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Thread: Your typing of forum members

  1. #6481
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    On a selfish note, for those who are maybe a bit more familiar with me here...

    What are the chances that I am IEI, rather than EIE? Because recently I've been thinking that I may be the former. If you've talked with me on here before, you might have a better idea of how I interact with you, and if I 'appear' more or less like either type.

  2. #6482
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    On a selfish note, for those who are maybe a bit more familiar with me here...

    What are the chances that I am IEI, rather than EIE? Because recently I've been thinking that I may be the former. If you've talked with me on here before, you might have a better idea of how I interact with you, and if I 'appear' more or less like either type.
    I haven't been here for very long, but I wouldn't put too much stock in the opinions of others here, not because I discredit them but because sociotype is something very nuanced and deep within, and the more apparent signs that we show to the world are our accentuations and subtypes, which many will mistake for type. That's why it's hard to get a perfect read on someone from just watching how they interact through text, and it's why there's a whole interview process that's full of directed questions and observation of non-verbals and semantics to professionally type someone. I've seen LSIs (Creative subtypes) who superficially sounded like what you'd expect an IxE to sound like and EIEs (harmonizing and normalizing) who sounded like ILIs or LSIs. I've also seen more typical representations, like what you'd usually expect from a type. The point is the way we present ourselves here is just a cover and we shouldn't judge books by their cover, sometimes we're right, sometimes we're wrong.

    My advice would be to try to focus on some of the dichotomous differences between these two types and see in which end of the spectrum you fit in. IEIs are positivists, EIEs are negativists. This means one often thinks in similarities and what's present in a situation, while the other thinks in differences, opposites and what's absent. The EIE being a DA type is not just attuned to contradictions, but embraces them and is walking one themselves. Positivists have a more simple way of viewing things, not less intelligent, just "smoother", more solid, less muddled. They're more certain of what they want. Negativists, on the other hand, complicate themselves, often having opposing or conflicting aspirations and desires, or not being sure of what they really want or who they really are. This isn't binary, as in positivists can't feel lost, it's more of an affinity, a tendency. Positivists will tend to focus on the light side of things while negativists focus more on the dark than they would want to.

    I find enneagram an interesting compliment to Socionics. As another self-assessed personality test, the type you identify with can say a lot about yourself. Some people defend the idea that you can combine any enneagram type with any sociotype but I think that method just ignores a lot of contradictions caused by some natural overlap and because of that, doesn't help with constructing an image about yourself, which I think is what a lot of us are after, clingling to these system to try to find something that's lost on us. I usually chalk the differences in how people view things in these typologies as philosophical disagreements and POVs but when you read enough descriptions, it gets hard to ignore how often they agree with and compliment themselves between these two systems. Put them side by side and you'll realize how some of them describe the same archetypes.

    The point of this all of this is to say that a typical IEI would often identify themselves a lot more with the images of the fairy-like types 9 and sx 7, while EIE tend to identify with the gloomy and internally intensive 4. That's not a rule, especially since, like in all systems, people switch types more often than they switch clothes depending on what they currently feel like. It's just tendencies to help illustrate. As a left-spinning, positivist, Ni+ Fe+ the IEI is just naturally a lighter, more hopeful person. EIEs are not always consciously aware of their emotinal state, they're not all emos, a lot of them are comedians in fact, but there's a darker, more cynical side to them that's hard to not notice when you get to know them.

    I also think it's neat to highlight stress resistance. Left-spinning types are more resistant than Right types, and Irrationals are more resistant than Rationals. Couple these together and the IEI is someone who's very hard to shake to the point where they break down. They're incredibly adaptful and good at dealing with new and chaotic situations, stress situations don't throw them off too much. The EIE is on the opposite end of it, a sudden stress can shake their whole foundation and throw them in a terrible internal state of helplessness and self-doubt. They can be good at hiding it up, but they're vulnerable and need a good support system.

    It's still a difficult process trying to judge the workings of your inner world but I hope that helps it. There's a lot more to look at but I can't guarantee you it'll be enough to quench the doubts because it really depends on the person lol. If you'd like to find out more the best resource we have available is Gulenko's book, which is where I took a lot of this info from. Good luck figuring yourself out

    Looking back on my post I'd say it has a very negativist character to it, a lot of contrasts, talk about differences, approximation of opposites etc etc. Everyone does that sometimes though, it's just part of the natural of analysis and rhetoric but if you notice you do it very often, through many posts, I'd say that's a hint.

