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Thread: Careers and jobs for INFjs and ENFps

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    schwiftyrickty's Avatar
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    Default Careers and jobs for INFjs and ENFps

    Tl;dr: The title and maybe first paragraph is all that really matters. The rest is just me babbling about myself.

    I'm 25 years old and have already screwed around in college for a few years so I have lots of general education credits already. I could have graduated a long time ago if it wasn't for math requirement. I've been out of college for about a year now and I'm feeling in a rut. What are some good career options for an IEE or EII?

    I feel like most of the career suggestions for IEEs seem kinda impractical. I love psychology obviously but don't see that as a lucrative field of study for most people. I just want a job that I'll like and that pays at least $35,000 (USD) a year (I make about $25,000 now).

    I'd consider finishing my paralegal certificate (I have about half of one) but I'm concerned it's not suitable for my personality. Any thoughts on that? A paralegal is basically a legal assistant. I'd actually love to pursue a law degree if I had the discipline, but I don't. Law is definitely an interest of mine though. I think it would be cool to work in immigration law or something like that. Help people become legal citizens and whatnot.

    So basically:
    -Preferably something that helps people in some way
    -Nothing too boring, but not dangerous either
    -Not involving math
    -Makes more money than I'm making now, but money isn't a huge factor
    -Nothing that requires a very forceful personality
    -Something that will make women my age think I am dating material

    For some reason part of me just wants to be a garbage man or a plumber but I don't actually think I would enjoy or be good at it. I just have this fantasy of myself as a regular working Joe who can work with my hands and doesn't mind getting dirty, but is that even true? (I mean I used to work in a dog kennel and one of my jobs was to get all the dog shit from their outdoor trashcans to the dumpster once a week. In the summer time there were thousands of maggots and a terrible stench. I eventually got used to it. So maybe!) Sometimes I even want to be an exterminator for some fucking reason when I can hardly kill a spider and I'm borderline terrified of most bugs. I'm cool with rodents though. Probably so cool that I would struggle to kill them.

    I think I wish I was my dual.

    Edit: I just looked into being a plumber and immediately discarded that idea once I realized I'd have to go in crawlspaces. That's kinda related to my biggest fear. lol So nawww. Ditto with exterminator I'm sure.

    Maybe I should just be a bartender. That sounds pretty fun.
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 02-21-2018 at 05:31 AM.

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    or Trade

    1D Ti is a huge liability and it'll limit you in most fields incl engineering, finance and law.

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    Quote Originally Posted by domr View Post
    or Trade

    1D Ti is a huge liability and it'll limit you in most fields incl engineering, finance and law.
    That's fine with me. I almost fell asleep just reading the words "finance" and "engineering". Ha. But Law I'm good at for the most part. I especially really enjoy trust/willls/probate law. It's very interesting to me. I'm great at memorizing and learning so I enjoy all the little intricacies of law and the loopholes and structure of it all. But would I actually be a good legal professional? Probably not tbh. I just enjoy the theory.

    Politics I'm also interested in and it has a similar appeal as law. But the controversy kind of bothers me. Entertainer...I would love to be a stand-up comedian. That is pretty much my dream job. But I'm quite reserved in a way. This would be very embarrassing for me. (Though perhaps cathartic?) I also enjoy creative writing and comedy in general. But these are the sorts of impractical ideas I'm trying to avoid. I'm not much of a self-starter.
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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Why don't you go for law if you like it? I am sure you could find suitable jobs for an IEE with that education. You mentioned some example yourself.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

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    Careers for Delta NFs and IEEs speciffically include (but are not limited to):
    Chief Executive Bullshitter (although it will be hard with that Ti PoLR)
    Professional Matchmaker
    Alternative Ideas and other resources
    Freelance Think-tank.

    Seriously though, the most important thing when choosing a career is to do what you love best. You mentioned creative writing and entertainment, and I see nothing wrong with that. What's the worst thing that could happen?

    “Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.”

