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Thread: What is your IQ?

  1. #161
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    @Sol I was thinking like people with 130-140ish iq..people with higher I don't have much experience of. sure they might 'achieve more' in life, but do they really live their life in a socialist way? do they treat people as their equal? Do they share the rewards of their success?

    We've many of us been to university- do academics really seem like nice people? High schools are far more socialist at least in a contemporary setting..

    any type of privilege makes people arrogant, unless they have misfortune in some way

    you have celebrities who are popular, intelligent and does happen that highly successful people can be nice. They probably had ideal childhoods or are balanced with no subtype or just got a very random good mix of genes. Or they are just very inspiring rather than nice.

    just to add...success does not necessarily equal happiness..i don't wanna be depressing

    i people are competitive, and competition is aggression..and aggression is violence....

    can someone switch from competing with their peers to being nice to the waiter in the restaurant just like that?

    I am rambling now sorry
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 07-04-2023 at 10:16 PM.

  2. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The opposite. As to be emotionally liked by other people is helpful for you to be alive, to achieve own wishes in cooperations with them. While IQ (as it's supposed to be) is general intellectual abbility to stay alive (by solving life tasks).

    In Jung types. It needs resources to hold and switch the attention, so better developed mind should to have higher sum of function pairs strenghtes: T+F, S+N. To develop skills in one function it lesser needs to suppress the overal strenght of opposite function, to use a function it needs to be lesser rigid in ignoring the opposite function.
    With better general IQ the sums of functional pairs should be higher. So a human with higher IQ and with same abbilities and working efforts in one function, should to have better developed skills and to act better (by social norms) in opposite function.

    To be perceived emotionally "nice" much means skills in F. The problem here in Jung types have T types. Though, today IQ tests are accented on TN tasks and hence T types get higher marks there, there should be positive link of higher IQ and emotional skills, quality of social interactions.
    Secondary, for this will help human's better emotional state (people in good emotions inspire higher sympathy). To this state predisposes the higher abbility to solve common intellectual tasks, so there will be lesser overload of psyche and hence lesser its disfunction. People who see more of usefulness of such human will relate better what will support his positive emotions. Higher IQ should correlate with better quality of brain and hence lesser chance of psyche disorders, including emotional ones.
    While, people with lower IQ have higher risks to break social norms as it's harder for them to live by rules. They are more often found among geting condemnations/antipathy for breaking, not fiting to norms/requirements and should among criminals.

    It's about average tendency, which I expect to be for some IQ regions or in whole. It's possibly to find people with higher IQ and more social problems, a number of which would not change the tendency.

    When you studed, you should remember qualities of those who got higher marks. More % of morally doubtful you should notice among those with lower studing abbilities. To act in own interests and also to take into account interests/understanding of other people to be liked by them too - this needs higher intelligence.
    While criminals are stupid, I don't think you'd really like brilliant people if you knew much about them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    any type of privilege makes people arrogant, unless they have misfortune in some way
    Now, this should be obviously false. Lots of people are full of themselves after misfortunes and technically everyone is suffering a huge misfortune in the form of being born into this world, just some people are too stupid to realize it. Do you love life? Congratulations, you're going to die! Biggest misfortune of all.

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    any type of privilege makes people arrogant, unless they have misfortune in some way
    Arrogance is an exaggerated sense of ones own abilities, having confidence in genuine ability is not arrogance.

    What is it that you're calling privilege here? Is it the privilege of having a higher IQ, or is it success itself that you're calling privilege?

    The majority of people who are successful did not have success handed to them on a silver platter. And having a high IQ is not a golden ticket to success, you have to put in the work to be successful, there are plenty of high IQ people working low wage jobs because they scraped by with minimal effort their entire lives... successful people, for the most part, are people who studied in a useful (boring) field for many years, then worked diligently at a lower rung in their field for years until they finally climbed their way to what you're calling success.

    Rich parents, for the most part, keep their money to themselves. Unless they have enormous amounts of it. There are a few people who are just handed vast amounts of money, but that's rare, and money runs out quickly - even low wage earners use up a couple million dollars in expenses throughout their life... by the time a person is 50 income bracket at birth is not a strong predictor of success, other factors like intelligence and education are much better predictors.

    also, high IQ makes career success easier, but it probably makes social success harder.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 07-05-2023 at 07:16 AM.