  3. #6483

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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    On a selfish note, for those who are maybe a bit more familiar with me here...

    What are the chances that I am IEI, rather than EIE? Because recently I've been thinking that I may be the former. If you've talked with me on here before, you might have a better idea of how I interact with you, and if I 'appear' more or less like either type.
    on the video I was more inclined to think irrationality, maybe introversion and certainly intuitive
    from your forum behaviour - probably Fi valuing, perhaps ethical - unlikely to be EIE. EIE examples on here may be Coeruleum Blue, End (IEI also possible). Other Fe types are Kiba, get R, ContractedCriminalboy, two, mb Lady Lioness, mb Alive
    ILI, IEE are not excluded for your type - you don't act much like a Fe type, anyways
    possible IEEs i've noticed include AWellArmedCat, Sanguine Miasma, beembo
    possible ILIs - Missmessy

    i'm going to look at your video again soon if you like, last impressions were inconclusive

  4. #6484
    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    possible ILIs - Missmessy
    Thank you but I don't think so
    Souls know their way back home

  5. #6485
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulum
    I haven't been here for very long, but I wouldn't put too much stock in the opinions of others here, not because I discredit them but because sociotype is something very nuanced and deep within, and the more apparent signs that we show to the world are our accentuations and subtypes, which many will mistake for type. That's why it's hard to get a perfect read on someone from just watching how they interact through text, and it's why there's a whole interview process that's full of directed questions and observation of non-verbals and semantics to professionally type someone. I've seen LSIs (Creative subtypes) who superficially sounded like what you'd expect an IxE to sound like and EIEs (harmonizing and normalizing) who sounded like ILIs or LSIs. I've also seen more typical representations, like what you'd usually expect from a type. The point is the way we present ourselves here is just a cover and we shouldn't judge books by their cover, sometimes we're right, sometimes we're wrong.

    My advice would be to try to focus on some of the dichotomous differences between these two types and see in which end of the spectrum you fit in. IEIs are positivists, EIEs are negativists. This means one often thinks in similarities and what's present in a situation, while the other thinks in differences, opposites and what's absent. The EIE being a DA type is not just attuned to contradictions, but embraces them and is walking one themselves. Positivists have a more simple way of viewing things, not less intelligent, just "smoother", more solid, less muddled. They're more certain of what they want. Negativists, on the other hand, complicate themselves, often having opposing or conflicting aspirations and desires, or not being sure of what they really want or who they really are. This isn't binary, as in positivists can't feel lost, it's more of an affinity, a tendency. Positivists will tend to focus on the light side of things while negativists focus more on the dark than they would want to.

    I find enneagram an interesting compliment to Socionics. As another self-assessed personality test, the type you identify with can say a lot about yourself. Some people defend the idea that you can combine any enneagram type with any sociotype but I think that method just ignores a lot of contradictions caused by some natural overlap and because of that, doesn't help with constructing an image about yourself, which I think is what a lot of us are after, clingling to these system to try to find something that's lost on us. I usually chalk the differences in how people view things in these typologies as philosophical disagreements and POVs but when you read enough descriptions, it gets hard to ignore how often they agree with and compliment themselves between these two systems. Put them side by side and you'll realize how some of them describe the same archetypes.

    The point of this all of this is to say that a typical IEI would often identify themselves a lot more with the images of the fairy-like types 9 and sx 7, while EIE tend to identify with the gloomy and internally intensive 4. That's not a rule, especially since, like in all systems, people switch types more often than they switch clothes depending on what they currently feel like. It's just tendencies to help illustrate. As a left-spinning, positivist, Ni+ Fe+ the IEI is just naturally a lighter, more hopeful person. EIEs are not always consciously aware of their emotinal state, they're not all emos, a lot of them are comedians in fact, but there's a darker, more cynical side to them that's hard to not notice when you get to know them.

    I also think it's neat to highlight stress resistance. Left-spinning types are more resistant than Right types, and Irrationals are more resistant than Rationals. Couple these together and the IEI is someone who's very hard to shake to the point where they break down. They're incredibly adaptful and good at dealing with new and chaotic situations, stress situations don't throw them off too much. The EIE is on the opposite end of it, a sudden stress can shake their whole foundation and throw them in a terrible internal state of helplessness and self-doubt. They can be good at hiding it up, but they're vulnerable and need a good support system.

