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Thread: Your typing of forum members

  1. #401

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    Thanks for the thorough explanation of your thoughts. I know you are not here for F relations but I think besides of what I said (which you can argue against sure), the LxE's do care about actively acting for public acceptance way more than you seem to and they cater to this actively. That's their "Fe role" (I dislike calling it role function though, it's IMO just the interaction of leading and suggestive, in the case of LxE's this is their extraversion with the Fi seeking). Your attention on Fe is nearly nonexistent really most of the time. Except when you spontaneously get to use those various fun emojis in jokes sometimes, in a certain way which seems rather Fe valuing "Merry" to me. : p (Sorry it's hard to describe this "certain way"... it's something to do with how suddenly it comes out of nowhere.)

    Btw I relate to you in that I see nothing personal in the interactions with most people and my bad feelings are also weak and drop soon.

    I think the lack of positive close relations would make anyone depressed, that's a basic human need. Just for Fi valuing types such relations are manifested differently than for Fe valuing types. Both still cater to positive close loving relations, just in different ways.

    What types give you Fi activation?

    Where you speak of being unmotivated without good relations with close people (e.g. "I had no motivation before, not much of emotional interest to life"), I think it takes more for LxE to get entirely unmotivated in that fashion. They are still extraverts who go out there and try to get new contacts. They remain in touch with some emotional motivation (higher extraversion, higher Fe too, and all that). Of course in very deep depression everyone becomes more introverted in a sense

    As for lack of need on how to treat others... I think LxE cares about that in public too (extraversion, "Fe role"). It's also part of why they do not stick to their opinions so obstinately like you do (it's also of course the extraversion of Te over Ti). : p

    It's like with suggestive of others. For example, not all base Ni clearly feel how they value money in relations - they may think like they don't care. But would feel badly in such case, mb without clear understanding why is so. People need suggestive support, but have muddy understanding.
    How do you know for you this is not Fe that you have the muddy understanding about?

    Because I need closer relations than random dudes on forums to alow my emotions, to remove my protection blocks.
    Emotions (=feelings with extra/dynamic energy for action/interaction) are Fe, not Fi.

    Hmm as for the comparison for ESI vs Fe types. Did the Fe types try at influencing you for that long? ESIs have definitely affected me to some degree before after a while of them trying at it enough - it's just not like Fe to me, unfortunately - but again, with Fe too it takes a looong time before I get influenced. You know, those "protection blocks".

    Soul attraction... I had something like that with EII-Fi sister of mine. But again... it's not like Fe. Of course when I had no idea yet as to what that is like I was not consciously missing it, either.

    Anyway, if you have had the experience of Fe types trying to influence you for long enough (again, when I say "long", I mean it), and you still found you preferred Fi emotionally, okay, forget my suggestion then.

    I pull her from relations which she prefers to keep.
    Se Aggressor? : p

    (LSE seems are not easy in romances, - hard to get significant feelings, to break relations, to forget ones, etc).
    That's not specific to LSE.

    As chances on relations with her became very low, the most reasonable would be to switch to other as soon as possible, what is not easy for me
    If you don't mind a suggestion - cut her out of your life. Otherwise you can't move on. It'll still take a while. My opinion anyway.

  2. #402
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    Sol pushes people away. I had him in a regard before until he started to use re-typing as a means of disagreeing with me. I've seen him retype others when they disagree with him, so he's not all business and 'here to learn.' I think he's just a difficult person to get on with and caught in a rut. No one spends so much time in a place, forum or real life, for instance, work, without wanting good relations especially Delta STs. I'm not going to retype him though, too much hard work for little return, he's just 'one of those guys.'

    He also ignores very basic socionics stuff, like Gulenko's recommendations for self improvement in the type descriptions, telling me Gulenko's descriptions are wrong, Gulenko's a fool etc. Why? Because it's something he didn't like.

    So he is motivated by his own emotions, pettiness etc yet doesn't admit it. This isn't a socionics analysis, but it might help me to think it through.

    It doesn't take a genius to work out that somethings missing from his life, why else after approx 10 years would he still be posting you tube clips of types and such. I think Sol that you just need to live a little which will help develop your interior relationship skills.