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pseudomorph View Post

    Now, this should be obviously false. Lots of people are full of themselves after misfortunes and technically everyone is suffering a huge misfortune in the form of being born into this world, just some people are too stupid to realize it. Do you love life? Congratulations, you're going to die! Biggest misfortune of all.
    true..although I’ll always try to be happy lol (IEI)

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    I was thinking like people with 130-140ish iq..people with higher I don't have much experience of. sure they might 'achieve more' in life, but do they really live their life in a socialist way? do they treat people as their equal? Do they share the rewards of their success?
    I think you're equivocating socialism with philanthropy.
    I knew a super-liberal woman with these socialist utopian ideals. She was very hardcore into politics... she hated Trump harder than anyone I've seen hate Trump. She was also a drug addict, and had a kid.
    Well... her father died and she inherited 600K.
    Within no less than 1.5 years she had spent all the money on drugs (I'm amazed she didn't die from the amount of drugs she did), 2 visits to rehab, legal bills, super-expensive shoes, jewelry and many other luxury items.
    She saved exactly 0 dollars for her son to go to college...
    She didn't even buy a house for them to live in...
    Then she got her son taken away.

    I don't know what happened to her super-liberal utopian ideals. But she didn't do one selfless thing with all that money when given the opportunity.
    Most liberals are this way. People are selfish, when they're given a golden ticket they cash it in.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 01-15-2024 at 02:50 PM.

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    Arrogance is an exaggerated sense of ones own abilities, having confidence in genuine ability is not arrogance.
    but they can seem to think that their cleverness is an excuse to act like an they don't need to doubt their attitudes much

    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    What is it that you're calling privilege here? Is it the privilege of having a higher IQ, or is it success itself that you're calling privilege?
    I don't know..some examples..I worked with some guys..

    One was someone who claimed not to be that privileged 'My mum was only a teacher! sob' lol. He went to a super fancy English school. In his mid-late twenties he was a little unconfident/gawky but that quickly disappeared. He's very smart- will probs end up teaching in a good uni..this one was confusing for me because I developed some feelings for this person- there can be no denying I thought he was a nice person in some way...but maybe a 'nice person' for the world he belongs

    Another guy from Vienna, got a job on our team and immediately tried to transform it for the better- he did a lot of good. but omg he was so attention seeking and often rude. I tried to give him some advice, not sure if it sank in. I'm not sure he was quite as intelligent as the first guy..he seems willing to do the 'boring job' to make it to the top, but he's a super fun dude so I'm not sure how bored he was lol.

    other guy- manager of a team, significantly less high iq than other two, probably from more of a humble background. Very very driven. His confidence/ ability in his job (some aspects of his job) had me believing he was a lot smarter. Doesn't have a good sense for right and wrong but believes that he tries.

    one more guy- a man on our team recently lost his life to suicide. he was probably not super bright but seemed like he'd done well, went to college, had different jobs, worked hard, popular it seemed. I wonder if he didn't see much of a future- wife/ career path, I don't know. I think perhaps he panicked. There's part of me that blames the manager i mentioned above..that guy's biggest problem was sexism...towards women (me, basically)...there's a chance he was aggressive/ gas lighty in his interactions with the guy who killed himself but this is a lot of speculating

    things that might make someone privileged- nice appearance, parents who went to uni, some money, lack of mental health problems, drive, big social group, things going smoothly in life before the age of 25

    I'm in my thirties so I don't know it might be a bit different these days..the internet was unhelpful for me I believe but it was new then, i'm jealous of all the advice people get now from the internet but that's probs a bit naive- people are not necessarily accessing information they need
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 07-05-2023 at 09:03 AM.

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    I knew a super-liberal woman with these socialist utopian ideals. She was very hardcore into politics... she hated Trump harder than anyone I've seen hate Trump. She was also a drug addict, and had a kid.
    Well... her father died and she inherited 600K.
    Within no less than 1.5 years she had spent all the money on drugs (I'm amazed she didn't die from the amount of drugs she did), 2 visits to rehab, legal bills, super-expensive shoes, jewelry and many other luxury items.
    She saved exactly 0 dollars for her son to go to college...
    She didn't even buy a house for them to live in...
    Then she got her son taken away.