    It's still a difficult process trying to judge the workings of your inner world but I hope that helps it. There's a lot more to look at but I can't guarantee you it'll be enough to quench the doubts because it really depends on the person lol. If you'd like to find out more the best resource we have available is Gulenko's book, which is where I took a lot of this info from. Good luck figuring yourself out

    Looking back on my post I'd say it has a very negativist character to it, a lot of contrasts, talk about differences, approximation of opposites etc etc. Everyone does that sometimes though, it's just part of the natural of analysis and rhetoric but if you notice you do it very often, through many posts, I'd say that's a hint.
    Thanks for this.

    I’m aware of much of the information you’ve provided, but it’s easy to lose perspective on things sometimes.
    I think there’s some truth to the idea of finding common ‘threads’ in the posts people make over time (some are more obvious, others less so), but the issue for me is being aware of what those are regarding myself. I myself am not sure of the impact I actually have on others ‘IRL’, and I’m apprehensive about asking the people I know well.

    Stress-resistance is one of those things that I find stands out against IEI for myself. My wife often says I’m pretty easy to stress out and am even dramatic sometimes (I’m fairly certain she herself is an ESI). I think most of the time I’m able to keep it under control though.

    I also think myself to be more Negativist in general, too, so I considered LII and ILI at different points of time (yeah, the introverted logicals, who have 1D Fe, funny thing to think about now), but I’ve come to understand think I’m generally not very confident in the sphere of logic-related endeavours, so I think those are less likely possibilities.

    Regarding Enneagram, I find it hard to consider anything that fits myself except for 9. I have shades of 1, 4 and 6, but I generally lean towards lethargy, and a strong desire towards reconciliation, avoidance towards losing a sense of harmony/stability, etc. (as those are supposedly the core things regarding 9s.

    Anyway, good to talk about all that, I think. I wouldn’t have been able to put it in one place without your refresher course, so thanks again for that.
    Last edited by Manatroid92; 10-15-2022 at 12:33 AM.

  6. #6486
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaecaedre
    on the video I was more inclined to think irrationality, maybe introversion and certainly intuitive
    from your forum behaviour - probably Fi valuing, perhaps ethical - unlikely to be EIE. EIE examples on here may be Coeruleum Blue, End (IEI also possible). Other Fe types are Kiba, get R, ContractedCriminalboy, two, mb Lady Lioness, mb Alive
    ILI, IEE are not excluded for your type - you don't act much like a Fe type, anyways
    possible IEEs i've noticed include AWellArmedCat, Sanguine Miasma, beembo
    possible ILIs - Missmessy

    i'm going to look at your video again soon if you like, last impressions were inconclusive
    Feel free to look at it again. Since you’ve already looked at them before, I’m doubtful you’ll find something new, but I do appreciate the effort nonetheless! And if you find something concrete to in them, I’m happy to discuss.

    Regarding Fi-types, I’m doubtful that I am one. My priorities aren’t typically focused on deepening relationships (I’m not averse to it, I just don’t focus on them). I think I’m not nearly concerned enough about finances/productivity and other Te-related things like how Serious types tend to be, I care about it just enough to the point that I am sure my family and I can get by okay.

    I can understand why I might give off Fi vibes in my videos, though, as I probably appear more muted in some regards, but I think that’s kind of as far as it goes.

  7. #6487
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    test result
    The sociotype for which your answers are most characteristic will correspond to the LOWEST numerical value.
    It is recommended to consider three types with minimum values ​​as possible options.

    IEI-"Yesenin": 19.68
    IEE-Huxley: 26.32
    SEE-Napoleon: 27.31
    SEI-Dumas: 27.72
    EII-Dostoevsky: 28.95
    ILE-Don Quixote: 30.03
    LII-Robespierre: 32.95
    EIE-Hamlet: 33.98
    ESE-"Hugo": 37.49
    SLI-Gabin: 38.62
    OR-"Balzac": 40.52
    ESI-Dreiser: 42.61
    LSI-Maxim Gorky: 43.27
    LSE-Stirlitz: 48.33
    LIE-Jack London: 51.38
    SLE-Zhukov: 51.92
    Go to the description of the sociotype IEI-"Yesenin"

    Additional Information:

    Average responses: 0.25

    Correction factor: 0.8888888888888888

    Maybe Alive is right afterall
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  8. #6488
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    Clarke - ILE.

  9. #6489
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Clarke - ILE.
    Video or didnt happen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Video or didnt happen.
    I don't know. My posting style lately has been pretty random. I've come up with alot of random ideas.

  11. #6491
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    @blaecaedre : LII SLI(maybe)
    Last edited by welcometomania; 11-15-2022 at 09:11 AM.

