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Thread: Synthesizing descriptions of duality.

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  1. #1
    Bertrand's Avatar
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    yeah it really sucks being raised to think thats normal, because I think I turned off a shitload of people who I would have got along with great were I not imitating that fucked up example. the funny thing is you go back to that family which then tries to support you by telling you you're just not doing it enough, because to them it is normal. so you're left with no one who understands. except you, my socionics darlings

    but I think that exact dynamic is how people become isolated in society and it can happen any which way. betas raised by deltas, etc. in the end one must be oneself even if in being oneself you're hamlet the actor, which I think is the true therapeutic value of socionics. there's a lid for every pot and all this

  2. #2
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    Hey @Daisy,

    I was thinking the other day about your question, about how SLIs like and trust IEEs, and about how being around IEEs can make them seem happier.

    I think I answered a little bit, but something occurred to me yesterday in regards to the IEE whom I mentioned that I work in the vicinity of.

    I noticed yesterday, that she passed a small assortment of confectionary at work, OK it is not a big deal but I noticed her noticing them and going, 'mmMMMMmm'. Like not in a way that she wanted to eat them, but in a way as if she was seeing some sort of hidden potential, intuition of possibilities, maybe she thought one of the items were cool, maybe she was thinking about who would like it, I don't know, but it made me laugh, like her surprise at to me is something ... mundane.

    I think with S, especially for me with Si, when I see the world, I see it pretty much as it is, but when Ne (IEE) see the world, the see the hidden potential in the little things. I think this different perspective of the world can break the monotony of Si - SLI, who sees it just more or less as it is, and the other perspective a creates delightful time out for me.

    Anyway I came across this, which seems to show how each of the 8 functions will have an affect on someone depending on their type, and it refers to 's affect on SLI as:

    '(Ne) ....which would result in pleasing and delightful time-outs.'

    Anyway I just wanted to share that with you, in case you thought it was interesting and/or useful

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