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Thread: What is your IQ?

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    @DogOfDanger I grew up in a metropolitan city, I just don’t have the same views as many (American) posters here. It’s not a bad thing, there are lot of people on this forum with issues, my voice is more than valid. Anyway, I’m leaving the forum but I feel very proud of the contributions I made on this thread, whether you like them or not.

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    I suppose your voice is valid if you're saying something that makes sense, but you actually didn't say anything, that's the issue. You just said something like... "oh he waited to respond until I was here". And then something like... "People are funny..". Which is really not a contribution it's more of a useless statement... which I do think was you being a little snarky, tbh.
    Anyway - didn't mean to cause you to leave the forum, if you're hurt by people knowing you have a disability or talking about your disability... you shouldn't be, there are alot of people out there with disabilities, most likely statistically more than you realize. For example, let's just say your IQ is like 85... (I'm just guessing). Well about 1 in 6 people have an IQ as low as you in that case, so it's really not as bad as it seems. Tons of people all of us know have low IQs in that range and you'd never really notice it or care that much. It matters if you're trying to do something complicated like math, or engineering, but my guess is you probably don't want to do those things anyway. Also... people can still develop specific talents in key areas of interest, even with a low IQ. I have talked about this before on the forum, but IQ is a bit overestimated in its significance because not all situations are novel situations, infact most of the things we do that matter to us we have experience with and have practiced extensively. There's some pretty good data to show that degree of mastery, even in things that are purely cognitive, doesn't correlate nearly as tightly with IQ as you'd expect.
    Really I hope that you see this as an opportunity to reflect on how people may just accidentally be more fierce with you than they would be otherwise due to mistaken assumptions, hopefully that is some consolation.

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    I just think you chose to comment at a moment where I was taking issue with another forum
    user which is rude and cowardly. (Never mind your actual views).

    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-16-2024 at 04:06 AM.

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    I just think you chose to comment at a moment where I was taking issue with another forum
    user which is rude and cowardly. (Never mind your actual views).

    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-16-2024 at 04:06 AM.

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    Also if there is a moderator, can you moderate him please, thanks.

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    I don't think I've broken any forum rules in this thread, please point out where you think I've done that and if I've done that I will gladly edit the post. It is not a violation of the rules to genuinely get confused that someone may have a mental handicap, considering you had talked at length about how smart people are mean to you and your professors are mean to you it's a reasonable assumption. I want to be careful not to insult someone who's handicapped.
    You're over 20 points too low btw. But I guess I was like 40 too low. Could have fooled me!
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 01-15-2024 at 11:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    I just think you chose to comment at a moment where I was taking issue with another forum
    user which is rude and cowardly. (Never mind your actual views).
    No, when you make a post it bumps the thread, people reread the thread, and at that point they're liable to respond to old posts they never responded to, which is their right to do... if you scroll up in the thread you'll see that you quoted me in the past and I never responded to your post. And that's the post I responded to today. So really you're just imagining ulterior motives where they don't exist, being bitchy out of left field for deluded imagined infractions and then pretending you're a victim, which is ... typical tween girl behavior really. Do not act as if it's inappropriate for you to be quoted and responded to on a forum...
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 01-15-2024 at 11:36 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    You're over 20 points too low btw.
    so that explains the defensiveness..

  9. #209
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    Uh nt/st types and their corrosive abilities..

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    It appears to me she might have come in with preexisting ideas about the ethical/moral qualities of “intelligent” people and perhapssss some (preemptive?) defensiveness although I’m wary to interpret ppl’s mind state generally online just my impression could be wrong

    edit: I can empathize with trying to make sense of perhaps generally negative or hurtful experiences
    The only reason that guy is being an ass to me is because you were an ass in the first place.