  12. #6492

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    Quote Originally Posted by get R View Post
    @blaecaedre : LII
    get R - mb SEI, ESE

    >at a Beta nation
    hopefully you survive

  13. #6493
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    Thank you, LII SLI
    Last edited by welcometomania; 11-11-2022 at 05:16 AM.

  14. #6494
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    @Petter, & @End & are ILI-s (mb)
    Last edited by welcometomania; 12-03-2022 at 08:09 AM.

  15. #6495

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    Quote Originally Posted by get R View Post
    @Petter & @End are both ILI
    End is probably Beta NF

    >TIM: LII

  16. #6496
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaecaedre View Post
    End is probably Beta NF

    >TIM: LII
    End does seem to define people by groups, which might imply Aristocratic. In one of the threads, we talked about demographics of the US and he seemed to assign a certain set of characteristics to a certain, fairly wide demographic. I guess I did as well in that thread, although I was pointing out that exceptions and certain archetypes of person exist within that group. I ultimately don't know whether this is meaningful.

    Edit: I think that his understanding of strategy/tactics seemed decent to me, although this is coming from someone who's admittedly not that good at strategy/tactics. It's also possible that he just has more information than me, and I'm seeing that as some kind of cognitive skill. I think that's happened before.

    Edit 2: I wonder if it's possible that he simply looks like an Aristocratic type.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-06-2022 at 07:11 PM.

  17. #6497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    End does seem to define people by groups, which might imply Aristocratic. In one of the threads, we talked about demographics of the US and he seemed to assign a certain set of characteristics to a certain, fairly wide demographic. I guess I did as well in that thread, although I was pointing out that exceptions and certain archetypes of person exist within that group. I ultimately don't know whether this is meaningful.

    Edit: I think that his understanding of strategy/tactics seemed decent to me, although this is coming from someone who's admittedly not that good at strategy/tactics. It's also possible that he just has more information than me, and I'm seeing that as some kind of cognitive skill. I think that's happened before.

    Edit 2: I wonder if it's possible that he simply looks like an Aristocratic type.
    I outwardly define people by groups because it is rhetorically effective/practical. Inwardly I actually judge on a case by case basis if I have the luxury. I mean, if you're walking alone on a street at night (ceterus paribus) and some figure in a hoodie is approaching you at an angle and with an air/swagger very well suited for one who's about to mug you you're rather safer if you assume they have ill intentions and give them a wide berth over trying to say Hi to them. Otherwise, just say hi. This assumes the figure looks like a total stranger, however. If they get a bit closer and I recognize their face then I just say Hi and say what's up. Friends are friends even if they don't look like it at a distance.

    Hell, we'd probably make jokes about that kind of thing to the point they deliberately put on the hoodie and tried their very best to make it look like they were gonna mug my ass. A dark and downright offensive sense of humor from the prospective of the wokies is pretty much a prerequisite to get me to let my guard down and put you in the category of a true "friend" as it were .

    It is a sad fact and hard learned lesson that most people (at least in my direct experience) think in rhetorical and aristocratic terms (my milieu is filled with Beta's and Delta's with a few Alphas that I ironically get along with quite well somehow but that's likely because we don't tend to discuss things like politics and religion and when we do, well, we're all Christians and I'm basically an anarcho-capitalist of the Hoppe strain so that helps a lot when ya really think about it).

    Thus, best adapt and deal. Ya might not like it and ya may wish it was some other way, but "hopes and dreams" with nothing to back them up IRL mean exactly diddly dick. This is why the / axis is a thing. Hopes and dreams wedded to practical methods of achieving them. Like I've put it elsewhere, the likes of me are "applied engineers" in our heart and soul. "Good Enough" is "Perfect" in our minds. If it gets the job done (without crossing any major moral lines if we're not utterly broken souls) it's what we're gonna do. Let the / "theoretical engineers" stew about how bad we're fucking it all up in their cushy ivory towers. Far as I see it the lights are still on and the toilets still flush so my "stupid" solution worked just fine.

    If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.

  18. #6498
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I outwardly define people by groups because it is rhetorically effective/practical. Inwardly I actually judge on a case by case basis if I have the luxury. I mean, if you're walking alone on a street at night (ceterus paribus) and some figure in a hoodie is approaching you at an angle and with an air/swagger very well suited for one who's about to mug you you're rather safer if you assume they have ill intentions and give them a wide berth over trying to say Hi to them. Otherwise, just say hi. This assumes the figure looks like a total stranger, however. If they get a bit closer and I recognize their face then I just say Hi and say what's up. Friends are friends even if they don't look like it at a distance.

