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Thread: What is your IQ?

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    Oh the hard life of restoring the balance of good and evil..

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    also, on the topic of education, education for 16-18 year olds only became compulsory in the U.K in 2013/2015. I think students can leave to get a job but they have to do some training too. I think in practice this means that teachers have more responsibility, and are likely to support sixth formers/college students more. I remember my SEI art teacher trying to support me, but it wasn't enough, and it shouldn't have to be. It also encourages parents to be more consistent in supporting their child in those transitional years too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    It appears to me she might have come in with preexisting ideas about the ethical/moral qualities of “intelligent” people and perhapssss some (preemptive?) defensiveness although I’m wary to interpret ppl’s mind state generally online just my impression could be wrong

    edit: I can empathize with trying to make sense of perhaps generally negative or hurtful experiences
    this is just plain dumb, i clearly explained my thoughts and observations. everyone has preexisting ideas about things before they talk about them on a forum, you make it sound like i'm stupid or something for having 'thoughts'. this shows your own issues, maybe to do with your high intelligence(?), assuming that others, are more stupid than you, based on stupid reasons such as 'they had a thought', this shows your own prejudice and perhaps a tendency to project your own traits on to other people, perhaps you think that people don't understand you or something..and it wasn't defensiveness, he was being an asshole. you just don't understand it..
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 02-05-2024 at 08:45 PM.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    this is just plain dumb, i clearly explained my thoughts and observations. everyone has preexisting ideas about things before they talk about them on a forum, you make it sound like i'm stupid or something for having 'thoughts'. this shows your own issues, maybe to do with your high intelligence(?), assuming that others, are more stupid than you, based on stupid reasons such as 'they had a thought', this shows your own prejudice and perhaps a tendency to project your own traits on to other people, perhaps you think that people don't understand you or something..and it wasn't defensiveness, he was being an asshole. you just don't understand it..
    Um I didn’t and don’t think you’re “stupid” and didn’t have any thoughts on it at all. It just seemed you were preemptively showing passive aggressive behavior towards several people who didn’t seem to “deserve” it from my perspective. Based on the previous posts in this thread.

    which is not good or bad, it can be human, but still.

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    Um I didn’t and don’t think you’re “stupid” and didn’t have any thoughts on it at all. It just seemed you were preemptively showing passive aggressive behavior towards several people who didn’t seem to “deserve” it from my perspective. Based on the previous posts in this thread.

    which is not good or bad, it can be human, but still.

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    Without looking back at the posts, I’m pretty sure I only interacted with three people, and Sol and I have never had an issue with each other.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 02-06-2024 at 12:17 AM.

  7. #247
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    somewhere between 100-115. I'm dumb though, I don't consider myself intelligent. Maybe I'm more intelligent than average but definitely not a rocket scientist or some shit.

  8. #248
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    The nearest thing to a real IQ test I've ever taken would probably be those standardized tests public school students are administered at various points throughout their education. I remember getting a letter in the mail saying that I scored in the 99th percentile on one of them (which would most nearly translate into an IQ of 135+). This is in spite of the fact that I barely studied and put limited effort into the test itself. Also, I graduated with a 4.0 GPA. So my IQ is probably decently high in spite of the fact that I'm not very articulate in real life and often feel stupid compared with the people around me.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    this is just plain dumb, i clearly explained my thoughts and observations. everyone has preexisting ideas about things before they talk about them on a forum, you make it sound like i'm stupid or something for having 'thoughts'. this shows your own issues, maybe to do with your high intelligence(?), assuming that others, are more stupid than you, based on stupid reasons such as 'they had a thought', this shows your own prejudice and perhaps a tendency to project your own traits on to other people, perhaps you think that people don't understand you or something..and it wasn't defensiveness, he was being an asshole. you just don't understand it..
    You're still arguing about this? Wow. Wasn't that like a month ago?
    Tbh you act alot like a person that has BPD. One trait of BPD is slight little offenses, sometimes just imaginary, are interpreted as egregious betrayals and the person will just hurl emotional garbage at the offender for ages until the offender desperately apologizes.
    Btw you said you score 126, that's still in the top 4%, so it's not like you'd be completely outside of the "high IQ" category you seem obsessed with criticizing for some bizarre reason.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 02-15-2024 at 10:26 PM.

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    You're still arguing about this? Wow. Wasn't that like a month ago?
    Tbh you act alot like a person that has BPD. One trait of BPD is slight little offenses, sometimes just imaginary, are interpreted as egregious betrayals and the person will just hurl emotional garbage at the offender for ages until the offender desperately apologizes.
    Btw you said you score 126, that's still in the top 4%, so it's not like you'd be completely outside of the "high IQ" category you seem obsessed with criticizing for some bizarre reason.
    You think that by saying two things- one horrible, and one semi-positive, that you are nice and polite. You are not nice, and you are not polite.

