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Thread: Socionically unfavourable relationships

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    Delilah's Avatar
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    Default Socionically unfavourable relationships

    Socionically unfavourable relationships seem very common, ime and observations. By 'unfavorable' i mean anything outside of quadra. Maybe my sample is too small, but seems to go against this idea that favourable types will generally easily attract each other. What have you noticed or experienced? Any concrete examples you can share?

    I'm aware there are many other factors involved of course, but still seems to be a bit glaring. Any thoughts or comments to share?

    I'm generally referring to close psychological relationships so dating, marriage, very close friendships etc.

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    When it comes to friendships, people mostly focus on certain shared interests or hobbies. That can even make Conflictors become friends with each other, for they at least have the basis of complementing each other clubs-wise (NF with ST, NT with SF), which often creates interesting discussions. In my group of friends, there is an LSI guy and IEE woman who have been friends for 7 years (!) and they get along fine. But also, because they maintain a respectful distance. They agree to disagree. (It probably helps they are both 9 fix as well.) So I've found you can be friends with anyone for as long as there is a sufficient emotional distance and a laissez-faire attitude. This becomes trickier once the friendship grows closer, but even then I find that the interpersonal distance matter is much more casual in friendship than in romance and family.

    That's why I keep saying, Socionics compatibility really starts to matter in the "nuclear family" and in romance/dating, because our influence on the other person is the greatest and most intimate in those instances.

    Though as you said, you see people dating outside of their Quadra a lot more often than expected. Why?

    The simple reason is: Most people are primarily guided by their attraction to someone, and then specific values and relationship goals which can be unrelated to sociotype to some extent; values like religion, marriage, children, etc.

    Attraction is involuntary and not just reserved for people inside of your Quadra. If you've had some kind of childhood trauma or just significant discord with one of your caretakers or similar, you'll most likely be the most attracted to someone who reminds you of that person in certain ways unconsciously. And that person is often not your Dual or from your own Quadra (though there can be exceptions, depending on the kind of trauma you've experienced and/or how aware you are when it comes to who you choose as a partner; for example, someone who knows about Socionics is more likely going to pick someone who is more socionically compatible).

    Based on my observations of married couples irl and online etc., I've found that Semi-Duality, Mirage, Lookalike, Benefit, and even Supervision marriages are fairly common, and they can be surprisingly long-lasting (e.g my Lookalike parents have been married for 20+ years). All those marriages added together, it seems like they may outweigh same Quadra marriages. Same Quadra marriages are mostly comprised of Identicals, followed by some Activity couples. Mirror marriages seem reserved for Fi ego couples. I haven't known any other kind of Mirror marriage before actually, when I think about it. Duality seems about just as common as Mirror marriage.

    The ideal is that you are with someone you are highly attracted to and who is highly compatible with you. But depending on your past (trauma), life circumstances, and so on, you may not be able to find someone like that. Many if not most people opt for high attraction > high compatibility, if they have to choose one. They may say or claim otherwise, but when you look at their relationships, you'll see they are in denial. And I'm not blaming them, for pair bonding is usually quite instinctual and not rational.

    Also, modern Western culture idealizes the high attraction union, so it is culturally expected to date someone you are highly attracted to but who is not necessarily that compatible on an intimate and/or personality level; for marriage, many if not most Western people tend to rather focus on superficial "compatibility" markers, like status, wealth, education, and similar. This can influence who we choose as a mate, especially for marriage. In other cultures where arranged marriages or similar are more common, like in India, compatibility is more important than attraction. Though arranged marriages certainly do not guarantee same Quadra coupling by default, they also tend to mostly focus on superficial "compatibility", so that social expectation/custom can be flawed, too.