    Hell, we'd probably make jokes about that kind of thing to the point they deliberately put on the hoodie and tried their very best to make it look like they were gonna mug my ass. A dark and downright offensive sense of humor from the prospective of the wokies is pretty much a prerequisite to get me to let my guard down and put you in the category of a true "friend" as it were .

    It is a sad fact and hard learned lesson that most people (at least in my direct experience) think in rhetorical and aristocratic terms (my milieu is filled with Beta's and Delta's with a few Alphas that I ironically get along with quite well somehow but that's likely because we don't tend to discuss things like politics and religion and when we do, well, we're all Christians and I'm basically an anarcho-capitalist of the Hoppe strain so that helps a lot when ya really think about it).

    Thus, best adapt and deal. Ya might not like it and ya may wish it was some other way, but "hopes and dreams" with nothing to back them up IRL mean exactly diddly dick. This is why the / axis is a thing. Hopes and dreams wedded to practical methods of achieving them. Like I've put it elsewhere, the likes of me are "applied engineers" in our heart and soul. "Good Enough" is "Perfect" in our minds. If it gets the job done (without crossing any major moral lines if we're not utterly broken souls) it's what we're gonna do. Let the / "theoretical engineers" stew about how bad we're fucking it all up in their cushy ivory towers. Far as I see it the lights are still on and the toilets still flush so my "stupid" solution worked just fine.

    If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.
    You know, I've speculated for a while that it was impossible for democratic types not to do an analysis based on groups. It seems like a basic survival mechanism to analyze people by their groups so you know who their allies are, and as you said, what threat they might pose to you. Something like this seems to be an analysis of archetypes of human or allegiances.

    I wonder if something like this is simply a difference in priorities, or if Aristocrats actually tend to categorize people into groups on a normal basis. I guess the question here would be "if they see a mass of people walking around, do they automatically categorize them into a group or set of groups?". Although something like that might also be a survival mechanism for democrats.

  19. #6499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    You know, I've speculated for a while that it was impossible for democratic types not to do an analysis based on groups. It seems like a basic survival mechanism to analyze people by their groups so you know who their allies are, and as you said, what threat they might pose to you. Something like this seems to be an analysis of archetypes of human or allegiances.

    I wonder if something like this is simply a difference in priorities, or if Aristocrats actually tend to categorize people into groups on a normal basis. I guess the question here would be "if they see a mass of people walking around, do they automatically categorize them into a group or set of groups?". Although something like that might also be a survival mechanism for democrats.
    Basic survival mechanism for anyone or anything that's human far as we'd consider it. You automatically categorize them as a whole at first glance and then start looking for telltale signs of those who are, like myself and others like me, just trying to "pass" so as to not become the target of the mob's attention. A mob they probably differentiate from in a hostile manner in my case (i.e. I live near a city as a Christian Conservative and frequently encounter "Danger Hair" people everywhere I frequent my job included).

    This is one big reason why ILI's hate crowds. We can, do, and will pull off a passable performance in a 1v1 scenario. Every 1+Xv1 however complicates things massively. Such that we'd rather just not deal with that BS if we can help it. Granted, if push comes to shove and if a given crowd is otherwise amenable to solutions that require sacrifices on their part (i.e. the "crowd" is composed of mostly Gamma and Delta types) we can come off as the very embodiments of popular Charisma.

    That hardly ever happens however. Hence why the LIE's and SEE's tend to wind up actually leading a given crowd while the likes of me end up in the supporting role. They're just plain better at putting it "gently" to the masses. I can do a lot of things, but I just can't put it gently. It just feels wrong to "soften the blow" as it were...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Basic survival mechanism for anyone or anything that's human far as we'd consider it. You automatically categorize them as a whole at first glance and then start looking for telltale signs of those who are, like myself and others like me, just trying to "pass" so as to not become the target of the mob's attention. A mob they probably differentiate from in a hostile manner in my case (i.e. I live near a city as a Christian Conservative and frequently encounter "Danger Hair" people everywhere I frequent my job included).

    This is one big reason why ILI's hate crowds. We can, do, and will pull off a passable performance in a 1v1 scenario. Every 1+Xv1 however complicates things massively. Such that we'd rather just not deal with that BS if we can help it. Granted, if push comes to shove and if a given crowd is otherwise amenable to solutions that require sacrifices on their part (i.e. the "crowd" is composed of mostly Gamma and Delta types) we can come off as the very embodiments of popular Charisma.