    It's just some observations which may or may not lead to providing info for his type, or maybe it's just an analysis of the 'guy called Sol.'

  3. #403
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    Sol pushes certain people away. you can pretty much stop there, because the rest of your analysis assumes he doesn't want to do this or isn't somehow ok with it. it is pretty much a Fe valuing projection you're putting on him and presuming "something is missing from his life" as if you have the same goals, and he's acting with the same motives you'd be acting with if you were manifesting the same behavior. sometimes retyping people resolves disagreements, because it explains them-- so maybe he's not even pushing people away in an intentionally destructive manner, maybe he's just simply trying to work out solutions that work for him and if people don't like it they can go their own way, which is precisely Fi. Fi is not some injunction to maximize all relationships equally as primary, that is... Fe

    also people can post youtubes for a decade about socionics and its a perfectly awesome hobby/interest. I really like that someone tries to build such a database, it seems to me to be a very productive albeit somewhat esoteric and difficult project, but that makes it fun and worthwhile. the fact that such a thing is error prone and may turn out to be completely wrong doesn't mean it wasn't somehow worth doing or that it must be pathological. I don't even have to agree with his typings to respect the effort, k4m does the same thing although I think his typings are complete nonsense compared to Sols, but the mere fact I have the opportunity to compare the two, because they did it, is I think a net positive and I respect that

  4. #404
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    That's all well and Gucci, ladies and gentlemen. But what do we conclude about his exact type then in constellation to his 'adversaries' @Myst yer up to something. Do go on. I am here with paper and pen.

  5. #405
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    yes Myst tell us more about Sol's type

  6. #406

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    Sol pushes people away. I had him in a regard before until he started to use re-typing as a means of disagreeing with me. I've seen him retype others when they disagree with him, so he's not all business and 'here to learn.' I think he's just a difficult person to get on with and caught in a rut. No one spends so much time in a place, forum or real life, for instance, work, without wanting good relations especially Delta STs. I'm not going to retype him though, too much hard work for little return, he's just 'one of those guys.'

    He also ignores very basic socionics stuff, like Gulenko's recommendations for self improvement in the type descriptions, telling me Gulenko's descriptions are wrong, Gulenko's a fool etc. Why? Because it's something he didn't like.

    So he is motivated by his own emotions, pettiness etc yet doesn't admit it. This isn't a socionics analysis, but it might help me to think it through.

    It doesn't take a genius to work out that somethings missing from his life, why else after approx 10 years would he still be posting you tube clips of types and such. I think Sol that you just need to live a little which will help develop your interior relationship skills.

    It's just some observations which may or may not lead to providing info for his type, or maybe it's just an analysis of the 'guy called Sol.'
    I think it's you here who's talking from an emotional pov.

    I don't know what Sol did that makes you this upset. I've upset SLIs before like this though.

  7. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    That's all well and Gucci, ladies and gentlemen. But what do we conclude about his exact type then in constellation to his 'adversaries' @Myst yer up to something. Do go on. I am here with paper and pen.
    I don't know about 'we' But hopefully Myst has something to come up with, that would be interesting.

    For me, I wouldn't even rule out the possibility sol's F. It wouldn't be entirely surprising to me. Sol is a complex case. It could be that the issues he mentions - anger, difficulty with this girl he was close to, and the manner of his interaction on the forum, that it's from repressed T - that is, he's an F type and he's using his weaker T, resulting in his perplexing persona.

    As I recall reading, Jung would use psychological types in therapy. Supposing someone came to Jung, convinced they had to be 'logical', 'factual' etc, but kept messing their relationships up (now, just a supposing), maybe Jung would conclude that person had been co-erced somehow into trying to behave as T, but really to clear their neurosis, they have to engage their true type - they're really F type that's been suppressed.

    It might not be the case, but I recalled on reading your post, how Jung would use psychological types for it's therapeutic value. Maybe it's something to be generally kept in mind, perhaps we're too quick to say, 'X doesn't get on with people = T type', when really there's plenty of T types with good relations in life.

  8. #408

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    I don't know about 'we' But hopefully Myst has something to come up with, that would be interesting.