    When it comes to a happy and enduring relationship, I've found that if one aspect is a bit lacking, the other one has to be quite good or high. For instance, if you are with someone who is from another Quadra, at least the attraction needs to be good for it to work fairly well; the higher, the better, especially for problematic relations like Benefit and Supervision. (The exception to this principle would be opposite Quadra – I haven't known any happy and/or longterm opposite Quadra relationship/marriage before. It's a doomed enterprise, even if the attraction is high. Simply because the incompatibility is too great.)
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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I don't really share this experience. Most people do in fact date or marry compatible types. And not only that, in most cases they also have DCNH compatibility (this might actually confuse the typings in this forum)

    Compatible types I consider quadra + semi-dual
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Most people do in fact date or marry compatible types.
    If that was the case, wouldn't there be much fewer break-ups and divorces?
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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    If that was the case, wouldn't there be much fewer break-ups and divorces?
    I have a friend who is SEI. She found an ILE, fell i love and married him. They got a child, but some years later they divorced.


    Maybe she wasn't ready for a real commitment?

    Maybe they were too different?

    They did NOT have DCNH compatibility. She is H and he is N.

    There are many reasons why people break up.

    Before she met him she had a long relationship with an C-IEE. So he was also a compatible type.

    People break up, but I still see lots of socionically compatible relationships. People prefer them.

    Btw, she and I also dated for awhile, identicals.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    I read "socially unfavorable relationships" and was ready to fight

    To answer the questions, I find it straightforward:

    Your upbringing predicts your inclination as you learn relationship antics from your parents first and foremost. The chance of having a dual as the significant parent is 1/16. Activity added is 1/8. The chance that your parents themselves are duals is even lower. So you don't know how it is, and wouldn't seek it as a non-socionist anyways. The majority will still be used to different elements.

    So you likely aren't on quadra frequency later.

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    I get what you're trying to say but as an aside I don't think sociotype is random, so its a big assumption to say its a straight 1/16 chance of having a dual parent. this assumes not only randomness but also that every type is as common as every other type

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    When it comes to friendships, people mostly focus on certain shared interests or hobbies. That can even make Conflictors become friends with each other, for they at least have the basis of complementing each other clubs-wise (NF with ST, NT with SF), which often creates interesting discussions. In my group of friends, there is an LSI guy and IEE woman who have been friends for 7 years (!) and they get along fine. But also, because they maintain a respectful distance. They agree to disagree. (It probably helps they are both 9 fix as well.) So I've found you can be friends with anyone for as long as there is a sufficient emotional distance and a laissez-faire attitude. This becomes trickier once the friendship grows closer, but even then I find that the interpersonal distance matter is much more casual in friendship than in romance and family.

    That's why I keep saying, Socionics compatibility really starts to matter in the "nuclear family" and in romance/dating, because our influence on the other person is the greatest and most intimate in those instances.

    Though as you said, you see people dating outside of their Quadra a lot more often than expected. Why?

    The simple reason is: Most people are primarily guided by their attraction to someone, and then specific values and relationship goals which can be unrelated to sociotype to some extent; values like religion, marriage, children, etc.

    Attraction is involuntary and not just reserved for people inside of your Quadra. If you've had some kind of childhood trauma or just significant discord with one of your caretakers or similar, you'll most likely be the most attracted to someone who reminds you of that person in certain ways unconsciously. And that person is often not your Dual or from your own Quadra (though there can be exceptions, depending on the kind of trauma you've experienced and/or how aware you are when it comes to who you choose as a partner; for example, someone who knows about Socionics is more likely going to pick someone who is more socionically compatible).

    Based on my observations of married couples irl and online etc., I've found that Semi-Duality, Mirage, Lookalike, Benefit, and even Supervision marriages are fairly common, and they can be surprisingly long-lasting (e.g my Lookalike parents have been married for 20+ years). All those marriages added together, it seems like they may outweigh same Quadra marriages. Same Quadra marriages are mostly comprised of Identicals, followed by some Activity couples. Mirror marriages seem reserved for Fi ego couples. I haven't known any other kind of Mirror marriage before actually, when I think about it. Duality seems about just as common as Mirror marriage.

    The ideal is that you are with someone you are highly attracted to and who is highly compatible with you. But depending on your past (trauma), life circumstances, and so on, you may not be able to find someone like that. Many if not most people opt for high attraction > high compatibility, if they have to choose one. They may say or claim otherwise, but when you look at their relationships, you'll see they are in denial. And I'm not blaming them, for pair bonding is usually quite instinctual and not rational.

