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Thread: Careers and jobs for INFjs and ENFps

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    schwiftyrickty's Avatar
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    Default Careers and jobs for INFjs and ENFps

    Tl;dr: The title and maybe first paragraph is all that really matters. The rest is just me babbling about myself.

    I'm 25 years old and have already screwed around in college for a few years so I have lots of general education credits already. I could have graduated a long time ago if it wasn't for math requirement. I've been out of college for about a year now and I'm feeling in a rut. What are some good career options for an IEE or EII?

    I feel like most of the career suggestions for IEEs seem kinda impractical. I love psychology obviously but don't see that as a lucrative field of study for most people. I just want a job that I'll like and that pays at least $35,000 (USD) a year (I make about $25,000 now).

    I'd consider finishing my paralegal certificate (I have about half of one) but I'm concerned it's not suitable for my personality. Any thoughts on that? A paralegal is basically a legal assistant. I'd actually love to pursue a law degree if I had the discipline, but I don't. Law is definitely an interest of mine though. I think it would be cool to work in immigration law or something like that. Help people become legal citizens and whatnot.

    So basically:
    -Preferably something that helps people in some way
    -Nothing too boring, but not dangerous either
    -Not involving math
    -Makes more money than I'm making now, but money isn't a huge factor
    -Nothing that requires a very forceful personality
    -Something that will make women my age think I am dating material

    For some reason part of me just wants to be a garbage man or a plumber but I don't actually think I would enjoy or be good at it. I just have this fantasy of myself as a regular working Joe who can work with my hands and doesn't mind getting dirty, but is that even true? (I mean I used to work in a dog kennel and one of my jobs was to get all the dog shit from their outdoor trashcans to the dumpster once a week. In the summer time there were thousands of maggots and a terrible stench. I eventually got used to it. So maybe!) Sometimes I even want to be an exterminator for some fucking reason when I can hardly kill a spider and I'm borderline terrified of most bugs. I'm cool with rodents though. Probably so cool that I would struggle to kill them.

    I think I wish I was my dual.

    Edit: I just looked into being a plumber and immediately discarded that idea once I realized I'd have to go in crawlspaces. That's kinda related to my biggest fear. lol So nawww. Ditto with exterminator I'm sure.

    Maybe I should just be a bartender. That sounds pretty fun.
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 02-21-2018 at 05:31 AM.

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