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Thread: Can't figure out my type. I'm torn between ILI and LII.

  1. #1

    Post Can't figure out my type. I'm torn between ILI and LII.

    Tell me about yourself.
    I am a very quiet person. I spend nearly all of my time in my head. I'm always thinking over possibilities and imagining what could happen in a given situation. I also spend hours completely engrossed in topics that interest me. This can go to a point where it becomes borderline obsessive. Socially, I'm generally anxious and somewhat aloof. I can have a very cold exterior, but when I am with people that I'm comfortable with, I can become funny and even somewhat talkative. This can even go to the point where I become almost hyper. I am generally very sympathetic towards people but oddly have trouble being empathetic towards people.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I'm still in school, but I've always been interested in the sciences and history. In history I always imagine how the world was and can easily envision these historical events. For science, I deeply enjoy learning about the mechanics of the world around us and the reasons for why it is like this.

    What are your values, and why
    I value altruism, sympathy, fairness, consideration, and using logic

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Frankly, I don't do much. I do the bare minimum of schoolwork every day and then go on to research topics that interest me ad nauseum and play video games with my friends. My hobbies are gaming and astronomy. Both of which have always interested me since I was a child.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    My family can be a little too emotional and that can be annoying to me. Also my mom has mild anger issues which can also can make me annoyed. However, they deeply care about me which I appreciate a lot. My friends are in general trustworthy, always ready to have an interesting discussion, considerate, interesting, and intelligent. However, sometimes we get into, usually impersonal but heated, debates about sometimes small things. Usually, we put them past us once the debate is over though.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships
    In friends I look for someone who is interested in the same things I'm interested in and is always ready to have an interesting discussion. I look for someone who I feel won't betray me later on. In romantic relationships, I look for someone who is friendly, notices and cares about me, and is willing to be a close friend as well.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I often conflict with people when I want to prove someone wrong. These conflicts can be about petty facts and are sometimes completely unneeded. I can also conflict with people regarding my opinions on political issues, which can occasionally get heated. This doesn't happen super often, but it does happen from time to time.

    How would your friends describe you
    My friends would describe me as Caring once you get to him, funny, cold exterior, anxious, and smart.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People sometimes say that I am good at investigating things and trying to figure out the root cause of what is happening. Frankly, there is not much I like about myself haha.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I am very regularly criticized for being lazy and unmotivated. People often say I have no drive and am not even close to reaching my potential. I dislike these behaviors in myself.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I hate doing work that I am forced to do. Doing this kind of work is very difficult for me.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I plan to leave the state I currently live in. The state I live in is uninteresting to me. I'd like to live somewhere interesting and unique like California or Alaska. I also wish to be able to use some kind of research to be able to help others.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    I'd spend a lot of time travelling to new places, playing video games, relaxing, surfing the internet, spending time with friends and family, and finding interesting new hobbies.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I don't have a house yet and my room was designed by my parents, but I'd probably put up a few paintings and have some tasteful, yet minimalistic furniture. I completely hate chores and usually simply don't do them.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I behave in a very aloof and nervous manner. I generally try to avoid interacting with strangers.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I react generally fairly aggressively. If someone insults or attacks me I genuinely get hurt and often try to hit back. Sometimes I become overly offensive and mean in response and can try to "hit where it hurts".

    What did you do last Friday?
    Played videogames with my friends mainly.

    If you are doing a video you can stop here or choose from the rest of the questions as you like.
    If you are answering in writing, please answer ALL questions.

    What is something you regret?
    I regret not being as open when I could've made new friends .

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I am an atheist because I find the idea of an invisible being dictating every part of the world too far fetched for me to believe. Also the lack of proof makes me think it is especially unlikely that such a being exists.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I actually care about politics a lot. I am a social democrat which is on the fairly far left end of the spectrum of American Politics. I feel a mix of a socialistic and market economy is the only way we can adequately provide for our citizens while encouraging adequate growth.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I would likely not be interested in starting a business. The idea of running something like that is too stressful and the idea that employees depend on the business's success only add to this. Also, I am too dreamy to adequately run a business.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I prefer an environment that encourages creativity, each employee enjoys what they do, and each employee is given enough freedom to pursue their own projects that help the company alongside assigned projects.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    It was science because the idea the idea of learning about what causes what happens around us always fascinated me.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I generally place a good deal of importance on responsibilities, but often fail to remember them when necessary. I generally don't expect too much because I don't trust people very much.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    I went to Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy. I enjoyed the scenery and the great variety of culture and things to do.