    Also, modern Western culture idealizes the high attraction union, so it is culturally expected to date someone you are highly attracted to but who is not necessarily that compatible on an intimate and/or personality level; for marriage, many if not most Western people tend to rather focus on superficial "compatibility" markers, like status, wealth, education, and similar. This can influence who we choose as a mate, especially for marriage. In other cultures where arranged marriages or similar are more common, like in India, compatibility is more important than attraction. Though arranged marriages certainly do not guarantee same Quadra coupling by default, they also tend to mostly focus on superficial "compatibility", so that social expectation/custom can be flawed, too.

    When it comes to a happy and enduring relationship, I've found that if one aspect is a bit lacking, the other one has to be quite good or high. For instance, if you are with someone who is from another Quadra, at least the attraction needs to be good for it to work fairly well; the higher, the better, especially for problematic relations like Benefit and Supervision. (The exception to this principle would be opposite Quadra – I haven't known any happy and/or longterm opposite Quadra relationship/marriage before. It's a doomed enterprise, even if the attraction is high. Simply because the incompatibility is too great.)
    I’m quoting this because I think it is brilliant.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Socionically unfavourable relationships seem very common
    If people would look for friends in their future spouses, they'd did more good IR. They choose often by passion and the one of those passions becomes their spouse.

    > By 'unfavorable' i mean anything outside of quadra.

    for marriage there are 3 good IR: dual, semidual, activator. identity and mirror are not good.

    > What have you noticed or experienced? Any concrete examples you can share?

    significant feelings I had to: 2 semi-dual, 1 conflictor
    my parrents are semiduals, same for marriage of sister of my mother
    probably grandfather by father and brother of my father have semidual marriages too
    non of them have divorced

    I know 1 dual pair of neighbors.
    Several not good IR. Including mirror EIE/IEI which have divorced after many years together.

    > I'm generally referring to close psychological relationships so dating, marriage, very close friendships etc.

    identity and mirror are boring for romances and don't give you enough support you want in a friendship

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    I don't really share this experience. Most people do in fact date or marry compatible types. And not only that, in most cases they also have DCNH compatibility (this might actually confuse the typings in this forum)

    Compatible types I consider quadra + semi-dual
    I would be very happy to be wrong on this. Do you have a large sample you're basing this off? It is likely I might have a small sample.

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    yeah I think it was pookie that said mirage is more like semi for irrationals

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    The probability of your parents having a favourable ITR is higher than what chance would predict. Mating patterns are not random.

    The types are also not equally likely to find a compatible partner. Due to the uneven population distribution, Ethical females, Logical males and iNtuitives of both sexes have the advantage.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    I would be very happy to be wrong on this. Do you have a large sample you're basing this off? It is likely I might have a small sample.
    Just the last 15 years or so of experience, but nothing I can show in this forum.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    That's why I keep saying, Socionics compatibility really starts to matter in the "nuclear family" and in romance/dating, because our influence on the other person is the greatest and most intimate in those instances.
    Don't forget relations at work, they can bring a person down even much easier when things are going wrong, as there are even less possibilities of managing the distance, other than breaking the relationship altogether.
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Don't forget relations at work, they can bring a person down even much easier when things are going wrong, as there are even less possibilities of mananing the distance, other than breaking the relationship altogether.
    Hm good point.

    I'd say work relationships are somewhere in-between friends and family/romance in that regard.

    The specific ITR doesn't matter as much at work as it does in family and romance, for you are not trying to be emotionally close or share personal values with the other person, but it certainly becomes more critical than when it comes to friendship; for friendships are generally more relaxed, and you mostly interact in low pressure situations, whereas work is more high pressure typically, and you are working towards a specific common goal.

    So the rule of thumb could be...

    Family and romance: No opposite quadra.
    Work: No conflictor (and quasi-identical, depending).
    Friends: Any quadra.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    Hm good point.

    I'd say work relationships are somewhere in-between friends and family/romance in that regard.

    The specific ITR doesn't matter as much at work as it does in family and romance, for you are not trying to be emotionally close or share personal values with the other person, but it certainly becomes more critical than when it comes to friendship; for friendships are generally more relaxed, and you mostly interact in low pressure situations, whereas work is more high pressure typically, and you are working towards a specific common goal.