    For me, I wouldn't even rule out the possibility he's F. It wouldn't be entirely surprising to me. Sol is a complex case. It could be that the issues he mentions - anger, difficulty with this girl he was close to, his manner of interaction on the forum, that it's from repressed T - that is, he's an F type and he's using his weaker T, resulting in his perplexing persona.

    As I recall reading, Jung would use psychological types in therapy. Supposing someone came to him, convinced they had to be 'logical', 'factual' etc, but kept messing their relationships up (now, just a supposing), maybe Jung would conclude that person had been co-erced somehow into trying to behave as T, but really to clear their neurosis, they have to engage their true type - they're really F type that's been suppressed.

    It might not be the case, but I recalled on reading your post, how Jung would use psychological types for it's therapeutic value. Maybe it's something to be generally kept in mind, perhaps we're too quick to say, 'X doesn't get on with people = T type', when really there's plenty of T types with good relations with others in life.
    Ehh lol imagining Sol as F type is pretty hilarious He's as T as they come*. It doesn't mean he can't be biased by feelings of course. It's a very hard goal to remain 100% objective at all times. You can only strive for it.

    *: He always uses explicit reasoning to support his claims, F types don't want to do that all the time because for them feelings are valid evaluations on their own too.

    Anyway, you could say I've added more input for his typing above, but it's very tangential lol, it'd be a joke only, not a real fact to support his typing as LSI... that is, "T person who upsets SLIs on forums like there's no tomorrow" = LSI

  9. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I think it's you here who's talking from an emotional pov.

    I don't know what Sol did that makes you this upset. I've upset SLIs before like this though.
    Yeah, i'm speaking about how he behaves, and I agree it could be perceived as an ethical analysis, well, it is an ethical analysis, but it's done without feeling on my part. He did upset me at the time, because I was surprised at his behavior, but it was a while ago and I just let him get on with w/e it is he does.

  10. #410

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    Yeah, i'm speaking about how he behaves, and I agree it could be perceived as an ethical analysis, well, it is an ethical analysis, but it's done without feeling on my part. He did upset me at the time, because I was surprised at his behavior, but it was a while ago and I just let him get on with w/e it is he does.
    Yes you did list some facts and reasoning but it seemed like Fi HA added to the analysis, like here it definitely did:

    He also ignores very basic socionics stuff, like Gulenko's recommendations for self improvement in the type descriptions, telling me Gulenko's descriptions are wrong, Gulenko's a fool etc. Why? Because it's something he didn't like.
    You assumed he does it out of a Fi motivation (just not liking it). Unless I misunderstand what you meant there.

    BTW I also criticize Gulenko, I'm very against a lot of the stuff he writes, and it's not simply due to dislike. It's my not finding it logical. In a big part due to devaluing the Ne of Gulenko's too, I find it not only too speculative but wholly unsubstantiated.

    The one thing I did find good from Gulenko is the communication styles here. This does seem to describe and explain some aspects of actual reality nicely. None of the rabbitholey imagined connections that he tries to put all under one logical system in the wrong way, it's not logical enough and it ignores actual reality in a way it can't be reconciled with it. Ne runs parallel to Se reality like this, from my pov.

    (Jury's out on the DCNH descriptions, that's another writing that I might find some validity in, limited validity though, too many superfluous bullshit details I have had to weed out.)

    EDIT: ah, another bit to show how Sol may be Ne devaluing... If his reasons for rejecting Gulenko's stuff are the same as mine, cognitively.

  11. #411
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    LxE's do care about actively acting for public acceptance
    Where it's useful and would not take too much of efforts. You may compare me with Adam and Abbie which think themselves as base Te.
    Also you may think me as non-common LSE as I stably got introversion in dichotomy tests. My communicative interests may be lower than average because of non-types factors. Though I'm not shy and not quiet.
    Also E-1 easy go against what people like being leaded by higher aims, than cheap acceptance due to conformism.

    > Your attention on Fe is nearly nonexistent really most of the time. Except when you spontaneously get to use those various fun emojis in jokes sometimes, in a certain way which seems rather Fe valuing "Merry" to me. : p

    Just Fe. Just for you.
    I have much of experience dealing with Fe types, more than with Fi ones. So sometimes I may imitate them not bad. Also if I'd dealed more with Fi types I'd was more restrained, as Fe ones easier forgive rude behavior.