    What was your high school experience like?
    I spent most of my time with my circle of friends. I wasn't bullied but I felt ignored.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would want them to have a balance of all the great parts of their personality. I'd make sure they understand what is right and wrong and how to treat others. I'd instill respect in them and make sure they both do well in school and are kind to others.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I think people are largely a complete mixed bag. A lot of people are so rude to their fellow people while others are respectful. I actually often view people badly though due to this behavior.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    I get angry every now and then. One thing that really gets me angry is people misrepresenting what I said to others making me look bad. Another thing that irritates me a lot, is people who I'm comfortable enough to consider a friend don't stand up for me for superficial reasons.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    I think life is about how much change you affect onto the world. Changing lives or changing systems of knowledge in anyway is something that makes life meaningful. Also, a secondary purpose is to simply create enjoyment for yourself. Try to have fun because the mistakes you make don't change anything in the grand scheme of things.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I take a utilitarian look towards clothing. My go to clothes for most of the year is a hoodie and sweatpants. In the summer I will switch to t-shirts and shorts.

    I know my answers are on the short side so I am willing to elaborate if necessary in the comments. I'll appreciate any responses. Thanks!

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    You could be either an ILI or an LII, it's hard for me to decide. However, I'm leaning a bit more toward LII. Not much, though. And incidentally, I'm a terrible typer.

    Is your ideal woman someone who tucks you in at night and bends over you and asks you if you need anything, anything at all, or someone who has had a few lovers and is super forward and direct about sex and you're just the latest but probably not the last?

    Would you rather own a fast BMW or have someone drive you to your job and pick you up at the end of the day?

    Do you find that undeserving clowns get more attention than you do? (Y/N, and why or why not?)

    Do you have a camera and take lots of pictures?

    Do you have a plan for your life, even in the background, or would you rather just see what happens?

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    Hmm seems like LII.
    The activities you engage in are mainly unproductive in the objective sense. You are fueled by your own interest in a topic and spend a lot of time researching your topics of interest. (Sounds like Ti)
    Not interested in business, not motivated by achievement in school, people describe you as lazy (shows unvalued Te).
    You describe yourself as caring once people get to know you and say you want your partner to be caring (Si hidden agenda?). Your ideal relationship sounds very normal and friendly (no struggle or challenge). You emphasize that you want someone to have interesting discussions with (Alpha values).
    When asked about your goals you mention nothing money or acheivement related... you want to go somewhere interesting (Ne) and do research that will help others (Fe values).

    What is something you regret?
    I regret not being as open when I could've made new friends .
    Openness, meeting new people, sounds like Ne and a desire for Fe (Gammas prefer small groups and static relationships).

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    I think life is about how much change you affect onto the world. Changing lives or changing systems of knowledge in anyway is something that makes life meaningful. Also, a secondary purpose is to simply create enjoyment for yourself. Try to have fun because the mistakes you make don't change anything in the grand scheme of things.
    Very LII answer. Ni question was answered with Ti ("changing systems of knowledge") and then those last two sentences definitely show Alpha values (purpose of life is to enjoy yourself, have fun).

  4. #4


    Thank you for your typing! LII is sounding more and more likely.

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    In my opinion, LII > ILI.

    Since you're pretty strong in both Ti and Ni, I think that the best way to figure out your type is to look at your weakest functions, Fe and Se.

    From the questionnaire, it's pretty clear that you value Fe and not Se. For this reason, Fe is in a Suggestive position (you become funny, talkative and hyper when you're with the "right" people) and Se is your Point of Least Resistance (you hate doing things that you're forced to do, you become overly offensive in conflicts). Consequently, this disposition in the Model A points at just one type: LII.