    That hardly ever happens however. Hence why the LIE's and SEE's tend to wind up actually leading a given crowd while the likes of me end up in the supporting role. They're just plain better at putting it "gently" to the masses. I can do a lot of things, but I just can't put it gently. It just feels wrong to "soften the blow" as it were...
    I think that I usually have a different interpretation of crowds. There are generally too many people to focus on for anyone to really notice you, so you can kind of just exist there without really being spotted. However, I guess there's also less maneuverability in a crowd, so if something does happen there, it's not as safe. I guess you could say that there's also the potential of trampling, although I don't think I usually think about that.

    After thinking about it at length, I actually think that crowds have another element that makes them unideal: unpredictability. While crowds will tend to be focused on other things most of the time, there's a chance that someone in the crowd will try to interact with you. It's harder to plan on what to say or how to deal with that person because you can't predict their characteristics.

    I would say that I generally manage better one to one than with a crowd, if the crowd is focused on me. I've always interpreted it as something to do with the sheer volume of people in a crowd (stage fright), but I guess there's also the possibility that I'm doing some kind of behavior predictive analysis. It's harder to cater to a person's belief system when there's multiple people. It's also harder to see their individual reactions, which can sometimes be useful for seeing whether you said the wrong thing.

    Ultimately, I don't really have the memory or self awareness to tell whether I do some kind of group analysis when I try to predict behaviors. I'm pretty sure I'm at least looking at attributes, and assigning certain likely characteristics to those people based on those attributes.

    From personal experience, I'd say that I'm fairly bad at leading or motivating groups. It's hard for me to take a strong leadership role in these cases, so I usually make suggestions or maybe try to be a sort of backseat driver.

    Edit: I think my most likely role in a group is to be a sort of advisor for the leader. I like to usually contribute information and insight that I think will benefit the group. It depends on the group structure. In an online structure, I'll usually broadcast to the group instead of tell the leader information.

    I guess the utility of this post is to show that a certain archetype of human exists. I'm ultimately still not sure what type I classify as.

    Edit 2: I guess my potential reactions to people follow the following pattern:
    -I see a man walking down the street. He seems kind of a lean-muscular, and is wearing clothing that some people might consider to be "thug" clothing, such as a tank top and maybe baggy pants. He overall looks like someone who could possibly do damage somewhere, or looks mean somehow.
    -Based on this information, I judge the man as a possible danger and try to stay away from him in a subtle and polite way, such as keeping distance or taking pathways that avoid confrontation with the man.
    -However, if I actually had to talk to the man and he seemed like a cool guy, I'd probably end up getting along with him.
    -Past this point, the only things that would influence how I interpret him are usually others' viewpoints or arguments about the characteristics of the man that I haven't seen, like his deep character. I sometimes doubt these, especially if they're from sources that I consider to be unreliable or they're poor arguments in general.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-07-2022 at 01:04 PM. Reason: Clarifications, adding additional information.

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    So Braingel is IEI and INFP. Is she histrionic?
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    Quote Originally Posted by RileyRaikouEin View Post
    So Braingel is IEI and INFP. Is she histrionic?
    Maybe she just appears INFP for some reason. It's also possible that she's classified as INFP based on characteristics (even cognitive function definitions) that aren't the same as Socionics.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-07-2022 at 12:50 PM. Reason: Adding more thoughts.

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    @VewyScawwyNawcissist knows @Braingel personally

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    I think it is possible there is a J/P switch but only possibly for women, though

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    @godslave seems ethical, intuition and Fi more likely

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    Quote Originally Posted by blaecaedre View Post
    @godslave seems ethical, intuition and Fi more likely
    Thank you for your attention.

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    @welcome have you thought about IEE ? I don't know anything about your life but you seem like one to me
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    @Missmessy if I am one, then (I think) you are an ESI LII***

    ***@Snowgirl I am so sorry, (now I really meant to say you could be an SEE) (my supervisor)
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaecaedre View Post
    @godslave seems ethical, intuition and Fi more likely
    I agree with that actually. @godslave strikes me as potentially NF
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke
    End does seem to define people by groups, which might imply Aristocratic.
    You know, I've speculated for a while that it was impossible for democratic types not to do an analysis based on groups.
    Honestly, this is kind of why I hesitate to give the Reinin Dichotomies much thought. I feel like they are perhaps real on some level, but most of the time too hard to detect reliably to really be of much use in typing people. I think determining ego elements should probably take priority when typing someone
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    I agree with that actually. @godslave strikes me as potentially NF
    I had already assumed she was NF, too. In any case, I do firmly agree!

