Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
You know, for an LSE getting LSI on tests is not that bad.
Good tests may to have accuracy ~30 % or higher. So they are useful, as it's far from 1/16. But to use only them is risky. 3/4 correct dichotomies they'd show in >40 %.

> Maybe it just somehow assumed introversion and that might have something to do with your subtype (could you be Si subtype?)

My surface behavior _changed_ some closer to introversion since teenager years by non-types reasons. I do not support subtypes. The degree of functions balance may differ in different people. I may to have a little better N, for example, than average LSE - as I train Ne for years by typing and had some Ni practice earlier. If I'd communicated more with base Fi types - my F would develop higher than average for this type.

> I get EII on tests recently. I'd say that's not too bad since it got that I'm Fi ego, and leaning delta.

I doubt in your Fi. I do not remember whether I saw your video. I'd could to say the impressions from you by it.