Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
I also used to wonder about the conflicting information on the subtype theory, and I came to the conclusion I mentioned earlier.

When you look at the IEs from a 'valuing' and complimentary perspective, it simply makes the most sense.
The subtype of a person emphasizes which information elements they both value more and the complement they require more.

The Ni subtype makes the individual value that particular IE and its complement Se more. So naturally, the individual will get along better with people who share Ni and Se valuing, especially those who are also either Ni or Se subtype. An LIE-Ni will naturally get along better with Betas > Deltas for that reason. An LIE-Ni also has more 'need' for help regarding Se. (That's also why I used to say that Se can become the "secondary DS" of an LIE-Ni with a strong subtype.) Hence an ESI-Se would be of much more help than an ESI-Fi.

Depending on how strong the subtypes are, ESI-Fi can actually be a worse typological match than SEE-Se for the LIE-Ni. The ESI-Fi individual has weakened Se and boosted Fi and Ni. The same applies to the LIE-Ni individual. In that manner, they cannot help each other as well. The complement isn't perfect. Also, the ESI-2Fi values Fi much more than the LIE-2Ni. The ESI-2Fi will get along better with Deltas, whereas the LIE-2Ni will get along better with Betas. Duals are being drawn into opposite directions. Same applies to SEE-Se vs SEE-Fi. One would think that the SEE-Fi is a better match for LIE-Ni because they have boosted Fi and LIEs are Fi seeking. But the LIE-Ni doesn't even care as much for Fi. The same 'channels' of SEE-Fi and LIE-Ni are weakened and create a loophole of weakness, with the added downside of one person valuing Fi more and the other valuing Ni more, which in a sense is a values mismatch. Furthermore, Ni vs Fi subtype can repel each other (Pi vs Ji emphasis), and that can show up in Duality as well.

So all in all, Se or Ni subtype individuals are better for LIE-Ni. Both them and the LIE-Ni get along better because of the same boosted valuing, and they can help and complement each other much better (in case of LIE-Ni with an Se subtype individual).
Oh My God.

I just cannot with ESI-Fi. Too much Fi. This is so true, LIE-Ni doesn't care much for Fi.
But I like ESI-Se. And I actually realise I'm drawn to Se or Ni subtype such as ESI-Se, LSI-Se, and even EIE-Ni.

Thank you for this!