    You’re an asshole

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    @DogOfDanger you're an asshole too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    There is nothing to you, no substance.
    you are an asshole, an asshole with a high iq, exactly the type of person i was speaking about, you know it deep down. like seriously who would say something like that to someone online? and you thought i was a young person? well, i'm not, but you thought i was..this forum has some of the most horrible people i've ever encountered on it, worse than some criminals.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-16-2024 at 06:13 AM.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    you are an asshole, an asshole with a high iq, exactly the type of person i was speaking about, you know it deep down. like seriously who would say something like that to someone online? and you thought i was a young person? well, i'm not, but you thought i was..this forum has some of the most horrible people i've ever encountered on it, worse than some criminals.
    In summary:

    • you made two posts being dismissive and undermining of my comments, which were well written, thoughtful comments... basically you were trying to engage in reputation destruction the way dysfunctional, emotionally irregulated females often do...
    • I pointed out that there was nothing to you or your posts, since they were just one liners and they were meaningless... well I suppose if you don't like that you should say something substantive rather than basing your posts on nothing but pretenses. That or just don't attempt to engage in reputation destruction like that in the first place. Anyway, apparently pointing this out is a worse offense than armed robbery.
    • Then I got confused that you might be mentally disabled since your posts were so lacking in content it could suggest a mental disability, plus there was the fact you'd been going on about how mean smart people are for pages. So I went actually pretty easy on you after that, not wanting to insult a disabled person... considering the crap you were pulling I think I actually went too easy on you.
    • You later admitted your reaction was due to your belief I was colluding with someone else you were arguing with already... that's just a loopy assumption for you to make since this is a public forum and anyone is free to quote you and speak to you at any time, and when you post in a thread you bump the thread for the whole forum to see.
    • You've also spent the last 2 pages in arms against high IQ people, apparently because they are "super mean and bad", cuz they're "privileged" cuz they "are competitive which is bad", etc..
    • now you are quoting me and using profanity directed at me, something I have not done toward you.

    Seems to me this is just a typical case of the aggressor trying to play the victim in order to appeal to mods for some punishment that will satisfy their need for revenge. But unfortunately for you... I have not broken any forum rules. But infact I think quoting someone and using profanity directed at them is a violation of the forum rules. Not that I actually care to make an issue of it, I don't need mods to look after me on the internet ... I suppose that is part of having a backbone - handling your own problems. You should try doing that, just handle this on your own, you don't need mods. All you need to do is just stop spazzing out here and move on.
    That about sums it up!

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    Everyone knows there’s no point arguing with an asshole..

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    Everyone knows there’s no point arguing with an asshole..
    @Bethanyclaire, you're on the internet. There is no point in arguing with anyone on the internet.

    Consider this: When was the last time that someone on the internet with different views than yours convinced you, during an argument, to change your opinion? If "Never" is your answer, then you should expect that to work both ways.

    Personally, I don't engage with people on the internet very often. I put stuff out there for people to consider, but I don't engage in debates. There is just no profit in it.

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    @Adam Strange you know I don't belong on the internet..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    @Adam Strange you know I don't belong on the internet..
    You belong in a theater, with real people in the audience and real people on stage. The internet is a poor substitute for that.

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    @Adam Strange it's not a million miles away from my chosen career. also my chosen career is probably all female..well, mostly female. i was freaking out recently coz i was like i can't work with men, but then i realised, i can..but it's men who would fit in in a certain type of place, which I have my eye on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    @Adam Strange it's not a million miles away from my chosen career. also my chosen career is probably all female..well, mostly female. i was freaking out recently coz i was like i can't work with men, but then i realised, i can..but it's men who would fit in in a certain type of place, which I have my eye on.
    Now I'm curious, @Bethanyclaire. Why can't you work with men? Some childhood trauma? You design dresses or makeup products? Heck, Trump wears makeup, and you're no longer a child.

    For the record, my LSE mother was a violent narcissist, and for a long time, I had a very hard time working with other LSEs, but I got over it. I also would prefer not to work with EIEs of either gender or with male SEIs on technical problems, but that's not carved in stone. It's just a prejudice I have from past bad experiences.

    Imprinting is real. I have an ILI buddy who had a dog that was perfect around everyone except college-age males. It turns out that his first owner was a frat boy in college, and I guess that did not go well. That dog wanted to kill every frat boy he saw.
    "I'll kill anyone to stay out of that joint, copper. I ain't goin' back there alive."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Now I'm curious, @Bethanyclaire. Why can't you work with men? Some childhood trauma? You design dresses or makeup products? Heck, Trump wears makeup, and you're no longer a child.

    For the record, my LSE mother was a violent narcissist, and for a long time, I had a very hard time working with other LSEs, but I got over it. I also would prefer not to work with EIEs of either gender or with male SEIs on technical problems, but that's not carved in stone. It's just a prejudice I have from past bad experiences.