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    also, fyi, sorry if my post about working with children sounded a bit weird or anything, i wasn't particularly comfortable writing it, but i needed the back up and i know i am not weird around children lol. it's kind of a sad thing to let go of a dream, which was your destiny at one point. but I can see that it's not the right thing for me at this time, I'd probably resent them or something. It's funny when you let a dream go (to be an art teacher), you realise that you don't really want it anyway, because you're not the person anymore, who was destined for that dream. But my mum pointed out to me that I might have got bored of teaching anyway. So, for now, the plan is to live and be happy and then one day I will probably train to be a therapist. I recently saw an ESE therapist and she was the least annoying one I've had..maybe I could be like her. I have a theory we start to act a bit like our supervisee as we get a bit older. I think actually I've acted like an ESE where I've had depression/anxiety related issues in the past- trying to be wise before my time or something. But I think we should most resemble our illusionary type in younger age, if we are healthy.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 02-18-2024 at 10:27 AM.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    You think that by saying two things- one horrible, and one semi-positive, that you are nice and polite. You are not nice, and you are not polite.
    You promote an arbitrary and self-serving version of politeness which does not submit to reason, so I actually don't think I am or aspire to be nice and polite in the way you conceptualize it... but I do think you probably have BPD... based on observing your interactions with people.
    It doesn't surprise me that, having attended an all-female school growing up and having worked in a field consisting mostly of women, you ended up clinging to a version of politeness that's divorced from reason. I really think it's incumbent on people to cast that aside. Anything that deliberately inhibits our ability to reason in public cannot be good...
    Carry onward!
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 02-18-2024 at 12:32 PM.

  13. #253
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    ah you edited..

  14. #254
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    trash takes itself out.

  15. #255
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    So you're leaving then?

  16. #256
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    what is happening lol
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    Oh and as far as my IQ, I don’t care for these kind of tests. I don’t think they are all that accurate, but tbh I don’t know a lot about them (but from the online ones, at least, they seem like a joke. maybe professional one is more accurate? Maybe my IQ is too low to understand lol) A lot of people like to brag about their high IQ and it’s so eyeroll

    I think I’m stupid about some things and smart about other things. Like most people. Doesn’t socionics kinda get at that, too
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  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aster View Post
    what is happening lol
    I have a theory regarding IEI's. I think generally, many of them are very aware of other people's emotions and feelings, very perceptive how actions and words affect others, or artistic. such people are users like pirouette or BethanyClaire. they are willing to sacrifice themselves for others and are generally more drawn to collectivism and socialism/communism, maybe due to a higher focus on Fe and Fi. then you have more concrete examples of IEI, that are more drawn towards correctness and realism, are generally more individualistic and lean more towards capitalism or other ideologies in which you are responsible for yourself. such people consider themselves more factual, think of Ben Shapiro or Brett Cooper, and put a higher emphasis on "logic and reason", but are generally less artistic. I think DogofDanger, chrischorey, northstar, End and Adam Strange fall into such categories. they might have a higher focus on the other two valued functions, Ti and Se, and are more interested in things and physical possessions. these two categories are generally incompatible with each other and usually have many conflicts. it's like their world views are at odds with each other. emotionality in the latter group shows more in the way that they are still analyzing a failed relationsip even after years, or they spend a lot of physical possessions and money on their partner, treat them like princesses etc.

    I think this is such an IEI example. such people pay more attention on concepts like IQ as it is an impersonal and measurable way to judge people. I personally think IQ is too flawed. don't really see any use in it.
    Last edited by Still Alive; 02-18-2024 at 02:51 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    I have a theory regarding IEI's. I think generally, many of them are very aware of other people's emotions and feelings, very perceptive how actions and words affect others
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    you are smart

    Brett Cooper
    is ILE/SLE

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    is ILE/SLE
    dunno why you feel the need to post your typings everywhere. I guess you will become the new sol whatever. Cooper values Se, because she wants to enforce her perspective of the world onto others. she is also involved in acting, but I would say she is pretty untalented in that field. your typings don't make sense to me but this thread isn't about that.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  21. #261
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    Ok I feel bad for being so school teacher-ish but what do people expect when they act like a psycho?

    This forum needs to be more egalitarian if there is ever to be safe and progressive discussion. At the moment, there is not really much more to discuss and people just make big mistakes. Young people should be able to use this forum to learn about socionics without having to read extreme, sexist crap. It's only the gays (UK language) keeping the extreme right-wing idiots and/or men on this forum in line, and it's not enough. Socionics already stresses out young, vulnerable people on this forum enough.