    Neil Gaiman, Make Good Art
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Why don't you go for law if you like it? I am sure you could find suitable jobs for an IEE with that education. You mentioned some example yourself.
    I am considering it for sure, especially since I have half of my paralegal degree already. The main reason I stopped was because I got a D in Legal Research. It was kind of a shock how much work it was. I'm used to sailing through (non math related) classes and not having to put in much effort and I found that class legitimately difficult. It was kind of a wake up call about how hard I would actually have to work as a paralegal. How dedicated and focused I would have to be. And I am lazy and easily distracted for the most part. And not really "professional". I suppose I could work at these things, but I'm just worried about wasting more time on a career that goes against my very nature and I may end up hating.

    I dropped out of high school as soon as I was legally able for a little background. Got my GED a few weeks later then eventually started taking some college classes. I've changed majors a few times.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penny Dreadful View Post
    Careers for Delta NFs and IEEs speciffically include (but are not limited to):
    Chief Executive Bullshitter (although it will be hard with that Ti PoLR)
    Professional Matchmaker
    Alternative Ideas and other resources
    Freelance Think-tank.

    Seriously though, the most important thing when choosing a career is to do what you love best. You mentioned creative writing and entertainment, and I see nothing wrong with that. What's the worst thing that could happen?

    “Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.”

    Neil Gaiman, Make Good Art
    I guess my idea is to find a reliable job I like and to pursue comedy and creative writing in my free time. If I find I am good at it and it could be profitable, I will quit my job and do that.

    You mentioned professional matchmaker. That doesn't really sound like a common job lol. Would be fun though. But it is in line with my interests for sure. I have always wanted to be a career counselor or something like that. Obviously as an IEE (or something) I love to meet people and figure out their potential and help them be the best they can be.

    Edit: I'm also interested in teaching and human resources. I wanted to teach as a kid, but nowadays I feel like it's just a great way to get shot. Plus I'm not really looking to go beyond a bachelor's degree.
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 02-21-2018 at 08:05 AM.
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    I know IEEs in following careers:

    1. Graphic designer
    2. Hotel manager (in my area there are 2.000 hotels), and this one is well paid
    3. Human resources manager
    4. IT User Experience Tester
    5. Recruitment consultant
    6. Sales in banking
    7. Marketing in startup
    8. Trainer in logistics company

    The main thing about getting well paid job is finishing college. It's better to pursue career in the same subject as college because it pays well but in real life you can get any job you like. While it would be difficult to get any job in corporation because they would filter out people without experience or relevant education, it is possible to get hired in small company like startup and use natural charm and invent some experience / self-interest in the subject, try hard, and maybe they'd like you. Then you can get some real experience and then you can move to high paying job in the corporation where job is easy and not demanding (compared to startup). This way you can build career in any industry without prior education except for the professions where you need to be certified and experience wont replace it, but that's only for legal, medical and few more.
    For example, you could become marketing manager in small company and then you can progress in career based on that experience.
    You want higher paying job you might need to consider relocating if you live in small town.

    If you think becoming plumber than know this one specifically is not so very well paid. The better paying job are electromechanics, gas installations, electricians but these are rather technical jobs.
    Last edited by falsehope; 02-21-2018 at 04:19 PM.

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    If anecdotal evidence is helpful:

    I thought I was going to be a children's book illustrator. I'm now a frontend web developer and I overall really enjoy it.

    My sister (IEE) started off majoring in music. She's now about to wrap up a Physician's Assistant degree, and while it's been stressful on several levels for her she does enjoy it and is looking forward to her career.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    IMO, teaching or law seems your best bet to me. For teaching, it would have to be a subject you enjoy and for law, a field you enjoy. You mentioned trade work and my take on this is that it is good to work in it temporarily to develop your weaker functions, but not permanently for self fulfillment.
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    I'm in law and I feel like its dominated by betas trying to manipulate the Ti structures as a path to power, with a large secondary contingent of gammas who want to craft policy to manage the country on the basis of what boils down to economics. there's a few alpha nerds who do it for the Ti enjoyment who sort of make an intellectual exercise out of reconciling the two, and then deltas break down into two camps: the STs who pursue law as a career in order to provide for their families and streamline the local environment, and they treat it like a tool they seek to master toward that end, and the NFs who want to bring humanism to the law. I think literally any type can succeed as a lawyer because you'd be surprised how many firms are literally just looking for socials to make the work environment better and attract more clients. law school is a pain in my ass though right now because there's a big sect of beta STs who have a strong hold over the curriculum and it turns large swaths of the law school experience into the collegiate equivalent of a trip to the DMV. but I feel like once you get past that, its fine. I also think if these minority types don't put themselves into the arena ultimately they and their kind suffer most because they abdicate control and representation to the power mongers. so i think there's an ethical imperative for deltas to represent themselves in society in this way (and all types). its not easy but I think it can be fulfilling

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    There were a lot of Delta NFs in my human services program but the pay in that field is shit. Unfortunately.