    So the rule of thumb could be...

    Family and romance: No opposite quadra.
    Work: No conflictor.
    Friends: Any quadra.
    The best approach at work is to remain professional, don't give too much away. This way you can have cordial relationships with almost anyone.

    On the subject of work though, I notice in the team I work with. There's LII, ESE, SEE, SLE, EII, SLI, LSI. Myself and the EII gravitate towards each other more, but this has taken over time. I've noticed the ESE and LII get on quite well (the LII is rather strange in my opinion.) The ESE gets on with everyone, but there's small differences that not everyone will pick up on, because mostly, we have to try to get on with diverse people at work.

    So, I still go for my remain professional option.

    (Personally, i've preferred to develop close friendships - if I do at work, with people outside my team, because then if it goes wrong there's less daily friction, and a person in a different team/work envinronment gives me a break, but this is just my approach might not be everyones.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    The best approach at work is to remain professional, don't give too much away. This way you can have cordial relationships with almost anyone.
    I find it difficult to see Conflictors being able to work together well. Conflictors entirely disagree on goals. Work is about achieving specific goals. You'd constantly fight over those goals, and the best way to achieve them. Sounds disastrous to me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    I find it difficult to see Conflictors being able to work together well. Conflictors entirely disagree on goals. Work is about achieving specific goals. You'd constantly fight over those goals, and the best way to achieve them. Sounds disastrous to me.
    In most places of work, the goals the employees have to achieve have already been determined by someone else, so I don't think we have to agree on them

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    In most places of work, the goals the employees have to achieve have already been determined by someone else, so I don't think we have to agree on them
    Hm it could be fine to have a co-worker who is a Conflictor when you don't have to work together too closely, but if your boss is a Conflictor, it is likely rather doomed.
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    I just thought I'd add to this, I think the hardest part of working with people who don't share my values (for instance, quadra) isn't the work itself, but it's that they annoy me on a personal level; their behaviors.

    This is why I think not saying much is the best approach, because a) I won't annoy them equally and b) I won't risk arguing with them.

    Most work/business relations collapse not because of differing goals, but because of personal falling out (which is why I think workplaces are often melting pots for gossip and backstabbing, because people of opposing quadras (values) become too close, don't hold back so much, and then continually don't get on personally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    Hm it could be fine to have a co-worker who is a Conflictor when you don't have to work together too closely, but if your boss is a Conflictor, it is likely rather doomed.

    I was thinking of this, and good point!

    Because your boss is the person who you go to with your problems, which might not necessarily be work related, or with your career aspirations. If they don't share your values in personal matters, or the development approach (eg, crudely, Ne to develop your hidden potential, or Se to throw your weight around - put crudely), then yes, it's very difficult, so, again, say nothing, or, try to remain calm, but make sure the 'policy book' has been consulted first, without being rude, because, at least there is a common reference to go to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    I don't want to cause too much drama but I don't think sirac is an SLI, he seems to be Fe valuing, and so I would take everything he says with a grain of salt.
    It's OK, I don't think your IEE (I don't think anyone does).

    Why do you think i'm Fe valuing though, because I use smilies? Or something else? Keep in mind I know you have a false image of what the functions are - I know this from previous conversations, when you said that the established, published definitions of functions, eg Fe, Fi where nonsense, however, i'll hear what you have to say anyway out of curiosity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    I don't want to cause too much drama but I don't think sirac is an SLI, he seems to be Fe valuing, and so I would take everything he says with a grain of salt.
    Hm I am not set on any sociotype for him, but he certainly comes across as Type 9. His take on work relationships is quite 9.
    Which generally seems rather Fe valuing on the surface (even with Fi valuing types), hence I am not set (yet?).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    Hm I am not set on any sociotype for him, but he certainly comes across as Type 9.
    Which generally seems rather Fe valuing on the surface (even with Fi valuing types), hence I am not set (yet?).
    set sirac set of sirac

    The longer someone gets to know me, the less 'Fe' I come across as. I think it's confused some people in the past (in my personal life, at least this is my impression.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    set sirac set of sirac
    c'est la vie
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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    I think he is probably ILE but that's just my hunch.

