EIE, IEI for you
    you seem to behave closer to EIE, still
    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    "you're also a bumbling idiot"

    ESIs. LIE are not as rude as Alonzo. He's not LIE. They are rude alike me.
    I hope this makes you feel better about your duals.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    It's nice to see in possible LSI the interest to Ne method. I seems told not in a single place the basis for intuitive-nonverbal method, but may another one.

    • If I'm ESI, then I'm Fe-ignoring; but if EIE, then I'm Fi-ignoring...ummm Do you not see the conflict there? lol Only someone who has trouble distinguishing Fe and Fi would make this error.
    • ESI/LSI have 4D Fi/2D Fi; 3D Fe/1D Fe; 2D Ti/4D Ti; 1D Te/3D Te; ...ummmmmmm In other words, one of these types is ethical and the other logical. lol Only someone who has trouble distinguishing logic from ethics would make this error.
    • Though EIE and LSI value the same functions, they have opposite strengths. So, according to you, I've shown both 4D Fe and 1D Fe? Both 4D Ti and 1D Ti? I have 4D demo Ne and am also 1D Ne PoLR? lol Only someone who has trouble recognizing function strength/dimensionality would make this error.

    What the above conclusions tell me is that your typing method is quite flawed, tovarisch. If your opinions of my possible type are so unstable/unreliable, why should I listen to you, at all?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    lol Again, I will remind you that you've typed me multiple times, already:

    • If I'm ESI, then I'm Fe-ignoring; but if EIE, then I'm Fi-ignoring...ummm Do you not see the conflict there? lol Only someone who has trouble distinguishing Fe and Fi would make this error.
    • ESI/LSI have 4D Fi/2D Fi; 3D Fe/1D Fe; 2D Ti/4D Ti; 1D Te/3D Te; ...ummmmmmm In other words, one of these types is ethical and the other logical. lol Only someone who has trouble distinguishing logic from ethics would make this error.
    • Though EIE and LSI value the same functions, they have opposite strengths. So, according to you, I've shown both 4D Fe and 1D Fe? Both 4D Ti and 1D Ti? I have 4D demo Ne and am also 1D Ne PoLR? lol Only someone who has trouble recognizing function strength/dimensionality would make this error.

    What the above conclusions tell me is that your typing method is quite flawed, tovarisch. If your opinions of my possible type are so unstable/unreliable, why should I listen to you, at all?
    It's an Internet forum. Internet forums are for narcissists to spout their opinions. He seems to have largely tried to switch to talking about parapsychology, but alas for him, I know more about that than he does, I just haven't usually wanted to talk about it on the Internet very much because it's just not that relevant and most people don't care, pretty much the same as non-fringe topics like topology I also tried to talk about on this forum because that's legitimately useful for psychological typologies, but not really a topic anyone here is either willing or able to seriously discuss. And talking on the Internet about anything is boring in general. Boomers invented talk shows, millennials invented talk sites, then they got together and combined the stupidity into the Daily Wire and that's all almost anyone on sites like these is really qualified to talk about.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    I always confuse lavos for alonzo and vice versa. I think it's because of their pfps for some reason at first glance they appear the same to me
    They don't seem similar at all

    different speaking/communication method+ different typing method
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    They don't seem similar at all

    different speaking/communication method+ different typing method
    I know, it's just my impression of their profile pictures which I get confused about.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    I will remind you that you've typed me multiple times
    Where I say "possibly" is an assumption, which can be of different degree (check the comment near). Also, I may change opinions.
    "LSI confirmed" - that was mainly a joking, what can be supposed by the context.

    In now (same as in the past) moment I'm assured in your F type. More for J and Fe. EIE seems as most possible and SLE as close to zero.

    Would be useful to see a video, even if I'd saw it before. Without nonverbal data the conditions are below normal and higher chance for mistakes.
    I recommend to make new theme with a video and a questionnaire. Or to pm. Mb a miracle will happen and I will see T type.

    To look more as T type you should: 1) to reduce the quantity of fonts play and smiles (it's emotional influence more expected from F types), 2) to choose the avatar as lesser colorful and preferably without living objects (you have 2 there and the pallette appropriate more for a circus than logical discussions), 3) to say lesser of emotional words (as the typology is logical theme, arguments should be logical).
    Last edited by Sol; 04-14-2023 at 03:25 PM.