    I don't know what happened to her super-liberal utopian ideals. But she didn't do one selfless thing with all that money when given the opportunity.
    Most liberals are this way. People are selfish, when they're given a golden ticket they cash it in.
    I often compare myself to a heroin addict because I have had OCD..I see your point but OCD ruined my life in some ways so I can't help but think of that..I suppose if someone has money you would think they would get help.

    Yeah people are complicated- I've been an observer pretending to be normal a lot of my life, and I see people trying to figure stuff out, most people are just trying to be happy. I would have been happy with a somewhat boring life- now I've gotta not resent the fact it's taking me twice as long to achieve that as it should have..but my mental health is better I maybe I can be like other people- happyish lol

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    I've gotten highly variable results; that's at least partly due to all the meds I've taken plus I'm naturally not cognitively stable anyway (it can be due to anxiety and so much more). But the Raven's Progressive Matrices is a mental test and it said I score 75th percentile, 50 correct out of 60... I took it when the risperdal was wearing off, risperdal and other psych drugs I've taken are de-stabilizing, slow my brain down, makes me less able to problem-solve. I think 50 out of 60 correct on the RPM comes to IQ of 103-105.

    I used to believe in IQ tests, but right after I wrote about Arthur Jensen on this forum, I've considered evidence suggested they weren't that great and didn't all that accurately reflect a person's abilities.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    i'm picturing the average iq person as a C grade person in school- the ones who made school nice- maybe nicer than the work place. They maybe didn't love school themselves..but I don't think they typically hated it. also the schools in my area are ok- not the worst
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 07-05-2023 at 01:55 PM.

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    Cultural inequality may be more noticeable in some societies..I have def observed young academically capable students having a sense of entitlement in my place of work- which had an annoyingly English culture..fake nice but respect your betters. Not for me..I’ve observed it in over seas students too, though not as obvious in those from non-European countries.

  11. #171
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    The enigma behind intellectual brilliance lies within a realm of profound simplicity. It necessitates the establishment of an extraordinary and intellectually prodigious aspiration, akin to a discerning sieve meticulously sifting through the fabric of one's objectives, dismissing anything that falls short of its lofty standard. Through this meticulous curation, a plethora of thoughts will sprout forth, comprising a blend of mediocre ruminations, imprudent inklings, and a select few notions exuding an air of refinement. Yet, such ruminations, however sublime, are insufficient on their own. One must unwaveringly fixate their cognitive faculties upon the paramount objective of grandiosity. Succumbing to anything less than this pursuit renders one forever trapped within the confines of banality.

    It is essential to recognize that intellectual ascendancy requires neither an elevated intelligence quotient nor an encyclopedic wealth of knowledge. Instead, the power lies solely within the confines of one's own mind, an intangible resource that serves as both the conduit and the catalyst for attaining greatness. It is within this realm that the seeds of transformation are sown.

    Perchance you inquire as to the embodiment of such a remarkable aspiration. In response, I proffer a notion that centers upon the relentless pursuit of self-improvement, wherein each passing day becomes a testament to one's unwavering commitment to ascendancy. This pursuit of unparalleled excellence transcends the boundaries delineated by contemporary paradigms, for its essence lies in the transcendence of human potentiality. By charting an uncharted course, one has the ability to reshape the course of mankind's storied history, ultimately culminating in a manifestation of awe-inspiring greatness that defies conventional comprehension
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  12. #172
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    definitely somewhere around average.
    IQ kind of annoys me because thinking about it requires me to use brain muscles that i'm not interested in.
    i really don't think IQ is useful as a prediction tool for how well a person will do in anything in particular. not only because of any one thing, but however much energy you invest into the test reflects in your score. it's essentially proving yourself, and i think its clear that people prove themselves in a variety of ways and a variety of times.
    but anyway, yeah, i'm definitely more or less 100 IQ.

  13. #173
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    No idea. Is there a link to an accurate test?
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    Statistically we can all expect to be minimally different from the average
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    I think also iq can take away from creativity, some people have both but i think often it’s more of one than the other
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 07-07-2023 at 09:16 AM.