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat;[URL="tel:1541039"
    1541039[/URL]]Honestly, this is kind of why I hesitate to give the Reinin Dichotomies much thought. I feel like they are perhaps real on some level, but most of the time too hard to detect reliably to really be of much use in typing people. I think determining ego elements should probably take priority when typing someone
    The Aristocratic/Democratic dichotomy I think is especially misunderstood/misused. I don't think it has anything to do with whether you perceive/generalize groups. That's a universal trait. Has more to do IMO with how you communicate and hold yourself in relation to other people/groups. It's difficult to get across without biases creeping in -- even in the words "democracy" and "aristocracy" for instance, where people are conditioned to think of one as good and the other as bad.

    I do think it's real/useful for typing people.

    As far as @End goes I have no problem with his being ILI personally. He talks a lot about tribes and such, but as much as he may claim he's some rural redneck or whatever, I get the impression he's on the fringe of whatever identity he's claiming, and isn't particularly interested in changing/able to change that. You get the impression that he's mostly just himself no matter who talks to him. I think he's so concerned with groups because he's not really a part of one. He needs a social identity like anyone else, but he can't actually make himself quite fit. At least that's how I perceive him.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 11-10-2022 at 07:01 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    The Aristocratic/Democratic dichotomy I think is especially misunderstood/misused. I don't think it has anything to do with whether you perceive/generalize groups. That's a universal trait. Has more to do IMO with how you communicate and hold yourself in relation to other people. It's difficult to get across without biases creeping in -- even in the words "democracy" and "aristocracy" for instance, where people are conditioned to think of one as good and the other as bad.
    You mean all the Nietzsche fanboys on this forum who think of "aristocracy" as good and "democracy" as bad? I know, the general population is reversed, but this forum isn't the general population if you haven't noticed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    I agree with that actually. @godslave strikes me as potentially NF

    Thank you very much for your attention ! I always appreciate an opinion about my Type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave;[URL="tel:1541051"
    Thank you very much for your attention ! I always appreciate an opinion about my Type.

    Then I also think you're Delta NF FWIW! What do you think of IEE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    The Aristocratic/Democratic dichotomy I think is especially misunderstood/misused. I don't think it has anything to do with whether you perceive/generalize groups. That's a universal trait. Has more to do IMO with how you communicate and hold yourself in relation to other people/groups. It's difficult to get across without biases creeping in -- even in the words "democracy" and "aristocracy" for instance, where people are conditioned to think of one as good and the other as bad.

    And then we also have elitism.
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    Sincerely yours,
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Then I also think you're Delta NF FWIW! What do you think of IEE?
    Thank you for your proposition. I think I'm "a tricky one" regardless. IEE is possible. Do you think that it can cohabited with the following traits of my personality (It might help others too !) :

    I feel like my personality is a collage of the people I admired throughout my life. Who I really am is a vague thing. I know what triggers me, what and whom I like and dislike. I know my tastes so to speak. When it comes to real people I observe a person and then I kinda make an internal judgement about what kind of person he or she is. Stuff like the "gentle kind" or 'the potential friend kind" or " the psycho kind" or "the sexy kind" etc... I see groups as a cluster of individuals and I never judge an individual by the values or stereotypes of the group to which he or she belongs. However, if the group is the KKK or some kind of extremists and radicals then that person is almost lost to me. He or she has turned to the dark side of which there is no coming back. I don't like redemptions stories when the protagonist has reached a certain point of evil. When I say I judge people is more like I taste "their energy" so to speak and try to adapt to it unless I don't like that energy at all.

    I feel like a true chameleon. People always think that I think the same as they do. Sometimes nothing can be further from the truth. I guess That's one of my ways of avoiding conflict but note that If I feel offended or I feel like a person has gone too far or took my kindness for a weakness, then I will instantaneously assert myself and he or she will have a glimpse of my own dark side. I am you + 1 (from a certain point of view). If you're kind with me I will be even kinder with you, if you display an aggressive and hostile energy towards me, after a certain point of tolerance, my energy will project an aura of determination according to my Defcon level your abuse has triggered. I can have Dexter like fantasies. That's my dark passenger side. I can't stand physical violence though. I contemplate those things but I've never actually done them (although I could if need be, I have the skills) . In fact more often than not, imagining a situation is almost as satisfying as really experiencing it irl, to the point of losing interest afterwards. It's like contemplating = "Okay that's done ! next !". I score High in neuroticism btw but my dragon is sealed so to speak (9 fix) .