    Also Conflictor and Quasi-Identical are both horrible work relationships. Superego and Contrary can be doable as long as they don't get too close. Would still be pretty bad as a boss.

    I think Ne is a bit of a stretch for me, but thank you for your opinion

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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    Also Conflictor and Quasi-Identical are both horrible work relationships. Superego and Contrary can be doable as long as they people are mature, respectful and don't try to push the relationship to friendship. Would still be pretty bad as a boss.
    I actually agree with your overall sentiment here. I find Quasi-Identical rather problematic for work, too, but it is not as bad as Conflict... You might be able to collaborate well enough, though there will be an odd rivalry between you two, because you both have the same strengths and weaknesses but opposing ways of employing them... That's why I'd find it better if the boss was a Quasi-Identical than a co-worker actually, because with a co-worker the rivalry would be more of an issue. I do agree that Superego and Contrary can work better. Not ideal as a boss for sure, but doable imo.

    I worked with a Superego girl for an art's project before, and the end result was quite good, we got a good grade for that one. Our interaction during the work had a cooler temperature so to speak, it was a friendly/respectful coldness though. Lack of interpersonal closeness, but again, it worked fine for the assignment. Our strengths and weaknesses and cognition styles complemented each other, so that made it work fine.
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    I find supervisors are good for work situations. They can smooth over my weaknesses in inter-personal situations by providing assistance (supervision, but not all supervision is bad when it's helpful), whilst sharing largely the same values as me (don't know if this is the same for everyone's ITR, but I think it should be going by the descriptions.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    I find supervisors are good for work situations. They can smooth over my weaknesses in inter-personal situations by providing assistance (supervision, but not all supervision is bad when it's helpful), whilst sharing largely the same values as me (don't know if this is the same for everyone's ITR, but I think it should be going by the descriptions.)
    I am a bit torn on Supervision for work. One would think that is a natural set up, but it can create problems easily.

    A Supervisor boss might undervalue a Supervisee employee and treat them disrespectfully.

    A Supervisor employee might not take their boss seriously enough, and try to "outsmart" them or reverse the hierarchical order.

    Of course this also depends on which types are at play here. Supervision collaboration probably works best with people who either are Intuitives or Si Ego, for they either have weak Se or simply don't value it, so there isn't as much of a "power struggle".
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    On the note of Supervision, I also find it to be quite an odd set up in a family situation where the child is the Supervisor and the parent is the Supervisee.

    It creates this odd dynamic where the child feels like they have the "upper hand" in some way and/or they see their parent as somewhat weak or fickle in certain ways.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    On the note of Supervision, I also find it to be quite an odd set up in a family situation where the child is the Supervisor and the parent is the Supervisee.

    It creates this odd dynamic where the child feels like they have the "upper hand" in some way and/or they see their parent as somewhat weak or fickle in certain ways.
    Children should be seen and not heard

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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    Semi-dual is still below par IMO because the Quadra values are different.
    While activator will support worse your suggestive, he's annoingly active for E types, annoingly chaotic for J type. That's why I can't say that activator is much better than semi-duality. They both are similarly compromistic compared to duality.
    Semi-dual gives the support you want the most - this makes them good friends and spouses, they strongly inspire you to live, they naturally love close to the form which you think as "true love". You'll get values opposition in 2nd functions, but it's not critical - it will annoy both close like E-P in activator for E-J type.
    I never had significant romantic interest to activator girls. I saw interesting ones, but they never touched my heart, I just noticed "good and pretty girl" and nothing more. Seems I was attracted to introverted girls only, - quiet and shy people, which are opposite to my choleric temper.

    > while in irrationals tension will ruin the relationship from the clash between wanting a romantic relationship and then getting no emotional support

    P types need lesser of emotional support, so I doubt there would be significant difference in satisfaction. But P types form lesser stable relations, so they may break them easier because of this, but not lesser satisfaction.

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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    No SLI would ever say that.
    Why not? Do they spontaneously combust by saying certain things or typing certain words on a keyboard?