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    I'm not keen on these types of questionnaires, I think they go better with a video or photos, but, I do think when someone types themself as say INTx then they are likely ILI. Irrational as the base means that decision making is rarer to be final, judging as the base leads to a decision and concrete.

    This though:

    I actually care about politics a lot. I am a social democrat which is on the fairly far left end of the spectrum of American Politics. I feel a mix of a socialistic and market economy is the only way we can adequately provide for our citizens while encouraging adequate growth.

    Like you say you care about politics a lot;

    I can also conflict with people regarding my opinions on political issues, which can occasionally get heated.

    That sounds rather an ILI interest to me. LIIs are interested in science, politics is something more Gamma orientated.


    My family can be a little too emotional and that can be annoying to me.

    Might be non Fe-valuing


    I value altruism, sympathy, fairness, consideration, and using logic

    Could be rather Fi valuing and logic (ILI again.)

    Which means I type you as ILI.

    Nice to see you on the forum and I wish you all the best.
    Last edited by at sirac son of sirac; 02-22-2018 at 03:46 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    I do think when someone types themself as say INTx then they are likely ILI.
    I used to type myself INTx. It took me 2 years to finally discover that I was a LII (with Rational subtype, to say more). Honestly, I think that your statement is not very accurate...

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    I used to type myself INTx. It took me 2 years to finally discover that I was a LII (with Rational subtype, to say more). Honestly, I think that your statement is not very accurate...
    None of this has anything to do with my overall post, and i don't care what you think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    None of this has anything to do with my overall post, and i don't care what you think.
    What? Was that an example of "pure close-mindedness"? Well, I'm sorry about that, but I do think you're very incoherent.

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    Maybe you are ILI then @username

    Quote Originally Posted by article
    The rules for INTps often transform into rituals and they have no problems with rituals. Because of this INTps could get comfortable with routine, often mistyping themselves into J types, resulting in many of them thinking of themselves as INTjs. However the most common way is for INTps to type themselves into INTxs, with undecided preference for J or P.

    And it's why you're typing ILIs as LIIs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    Fe is in a Suggestive position (you become funny, talkative and hyper when you're with the "right" people) and Se is your Point of Least Resistance (you hate doing things that you're forced to do, you become overly offensive in conflicts).
    That description fits me well, too. I turn into a jokester around people I'm comfortable with and hate doing things I'm forced to do by other people, without proper explanation.
    Last edited by WinnieW; 02-22-2018 at 04:20 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    Maybe you are ILI then @username

    And it's why you're typing ILIs as LIIs.
    1) I'm not "username", I'm "User Name";
    2) Stop making statements with no logical basis about my type, I can't stand non-constructive criticism. "You are an INTx, so you're ILI", do you even know what you're talking about?

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    1) I'm not "username", I'm "User Name";
    2) Stop making statements with no logical basis about my type, I can't stand non-constructive criticism. "You are an INTx, so you're ILI", do you even know what you're talking about?
    It's logical, I provided factual proof to back it up written by an LII and as professional a socionist as you'll get. 2 years of being INTx sounds just like the article describes, and, I see you type 2 other people as LII who are ILI based on their comparison to you, your type of LII is highly suspect.

    It seems you are going into ILI 'critic' mode, don't quote me again unless you've got evidence to back up, like I have provided, not emotionalism and accusation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    1) I'm not "username", I'm "User Name";
    2) Stop making statements with no logical basis about my type, I can't stand non-constructive criticism. "You are an INTx, so you're ILI", do you even know what you're talking about?

    So true, Precious Dandy is out.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    It's logical, I provided factual proof to back it up written by an LII and as professional a socionist as you'll get. 2 years of being INTx sounds just like the article describes, and, I see you type 2 other people as LII who are ILI based on their comparison to you, your type of LII is highly suspect.

    It seems you are going into ILI 'critic' mode, don't quote me again unless you've got evidence to back up, like I have provided, not emotionalism and accusation.
    A "professional socionist" would never consider an article like "INTp Uncovered" accurate, come on. Laughable.


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    A "professional socionist" with diploma signed by Mr. Gulenko himself?

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    A "professional socionist" would never consider an article like "INTp Uncovered" accurate, come on. Laughable.