    > I think the lack of positive close relations would make anyone depressed

    Base T types suffer most from the lack of external emotional support.
    Specifics of Te - the need of unconditional friendship 1 on 1, deep relations.
    It's not enough to get fun with someones on weekends and their delight how cool you are, and entertainment industry is mostly Fe related. For Fi there is nothing besides close friends which are rare in the life, good marriages which are rare too and mb psychotherapists.

    > What types give you Fi activation?

    Check my lists and type people which I related to base Fi.

    > Where you speak of being unmotivated without good relations with close people

    strong (mostly unconscious) emotional hunger without good friendship/romance with acceptance which looks as unconditional for me

    > (e.g. "I had no motivation before, not much of emotional interest to life"), I think it takes more for LxE to get entirely unmotivated in that fashion

    In that context - Si valued. Money, property (Se) are not valued for us, so without good need (family needs far more) we do lesser efforts to this side. And also no emotional support to have better mood to do more, what can be related to T.

    > in very deep depression everyone becomes more introverted in a sense

    The worse your emotions, the lesser you have interest to contacts. But you don't need to have it "very deep" to get I in tests being E in mind - mediocre shift will does this. Also, for T types relations with people is weak area and falls easer.

    > As for lack of need on how to treat others... I think LxE cares about that in public too (extraversion, "Fe role")

    There is the lack of people which can be accepted for this.
    "how to treat others" - Fi

    > How do you know for you this is not Fe that you have the muddy understanding about?

    IR impressions with people of known types

    > Emotions (=feelings with extra/dynamic energy for action/interaction) are Fe, not Fi.

    emotions = F. to get interest to opinions in F area (like relations) I need closer emotional contact

    > Did the Fe types try at influencing you for that long?

    it was significant and comparable.
    also besides forums I communicated with Fe people IRL a lot to understand impressions from them for comparision

    > Soul attraction... I had something like that with EII-Fi sister of mine. But again... it's not like Fe

    it's what makes you to feel good from emotional contact with other one. I liked her way to talk with people and about them

    > I pull her from relations which she prefers to keep.
    > Se Aggressor? : p

    It would not by "force", but emotions. In case she felt worse in relations and felt better to me (and good if I had more money) - sure. I think I needed better emotional contact with her and don't do some mistakes, as her relations probably were bad (I suspect, don't know it clearly at now). They'd parted, I'd offered her IRL communication and rather sure we'd liked each other seriously.

    >> LSE seems are not easy in romances, - hard to get significant feelings, to break relations, to forget ones, etc
    > That's not specific to LSE.

    The most hard probably is with base Te types as relations are Fi which is our suggestive. And being S we are rigid in imagination to switch to others.

    > If you don't mind a suggestion - cut her out of your life. Otherwise you can't move on. It'll still take a while. My opinion anyway.

    I understand same. But to switch easier I need to _see_ better alternative. Also just to cut off from suggestive function, especially dual/semi-dual is like to say drugs user "just do not take it". I have feelings which lead me to actions, thoughts, hopes what supports feelings further. I may stay in such traps for years, like happened with previous girls after end of relations.

  12. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    I don't know about 'we' But hopefully Myst has something to come up with, that would be interesting.

    For me, I wouldn't even rule out the possibility sol's F. It wouldn't be entirely surprising to me. Sol is a complex case. It could be that the issues he mentions - anger, difficulty with this girl he was close to, and the manner of his interaction on the forum, that it's from repressed T - that is, he's an F type and he's using his weaker T, resulting in his perplexing persona.

    As I recall reading, Jung would use psychological types in therapy. Supposing someone came to Jung, convinced they had to be 'logical', 'factual' etc, but kept messing their relationships up (now, just a supposing), maybe Jung would conclude that person had been co-erced somehow into trying to behave as T, but really to clear their neurosis, they have to engage their true type - they're really F type that's been suppressed.