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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    I have a roommate that is a quasi-identical and my professor last year was quasi-identical as well. With my roommate, we have the exact same interests (namely anything people Ne-Fe) but we disagree about everything. It's gotten to the point where he has even said (because he is the J type) that it's pointless for us to continue talking. Not coincidentally that is the exact same thing a conflictor told me years ago. Sometimes when we talk, he can understand my logic but it drives him absolutely crazy and he has to stop himself from thinking like me. It's really uncomfortable for him. With my professor, he tried to remake me into his image. He criticized every Fe mistake he saw. Since he was my professor, and because I knew socionics, I understood his POV 100% and he was completely right about everything, just we had different values and implements methods. So I ended up doing exactly as he said and had to act like an EIE. The funny thing was that I was really good at it too, which impressed him. I had trouble keeping a straight face but I wanted to crack up laughing from how I was acting, because I was doing everything that I hate but at the same time I knew that it was working well to accomplish the Fe leading goals. I felt like I was insane and 2 completely different people. Which is probably how my roommate thinks when I explain my logic.
    I can relate to this a lot. I've made quite similar experiences at university.

    Lots of my classmates and lecturers are/were opposite Quadra. So I had to "fake" having the same values and behaviorisms as them.

    For one class, I had to use Ne while coming up with a certain radio track that involved a somewhat random-seeming "mash up" of voice tracks and sounds.
    I procrastinated on this task for quite a while, until my teacher had a bit of a fit.

    Somehow I felt lots of resistance, but once I sat down and worked on it, it went fine.

    Later she was positively surprised and impressed, and I got an A.

    So yeah, I have learned that often times I need to adapt to the teacher and what they want in order to get a good grade.

    This doesn't apply to all teachers and all courses, but it has been a pervasive and somewhat frustrating experience in my school years.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    On the note of Supervision, I also find it to be quite an odd set up in a family situation where the child is the Supervisor and the parent is the Supervisee.

    It creates this odd dynamic where the child feels like they have the "upper hand" in some way and/or they see their parent as somewhat weak or fickle in certain ways.

    This is is exactly true.

    One of the ways I early tested Socionics to see how well it predicted interpersonal relationships was to ask my SLI Supervisor son what he thought of me.
    He was about twelve and we were going somewhere in an S-class Mercedes and I asked him, “John, do you think I’m a screw-up?”
    He got really uncomfortable and didn’t answer. I tried again.
    ”Do you think I make bad decisions?”
    This one he could answer.
    “Dad, almost all your decisions are bad.”
    I thought, Ah Ha.
    ”I can understand how you would feel that way, but think about this. Your mother and I have been in a successful relationship for many years, I’ve run a successful business for many years, the family went from debt to a high net worth and high income in that time, and most people like me. How is that screwing up?”
    He didn’t have an answer, but he still was convinced I was a screw-up.

    At that moment, I knew Socionics was true.

    Objective reality goes out the window in ITR’s.

    Incidentally, both my father and my now ex-wife are also my Supervisors, and they both think I’m a screw-up, too.

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    What a word!

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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    I think LIEs are screw-ups too
    How so?
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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    Activity and Semi-Dual are not an equal compromise because Activator supports your functions closer than Semi-Dual.
    The main problem of activators - dichotomies conflict. Then worse support of suggestive. In sum it's comparable to values opposing in this IR. In general, activation mb better but not much.
    I never had strong soul or romantic attraction to activators. Just good and easy people. I had a pal activator, but did not got the interest in more sincere communication. Too loud, too unstable, too playful with Fi.

    > lack of chemistry from erotic styles

    There should not be issues between semi-duals in this, as this IR allow good friendship - the main romance element, while sexual attraction is mostly from biology.
    I may accept and to play in Se/Ni style of my semi-duals, to allow them some dominance, partly, just for a difference. It needs not much efforts. The main thing I seek are emotions, - I'd got them completely and that would be the main for nice sex - to feel her love to me, to see her loving eyes.