    Imprinting is real. I have an ILI buddy who had a dog that was perfect around everyone except college-age males. It turns out that his first owner was a frat boy in college, and I guess that did not go well. That dog wanted to kill every frat boy he saw.
    "I'll kill anyone to stay out of that joint, copper. I ain't goin' back there alive."
    I don't know, it could be that it was 'destined' somewhat, or maybe coz of adult experiences, or lack of them. I went to an all girls' school and i fought with my brother growing up but no, dad and brothers are great really. there was abuse in my mother's childhood though, i think i mentioned that before, sli to iee grandma. But i want to be an art teacher, and i have taught in an all girls' school could also be that i feel a bit stuck at the moment, because i was kind of forced out of my job when i had drama with my lse boss, so i wasn't ready to leave...things seem to be improving and starting to go to plan work wise, so i'm sticking with my instincts..but who knows maybe one day i would feel like i could work in a mixed school lol. i also just think my qualities would be appreciated in an all girls' school. i mean i would really like to work with girls...but i think there is some appeal in that the type of men (hopefully) who work in a girls' school are prettty cool, like i remember a couple (ili sles)

  21. #221
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    120. I'm not Einstein.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


  22. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    What is it even like to have an iq of 150? Do you go to a special school? What do ordinary people seem like to you? I suppose you feel a bit like a teacher in a school
    I have the same score as Adam (147). High school was deeply boring since I understood and remembered everything on the spot and all the teachers were dumber than me except one so I had to hide it. I also had to do homework for many of my peers except one since I was faster. We have a final exam in high school in Italy, you have 5 hrs to finish it i finished in 3 hours and one clever teacher took my exam and made all the struggling people copy it so that she could show she was good at teaching (i was ok with it).Other than that interactions with other people of every kind are not a problem, I was in a cycling team, had girlfriends etc. but the girlfriends were scared, after the second date they mostly dropped me because they found me too smart.
    University was a bit more fun but still, only when I got to phd level i started to feel some struggle.
    Last edited by FDG; 01-21-2024 at 06:42 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    I don't know, it could be that it was 'destined' somewhat, or maybe coz of adult experiences, or lack of them. I went to an all girls' school and i fought with my brother growing up but no, dad and brothers are great really. there was abuse in my mother's childhood though, i think i mentioned that before, sli to iee grandma. But i want to be an art teacher, and i have taught in an all girls' school could also be that i feel a bit stuck at the moment, because i was kind of forced out of my job when i had drama with my lse boss, so i wasn't ready to leave...things seem to be improving and starting to go to plan work wise, so i'm sticking with my instincts..but who knows maybe one day i would feel like i could work in a mixed school lol. i also just think my qualities would be appreciated in an all girls' school. i mean i would really like to work with girls...but i think there is some appeal in that the type of men (hopefully) who work in a girls' school are prettty cool, like i remember a couple (ili sles)
    lol i already changed my mind about this idea, well put it on hold or pause at least, i'm not sure it is right for me..though i do believe if i hadn't had quite so much adult trauma, it would have been perfect. the younger your problems start and the longer they go on, the more you get shifted off your ideal path..but it's ok, you can get somewhere else that is's funny every time i talk to a dual i get an urge to comment on here...not that i'm looking for a dual, it's been interesting to think about, but it's even more interesting, thinking about what else makes people attractive and interesting. @Adam Strange you were right when you said IEIs like to write on here to be more objective, but some IEIs on here don't seem to get that we often are figuring ourselves out very quickly, and they seem to read one post and assume we're stuck in that same spot forever or something lol.

    I hope your socionics journey is going well, and search for a partner is too
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-30-2024 at 11:21 AM.

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    also...i read somewhere that people outside of 115-130 iq can have trouble with maybe that's what i was getting at: not understanding nuance = assholery..but i'm somewhat less hard on the lower iq people (depends) because if you are not born with luck on your side..i mean it's complicated how much a person should be judged. of course i draw the line somewhere, and every case is unique. I'd be a great judge lol. also i got the idea from rebelondeck who used to post here. and he was right about practically everything. what a man! if i hadn't connected with him, i probs would have connected with someone else, but lord, what a connection

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    also...i read somewhere that people outside of 115-130 iq can have trouble with maybe that's what i was getting at: not understanding nuance = assholery..but i'm somewhat less hard on the lower iq people (depends) because if you are not born with luck on your side..i mean it's complicated how much a person should be judged. of course i draw the line somewhere, and every case is unique. I'd be a great judge lol. also i got the idea from rebelondeck who used to post here. and he was right about practically everything. what a man! if i hadn't connected with him, i probs would have connected with someone else, but lord, what a connection
    @Bethanyclaire, I agree with you that @Rebelondeck was right about practically everything. I think he was pretty old, though, and that can help with being right about some things. I wish he were still posting. I learned something from every one of his posts.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-30-2024 at 02:25 PM.