    I'm glad you said this, because it shows your reaction isn't just based on me.

    The website linked is core theory, as I understand it the first website in English, run by someone who learned socionics where it was all happening - Russia/Eastern Europe

    So we have you
    - A guy who doesn't have any core theory or knowledge to refer to and quote to substantiate any arguments
    - A guy with zero experience of socionics applied practically: No experience of people over years to fall back on and refer to

    Yet you have all the answers. The website's 'laughable', I 'don't know what i'm talking about' because you, with no knowledge to quote or experience to refer to, prefers to be typed LII? Or the user who made the thread for input on his type, who I took time out to comment for him (her), has to be LII too?

    It's fine, you, and the OP, can type as you wish (which is why the OP made the thread for feedback), but there's no need to single out one part of my post, launch multiple attacks, simply because you personally are worried about having the correct type.

    I'll leave you to chill out before maybe having to put you on ignore: There's nothing really you're contributing for me, but, all the best.

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    I'm glad you said this, because it shows your reaction isn't just based on me.

    The website linked is core theory, as I understand it the first website in English, run by someone who learned socionics where it was all happening - Russia/Eastern Europe

    So we have you
    - A guy who doesn't have any core theory or knowledge to refer to and quote to substantiate any arguments
    - A guy with zero experience of socionics applied practically: No experience of people over years to fall back on and refer to

    Yet you have all the answers. The website's 'laughable', I 'don't know what i'm talking about' because you, with no knowledge to quote or experience to refer to, prefers to be typed LII? Or the user who made the thread for input on his type, who I took time out to comment for him (her), has to be LII too?

    It's fine, you, and the OP, can type as you wish (which is why the OP made the thread for feedback), but there's no need to single out one part of my post, launch multiple attacks, simply because you personally are worried about having the correct type.

    I'll leave you to chill out before maybe having to put you on ignore: There's nothing really you're contributing for me, but, all the best.
    It's been a bad day and I don't want to waste my time anymore, 'cause it's what I'm doing right now. If you still believe I'm ILI, alright. As you (and your close-mindedness) would say "I don't care about what you think". I've been typed LII by dozens of people here also with a large spectrum of tools (tests, questionnaires, pictures, videos). I've even written a very detailed analysis on my final typing. Oh, but you don't care about that... You just need an article to (mis)type people. In case you (REALLY) want to discuss my type, read and watch all of my typing material. Otherwise you'll be just talking to a wall, a very strong one. Now stop this pointless discussion, this is someone else's typing thread and we're rude to keep blathering in here.

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    Who said LIIs aren't interested in politics? I'm always talking to LIIs about politics. They actually seem way more interested in it than ILIs who don't really care social issues or policies that do not affect them or their close relationships (Fe polr).

    My family can be a little too emotional and that can be annoying to me. Also my mom has mild anger issues which can also can make me annoyed. However, they deeply care about me which I appreciate a lot. My friends are in general trustworthy, always ready to have an interesting discussion, considerate, interesting, and intelligent. However, sometimes we get into, usually impersonal but heated, debates about sometimes small things. Usually, we put them past us once the debate is over though.
    The "too emotional" thing could go for either type. LIIs don't like it when people won't listen to reason (like in an Fi way). They also like a calm pleasant environment and they dislike loud, disruptive, or negative emotions. That's probably what he means by too emotional (hence the anger issues comment).

    Impersonal but heated debates is very Fe. ILIs don't get "heated". If they are offended they start ranting or calmly insulting the person using very personal attacks. "We put things past us once the debate is over" sounds Alpha, they like having light non-serious debates with some emotional expression involved. Gammas take things personally and hold grudges, their political beliefs are more serious to them.

    I value altruism, sympathy, fairness, consideration, and using logic
    Sympathy and consideration (for others, I'm assuming) is Fe. Fairness is something that Fe/Ti people tend to care about (it actually has to do with logical consistency and holding people to objective ethical standards). Fi = favouritism and treating each person as an individual which isn't really fair in a sense. Altruism could go both ways (Fe or Fi). Emphasis on using logic indicates it's probably his leading function. He hasn't really said anything clearly Ni related in the whole questionnaire for him to be Ni leading.