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    I’ve seen Britney listed as having 100 iq a couple of times. It’s an interesting example, because one, she is beloved, two she’s from a humble background, three she’s had mental health problems. Maybe it’s actually higher, but all the same she’s always got something interesting to say. Imagine if she hadn’t been treated badly. Might not be the best example but it’s believable? And even after her troubles she’s still got it.

    I feel like with Britney, you see her essence. People love that- when someone fights the odds to show exactly what they’re made of.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 07-07-2023 at 09:40 AM.

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    Serious this time, my IQ tested by a psychologist using WAIS-Wechsler Test, came out at 129. But I was not in a very good state mentally at the time, so perhaps it was a bit higher. That said, I don't think IQ is a very good measure of intelligence; one because there are many types of intelligences (as many as IM aspects — in model B), and two because IQ tests only seem to measure a few of them (mainly -Ti related ones).

    Whatever part of the test you are not good at can be trained. I remember that in the spatial-vision part of the test I perfomed very poorly. So I trained myself doing puzzles.
    Last edited by lavos; 07-10-2023 at 02:50 AM.
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  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Serious this time, my IQ tested by a psychologist using WAIS-Wechsler Test, came out at 129. But I was not in a very good state mentally at the time, so perhaps it was a bit higher. That said, I don't think IQ is a very good measure of intelligence; one because there are many types of intelligences (as many as IM aspects — in model B), and two because IQ tests only seem to measure a few of them (mainly -Ti related ones).

    Whatever part of the test you are not good at can be trained. I remember that in the spatial-vision part of the test I perfomed very poorly. So I trained myself doing puzzles.
    Interesting, was the test affordable?

    Also do they take into account your intellectual background while testing your IQ? I heard that if you have for example a background in math at an academic level, you will be judged more heavily on the parts of the test that involve math, and so forth, but I'm not sure this is true.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wavebury View Post
    Interesting, was the test affordable?

    Also do they take into account your intellectual background while testing your IQ? I heard that if you have for example a background in math at an academic level, you will be judged more heavily on the parts of the test that involve math, and so forth, but I'm not sure this is true.
    It took a couple of 1 hour sessions, so if you go to one just for that I guess that's what you'd have to pay. I don't think she factored any of that when she graded the test.
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  20. #180
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    Just messing around

    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
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    Yep mix with some smart people and you’ll notice the trend (only a trend) - casual cruelness- snobbery fills them with righteousness and they will enjoy screwing you over. Those professors at uni were awful..what a shitty start to adult life. They have to be the best after all- they have to control the narrative- that they should lead and teach..

    they’ll screw you over and never think twice. On with their life, perhaps some renewed sense of charity but that’s it. They belong with the other smart mean ordinary people. Everything just a theory and a game.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 07-25-2023 at 03:49 PM.

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    I think attraction might be slightly more to do with iq than positive itr, i find I’m trying to date guys who are too smart for me- not smarter than me but more successful so they kinda seem more smart. Ideally it should be similar but I think a significant difference is good too. Inbetween is not ideal- seems competitive, especially if they’re more successful.

    however, it may depend somewhat on itr, and also it’s hard to explain and v much not sure
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 08-04-2023 at 09:48 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CyclicalFreedom View Post
    Just messing around

    Well, you seem pretty smart dude. There have been a couple of times I've read one of your posts and it has caused me to self-reflect or realize something I didn't before.

    Other users here that seem unusually smart to me are Tallmo, Ryan, and Emily.
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  24. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    On the whole higher iq probably correlates with being more cruel/less nice. It’s a type of power after all.
    i've actually wondered if, especially in a certain sort of personality, higher general intelligence might also correlate with higher 'emotional' intelligence - now my idea of EI might not be precisely the same as Goleman... I guess I am thinking more of - dispositional acute sensitivity to emotionally relevant stimuli, sensitivity to 'mentalizing' it, and being generally prone to perhaps seeing things that others might miss in this context. But such a person can also be quite emotional/sensitive in general - maybe there is a sort of cognitive proclivity towards seeing the general idea, connections, implications, so-called 'foresight' which contributes to the heightened emotional "intelligence" (or understanding of humans and their minds on a very intuitive level).

    I am not saying they have to correlate but just some thoughts I have been having about how they might potentially influence each other in certain individuals.