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    Yes, I have tested (Stanford-Binet) to have a high IQ. But that's not the only thing required for success. Just think about the people who are famous only because they are famous. Lol.

    When I was studying revolution at the University of Michigan, I discovered that the ruling class of progressive countries doesn't want merely intelligent people to replace them; they also want people who actually do things in the real world. They want to see accomplishments.

    However, having the attribute of high intelligence comes down to luck. No one planned for that before being born. Furthermore, the ability to accomplish something also depends largely on luck. In particular, it depends on the luck of being born into a family which has enough resources and the experience with manipulating those resources so that you have the tools to accomplish things and you have someone who can show you early on how to use those tools.

    Basically, I'm saying that success in this world has a huge component of luck. Having a high IQ is nice, because it makes your intellectual world richer, but it's like having a dragster in a road race. IQ alone won't get you very far on the road of life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Basically, I'm saying that success in this world has a huge component of luck. Having a high IQ is nice, because it makes your intellectual world richer, but it's like having a dragster in a road race. IQ alone won't get you very far on the road of life.
    Why do you need to get far and what do you call success?

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    Quote Originally Posted by rizz View Post
    Why do you need to get far and what do you call success?
    Lol, @rizz, if I knew the answers to those questions, I'd be happy instead of dissatisfied with my life.

    Seriously, though, your questions made me think. I mean, I happen to be particularly dissatisfied with my life right now, so thinking about these things is a good exercise.

    I'd say I "need to get far" not to glorify myself in the public eye, or to accomplish some stupid thing that some random person thinks is great, but rather to be safe. I need to get myself beyond the whims and wishes of random assholes. This is probably due to my having lived under the oppression of a violent, narcissistic mother, but whatever. It is now baked in; part of my fundamentals. I want to be beyond the reach of my parents, my ex-wife, several of the prominent people I knew earlier in my life, police officers, and politicians. Basically, anyone who is or was in a position to tell me how to run my life.
    I realize that it is impossible to live in a society and not be subject to its laws, but it is possible to protect yourself from the worst of them, and to push most of the rest back over the horizon.

    I would, at this present moment, count myself successful if I could have several more children, if I had 3-5 times the money that I have, if my company could radically increase the monetary value of the business, and ultimately, if I could change the world in a way which made life better for everyone, without killing too many people to achieve that. I mean, theoretically, prosperity is not a zero-sum game, but we might get there faster if it were treated as such. Temporarily. (This is the point at which the ESI would tell me to stop being evil. I can absolutely hear my e6w7 ESI interior decorator saying this.)

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    Ok so this might only be me, but I feel like duals who get together at a young age or maybe old age too, are often very close in iq, like one point. Same might be true for other ITR, like activity perhaps. And I think that is what gives the dual such appeal. When I first found out about socionics, I did attract a couple of hot duals, however I wasn’t ready to
    date really. But I don’t think they fell into this category, however, close and yes, they would have been marriage/ long term material. For context, I am a person with issues in the past, yet not really romantic of nature, and I consider myself stable now, just on a more wiggly path in life than most people. (Maybe a lot of people are, and I am just one of the norm now). Before that I wasn’t, I was top (second) of my year, and I wouldn’t consider that norm. Not Mensa or anything, but I was sensible and balanced.