    It might not be the case, but I recalled on reading your post, how Jung would use psychological types for it's therapeutic value. Maybe it's something to be generally kept in mind, perhaps we're too quick to say, 'X doesn't get on with people = T type', when really there's plenty of T types with good relations in life.
    He couldn't keep that suppression act up for 10 years. A mask is who we are. Dominant elements are always visible, no matter how hard we try, they're too strong and cannot be divorced from identity. That's like me trying to reign in , it's just not happening, and the entire forum sees it anyway. This is how it goes. Sol - a complex person (lmao no), and an F type at that... my own ethics don't know whether they should judge, shrug, or laugh now I try to prove a point here can you see what I mean

    As far as my observation goes - what do we create out of this: Sol is like an answer machine stuck in his faulty system since forever, and in search of an oh-so polite doormat (ew at this term) who never even talks because otherwise he feels powerless and cannot function. Let's try something different: SLE?

    Good relations, that goes without saying. We don't live in a bubble

  13. #413

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Where it's useful and would not take too much of efforts. You may compare me with Adam and Abbie which think themselves as base Te.
    I did compare you to them. They will pay more attention to the public and not coming off in the same obstinate way in their T opinions. They both sound actually pretty noncommittal in terms of what to adhere to in theories.

    (BTW I don't mind your obstinateness, I'm just pointing out things I've observed.)

    Also you may think me as non-common LSE as I stably got introversion in dichotomy tests. My communicative interests may be lower than average because of non-types factors. Though I'm not shy and not quiet.
    Also E-1 easy go against what people like being leaded by higher aims, than cheap acceptance due to conformism.
    So you actually test as LSI?

    Not all introverts are shy but I think we discussed this before... Ambiverts won't be quiet.

    Not questioning the E1 for you It's very obvious that you go by that kind of thinking you describe. I dunno if I want to declare that this is Ni HA, even though on the surface it does sound like it... it gets too speculative for me here because I don't know how exactly your cognition adds to such thinking. I just know for me this part made me go to Ni consciousness.

    > Your attention on Fe is nearly nonexistent really most of the time. Except when you spontaneously get to use those various fun emojis in jokes sometimes, in a certain way which seems rather Fe valuing "Merry" to me. : p

    Just Fe. Just for you.
    Just for me? Well thanks I guess : p

    Specifics of Te - the need of unconditional friendship 1 on 1, deep relations.
    It's not enough to get fun with someones on weekends and their delight how cool you are, and entertainment industry is mostly Fe related. For Fi there is nothing besides close friends which are rare in the life, good marriages which are rare too and mb psychotherapists.
    OK our definitions for Fe vs Fi differ. I don't really think that with Fe egos all you can have is fun at weekends. That makes no sense to me, the idea that with some people only that would be possible. Also, I take into account the instinct stackings and other factors for these things you listed here.

    > Where you speak of being unmotivated without good relations with close people

    strong (mostly unconscious) emotional hunger without good friendship/romance with acceptance which looks as unconditional for me
    I just don't see why this has to be Fi valuing. Again, a basic human need to be accepted. You might ask LxIs on here if they'd relate in any way to this. My guess is they'd say yes. Like I said, both Fe and Fi provide relationships based on Feelings, just one is about external manifestations of the relationship (Fe) and the other one is about implicit "manifestations (Fi) of it.

    > (e.g. "I had no motivation before, not much of emotional interest to life"), I think it takes more for LxE to get entirely unmotivated in that fashion

    In that context - Si valued. Money, property (Se) are not valued for us, so without good need (family needs far more) we do lesser efforts to this side. And also no emotional support to have better mood to do more, what can be related to T.
    Well you aren't Se base, sure. Agreed on the last sentence.

    > in very deep depression everyone becomes more introverted in a sense

    The worse your emotions, the lesser you have interest to contacts. But you don't need to have it "very deep" to get I in tests being E in mind - mediocre shift will does this. Also, for T types relations with people is weak area and falls easer.
    I did say that LxE can get to this point too, but I also said that I think it takes more for them.

    > As for lack of need on how to treat others... I think LxE cares about that in public too (extraversion, "Fe role")

    There is the lack of people which can be accepted for this.
    "how to treat others" - Fi
    With general extraversion, they do care in public, yeah.