  25. #185
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    I remember scoring pretty high on some IQ test I had to take in school, when I was a child... or well, it was something like an IQ test. So they took me out of my regular classes and put me into a "Gifted" classroom. I hated this class and I almost failed the school year because of it. The only time I was happy in that class was when I was assigned to care for the newly-arrived little kids (younger than me). The teacher didn't encourage me very much, ever. I get the impression she was disappointed I wasn't on the level of the other students my age in that class. All the boys my age in that class thought I didn't deserve to be there so they didn't talk to me. I never knew what was happening in that class because many of my classmates were so cold towards me that i was afraid of asking questions or speaking up. So I often performed poorly.

    I was just miserable. I was taken out of that class after about a year and put back into regular classes, and I was happy again. No more snobs surrounding me, no more strange open-ended assignments and boring "Logic Safari" games, no more stupid bulky binders...
    Last edited by kuno; 09-23-2023 at 03:47 PM.

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post

    We've many of us been to university- do academics really seem like nice people? High schools are far more socialist at least in a contemporary setting..

    any type of privilege makes people arrogant, unless they have misfortune in some way

    you have celebrities who are popular, intelligent and does happen that highly successful people can be nice. They probably had ideal childhoods or are balanced with no subtype or just got a very random good mix of genes. Or they are just very inspiring rather than nice.

    just to add...success does not necessarily equal happiness..i don't wanna be depressing

    i people are competitive, and competition is aggression..and aggression is violence....

    can someone switch from competing with their peers to being nice to the waiter in the restaurant just like that?

    I am rambling now sorry
    Academia snobbishness is its own thing idk if it indicates “higher IQ less nice” etc

    I disagree about arrogance, it’s socially conditioned. Otherwise people just “are,” natural, themselves. I don’t really see “people with 130-140 IQ” (what you were referring to) going around being arrogant - I probably cannot stress this enough, this is their norm, everyday life and they are probably within groups - family/friends where they relate to others (human proclivity I think) so I my assumption would actually be they see nothing special about themselves.

    success is not the same as inherent talent or brilliance; there’s a lot that goes into it (capability being only one of the factors - although ofc I don’t know if I can even imagine the life/impact of extremely gifted individuals, so I am hesitant to draw conclusions for that group) that at best I can summarize as “politics”

    higher IQ doesn’t necessarily mean someone is driven to compete
    Last edited by necrosebud; 09-23-2023 at 05:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    Academia snobbishness is its own thing idk if it indicates “higher IQ less nice” etc
    Common degree up to bachelor/specialist and mb today magistr adds not much about initial "general abbilities" from IQ as its tested. Population average IQ is 100, for the mentioned degree is average 110. While higher abbilities are supposed since 120.
    Education more means a help for useful skills, wider and better knowledge, social status. It's the main base to perceive some above.

    Having our Jung types, the better approach would be to measure abbilities for every of 4 functions. Where "general IQ" would be their sum. That would be lesser rough, as existing IQ tests are accented on logical skills (T) and abstract operations (N), while the abbility to solve any practical task with its context depends from all 4 functions _equally_.

    > Otherwise people just “are,” natural, themselves.

    Some people are more useful for you, for others, better fit to your interests. Education and abbilities arise this. Hence those are valued higher.
    It's not a zoo. To feel good and be alive, you need to cooperate with other people and how good they are is important.
    When a dumb (or lacking skills) will do a mistake (or worse result) which will lead to a harm for you, your close people and other important - you'll lesser value dumbs in their "natural themselves".

    We may dislike some sides of social hierarchy, including in specialised regions. But this approach was developed and kept for a use, has a base to support you alive and feeling good. Social conditions are developed by the same ways as biological traits.
    As external conditions are not stable and there is always what to improve - social conditions should always get some skepsis and attack, - to adopt to new and be improved to serve better to its positive puprose.
    Good/bad, love/hate, pleasure/suffering, pulling/pushing - are sides of the same coin, different ways to the same. The both approaches are same "natural". Those can be even seen as not separated, but just views on the same. As anything done causes the both.
    Last edited by Sol; 09-23-2023 at 09:27 AM.