    Also, in young adult life I attracted some duals, some seemed def potentially interesting, but only one stood out, a guy who I met in a bar, who I mentioned earlier in the thread and yes, he was smarter, (my instinct) than the rest. I was very young

    I think mirrors are often very close in iq too. I’m not sure how it works with semi duals, but the ones I attract now seem to be similar in intelligence to me, but not that 1 point difference, but maybe this is just because there are less people around, or someone with my particular baggage needs a slight intelligence gap, I am nothing if not modest, wink wink

    I’m sure people date with various iq differences, but I suspect it’s typical for people to be 1 or 3 points in difference, however maybe the gap increases the higher up the scale you go, I don’t know.

    like I was thinking about the successful people (and mirror) pairs I know and I thought to myself, will they get divorced? And I thought well yeah, maybe if a dual came along who was as hot and clever as their partner, actually it’s only one pair I could imagine this for, and they are both quite successful

    I also observe (and now this can’t be proven) that most, if not all celebrity couples are duals, and opposite subtypes. (as in ones who are married) I think a lot of normal couples are duals, opposite subtypes too, but I’m sure there are a lot of same subtype too. Could just be the world I move in. The thing about the celebrities led me to think that, it is the opposite subtypes, that hold them
    together. Rebelondeck said something along the lines that opposite subtypes are more ‘productive’ or something. Now celebrities are under pressure to be productive, and it is a big aspect of their life. They are also likely put in ideal situations to meet their dual etc, lots probably had dual parents etc, not all but let’s say many had decent upbringings. But, if I’m correct, and I know many will disagree, but if I am, then it seems the thing that holds them together, is the subtype, rather then the duality (if that makes sense). It just seems like they are all opposite subtypes to me. Maybe I am imagining it, but I don’t think so at this point.

    so, basically people are drawn to what they need, and I do believe, instant attraction, is what we want first of all, it’s almost a duality in itself, and then we go for a type that is ‘our type’ or maybe a semi dual, coz, well
    they’re special. Or we meet the ideal dual, or we stumble on a nearly ideal

    oh and not all duals, with v close iq will have that instant spark too, but maybe the ones in your vicinity would be likely too..

    and even if you don’t meet the ‘ideal’ dual, it’s likely you had some type of relationship in the past that felt like it, and that ‘holy idea’ is what gives you courage to live life and be happy
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-31-2024 at 04:45 PM.

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    So yesterday I posted and then deleted a few minutes after (because I thought it might have hurt the sensibility of some forumites), about this sapiosexuality nonsense thing. I find classification like "Demi-sexual" and "Sapiosexual" unnecessary to say the least. I repost something about it because I felt the compulsion to do it and I figured "what the heck !".

    I think that people who focuses too much on people's "IQ" to the point of finding high IQ sexy, correspond somewhat to "sapiosexual" orientation . I thought it was basically a manifestation of a certain kind of dualisation namely Thinking/Feeling (with a touch of Aristocratic>Democratic tendencies). Incidentally the fact that in terms of "psychological compatibility" opposites attract is a phenomenon known since the dawn of civilisations, one could therefore call it an archetypical acknowledgment .

    In the 80's and 90's it was trendy to be murosexual (It's a sexual attraction to walls !)
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    I don’t think you notice iq difference until it gets to about 6 points. In real life, with people you know, could be different on a forum..

    I think young benefit couples can be 6 point difference (i mean I knew one pair who could fit my theory, maybe lol) and supervision could be 4 points..again I think I know one pair lol

    I’m not sure what the literature says, I seem to recall more than 14 being problematic..

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    High IQ translates into specialization, like low IQ is treated specially in another sense.

    We don't notice the differences until you reach the tails in distribution. That translates into rarity, which is noticed or stands out.

    At face value.

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    Officially? Around 132 but there is a rub here. IQ Tests are geared towards, well, one's ability to pass a test that can be objectively quantified by a machine.

    While there may be a significant correlation between a "High IQ" and the capacity for things like Creativity, Charisma, Honor (and all you could ever imagine that would entail), etc. It's not an objective, fated, or absolute correlation. Genghis Khan probably couldn't do Calculus to save his life even if you used time travel to make Issac Newton his Tutor I'd dare you to call him an idiot. Can't say he wasn't Creative or non-Charismatic.

    This is an interesting contrast to our current ruling class here in the West. Highest IQ motherfuckers to ever exist by the criteria of IQ tests I wager. Yet they so utterly fail in the fields of Creativity, Charisma, and, well, anything that matters to anyone who ever had to worry about where their next meal would come from at any point in their lives it boggles the rational mind.

    I may be a "High IQ" individual, but I also don't see that as counting for much IMO. is damned good at passing a test. , however, is well aware of how to structure a curriculum around passing said tests regardless of aptitude. "No Child Left Behind" really meant "No Child incapable of living/testing up to the most rigorous of standards" would be tolerated to progress into the upper echelons of the elite.