    > Emotions (=feelings with extra/dynamic energy for action/interaction) are Fe, not Fi.

    emotions = F. to get interest to opinions in F area (like relations) I need closer emotional contact
    OK our definitions really differ. Here are mine:

    F = Feeling (for fleshing out what highly refined Feeling is, for example you can see Van der Hoop's very nice article here.)

    Fe = Feeling + extra/dynamic energy for action/interaction/expression (due to it being object-oriented extraverted information). This energy is what most people call "emotion". Socionics also uses "emotion" in this sense and links it with Fe instead of Fi. But in line with what I said above, Fe egos have refined Feeling on top of just raw emotional energy so it's more refined and directed for them than for a T type's less refined emotionality.

    Fi = Feeling + introverted self-related attitude with them = only indirectly shown feelings in terms of the emotional part, no emotional energy to them.

    > Did the Fe types try at influencing you for that long?

    it was significant and comparable.

    > Soul attraction... I had something like that with EII-Fi sister of mine. But again... it's not like Fe

    it's what makes you to feel good from emotional contact with other one. I liked her way to talk with people and about them
    I liked my sister's way too to a degree. If it got too into the area of guilty or other negative self-flagellation it would be too much for me at that point. Same with other EIIs. I don't know how LSE deals with it

    It would not by "force", but emotions. In case she felt worse in relations and felt better to me (and good if I had more money) - sure. I think I needed better emotional contact with her and don't do some mistakes, as her relations probably were bad (I suspect, don't know it clearly at now). They'd parted, I'd offered her IRL communication and rather sure we'd liked each other seriously.
    I don't understand the last part, did they already part?

    >> LSE seems are not easy in romances, - hard to get significant feelings, to break relations, to forget ones, etc
    > That's not specific to LSE.

    The most hard probably is with base Te types as relations are Fi which is our suggestive. And being S we are rigid in imagination to switch to others.
    This has been been documented for LSIs on forums before. I don't know what LSEs do exactly actually. LSEs could chime in here.

    > If you don't mind a suggestion - cut her out of your life. Otherwise you can't move on. It'll still take a while. My opinion anyway.

    I understand same. But to switch easier I need to _see_ better alternative. Also just to cut off from suggestive function, especially dual/semi-dual is like to say drugs user "just do not take it". I have feelings which lead me to actions, thoughts, hopes what supports feelings further. I may stay in such traps for years, like happened with previous girls after end of relations.
    I see. Well yeah I do better too when I see an alternative. But the logic for me would run, I'm not like 70 years old, I can find another partner sooner or later. Addiction at one point gets too mixed up, too many negative feelings make it not worth it. Anyway, good luck to finding someone else.
    Last edited by Myst; 02-03-2018 at 06:01 PM.

  14. #414
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    They both sound actually pretty noncommittal in terms of what to adhere to in theories.
    I more deal with that theory on practice so relate more seriously to reject the doubtful.

    > So you actually test as LSI?

    Mostly. I behaved other before teenager age when I had better emotional part as there were no problems which hited my heart.

    > Not all introverts are shy but I think we discussed this before... Ambiverts won't be quiet.

    There are lesser expressed types which have lesser expressed traits and nothing more.

    > I just don't see why this has to be Fi valuing.

    _unconditional_ acceptance relates to Fi as it's subjective. Fe - acceptance for having objective good traits

    > Well you aren't Se base, sure.

    and no strong or valued Ni, as I did not cared about possible future need

    > With general extraversion, they do care in public, yeah.

    they do not care about Fi opinions from random people. also E-1 on the "truth and use" crusade cares about nothing

    > OK our definitions really differ.

    Fi is subjective _emotions_. it's Jung

    > Romantic?

    I'm about friendly attraction - I got it at 1st.
    Romantic have appeared a couple weeks later, partly because I thought she flirted before and I did not know about her damn "serious" years long relations with marriage plans. I'm almost sure she flirted unconsciously as was not sure in the relations.

    > I don't know how LSE deals with it

    with some interest. mostly we like to be liked and to get compassion, opinions about people and relations, advices how to deal with them

    > I don't understand the last part, did they already part?

    I thought they had such possibility and I awaited this to happen at Autumn. Don't know the real situation, only what she says.

    > This has been been documented for LSIs on forums before.