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    It's been a bad day and I don't want to waste my time anymore, 'cause it's what I'm doing right now. If you still believe I'm ILI, alright. As you (and your close-mindedness) would say "I don't care about what you think". I've been typed LII by dozens of people here also with a large spectrum of tools (tests, questionnaires, pictures, videos). I've even written a very detailed analysis on my final typing. Oh, but you don't care about that... You just need an article to (mis)type people. In case you (REALLY) want to discuss my type, read and watch all of my typing material. Otherwise you'll be just talking to a wall, a very strong one. Now stop this pointless discussion, this is someone else's typing thread and we're rude to keep blathering in here.
    I don't know if you're ILI, I said it's possible. As for OP, ILI is very possible based on the posted description. I see though you still try to keep face: What's closed minded is disregarding experienced socionics, core theory, established socionics literature, experience, for the sake of how you want the world to be. Accepted you have a bad day though, all the best

    Quote Originally Posted by Seraph
    Who said LIIs aren't interested in politics? I'm always talking to LIIs about politics. They actually seem way more interested in it than ILIs who don't really care social issues or policies that do not affect them or their close relationships (Fe polr).
    Everywhere there's articles about LII - Alpha NT being about science, descriptions and quadra values

    LII-Ti - Concrete and regulated, an organizer in science
    LII-Te - Analyst; a good scientist and conceptualist

    The same for politics (Gamma - even SEE nicknamed as 'Politican', economy being a Gamma thing, esp the Gamma NT.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Seraph
    Impersonal but heated debates is very Fe. ILIs don't get "heated"
    Filatova Fe in ILI:

    "However, if he is strongly afflicted by something, his emotionality can literally pour out as he loses control of himself" (The OP is strongly afflicted by politics.)

    I'm only providing a snap shot of the available information, there's no need for me to do yours or others work for you. I don't mean that in a bad way, or to be rude, just that it's unfair to somehow ask and expect this? But you're not alone in this type of expectation.

    It's interesting though, how you ask these types of questions, ie 'Who said LIIs aren't interested in politics?' as if it's a startling revelation that Alpha NT is science and Gamma is politics. As I say, you're not alone, it's common on the forum. People have low reading of the theory, low application of the theory, however they ... it may be they fall on their N - specifically Ni, to explain that which instead is required through reading and practical application.

    I don't think I mind doing it so much for the Fi and Ne types (providing the groundwork and practical appliances), and for Te types too for the productive discussion entailed, so perhaps there's something in that, whereas, as the forum is heavily Ni/Ti influenced, the expected supplying of these function preferences, ie, mainly Ni is supplied with some Ti, is not desirable depending on the recipients valued.

    I think that: It might be that the forum lacks S and specifically Delta ST to make socionics work. There's enough theory already produced, it doesn't need more.

    Thank for your time
    Last edited by at sirac son of sirac; 02-22-2018 at 05:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    A "professional socionist" with diploma signed by Mr. Gulenko himself?
    Gulenko is not "socionist" as he significantly uses theories which are not Socionics.
    Also there is no adequate certification in Socionics at all, as in other case the typing matches would be much higher.

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    Please recalibrate your irony detector... because you failed to understand the irony in my statement. Sorry, that I left out the relevant smilies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Please recalibrate your irony detector...
    I have nothing to calibrate.
    I'll be back

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    I saw it in the first question already, intuition of possibilities and introtim, suggestive to and it's blocked with

    when I am with people that I'm comfortable with, I can become funny and even somewhat talkative. This can even go to the point where I become almost hyper

    Classic Alpha NT:

    I plan to leave the state I currently live in. The state I live in is uninteresting to me. I'd like to live somewhere interesting and unique like California or Alaska. I also wish to be able to use some kind of research to be able to help others.

    More Alpha with devalued and valued , demonstrative:

    I would likely not be interested in starting a business. The idea of running something like that is too stressful and the idea that employees depend on the business's success only add to this. Also, I am too dreamy to adequately run a business.