    I like to compare my character to a giant anteater, when I find a subject of interest (that could be a person) I nourish myself with its essence until I feel like I'm full of it (or until my brain has reached its limits if it's a complex subject). I've always had heroes with whom I identified. I've been a fan boy all my life and each person I have been a fan of has influenced and forged my skills so to speak. Imitation is the first phase of learning. "Always two they are, no more no less. A Master and an Apprentice." - Yoda. I feel like I've been an apprentice all my life. For instance I have so many musical influences and my own style is some kind of a Frankensteined one (I play guitar and keyboards (synths geek !)). I like to learn the same subject from different sources, teachers and perspective.My Understanding is like a low dimensional image which gets better and better over time until reaching a (hopefully !) HD level of clarity. If I'm onto something, I'll try and try again until I reach satisfaction.I play to win in general. I play when I think that I can win though.

    I live like a hikikomori (Me and my apartment are clean though ahaha! ). I don't have friends. I have the skill to talk to anyone if I want but the problem is that I don't want to. In terms of social contribution I would say that a lamp post is more useful than me. I am very sensible to the mood around me, I think I'm a so called HSP. Every artistic emotional trick work on me if it's well crafted (music, movies, books, plays etc..). I love to cry (In private !! ) at a good Japanese drama, I like when it makes me feel very sad or very hopeful and happy. Arts like Music, movies, TV shows and anime are the sources of most my emotional supply. Without it I would have gone crazy (I mean crasier !). I don't like to watch a new movie with a family member or someone I know very well because I don't want them to see me crying in case of lacrymagen scenes.

    Anyway, sorry that was a bit long. Do you thing That all those informations are compatible with IEE and/or Delta values ?
    Last edited by godslave; 12-10-2022 at 06:24 AM. Reason: rectified " I" to "IT might help others" which was what I meant

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    >I live like a hikikomori (Me and my apartment are clean though ahaha! )
    >I don't have friends. I have the skill to talk to anyone if I want but the problem is that I don't want to.
    hm, unusual for IEE
    EII, IEI is somewhat more likely to live like this

    >In fact more often than not, imagining a situation is almost as satisfying as really experiencing it irl, to the point of losing interest afterwards.
    more usual attitude for introverts and intuitives

    >I see groups as a cluster of individuals and I never judge an individual by the values or stereotypes of the group to which he or she belongs.
    most usual for Delta - non-valued Fe/Ti is less prone to understand people as a collective, non-valued Se is less prone to judging by external physical characterstics
    Delta NF have the most nuanced perception of the personality of the individual of all the types

    ethical intuitive seems fairly certain, anyways. the mind is a little too sophisticated for an average sensor. a video would perhaps make the quadra clearer. you seem to communicate with emphasis on pleasant and comfortable emotions, which is more a Fi thing - but tentatively said
    from the information given above - the chance of you being introverted rises

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    Quote Originally Posted by blaecaedre View Post
    >I live like a hikikomori (Me and my apartment are clean though ahaha! )
    >I don't have friends. I have the skill to talk to anyone if I want but the problem is that I don't want to.
    hm, unusual for IEE
    EII, IEI is somewhat more likely to live like this

    >In fact more often than not, imagining a situation is almost as satisfying as really experiencing it irl, to the point of losing interest afterwards.
    more usual attitude for introverts and intuitives

    >I see groups as a cluster of individuals and I never judge an individual by the values or stereotypes of the group to which he or she belongs.
    most usual for Delta - non-valued Fe/Ti is less prone to understand people as a collective, non-valued Se is less prone to judging by external physical characterstics
    Delta NF have the most nuanced perception of the personality of the individual of all the types

    ethical intuitive seems fairly certain, anyways. the mind is a little too sophisticated for an average sensor. a video would perhaps make the quadra clearer. you seem to communicate with emphasis on pleasant and comfortable emotions, which is more a Fi thing - but tentatively said
    from the information given above - the chance of you being introverted rises
    Thank you for your time. I'm too shy for a video right now. Maybe I'll do it in the future. I also think I'm NF-ish (it feels weird for me to talk about my type I don't know why ).

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    >it feels weird for me to talk about my type I don't know why
    introverts are more apprehensive about revealing things about themselves in general, non-valued Ne is less interested in psychological analysis
    you're not EIE, I think, but IEI is still a definite possibility

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