    LSI having Fe in suggestive lesser value _concrete relations with concrete human_. They should cheat more often than LSE, for example. Easier to switch to others.

    > But the logic for me would run

    for base Te it's like drug. we may understand it's "bad" but to do other is much harder than for you. even without _any contacts_ our feelings may stay for years

    what I do now - establish friendly communication with her, as I'm interested in her emotionally as friend. she's interesting and funny. but have no idea how this will influence my romantic feelings. it's internet, so I may overcome the issues. IRL "friendship" would become not friendship for both she's not in official marriage and to charm semi-dual is not hard task

  15. #415
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    Wait a minute what do the underscores actually mean

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    Now it's my turn to type all the peasants.

    Chae - ISTj CONFIRMED because she managed to answer over 500 questions in a socionics test. She has the marrow to do accounting.
    Kill4me - INFj CONFIRMED
    Sol - ISTP CONFIRMED too much like Niffweed without the weed
    Bertrand - ILE-ESI CONFIRMED posts long walls of texts that I'm too lazy to read, but when I try to they usually sound okay. Values Ti when they feel like it. Banana hat wearer seems very likely. Also probably into meth and cocaine.
    Wacey - ESI-ILE CONFIRMED seems to have a thing for wolf avatars. Probably a furry and the whole playing both sides sound very kinky.
    Number 9 Large - McDonald's Super Size ME CONFIRMED
    Penny Dreadful - Gravity Falls was a great show, so you are my DUAL SEE CONFIRMED
    Capitalist Pig - ESE CONFIRMED Don't drop the soap.
    Aylen - ESTj CONFIRMED so bossy. 👮
    good bye

  17. #417
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    @Kill4Me Can you type me, too?
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    `Penny Dreadful - Gravity Falls was a great show, so you are my DUAL SEE CONFIRMED`

    Uh-oh. Busted.
    It's even funnier since even an amoeba has better Se than me.

  19. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    @Kill4Me Can you type me, too?
    Aren't you already double typed? You are bad at having multiple personality disorder!
    IEI-Fe: Allie, Pink, SisofNight, Cassandra, Fay, Summer Princess
    Winning is for losers


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  20. #420
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    Haha. It's more like a multiple outside perception disorder than a multiple inside identity disorder.

  21. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    Now it's my turn to type all the peasants.

    Chae - ISTj CONFIRMED because she managed to answer over 500 questions in a socionics test. She has the marrow to do accounting.
    Kill4me - INFj CONFIRMED
    Sol - ISTP CONFIRMED too much like Niffweed without the weed
    Bertrand - ILE-ESI CONFIRMED posts long walls of texts that I'm too lazy to read, but when I try to they usually sound okay. Values Ti when they feel like it. Banana hat wearer seems very likely. Also probably into meth and cocaine.
    Wacey - ESI-ILE CONFIRMED seems to have a thing for wolf avatars. Probably a furry and the whole playing both sides sound very kinky.
    Number 9 Large - McDonald's Super Size ME CONFIRMED
    Penny Dreadful - Gravity Falls was a great show, so you are my DUAL SEE CONFIRMED
    Capitalist Pig - ESE CONFIRMED Don't drop the soap.
    Aylen - ESTj CONFIRMED so bossy. 
    Co'mere my little IEI so I can bite you, hard! My Se isn't valued so I'm not going to hunt you down.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    Sol - ISTP CONFIRMED too much like Niffweed without the weed
    Aylen - ESTj CONFIRMED so bossy. 👮
    Again we are identicals or close.

  23. #423
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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    Chae - ISTj CONFIRMED because she managed to answer over 500 questions in a socionics test. She has the marrow to do accounting.
    Seems like I have to gear up to fit my LSI image. Waited long enough to establish my authoritarian government on 16types. That means: Support the system or perish. Drama is welcome here. In fact, please cry and beg for your peasant queen. Just don't distract me when I'm correcting everybody's grammar mistakes. Spanking hour is from 2 to 3 PM on Mondays. A month and you'll know your place. Alternative opinions and moral concerns are not tolerated.