    Never forget that the most common error people make when trying to deal with other people is projection. Everyone assumes everyone else is just like them. That includes Decision-axes and IQ's. Most Gamma's assume everyone else is some form of Gamma and thus wouldn't see their worldviews or approaches to dealing with reality as anything any "rational" or "right-thinking" person could ever conceivably oppose on a fundamental and fanatical level. The can, they do, and if you can't even concieve as to how and why that might be you're not gonna win any war either in the future or the past.

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    I don’t think honour has anything to do with iq but maybe the American idea of honor..btw I’m currently watching Gossip Girl lol

    these are interesting points @End

    theoretically you should be able to guess your iq without a test, I base my own on the fact I did some sort of test at 11, and based on that test they put me in a group for 125 plus, it was just some initiative where you were supposed to go to events outside of school, but I didn’t go. I think I knew who else was in the group at school and i know who was smarter than me lol, and I know I’m just about in the group lol.

    So you could always do a test, but simply as a guide and then work out the real number yourself (I think it is good for a poor kid to know their iq..) or at least have teachers that recognise their intelligence

    and I think people can look 10 points higher or lower depending on ‘privileges’ or like if you’re depressed you could look much lower

    btw I think the guy I fell for was 132. I knew he was different lol. (I can’t help it teaching is somewhat in my blood and a good teacher should know a person’s innate potential intelligence).

    I remember asking the guy if he liked school and he said he didn’t, he was SEI so maybe he was lying, but maybe not, and he did go to a good school, from what I hear. It made me think how a couple of people on here have seemed quite modest about their intelligence, maybe they’re just modest but maybe they weren’t supported at school so didn’t realise how smart they were. Or they’re so smart they just don’t need to prove themselves to anyone lol. I read that there are special programs for kids with iq above 130 in U.S.

    in the UK we have some grammar schools, (academically selective, some state funded, some not). I had thought you had to get 125 to get in but recently read 121..other kids will go to private schools

    I also read recently that average Oxbridge score is 122.5 so lower than one might expect

    sad to think that high iq people marry high iq people, and this particular form of privilege never really disappears, the fight for equality never dies..
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 02-01-2024 at 11:14 AM.

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    Average IQ of Oxford and Cambridge students | Pumpkin Person

    there is some weird anti-semetic stuff in the comments, just as a heads up. but it's an interesting blog/post with links to a couple of others.

  36. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    I don’t think honour has anything to do with iq but maybe the American idea of honor..btw I’m currently watching Gossip Girl lol

    these are interesting points @End

    theoretically you should be able to guess your iq without a test, I base my own on the fact I did some sort of test at 11, and based on that test they put me in a group for 125 plus, it was just some initiative where you were supposed to go to events outside of school, but I didn’t go. I think I knew who else was in the group at school and i know who was smarter than me lol, and I know I’m just about in the group lol.

    So you could always do a test, but simply as a guide and then work out the real number yourself (I think it is good for a poor kid to know their iq..) or at least have teachers that recognise their intelligence

    and I think people can look 10 points higher or lower depending on ‘privileges’ or like if you’re depressed you could look much lower

    btw I think the guy I fell for was 132. I knew he was different lol. (I can’t help it teaching is somewhat in my blood and a good teacher should know a person’s innate potential intelligence).

    I remember asking the guy if he liked school and he said he didn’t, he was SEI so maybe he was lying, but maybe not, and he did go to a good school, from what I hear. It made me think how a couple of people on here have seemed quite modest about their intelligence, maybe they’re just modest but maybe they weren’t supported at school so didn’t realise how smart they were. Or they’re so smart they just don’t need to prove themselves to anyone lol. I read that there are special programs for kids with iq above 130 in U.S.

    in the UK we have some grammar schools, (academically selective, some state funded, some not). I had thought you had to get 125 to get in but recently read 121..other kids will go to private schools

    I also read recently that average Oxbridge score is 122.5 so lower than one might expect

    sad to think that high iq people marry high iq people, and this particular form of privilege never really disappears, the fight for equality never dies..
    Never liked school because even though I was "good" at it. It was boring as hell and had the air and feel of a prison trying to brainwash and pound my round peg arse into the square hole it wanted me to fit into with all the subtlety of an Orbital Bombardment which just made me hate it on an absolute, fundamental, and visceral level.