    And here is superego, not valued:

    Sometimes I become overly offensive and mean in response and can try to "hit where it hurts".
    I hate doing work that I am forced to do. Doing this kind of work is very difficult for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post

    I saw it in the first question already, intuition of possibilities and introtim, suggestive to and it's blocked with

    when I am with people that I'm comfortable with, I can become funny and even somewhat talkative. This can even go to the point where I become almost hyper

    Classic Alpha NT:

    I plan to leave the state I currently live in. The state I live in is uninteresting to me. I'd like to live somewhere interesting and unique like California or Alaska. I also wish to be able to use some kind of research to be able to help others.

    More Alpha with devalued and valued , demonstrative:

    I would likely not be interested in starting a business. The idea of running something like that is too stressful and the idea that employees depend on the business's success only add to this. Also, I am too dreamy to adequately run a business.

    And here is superego, not valued:

    Sometimes I become overly offensive and mean in response and can try to "hit where it hurts".
    I hate doing work that I am forced to do. Doing this kind of work is very difficult for me.
    Anybody can have a desire to travel, also every human being is likely to become more relaxed around people they are comfortable with.


    There's really no such thing as checking his post to say it's Ni demonstrative. If he/she says he's dreamy, that implies Ni is in the base position, not an unvalued function.
    Last edited by at sirac son of sirac; 02-22-2018 at 07:01 PM.

  26. #26
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    I only read a little of the OP and LII over ILI seems obvious to me. Already your username sounds Fe lol.

    Consider LSI, ILE, or SLE as well because what I'm seeing is some kind of Ti ego type but it isn't clear to me which one.

  27. #27


    Oh wow, I received a lot of responses when I was away! I'm definitely thinking LII>ILI now. You guys also helped me realize that one of my friends is definitely an ILI. Learning about all the types has been super interesting. Thank you all!

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    Quote Originally Posted by CooLerThanU0701 View Post
    Oh wow, I received a lot of responses when I was away! I'm definitely thinking LII>ILI now. You guys also helped me realize that one of my friends is definitely an ILI. Learning about all the types has been super interesting. Thank you all!

  29. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    I agree a lot with how fe suggestive is described. I'm not completely discounting ILI yet, I'm just thinking so far that, I agree more with LII>ILI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CooLerThanU0701 View Post
    I agree a lot with how fe suggestive is described. I'm not completely discounting ILI yet, I'm just thinking so far that, I agree more with LII>ILI.
    Ah OK, it's wrong though. Ask your best one to be referenced from an official socionics source, compare it to what you wrote, and you'll likely find it falls flat/is a wrong interpretation.

    All the best though whichever type you are

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    Silly typing.

    Anybody can have a desire to travel, also every human being is likely to become more relaxed around people they are comfortable with.


    There is no such thing as checking his post to say it's Ni demonstrative. If he/she says he's dreamy, that implies Ni is in the base position, not an unvalued function.
    SiLlYY TyPINg

    aLl PeOplE

    cHecKing hIS pOSt

    And you say you want peaceful interactions, like what Seems you lied about me being on your ignore list as well! Then I put you on mine for you to cease. Shoo, evil ass demon! Hate me in my absence Dishonesty turns me off. I pity you.

    Back to business in this thread now

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    Oh, Chae, it seems to me you are (already) pre-heating your grill for people roasting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    SiLlYY TyPINg

    aLl PeOplE

    cHecKing hIS pOSt

    And you say you want peaceful interactions, like what Seems you lied about me being on your ignore list as well! Then I put you on mine for you to cease. Shoo, evil ass demon! Hate me in my absence Dishonesty turns me off. I pity you.

    Back to business in this thread now
    And this has anything to do with his typing how? It's reasons for this that I put you on ignore, but i'd prefer not to, but what can I do when you post all this weird stuff?

    As for his typing, saying X is Y doesn't change what X is, so it is with any typing you give, the information does not match the rationale which does not change the outcome, X will still be X, fail in class today for Chae.
    Last edited by at sirac son of sirac; 02-22-2018 at 07:35 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraph View Post
    That link had nothing to say about not being interested in politics. Obviously LIIs like science, no one is doubting that. The OP already said his main interest is science.