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    I have never felt like I have to check the numbers. People I interact with/around me have never told me I’m dumb and have always said I’m intelligent ever since no matter what I do. If they praise me it’s always included or the word “brilliant” or “creative” for some reason. I’m not even doing anything big in life- I’m just being average and lazing around. I even do a lot of things that people would consider low IQ like these days I’ve been doing this immersion in Tiktok by watching multiple videos and I even share random astrology stuff with people and I just got told today in a casual convo that I’m smart (I said I’m getting bored etc etc there were lots of random shit I said and I was given an advice. They said what if you try so and so, you won’t have a problem grasping the technicalities because you’re smart anyway). That’s why I even thought about posting this actually. One time I went out with coworkers and I ended up figuring out things quickly like how the system works in that area and how to do things based on the instructions so I was the one who helped them out. As a student I would avoid some rules, attend classes that aren’t even part of the program to avoid the actual program and I just hated attending some classes. I was that shitty and rebellious as a student that my professor got mad at me, called me in a 1-on-1 and being emotional she said that despite me being >this shitty< lol “We all voted for you to be here because we know you are smart!” I didn’t even have the best grades and I think they just thought of me that way because of how I answered some questions in the assessments. This always happens no matter where I am. One time I got employed quickly because they said I look like I love learning and I won’t have a problem figuring things out. I don’t even read books.

    If I get an 80 here it wouldn’t even matter because of my experiences and the people who believe in me. They just always believe in me in this area because I’m an NT loll

    I really think that’s just how NTs look like to others. I type ILI - I look spaced out all the time, I feel and act like an alien specially to SFs, I envision a lot of things on the daily and I don’t have much finesse in talking so if I even talk to others for a long time I blurt out alien things to them. I’m curious and keep talking about things that are too conceptual and esoteric even. If we have to do something I would immediately focus on objects than people so to them that’s smart because it’s basically figuring things out, sifting through fluff. I think all of those add to the vibe. Intelligent people tend to have a stereotype of missing social cues too, and that’s exactly what I do in group convos. Specially when it’s just about people I automatically become very slow. They’ll be on to the next person already and that will only be the time when I would be able to formulate what I was about to say about the other person if I even say something meaningful lol. It would just be so obvious to them that the drama of human life doesn’t register to me that much and I focus on what makes sense and what doesn’t. For some people that’s endearing and that’s even more proof that I’m intelligent bec omg she’s not a social being she just thinks and thinks about concepts and other crazy things omg s m o r t!!! They are legit just S and/or F dualizing
    Last edited by one; 09-23-2023 at 09:42 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kuno View Post
    I remember scoring pretty high on some IQ test I had to take in school, when I was a child... or well, it was something like an IQ test. So they took me out of my regular classes and put me into "Gifted" classes. I hated them and I almost failed the school year because of them. The only time I was happy in that class was when I was assigned to care for the newly-arrived little kids (younger than me). The teacher didn't encourage me very much, ever. I get the impression she was disappointed I wasn't on the level of the other students my age in that class. All the boys my age in that class thought I didn't deserve to be there so they didn't talk to me. I never knew what was happening in that class because many of my classmates were so cold towards me that i was afraid of asking questions or speaking up. So I often performed poorly.

    I was just miserable. I was taken out of that class after about a year and put back into regular classes, and I was happy again. No more snobs surrounding me, no more strange open-ended assignments and boring "Logic Safari" games, no more stupid bulky binders...
    logic safari lol..

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    @necrosebud i don't have the energy today to think about it too much, but I don't know maybe these clever people are more 'mean' when young and immature..and come across vulnerable targets..saying that I remember a particularly mean EII female professor at uni lol. (not saying EII are mean...but she was def EII, and mean). thanks for your comment

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    this is a completely different point to what i was making, also i saw this article before you posted