    > In contrast in semi-duality, you will have disagreements in either understanding

    3 problems:
    1. both want more care about their own 2nd function region (like Se want more money, Si better meal)
    2. both may hit regularly polr of each other (by bad behavior or redandant criticism)
    3. no support for one of 2 weak functions
    First 2 can be minimized by clear pointing what you like and don't in communication and respecting the higher wishes of each other about 2nd functions regions.
    While 3 relates to hunger, not disagreement between both - not much to fix there, only some skills.

    > All semi-duals have opposite democratic/aristocratic dichotomies.

    I don't accept non classical theory like Reinin's traits and subtypes, as have no reasons to trust in these hypotheses.

    > I think if you pursued activators, you would have realized this.

    I communicated with them and saw a lot. I had no interest in them for close friendship or romance. I was more attracted to I-types girls, even when near was pretty activator girl. I noticed an interest, but it did not progressed.

    I suppose we've said the important.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    The probability of your parents having a favourable ITR is higher than what chance would predict. Mating patterns are not random.

    The types are also not equally likely to find a compatible partner. Due to the uneven population distribution, Ethical females, Logical males and iNtuitives of both sexes have the advantage.
    it sort of hinges on what you mean by "likely to find": just like type is not distributed randomly, neither do people navigate the world randomly. in other words, the world doesn't just throw random people at you--you are lead by your interest. in the end likelihood of finding a partner is going to be no less influenced by raw numbers as where you take yourself. in law school im surrounded by logical women for example. it wasn't exactly intentional (for the womenz), but it demonstrates how duals and quadra values and everything else creates invisible forces that attract partners who attracted to their other half. in other words, the brighter version you are of yourself the more you send out the vibe that draws in the right sort of people. if you play it like a numbers game you're just going to end up with people who play it like a numbers game (this is the fatal flaw of all red pill and PUA type groups--they malign the women they select for in a vicious cycle). if you want to make it a numbers game and so does your dual than randomly asking people out is likely to create better than random chance to select a dual. in the end numbers are only half the story, the person most likely to end up in a happy relationship is the healthy person. if we make relationships a matter of luck we are doomed at the onset because the relationship was never the focus and you can't hit at what you're not aiming at (well Fi demonstrative could be the exception). in this sense people think they want a relationship but they do everything to preclude a healthy one from forming--you see this all the time (non-valued Fi?)... in the final analysis people get what they deserve because it can't be otherwise in the realm of human relations. to cast it all as numbers is to not take any responsibility and ensure failure and all you're left with is an empty rationalization, which is how people get bitter and feel betrayed, but its all a prison of their own making they just can't admit it

    as an aside, lets grant the premise one can be on the minority side of a dual dyad, so like theres 1 SLI to 3 IEE. this still presupposes that the IEES are interchangeable so that one is as good as another and that the odds favor you. the goal is not to just end up with any IEE. that is weird and abstract. its not a threshold issue where you roll the dice and come up with something and hopefully theyre in a favorable category irrespective of the specifics. the relationship and the way you go about it and your odds of success are improved precisely by being sensitive to that. if you do treat it like that kind of impersonal interchangeable categorical abstract numbers game, you're bound to be dissapointed. also likely to be one of those people that thinks that success is "getting a dual" and it turns out someone was mistyped all along. its a bizarre misuse of the system bound to fail. people are real beings first and socionics comes second, one must displace the other, i.e.: the relationship is primary, the theory is secondary. you can't draw strict conclusions about how to build Fi relationships on the basis of a Ti determinism, at best its a tool to supplement, not subsume the other

    result Fe orientation toward relationships: ill seek out some abstract categories and if the Fe is in place the Fi must be in there somewhere--its an ideological approach to relationships that is fundamentally impersonal. i do believe this is the basis for the LSI EIE "team" because they put the idealogy first. but it is still not really a numbers game. they find eachother on precisely this basis. so numbers is an insufficient way to capture it. the bottom line is the species evolved in an elegant manner and there is an underlying wisdom to whether you get laid or not
    Last edited by Bertrand; 03-11-2018 at 05:14 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    How so?
    I was joking. But honest answer, they are completely clueless about who to trust and who will betray them. Think they are good at influencing other people or knowing what is acceptable to say but in fact are just going with the flow because of 2D Fe. I also find it ironic how they are so action or task oriented but fail with implementation because of Si PoLR.

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