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    I’m not as certain about EIIs, but IEEs need variety, flexibility to use their instincts, and people-oriented work, and it’s especially rewarding when it’s for a good cause.

    Teaching, social work, non-profit work (Make-a-Wish, etc), government contracting / consulting, film editing & production, etc. Anything that works to establish rapport or relationships one on one, such as counseling, physical therapy, etc.
    And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you?- Matthew 6:30

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    If you are IEE you could maybe try PR (public relations). You could try getting into something like this part time whilst you are studying, get a flavor for the sort of things you like.

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    Guidance counselor would be another good one, as would mediator, addiction recovery specialist, job counselor, disaster assistance aid, and things like that.

    Even in regular business related jobs, IEEs tend to carve their own niche and pick up responsibilities that may not otherwise have been written in the job description. A good boss or manager will recognize their skills and utilize them well.
    And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you?- Matthew 6:30

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    Social work. Especially the social justicey side of it. You get to do charitable delta stuff, work for a cause and advocate on behalf of victimized groups.

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    Next to their STs and you think I'm even joking.

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    humanitarian like psychology, arts, teaching, etc. intellectual work where you deal with people
    it's good if there is lesser of strict laws, rules, etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I'm in law and I feel like its dominated by betas trying to manipulate the Ti structures as a path to power, with a large secondary contingent of gammas who want to craft policy to manage the country on the basis of what boils down to economics. there's a few alpha nerds who do it for the Ti enjoyment who sort of make an intellectual exercise out of reconciling the two, and then deltas break down into two camps: the STs who pursue law as a career in order to provide for their families and streamline the local environment, and they treat it like a tool they seek to master toward that end, and the NFs who want to bring humanism to the law. I think literally any type can succeed as a lawyer because you'd be surprised how many firms are literally just looking for socials to make the work environment better and attract more clients. law school is a pain in my ass though right now because there's a big sect of beta STs who have a strong hold over the curriculum and it turns large swaths of the law school experience into the collegiate equivalent of a trip to the DMV. but I feel like once you get past that, its fine. I also think if these minority types don't put themselves into the arena ultimately they and their kind suffer most because they abdicate control and representation to the power mongers. so i think there's an ethical imperative for deltas to represent themselves in society in this way (and all types). its not easy but I think it can be fulfilling
    Interesting! I generally can't stand to be around betas for extended periods of time, so I probably wouldn't enjoy law school then. But you make a good point. We can't just let them take over the whole field. haha

    But yeah it's actually laughable to think that I could graduate law school with my work ethic. I think I would do well on the LSATs though. I'm a marvelous test taker.

    Maybe I should join the military so they can beat some work ethic into me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Interesting! I generally can't stand to be around betas for extended periods of time, so I probably wouldn't enjoy law school then. But you make a good point. We can't just let them take over the whole field. haha

    But yeah it's actually laughable to think that I could graduate law school with my work ethic. I think I would do good on the LSATs though. I'm a marvelous test taker.

    Maybe I should join the military so they can beat some work ethic into me.
    Work ethic can be learned. It's just about getting into the habit and organizing ones time better.

    Here is a good link

    Look at, Taking In menu, the sub menus of Time Management and Procrastination

    Is my suggestions for helps, for what it's worth.

    I'm not associated with site, or anything it sells (don't know if or what it sells, but it doesn't appear to market in a heavy way), I just came across it when having similar problems to you of studying ('P' type I suppose, a bit.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    Work ethic can be learned. It's just about getting into the habit and organizing ones time better.

    Here is a good link

    Look at, Taking In menu, the sub menus of Time Management and Procrastination

    Is my suggestions for helps, for what it's worth.
    Thanks! I will bookmark this for when I actually get back into school. What about self-control and assertiveness? Those are my other two big issues lol. Just kidding, that will do.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Thanks! I will bookmark this for when I actually get back into school. What about self-control and assertiveness? Those are my other two big issues lol. Just kidding, that will do.
    Oh I don't know You ask like the two go hand in hand Maybe they do

    Assert control over yourself, then you have self control, and assertiveness.