    They should be able to post, without feeling like some clever idiot will treat them like absolute crap. People should feel welcome, regardless of what country they are from, the level of English they speak, their gender/ sexuality or socio-economic background. They should be comfortable talking about mental health issues they may have experienced, it is a psychology forum after all. Most people coming here are interested in improving their mental health- therefore they should not have to put up with sexist, abusive behaviour. People will always do it, but Jesus Christ, control yourselves a bit lol.

    @DogOfDanger can call me selfish all he likes. Most people don't see themselves as selfish, so it's kind of pointless to point that out to someone on a forum. I will leave the forum when I'm ready, when it suits me, and until then I will post whatever I feel benefits people. Come on, it's good to have a good old discussion about iq every now and again, it is as @on a peaceful hiatus said, an 'impersonal and measurable' way to judge people. And socionics is arguably about different types of intelligence..people on this forum should be comfortable with the idea that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, because of or in spite of their personality makeup and life circumstances. There will always be people who don't like you on a forum, but that doesn't mean that they are 'superior' to you, it just means they don't like you lol.

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    Ok I feel bad for being so school teacher-ish but what do people expect when they act like a psycho?
    You must be the psycho school teacher the kids were telling me about

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    This forum needs to be more egalitarian if there is ever to be safe and progressive discussion.
    Last I checked the forum did not have an official political affiliation, it just happens to be majority progressive, but I could be wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    At the moment, there is not really much more to discuss and people just make big mistakes. Young people should be able to use this forum to learn about socionics without having to read extreme, sexist crap. It's only the gays (UK language) keeping the extreme right-wing idiots and/or men on this forum in line, and it's not enough.
    So parading childrens wellbeing as a flag with which to empower her own personal / political causes, with absolutely zero genuine concern for childrens wellbeing (she's lashed out at multiple forum members and started the whole conflict / keeps it going), literally just using children instrumentally. Seem despicable?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    Socionics already stresses out young, vulnerable people on this forum enough. They should be able to post, without feeling like some clever idiot will treat them like absolute crap. People should feel welcome, regardless of what country they are from, the level of English they speak, their gender/ sexuality or socio-economic background. They should be comfortable talking about mental health issues they may have experienced, it is a psychology forum after all. Most people coming here are interested in improving their mental health- therefore they should not have to put up with sexist, abusive behaviour. People will always do it, but Jesus Christ, control yourselves a bit lol.
    It's as if your entire mind consists of political talking points and cliches. It's like you've been lobotomized by political jargon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    People should feel welcome, regardless of what country they are from, the level of English they speak, their gender/ sexuality or socio-economic background.
    Ah yes, the appeal to protecting sexual and gender minorities... despite the thread having absolutely nothing to do with that topic... re: Please come to my aid fellow leftists and punish this bad man! (Despite the fact you've done nothing but hurl insults and garbage in my direction for the last 3 pages, but it's okay, no one will hold you accountable as long as you play the victim and mention your genitals).

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    @DogOfDanger can call me selfish all he likes. Most people don't see themselves as selfish, so it's kind of pointless to point that out to someone on a forum. I will leave the forum when I'm ready, when it suits me, and until then I will post whatever I feel benefits people. Come on, it's good to have a good old discussion about iq every now and again, it is as @on a peaceful hiatus said, an 'impersonal and measurable' way to judge people. And socionics is arguably about different types of intelligence..people on this forum should be comfortable with the idea that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, because of or in spite of their personality makeup and life circumstances. There will always be people who don't like you on a forum, but that doesn't mean that they are 'superior' to you, it just means they don't like you lol.
    I wouldn't call you selfish... I'd call you manipulative, hypocritical, weak / emotionally unstable, logically incoherent, obviously disordered, etc.

    Unlike you I'm not motivated to censor people... I don't need to - a rational argument speaks for itself. It's typically those who have no real substance to them who feel compelled to censor others... Then there are those who, for whatever reason, have a deep need to exert control over others (remind you of any schoolteachers?). Maybe that's related to a sense of powerlessness.
    Please go away
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 02-22-2024 at 12:27 AM.

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    Douche of Danger, you DO need to control yourself and more than 'just a bit.' Stop attacking and insulting others and then accusing them of being a victim when you are clearly and obviously trying to make them feel that way in the first place. People will stop "playing a victim" when you stop BEING an offender.

    You're the one thats being manipulative, trying to get everybody to think you're just being rational/logical when really all you want to do is to be an asshole.

    I am closing this thread for a bit until people cool off.

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