  29. #7069
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    People who type others on just their posts are full of shit instead of other objective measures such as a video. Many people here don't even know how different socionics is from mbti in terms of functions and definitions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    People who type others on just their posts are full of shit instead of other objective measures such as a video.
    Typing by a behavior is much speculative today. Objective is a data, but not "measures" - its interpretation. The objectivity would need: 1) that anyone would interpreted the same data by same way, 2) experimental proof that interpretation is correct.
    Video adds important part (nonverbal behavior) of the data what _arises the chance_ for correct type. Also it's more trusty data than what people say and more complete for small known people.

    There are 2 kind of info in talking: a style and a content.
    Is a human F or T is not badly expressed in messages. In the degree of emotionality in the style, by interests, opinions. Sometimes can be evaluated the quality of thinking.
    J/P can be supposed by the style of talking. P tend to be more chaotic in talking and writing.
    Many of "bad" words talking - Fe more than Fi.
    Other traits to notice in the style is harder. They can be supposed by the content.

    If, for example, to take your sentence above - it's not good reasonable and redundantly rude, so Fe type can be supposed for you. While, SLI from your profile is seen as doubtful.
    T types generally think some better and are lesser inclined to support opinions by emotions in logical themes.

  31. #7071
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    A pattern I've long noted about many of the posters on this forum is the tendency towards being DEEPLY, and I do mean, DEEPLY introverted, to the point where it looks uncomfortable for them to even communicate. Can't count how many times I've seen someone post a video and the person will look to me like if you stare at them too hard, they'd fall over; I'm talking barely audible speaking voices similar to squirrels silently farting into the wind. That's not a criticism or anything, it's just so fascinating to me.
    LMAO I was watching my typing video again and this is so accurate, I had to turn the volume up so damn high to hear anything (no wonder people are always telling me they can't hear me)

    sorry @myresearch idk how you heard anything in those videos lol
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    They don't seem similar at all
    both seem to have F

    > different speaking/communication method

    both are emotional in speaking

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    @Sol I'm going to illustrate that the functions can be successfully tracked and how, subsequently, your inability to consistently and competently track mine only speaks to your lack of understanding/expertise. TO BE CLEAR, the below example constitutes just one standard/metric/criteria I utilize to type others, and according to this particular criteria, I believe it likely that Coeruleum's best fit type is EIE:

    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    It's an Internet forum [Ne+: grasping the overarching concept/essence behind what allows Sol's inconsistent, non-sensical, deluded, and, therefore, objectively meaningless projections to run amok]. Internet forums are for narcissists to spout their opinions [Fe-: provocative, exaggerated, objectively rendered, value based judgment; Ne+: bridging seemingly disparate ideas/concepts]. He seems to have largely tried to switch to talking about parapsychology [Ne+: perceiving someone's possible intentions; Ni-: perceiving past trends and tracking the change over time], but alas for him, I know more [i.e., to subjectively understand] about that than he does [Ti+], I just haven't usually wanted to talk about it on the Internet very much [Fi: subjective value based judgment] because it's just not that relevant and most people don't care [Fe-: exaggerated, objectively rendered, value based judgments concerning the sentiments of others], pretty much the same as non-fringe topics like topology [Ne+: bridging seemingly disparate ideas/concepts via essential traits] I also tried to talk about it on this forum because that's legitimately useful for psychological typologies [Te-: objectively rendered judgments based on utility, efficiency, and effectiveness], but not really a topic anyone here is either willing or able to seriously discuss [Fe-: provocative, exaggerated, objectively rendered, value based judgment; Ne+: perceiving someone's possible abilities]. And talking on the Internet about anything is boring in general [Fe-: provocative, exaggerated, objectively rendered, value based judgment]. Boomers invented talk shows, millennials invented talk sites, then they got together and combined the stupidity into the Daily Wire [Fe-: provocative, exaggerated, objectively rendered, value based judgment,Ne+: bridging seemingly disparate ideas/concepts via essential traits, Ni-: perceiving past trends and tracking the change over time] and that's all almost anyone on sites like these is really qualified to talk about [Te-: objectively rendered judgment based the action or fact of qualifying or being eligible for something].
    When assessed according to occurrence/frequency:

    E>I: Ne+ Fe- Te- Ni- Fi Ti+
    N>S: Ne+ Ni-
    F>T: Fe- Te- Fi Ti+
    J>P: Cumulatively displayed more rational functions [Fe- Te- Fi Ti+] than irrational ones [Ne+ Ni-]

    To the extent that the function manifestations are subject to a degree of interpretation (depending on working definitions) I'm willing to debate this, but what you won't do or imply is that I am an illogical person when nearly every time I engage you, I provide objective standards and metrics backed my own creative, subjective understanding. You've yet to competently/successfully showcase, analyze, and articulate precisely how it is that I allegedly display F > T.
    Last edited by Alonzo; 04-14-2023 at 05:46 PM.

  34. #7074
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    Alonzo, Amoeba and Aquamarine are likely IEI, like almost everyone on this site. Alonzo is probably a creative subtype. All three are F anyway
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  35. #7075
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Typing by a behavior is much speculative today. Objective is a data, but not "measures" - its interpretation. The objectivity would need: 1) that anyone would interpreted the same data by same way, 2) experimental proof that interpretation is correct.
    Video adds important part (nonverbal behavior) of the data what _arises the chance_ for correct type. Also it's more trusty data than what people say and more complete for small known people.
    It's not just video though, if you're going to take typing seriously you need to actually interview them and ask them questions in the process or spend time with them personally. There are many factors that come into play when someone posts on a forum that make them more emotionally expressive at time than others. You do not have a clue what their day was like if they were irritated by another person etc. You're not taking context into account and that's just bad science in general. All i'm seeing a lot of people here who are coming to wrong conclusions most likely due to egotism and one upping each other it's pretty sad and pathetic. I find people here are not into having constructive discussions as much as other forums and want to one up each other every chance they get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    There are 2 kind of info in talking: a style and a content.
    Is a human F or T is not badly expressed in messages. In the degree of emotionality in the style, by interests, opinions. Sometimes can be evaluated the quality of thinking.
    Any type can be emotionally expressive in their messages, if someone is truly a genuine person they are emotionally expressive. Putting up a wall in a hostile environment doesn't make you an F or T type. You fail to take context into play humans are not robots most people are highly emotional in general.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    If, for example, to take your sentence above - it's not good reasonable and redundantly rude, so Fe type can be supposed for you. While, SLI from your profile is seen as doubtful.
    T types generally think some better and are lesser inclined to support opinions by emotions in logical themes.

    I've seen T types with horrible logic and F types with great logical skills that's not what makes someone a type. If someone put a gun to your head being a T type you would probably still shit or piss your pants unless you had some kind of training regardless of your sociotype. To me It sounds like you're bitter because I called out your bad typing skills because you are using bad science to come to conclusions that I'm a F type. You called connar McGregor an ILI when he's an obvious SLE. Anyone who takes forum typing seriously without the objective measures that I mentioned are also using bad science but It's not my duty to educate others.
    Last edited by Amoeba; 04-14-2023 at 04:32 PM.

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    Coeruleum Blue's flow of mind is not well structured what leaves chances for P types.
    "However, looking at big multinational brands and seeing that almost all of them are run by Jews with Israeli citizenship who donate to Zionist charities (the actually Zionist part,) unlike positing shapeshifting reptilian aliens projecting Earth as a hologram from the Moon, is not crazy, because that is really how it is and it is rather public that is how it is." link
    The talking is rather strange, so can be significant psyche distortions. To type such people correctly by a behavior is harder. To have a video is more meaningful for such cases.

    P. S.
    Functions with signes is doubtful theory, besides is not Socionics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    Alonzo, Amoeba and Aquamarine are likely IEI, like almost everyone on this site. Alonzo is probably a creative subtype. All three are F anyway
    Your mom's an IEI.

  38. #7078
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    But yeah if anyone is actually interested in the difference between F and T types. Particularly SEI vs SLI have a look at this podcast.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    Your mom's an IEI.
    That was actually close. She is an SEI, my dad's an LII. They are married for 31 years now.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  40. #7080
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    Your mom's an IEI.

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