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Thread: Official Magic and Esotericism Thread

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  1. #11
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Ok, lots of reactions here.


    Satanism is the worship or serving of Satan (who is not "a red guy with horns and a pitchfork"). To many he is more than just a mere symbol.
    There are various definitions of Satanism by people who call themselves Satanists.

    You have modern or Laveyan Satanists who are athiests and quiet cynical ones at that. They believe Satan is a symbol of rebellion in a Judeo-Christian society. To them, he represents the carnal, but also the just nature of man, of humans able to love their friends and hate their enemies. The founding text of Laveyan Satanism is Anton Szandor Lavey's The Satanic Bible.

    Then you have actual devil worshippers, who I believe call their belief system diabolatry. From what I have heard from them on occult forums they worship the devil with the intent of becoming like him. It is not clear what they mean by becoming like him, since it isn't clear how they see him. Probably as a symbol of power and individualism.

    I'm not gonna get into more detail as Satanism as such is not really my area of interest.

    I apologize if I making assumptions, it's not my intent, my intent is to give out accurate information regarding the LHP, since there is alot of misinformation going around.


    What have you created or persevered in? If you talk the talk but don't walk the walk you're more like a self-hating "right-hand path" person. But hey, at least you have superior values on a conscious level.
    Good question, and a fair point.

    I think I've perservered in my goals in life, and created some works of art and writing along the way, I don't claim my work in life is finished, far from it. I'm still searching for my purpose, though.

    I don't claim myself to be a Lord of the LHP, that would be preposterous. Being a Lord of the LHP is an ideal, obviously humans, all humans, are flawed and fall short of ideals though. My comment about people who perservere and create is is applicable to many people in history, but all of them were flawed. What I meant was that the LHP is not for everyone since it requires alot of self-surpassing activity. Anyone would be a fool to think it is as easy as making claims, mine or anyone else's over the internet. I really have nothing to prove, since this is the internet and I could be anybody for all you know, my only intent is to inform. I will provide sources (books, links, articles) when necessary, just so people can refer to them and not just take my word.


    btw, I see nothing valuable in LHP, Satanism or Luciferianism if all they do is "going against the crowd" of Christianity, at least Christ was a compassionate, good beyond himself, selfless person.
    What's so good about the crowd of Christianity? You can believe what you want about Christ, his church has hardly always been compassionate, especially to thsoe with different beliefs.

    Lucifer was a dick and just cared for himself and his glory.

    This is only one side of the story. Nobody asked "Lucifer" for his opinion, they just needed a bad guy.

    Why not worship Trump then? At least he's real.
    LOL. I can't even.

    Also, I don't worship any deity, Lucifer, Christ, Set or whatever.

    I don't mean any disrespect but this ignorance of nuance itself shows a lack of respect - you are not paying attention. Where did I say I worshipped another being?


    In Christianity the Satan is the "symbol" of opposition to God, more concretely to love to God and his creation (which is his will - to world, humanity, life). It's the symbol of egocentrism or radical individualism, where a person loves no one. Also this leads to hate, as without loving others - they become just a competitors which you need to control, such you get the passion for _individual_ power. Also Satanism is the death's cult.
    If you think other about Satanism - do logical consequences of total egocentrism.
    Again - you are seeing things only from the Christian persepctive.

    What you are describing sounds like the really immature forms of Satanism, who call themselves LHP but have no wisdom or magic to go along with it.

    It sucks people have such a false impression of the LHP. Laveyan Satanism, which I consider really adolescent in its ideas and presentation, has much, much more maturity than what you are describing.

    It's old philosophy of individualism. Plus common magic mess in specific decorations. He means there is nothing new for him. It was discussed for centuries and more, indeed. Under different names. In economy it's known as liberalism, for example.
    Sure, the philosophy of individualism isn't new, but there is nuance to any philosophy. The idea of individualsim, like any idea, needs to be re-articulated as the cultural matrix in which people hear words such as Thelema and Xeper changes, therefore the ideas and concepts need to adapt to the challenges of their time.

    Also, for excellent, accurate sources on the LHP, see the following books:

    Lords of the Left-Hand Path, by Stephen E. Flowers

    Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left-Hand Path, by Don Webb

    Those books I have found to be really well-researched and informative on the subject from serious practicioners who have much more experience than I do, lol.
    Last edited by Ave; 03-09-2018 at 08:09 PM.

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