    Protip: I was exactly correct. Any serious study into the "modern" school system here in the West reveals this grim truth in very short order. I always recommend "The Underground History of American Education" by the sadly late John Talor Gatto to anyone who asks any kind of question that goes along the lines of "Why is the Education System so Bad?"

    You are correct about "High IQ" programs existing here in the US. It's for "gifted" children (it was called the gifted program back then) and I was myself put on that track. I hated it and was eventually kicked out of it because, surprise surprise, I didn't test high enough. Mainly because I hit "fuck it" and was so miserable trying to pass all the tests (which my classes were more geared towards teaching me how to pass regardless of my actual aptitude in a subject over, well, teaching me the friggin' subject and how and why it'd be useful for me to know IRL) that I started sleeping in class on the regular because I wanted to learn things instead of merely pass a test damnit! I still graduated with a good GPA despite the fact I literally slept through most of High School. All tests were not equal after all.

    As for why "High IQ" people marry High IQ people it's a simple and very natural reason. Beyond the range of 2 standard deviations in Intelligence communication suffers a fundamental breakdown. An IQ 130 can talk to an IQ 100 person, but they're resorting to what they consider "baby speak". It can be quite fun and rewarding to communicate with a baby and watch it grow thanks to your influence, but it's not exactly the most fulfilling or interesting. Still rewarding though so they can learn to deal with it. If that person was IQ 85 or lower it'd be like talking to a friggin' house plant for them. Pointless from every observable metric.

    This is also because IQ (generally speaking as it stands) sets an upper limit for development. An IQ 85 individual can't really get all the way to the top of Maslow's Hierarch of needs and/or grasp abstract concepts like a universal and context independent morality. Self-Actualization? The fuck is that? You needs more than getting everyone around you to do what you say? Why? Why what? This blabbering about "Transcendent and Eternal Morals" (audibly struggles to sound out those words BTW) you speak of dumb! You ain't stronger than me! Me happy getting money! I bash you skull in now so I get more money! Big leader on glowy screen tell me so! Smash big dummy! HAHAHA skulls make funny sound when broken!

    If you give a fuck about achieving full Self-Actualization you'll probably want someone who has the same mission in life and seeks a relationship where you both help each other achieve that shared goal. That means you'll need someone at least within 2 standard deviations of you. It's not privilege, it's a raw unadulterated need like one's desire for food and water. Can't share a life with someone who can't even conceive of how and why you do what you do.

    Finally, the whole Cambridge study isn't surprising. Sin makes you stupid and, well, this current elite is the most brazenly sinful to ever exist in human history I'd wager. Even the Ruler of Gomorrah would blush if he (or she) got the full skivvy on what our rulers here in the West are into. Also the whole "Ivy League" system is a filter/selection center for the ruling elite. Look at where most of the top officials (elected or not) came from in the West and you'll see "Ivy League" Colleges everywhere. "Dubbya" is an observable and objective dumbass, but he went to Harvard and got a degree. Why? Daddy paid em' off and even an idiot can network if given the chance (which is exactly the chance you get if you go to an Ivy League college and is the true reason you pay 200K+ a Semester to send your kid there. The networking opportunities alone make it worth every red cent).

    The Ultimate "privilege" is, was, and always will be Generational Wealth. Don't hate that fact. Understand it and work to build it for yourself and your descendants. Just be sure to not do what our elite did. Don't fall for the lies of Gnosticism and don't try to stop others from attaining Generational Wealth. A tall order given our fallen human nature but still a thing we must all strive to do.
    Last edited by End; 02-02-2024 at 03:36 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post

    If you give a fuck about achieving full Self-Actualization you'll probably want someone who has the same mission in life and seeks a relationship where you both help each other achieve that shared goal. That means you'll need someone at least within 2 standard deviations of you. It's not privilege, it's a raw unadulterated need like one's desire for food and water. Can't share a life with someone who can't even conceive of how and why you do what you do.
    I just mean that they will then have babies, also with relatively high iq, but i did read family iq on average is 10/12 range within the family...