    SEE is called the politician because they're good at obtaining political power and influence. They're not really into debate/ discussion of political ideas. (Gammas are usually quite unchanging in their beliefs.) Anyways, SEE has completely different attributes from ILI/ LII so not really applicable. ILIs are interested in economics and market trends not really stuff relating to the welfare of society.

    At the end of the day most of what the OP says relates to LII and very little relates to specifically ILI.
    As I said, I didn't provide the full links, you have to do some work yourself. There's a thread recently where Gulenko talks about an LII who looses his dual, and resorts from his usual interests as typical for LII, from science, to politics, and in doing so alienates many of his family and friends, because it's out of character.

    So it does make me wonder how you 'talk to your LII friends all the time about politics'. LII is an unusual type, as an introvert, knowing many of them would be unusual for you, and, as LIIs having as one of their main interests, politics, indeed it would be stranger again.

    I'd be interested to see you be able to back up what your imagination produces (by meaning ), from sources we could both check, but I know you won't, not just because you won't, but if you tried, you'd find, it couldn't be done.

  35. #35
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    Take some tests, post video, pictures...

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Oh, Chae, it seems to me you are (already) pre-heating your grill for people roasting.
    Your emojis are so cute I'm giggling Yeah for real boy, spicy enough yet? Still pre-heating though, can't power through all day. I save the big fire for more crispy and delicious cases, maybe Sol is around. Six course menu deluxe for 3,000€, prepare the audience and hand out caramel popcorn. This freak currently was medium rare on the scale, just nice and peppered for the previous offences, and now also salted for a good finish. Tasty I say, now I have my peace of mind. If you see him around here, hand him some band-aids for the burns. I'd be interested to know what he's typing in vain now but then again, I don't If anybody wants to join the barbecue party, I do look for more wieners to scorch.

    I apologize for making a Mr. Freeze pun, it was inappropriate. PS: About cannibalism and eating your enemies - do not try this at home children

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    So it does make me wonder how you 'talk to your LII friends all the time about politics'. LII is an unusual type, as an introvert, knowing many of them would be unusual for you, and, as LIIs having as one of their main interests, politics, indeed it would be stranger again.
    They are all in my family: Brother, cousin, cousin-in-law (I have a big family).

    I'd be interested to see you be able to back up what your imagination produces (by meaning ), from sources we could both check, but I know you won't, not just because you won't, but if you tried, you'd find, it couldn't be done.
    Sorry sources don't really mean much to me. (And I wouldn't consider Gulenko the most reliable socionics authority anyways.) The truth should be right there in reality, visible for anyone perceptive to see it. I've clearly pointed out quotes from the OP and how they relate to certain functions and values. "You're ego so everything you say is imaginary" is dismissive and not really an argument.

  38. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Take some tests, post video, pictures...
    Well, I'm not really comfortable with posting pictures of myself anywhere frankly. Even my social media only has one picture with me in it. Tests had typed me as both LII and ILI which was one of the reasons I made the post.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by CooLerThanU0701 View Post
    Well, I'm not really comfortable with posting pictures of myself anywhere frankly. Even my social media only has one picture with me in it. Tests had typed me as both LII and ILI which was one of the reasons I made the post.
    You can post pictures and videos and remove them later. You can also send them in private messages. Pictures and videos are very useful in typing, I think that would clear a lot of confusion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraph View Post
    They are all in my family: Brother, cousin, cousin-in-law (I have a big family).

    Sorry sources don't really mean much to me. (And I wouldn't consider Gulenko the most reliable socionics authority anyways.) The truth should be right there in reality, visible for anyone perceptive to see it. I've clearly pointed out quotes from the OP and how they relate to certain functions and values. "You're ego so everything you say is imaginary" is dismissive and not really an argument.
    If all we've got to go is what you say, and is about somethings possible existence, then it means what you say might not have any truth to it, if it's all coming from Ni. It also means that if we don't use any sources, we don't have anything in socionics to refer to to agree with because it's , then there's no point in even discussing this subject of socionics at all with anyone. Even the English language that we use has defined terms which can be compared from a dictionary if needed.

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