    Eh, for instance at work, it's easy for me to relax, but I stay focused and professional. I don't let myself get too influenced by my mobilizing function (trying to get close to people), so instead I focus on my strengths: a reasonably good brain and good productive practical logic. So I don't know if that applies to you, but I think at least in terms of socionics, having an awareness of our mobilizing function (sometimes called Hidden Agenda) can help us prioritize our strengths at least in terms of when to utilize them and in the right situation.

    Edit: The link might be useful to you even if it comes to prioritizing other aspects in your life, like, even housework

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    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    I know IEEs in following careers:

    1. Graphic designer
    2. Hotel manager (in my area there are 2.000 hotels), and this one is well paid
    3. Human resources manager
    4. IT User Experience Tester
    5. Recruitment consultant
    6. Sales in banking
    7. Marketing in startup
    8. Trainer in logistics company

    The main thing about getting well paid job is finishing college. It's better to pursue career in the same subject as college because it pays well but in real life you can get any job you like. While it would be difficult to get any job in corporation because they would filter out people without experience or relevant education, it is possible to get hired in small company like startup and use natural charm and invent some experience / self-interest in the subject, try hard, and maybe they'd like you. Then you can get some real experience and then you can move to high paying job in the corporation where job is easy and not demanding (compared to startup). This way you can build career in any industry without prior education except for the professions where you need to be certified and experience wont replace it, but that's only for legal, medical and few more.
    For example, you could become marketing manager in small company and then you can progress in career based on that experience.
    You want higher paying job you might need to consider relocating if you live in small town.

    If you think becoming plumber than know this one specifically is not so very well paid. The better paying job are electromechanics, gas installations, electricians but these are rather technical jobs.
    I don't believe I'll actually ever become a plumber. But if I had to pick a trade, that would probably be it. Electricity and gas scare me, so no thank you. And technical jobs scare me on a different level haha

    Like I said, money isn't a HUGE factor. If I was married/co-habitating with someone who made around the same as me I would be very comfortable making $12/hr like I do now. I have simple tastes. But I have a feeling I'll be single a while and I think it's a good idea for me to be self-sufficient.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    If anecdotal evidence is helpful:

    I thought I was going to be a children's book illustrator. I'm now a frontend web developer and I overall really enjoy it.

    My sister (IEE) started off majoring in music. She's now about to wrap up a Physician's Assistant degree, and while it's been stressful on several levels for her she does enjoy it and is looking forward to her career.
    You're so lucky to have a delta sister! My sister is SEI and she's a'ight, but I would love an EII sibling. You guys are pretty much my favorite. That's why I think I'm probably IEE and not EII because I like EIIs way more than myself haha. My dad is SLI though so at least I'm not the only delta in the family.

    I also have musical interests. Terrible at any sort of visual art though.

    And I was briefly studying to be a physical therapist assistant and I actually really enjoyed the science classes. The main reason I didn't go through with it is because the PTA program I was applying for was pretty exclusive with regards to GPA. And then I figured it was for the best since being a PTA seemed like a lot of responsibility I didn't want. I'd hate to be responsible for injuring someone or else I wouldn't mind going into the medical field. I would still consider it actually, so it is indeed useful to know that your sister is looking forward to her job.

    Oh and Occupational therapy sounds interesting.
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    Ooh what about massage therapy? I am very good at massage naturally and I did well in my anatomy classes. Is this something an IEE would like? The reason I haven't pursued this is because it seems exhausting to do for an hour at a time and more like something a sensor would enjoy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    Guidance counselor would be another good one, as would mediator, addiction recovery specialist, job counselor, disaster assistance aid, and things like that.

    Even in regular business related jobs, IEEs tend to carve their own niche and pick up responsibilities that may not otherwise have been written in the job description. A good boss or manager will recognize their skills and utilize them well.
    Those all sound like things that are relevant to my interests, thank you. But what sort of degree should I get then?
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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    Oh I don't know You ask like the two go hand in hand Maybe they do

    Assert control over yourself, then you have self control, and assertiveness.