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post

    The Ultimate "privilege" is, was, and always will be Generational Wealth.
    i agree on this..i consider myself 'socialist' and in the UK this word has connotations of meaning 'left wing principles', not even necessarily ideals. But I am a realist too, I know you can't really make everything equal. I just think you have to keep fighting because if you don't, who will, and the right will always keep fighting you. In their nature and i don't mean all right wingers are bad...but some people have more tough minded attitudes and stances in life, and i think i said it earlier in the thread or somewhere just gotta keep annoying them with your endless optimism until they budge a little lol.

    oh and i think some ILIs can be left-wing too, but they will have a bit harder time convincing people they are lol, unless they are Greta of course..

  38. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    I just mean that they will then have babies, also with relatively high iq, but i did read family iq on average is 10/12 range within the family...
    Outliers still exist. I forget where it was but a married Down's Syndrome Couple produced a 130 IQ Doctor. He said his parents were the most loving he could have imagined. Likewise, I have direct family who are 2 very intelligent people who made a, well, the same story but from the opposite end. While you're correct that like tends to produce like you'd be very wrong to think it's always gonna be the case.

    There is even the case of myself. Mom tells me the doctors told her and Dad time and again how I'd be a misshapen mutated mess given the test results and that they'd both save themselves a LOT of heartache and suffering if they just did the "rational" thing and got an abortion. She refused and Dad didn't try to countermand her.

    This kind of shit is why I hate Eugenics and everyone who believes in it unironically. They aren't God and it really pisses me off when anyone acts like they are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    agree on this..i consider myself 'socialist' and in the UK this word has connotations of meaning 'left wing principles', not even necessarily ideals. But I am a realist too, I know you can't really make everything equal. I just think you have to keep fighting because if you don't, who will, and the right will always keep fighting you. In their nature and i don't mean all right wingers are bad...but some people have more tough minded attitudes and stances in life, and i think i said it earlier in the thread or somewhere just gotta keep annoying them with your endless optimism until they budge a little lol.

    oh and i think some ILIs can be left-wing too, but they will have a bit harder time convincing people they are lol, unless they are Greta of course..
    ILI's can get high on their own supply. Nietzsche and Marx are famous ILI's for all the wrong reasons in my eyes after all. The "right" won't always fight anyone, but they are more at home in a "warrior" ethos/cultures and for all the negatives that has it does inoculate one's self and people against civilizational decadence and depravity.

    I am myself from one after all. Born and raised in "Greater Appalachia". Land of the Redneck from Scotch, Irish, and German descent (along with smatterings of whatever else was here in that region of America within the last 200 years Native Americans included). All this modern BS is utterly incomprehensible to me. Why spend so much time focusing on old grievances and being a victim? Force your enemies to acknowledge your greatness! Why spend so much time telling them how bad they are and how guilty they should feel for shit they themselves never did? I never owned a slave? Have you? Don't remember the last time I ever looked down on anyone just because they were a shade too melaninated or had slanty eyes. You ever do that? I could go on endlessly.

    Better to build something so grand, so amazing, that no rational soul could ever deny how grand and amazing it is and wish it was they who came up with it instead of you. This is why I dislike the "modern left" so much BTW. They only seek to destroy in the ultimate analysis. What are the things they wish to build that don't first involve "deconstruction" or "critique" of any kind? Where does their quest for "equality" end? They are demonstrably focused on actualizing a world where "outcomes" are equal over opportunities. That leads to an abject dystopia for everyone who isn't somehow within the ruling class (as they get to decide what "outcomes" are the most desireable).

    I mentioned Gnosticism before and I highly suggest everyone who doesn't know about it to look it up. Once you know what it is and what it looks like a LOT of stuff happening right now makes a very disturbing amount of sense. Years ago I named the faith of the PTB as "Gnostic Luciferianism" on this very forum (can't recall the exact post but I know it's around here somewhere) and I have found no reason to change my mind in the years since.

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    My IQ is 132.

    I don’t know how to add to this.

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    And for the record, assholes often benefit from being told they are one, and then they can process it, accept they are not beloved, and then paradoxically, become more beloved..less narcissistic, people will be more honest with them etc.

    a bit like how I honestly couldn’t help but fight the LSE, and expose him. I’m back in touch with a colleague and i’m more than sure that I’m correct, and he will have started showing his true colours a bit more.

    Love not hate lol

    edit: I wanted to tag somebody in this post (female) but then maybe I’d get another warning..

    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 02-05-2024 at 07:57 PM.

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