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    but they can seem to think that their cleverness is an excuse to act like an they don't need to doubt their attitudes much
    Actually I think the dunning-kruger effect suggests that people with higher intelligence are more skeptical, not less. That applies in situations where the person is inexperienced. Of course there is some confidence that goes along with being correct, but we shouldn't expect a person who is correct to be skeptical, there needs to be reason to be skeptical.
    If a person is infact correct we don't want them to be unsure of that, this just promotes confusion. ... we have to prioritize truth above the sensitivities of people about their wrong opinions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    things that might make someone privileged- nice appearance, parents who went to uni, some money, lack of mental health problems, drive, big social group, things going smoothly in life before the age of 25
    having personal drive is a privilege?
    Privilege is typically thought of as something external to the person - a social entitlement / legal right / material asset that a person has access to, we don't usually think of a persons attitude or personality as a privilege... this would completely undermine the notion of free will. You'd have to believe humans cannot really make conscious decisions and are not responsible for their decisions / attitudes.
    Privilege is also typically thought of as something provided to the person, not something they created or attained themselves. For example, if I go to the gym for 10 years and get very in shape I don't have the privilege of being physically fit, I made myself physically fit... physical fitness was not something external to me that I was given special access to.
    I guess you could argue that since I don't have a disease, and am capable of moving, that's a privilege... but that ability to move is something 97% of the population also has. Privilege also should be somewhat exclusive, it shouldn't be something typical that the vast majority of people can access. Otherwise you could say pretty much anything good that exists is a privilege, the very fact you were born is a privilege, but this is relatively meaningless.

    This ties in with your misguided ideas on competition and male aggression - organisms have a basic instinct to compete in avenues that promote their survival and thriving, this is actually an essential part of evolution... for example, predator / prey are competing for survival and this drives their evolution - i.e. cheetahs evolved to run 80 mph to be able to chase down and catch gazelles. It's really even deeper than that, because organisms compete for sexual selection. How can you base a social / political view on a philosophy that is dispensing with lifes most basic instincts, and therefor is obvious nonsense...? If a person is competing to do something good... that is good. Because we want people to do good things. For example, competition is what drives a market economy, and the goods and services provided by it. When a person excels at university, and goes on to medical school, and becomes a doctor... in turn they provide healthcare for the society, and we want that.
    If you can imagine a tribe of cavemen that just refused to hunt, just sat around a fire and... well, didn't even compete socially, just sat there and enjoyed the fire. The tribe of cavemen would either a) run out of food, not be prepared for the winter, and be extinguished, b) need to already have a very large stock of food / shelters available to them ... which they clearly were taking for granted
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 01-15-2024 at 04:32 PM.

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    It’s like he was waiting for me to post..

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    It may have been naive to expect you to actually think critically about your own attitudes. I could take issue with your ignorant / pretentious response but I will spare you, because for all I know you may actually just have a lower IQ than the average, and in this case I will attempt to... practice tolerance of what appears to be willful ignorance, but may infact just be some actual cognitive disability.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 01-15-2024 at 11:04 PM.

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    People are so funny..

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    There is nothing to you, no substance.

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    It doesn't seem to be just me that responds to you in this way, but according to you your professors and other "smart" people also tend to. Maybe it's something in your attitude that's causing this reaction... like willful ignorance for example. Or it could be unintentional, ... I can't really tell. I admit I often take for granted when I'm talking to people that they are of normal mental faculties, and I could misinterpret a dismissive, vacuous response as some intentional disrespect or undermining when infact it could be just a cognitive deficit. If that's the case... it's a difficult situation, I'm really not sure what to say about it. Maybe I can just try to be more aware of others potential disabilities or something.
    It might help you to understand why people are responding this way - they're interpreting your lack of thought or unresponsiveness to it as dismissive / undermining. If you're aware of that maybe you can avoid it or be less hurt by it when they respond that way since at least you'll understand why they're responding the way they are.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 01-15-2024 at 10:35 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    It doesn't seem to be just me that responds to you in this way, but according to you your professors and other "smart" people also tend to. Maybe it's something in your attitude that's causing this reaction... like willful ignorance for example. Or it could be unintentional, ... I can't really tell. I admit I often take for granted when I'm talking to people that they are of normal mental faculties, and I could misinterpret a dismissive, vacuous response as some intentional disrespect or undermining when infact it could be just a cognitive deficit. If that's the case... it's a difficult situation, I'm really not sure what to say about it. Maybe I can just try to be more aware of others potential disabilities or something.
    It might help you to understand why people are responding this way - they're interpreting your lack of thought as dismissive. If you're aware of that maybe you can avoid it or be less hurt by it when they respond that way since at least you'll understand why they're responding the way they are.
    It appears to me she might have come in with preexisting ideas about the ethical/moral qualities of “intelligent” people and perhapssss some (preemptive?) defensiveness although I’m wary to interpret ppl’s mind state generally online just my impression could be wrong

    edit: I can empathize with trying to make sense of perhaps generally negative or hurtful experiences

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