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    Chae knows her duals well

  25. #425
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    Winning is for losers


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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Aren't you already double typed? You are bad at having multiple personality disorder!
    Why do you have to ruin it -.-
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    Why do you have to ruin it -.-
    Ignores silly cat mouse games. You'll get eaten anyways.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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  28. #428
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    @Troll Nr 007
    Some more derailment?

    The inoffical Grammar Nazi hymn from Weird Al

  29. #429
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    Offerings of mine...

    ashlesha: ESI-Fi p6w5, sp/sx
    Aylen: IEI-Ni 4w5, sx/sp
    Chae: IEE-Fi 3w4, so/sx
    Crystal: SLI-Te 9w1, sp/sx
    Myst: LSI-Se 1w9, sx/so
    Olimpia: IEI-Fe 4w5, so/sx
    ooo: EII-Fi p6w7, so/sp
    Pole: SLI-Si 9w8, sx/sp
    Starfall: IEI-Ni 4w3, sp/so
    tela: ILI-Ni cp6w5, sx/sp
    VOGUE PARIS: EIE-Ni 4w3, so/sx
    wasp: LII-Ti cp6w5, so/sp

  30. #430
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    @Cuivienen Why 6? I don’t have any problems related to type 6 that I know of

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    Quote Originally Posted by tela View Post
    @Cuivienen Why 6? I don’t have any problems related to type 6 that I know of
    Depends a lot on subtype - I see you as an sx/sp 6w5, a woman who looks for a tough, stoic partner as a form of security. You seek an anchor of stability to weather the uncertainties of life. E6 women can have a strong desire to merge (sx-first), but also appear to be uncomfortable around men who express emotional pain and yearning without a filter. This raw authenticity disconcerts 6s, but it is what a 4 bonds on. You seem to keep a certain distance, and often appear to vacillate and/or become unpredictably defensive. I presume that this is because you need time to assess a man's fortitude and loyalty to you.

    An sx 4 won't wait around like that (which is why they are sometimes confused with 8s). They are emotional gluttons and will regularly jump into a relationship with someone they've just met, in order to live the transcendental love story that they've always longed for. If the poor 4 ever gets rejected, a truly dramatic meltdown will ensue (think saccharine funeral music, set to a dire vision of the world ending), and they will compulsively masturbate to a glorified image of their ex until they get laid again, at which point the cycle repeats. So...4s have issues too.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 02-09-2018 at 12:06 AM.

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    wow yeah I think CT typed me LII based on my video so that's interesting, but I'm probably not cool enough to be a logical type

  33. #433
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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    wow yeah I think CT typed me LII based on my video so that's interesting, but I'm probably not cool enough to be a logical type
    You made a video?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    You made a video?
    I posted an old video last year, but I took it down shortly afterwards because the internet is a scary place, but really I just like my privacy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    because the internet is a scary place
    you are so adult and still afraid of Internet

    > I just like my privacy

    we'd see no more than people on steets. for typing you may tell about any theme, mostly your nonverbal is interesting

  36. #436
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    Seeing the opening for the Korean Olympics and thinking hard of @Chae ( it was so beautiful!! *-*)

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    Seeing the opening for the Korean Olympics and thinking hard of @Chae ( it was so beautiful!! *-*)

    Also North and South walking together, it's just a good day today

  38. #438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you are so adult and still afraid of Internet

    > I just like my privacy

    we'd see no more than people on steets. for typing you may tell about any theme, mostly your nonverbal is interesting
    Yea exactly this. No one cares about your face. Nobody's gonna hack you or stalk you or whatever. I mean the chance is there but its there with and without video anyways and where theres a will theres a way so... have some faith in humanity, your life is not a horror film lol, all these hermits mayne, thinking theyre so high profile and important ppl are gonna get out of their way to hack them n shit

    What ppl on this forum think happens when they post a videoor pic of themselves and leave it on for longer than 3seconds:

  39. #439
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    I think it's more like it's weird to make a video talking about yourself and about how you never clean your room and you hate certain kinds of people and you like the victim erotic style and whatever kinds of nonsense and using weird typology words and then like some employer or your SOs parents will find it lol....
    Still not the end of the world, but reasonable. When i make videos they've only been accessible with the direct link though.

  40. #440
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    Actually, I'm just speaking for myself. That's the kind of stuff I think about. It's just awkward to have it all out there.

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