    Eh, for instance at work, it's easy for me to relax, but I stay focused and professional. I don't let myself get too influenced by my mobilizing function (trying to get close to people), so instead I focus on my strengths: a reasonably good brain and good productive practical logic. So I don't know if that applies to you, but I think at least in terms of socionics, having an awareness of our mobilizing function (sometimes called Hidden Agenda) can help us prioritize our strengths at least in terms of when to utilize them and in the right situation.

    Edit: The link might be useful to you even if it comes to prioritizing other aspects in your life, like, even housework
    I just feel like I got cheated out of an upbringing that would teach me these skills and now I am at a disadvantage. Or maybe I was doomed from the start. I was not the easiest child to control. I fought tooth and nail when my mom tried to teach me my multiplication tables for instance. I would always try to distract her, and she's (SEE 7w8) just as unfocused as me. My SLI 5w6 father had very little to do with raising me beyond providing me with a comfortable environment.

    I do appreciate that I was given a fair amount of freedom growing up, but now I'm like an adult child, still fighting against structure and practicality, but secretly craving it. So are all IEEs like this or am I just an extreme example of an irrational ethical 7 being raised by an irrational ethical 7? It seems like it's too late for me to form new habits.

    Obviously that is just an excuse and there are plenty more where that came from!

    One thing I can say is that I take responsibilities much more seriously when it affects someone else. So like I didn't care about turning in my assignments in school because it only affected me. But I would feel terrible if I messed up a group assignment. And despite my unpredictable, somewhat flaky nature, I have only called in to work twice in about 8 years of (somewhat) consistent employment. I'm always a few minutes late though.

    Maybe I can somehow trick my brain into thinking all my responsibilities are affecting other people.

    As for the mobilizing function thing, in my case it would probably do me more good to hyper-focus on mine. A little Te certainly wouldn't do me any harm. I just don't understand how you can focus and be professional when you could NOT DO THAT and have more fun and get away with it. But perhaps if I had a job I considered meaningful I could take it more seriously.
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 02-24-2018 at 09:28 AM.
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    Shit, is that the answer? Am I irresponsible because my job doesn't matter? Do I just need to get a job that matters to be more responsible? Maybe I should actually be looking for a career with lots of responsibility instead of avoiding it...
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I just feel like I got cheated out of an upbringing that would teach me these skills and now I am at a disadvantage. Or maybe I was doomed from the start. I was not the easiest child to control. I fought tooth and nail when my mom tried to teach me my multiplication tables for instance. I would always try to distract her, and she's (SEE 7w8) just as unfocused as me. My SLI 5w6 father had very little to do with raising me beyond providing me with a comfortable environment.

    I do appreciate that I was given a fair amount of freedom growing up, but now I'm like an adult child, still fighting against structure and practicality, but secretly craving it. So are all IEEs like this or am I just an extreme example of an irrational ethical 7 being raised by an irrational ethical 7? It seems like it's too late for me to form new habits.

    Obviously that is just an excuse and there are plenty more where that came from!

    One thing I can say is that I take responsibilities much more seriously when it affects someone else. So like I didn't care about turning in my assignments in school because it only affected me. But I would feel terrible if I messed up a group assignment. And despite my unpredictable, somewhat flaky nature, I have only called in to work twice in about 8 years of (somewhat) consistent employment. I'm always a few minutes late though.

    Maybe I can somehow trick my brain into thinking all my responsibilities are affecting other people.

    As for the mobilizing function thing, in my case it would probably do me more good to hyper-focus on mine. A little Te certainly wouldn't do me any harm. I just don't understand how you can focus and be professional when you could NOT DO THAT and have more fun and get away with it. But perhaps if I had a job I considered meaningful I could take it more seriously.
    I think that no one is perfect and that includes mom and pop, so they like most people just do their best, mines too, and still, no one knows what the best way is I think? Because at the end of the day you and me are people too and will develop our own idiosyncrasies.

    However, Delta is the quadra that out of the 4, most of all has the approach of personal development and self improvemnt.

    Ne blocked with Fi:

    • Delta types like to talk about new beginnings, opportunities for personal growth, and their plans and prospects for the future.

    Te blocked with Si:

    • Delta types have the philosophy that they will have to rely on their own industriousness to achieve their goals rather than on luck, speculation, group effort, or strong leadership.

    So it's all good, hey I am no expert haha, but I don't see what's wrong in thinking we can work on ourselves, so we are what we are and we can improve on some thing if we'd like to, the potential for such things exist I think.

    As for focusing on your mobilizing function, Te, it's generally not a good idea to focus on ones mobilizing function too much, as I understand it, an over focus can draw attention away from your strengths.

    Anyway, all the best in what ever you do (or don't) decide

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    I think that no one is perfect and that includes mom and pop, so they like most people just do their best, mines too, and still, no one knows what the best way is I think? Because at the end of the day you and me are people too and will develop our own idiosyncrasies.

    However, Delta is the quadra that out of the 4, most of all has the approach of personal development and self improvemnt.

    Ne blocked with Fi:

    • Delta types like to talk about new beginnings, opportunities for personal growth, and their plans and prospects for the future.

    Te blocked with Si:

    • Delta types have the philosophy that they will have to rely on their own industriousness to achieve their goals rather than on luck, speculation, group effort, or strong leadership.

    So it's all good, hey I am no expert haha, but I don't see what's wrong in thinking we can work on ourselves, so we are what we are and we can improve on some thing if we'd like to, the potential for such things exist I think.

    As for focusing on your mobilizing function, Te, it's generally not a good idea to focus on ones mobilizing function too much, as I understand it, an over focus can draw attention away from your strengths.

    Anyway, all the best in what ever you do (or don't) decide
    I appreciate the advice. And if delta is the quadra that cares most about self improvement then I must be delta. It's one of the only consistent themes throughout my life. F***-off, (my backup) alpha, I guess! haha
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Those all sound like things that are relevant to my interests, thank you. But what sort of degree should I get then?
    What year are you? How much time do you have left in school?

    I wanted a broad degree that would give me flexibility, and so I got a business degree. But I honestly hated every minute of it. It wasn’t until I got into the real world and found my niche that I excelled.

    If you have a lot of time left, I’d recommend looking for opportunities to shadow or intern with some of these types of jobs. I’m not sure what your school offers, but social work, interdisciplinary studies, psychology, sociology, and school counseling would all be beneficial. My dad always told me that the degree is confirmation that you can commit and follow through. After that, your work ethic will follow you and be your guide.

    This has turned out to to be true. Throughout my first career, I spent years teaching music to kids on the side of my job. I now have 17 years of music teaching. That side experience and work ethic led to my current job. So try not to let a degree pigeon hole you too much. Look for experiences.
    And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you?- Matthew 6:30

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    My thoughts on this:

    1. Look at how learning works, how self-organization works, so that you can feel capable of rallying yourself over the obstacles you currently feel incapable of handling.

    2. Look at what your strengths and weaknesses generally are, and where you generally have more built-up skill and knowledge already, compared to others.

    3. Look at how you might best be of service to others while making a living, because as you say, this is how you will get motivation and fulfillment.

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    35 isn't that much of a step up from 25. Do a really good job where you currently work and try to advance.

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    If I can give an advice, avoid "logical only" career like computerscience. It can perhaps work for the Ne subtype, but the fact relationship are somewhat too "artificial", + the fact you are always into coding and develloping will give you a depression, especially if you work for yourself and not for sustaining a family (celibate). The other problem is that you will be surrounded by logical ppl, and not necessarely Te type (more often than not INTJ, ISTJ, ISTP, ENTP). ESTJ tend to change often their position into this kind of job, if not changing of job entirely.

    This can sound imbecile advice, but you will remember it after 5-10 years into it. I'm not sure EII can make good boss (working in education/formation, not necesseraly with child), especially in evt where everything need to go fast and no attention need to be given to ppl. They can make okay professors thought for ex, or working in "cohesive" management (but ESFJ can be better at it from XP).

    I would still advice to keep a logical thing into your activities thought. The key is being balanced in what you can do (use description of your type if needed) : you are mainly in a world of people, so you should do smth from it. Balance is important for everyone, the current trend of finding that "balance is for loser" is just idiots missing the fact successfull ppl are actually well balanced (when it come with their type if you want). This moral exist just for constraining you into slavery
    Last edited by noaydi; 03-05-2018 at 09:45 AM.

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