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Thread: Subtype matching or not in duality and activity

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    Btw @Adam Strange, I have been thinking for quite a while you are either No subtype or Ni subtype. Based on your behaviour and your stories.
    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    would agree. I've interacted with several LIE-Tes online and they have this kind of blitzkrieg effect that is not present with Adam. They need that calm stability of an ESI-Fi, which coincidentally is the same thing that makes ESI-Fis appear unspectacular to LIE-Nis.
    Thanks, @Olimpia and @silke. This is food for thought.

    Quite frankly, I'm embarrassed at the thought of my having so much Te and so little Ni, so your saying that I could actually be closer to a normal LIE is kind of affirming. I actually want more Ni, because I sometimes feel that I can't see future possibilities as well as I'd like to. I think that is the basis of my (professional) attraction to the many IEI's and ILI's whom I know IRL.

    This is causing me to re-evaluate a web of ITR's in my life. I'm now wondering if I have the definitions of LIE-Te and LIE-Ni wrong from a functional, observable standpoint. It seems unlikely, but it is certainly possible.

    I've also been thinking about the "blitzkrieg" effect that you mention as a characteristic of LIE-Te's. I've seen this myself in a friend of mine, and I think it hurts his financials. His first response to opposition is to go straight to offensive asshole mode and it pisses people off. I've seen him do this many, many times. Let me say, I do this, too, but I do my best to hide that fact. I mean, my first reaction to opposition is to attack. It takes no time at all.
    However, I grew up in what seemed to me to be a concentration camp (not to make less of the people who actually did grow up in concentration camps) where I was there to serve the master until I was no longer useful, at which point I would be disposed of. This was very real to me. There was no love there, and I was faced with living under an unbeatable, hostile force that was violent and which gave me no doubt that killing children was something they could to without any qualms or remorse.
    I think this taught me to hide my feelings and to guard my reactions, because showing how I actually felt was seriously not safe. Instead, I would set my feelings aside and bide my time and gather my resources for the time when I could present them with an overwhelming force. In the meantime, I'd appear to collaborate but I would not give in. Giving in meant psychic death.
    One of the most vivid memories of my childhood was when I got to be about twelve, my mother raised her hand to hit me in the face (something she'd been doing all my life - she broke the cheekbone of one of my younger sisters doing this to her) and I was finally strong enough to grab her arm and hold it above her head and say, "You're not going to hit me any more."

    Look, I'm a realist. I know that blitzkriegs can be effective. Force is effective. I can do force. But I also know that it is better to conquer an enemy by making them a friend. It is much, much harder to convince a person of your mutual interests than it is to beat the crap out of them, but the payoff is much greater. And so I suppress that blitzkreig reaction. Learning to do that has paid off pretty well for me, just as not learning it has caused my LIE friend to leave money on the table. But believe me, I have that blitzkrieg reaction. Oh, yes.

    Regarding the calm stability of ESI-Fi's which causes them to appear unspectacular, I've noticed that and I think it is a great observation. I am attracted to that somewhat. I'd be forming a partnership with the EII-Fi that I work with if our sexual appetites were aligned. It's just that I find the ESI-Se's more sexually appealing.

    But I have to say, the jury is still out on which sub-type I would actually prefer to live with. I find the ESI-Se's sexy and hard to pin down and the ESI-Fi's easy to pin down and unexciting. Clearly, more information and more experimentation is needed here.

    In any case, I'd be very interested to know what other factors make you think I have more normal Ni or less Te than I think I do. I'd feel slightly less like a freak or a blockhead, I think, if I thought I were a more mainline LIE. (I have great respect for both of your opinions, but you probably already know that.)

  2. #2
    Psychology BSc and statistics MSc Armitage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    a lot gets muddied in translation, but basically opposite subtypes are considered "complimentary" which implies "better" but its not; rather most harmony comes from identical subtypes (contact/inert) because "complimentary" types accentuate conflicting information channels: logic/ethics, intuition/sensing; in other words, they're more like two ships in the night--likely to emphasize different information aspects which is really all conflict is--what you clamp I expand and vice versa. nevertheless there are some advantages to this, and of course people can make it work, but this identical subtype = best is flat out wrong from the point of view of contact/inert

    This reasoning undermines the entire motivation for duality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I've also been thinking about the "blitzkrieg" effect that you mention as a characteristic of LIE-Te's. I've seen this myself in a friend of mine, and I think it hurts his financials. His first response to opposition is to go straight to offensive asshole mode and it pisses people off. I've seen him do this many, many times. Let me say, I do this, too, but I do my best to hide that fact. I mean, my first reaction to opposition is to attack. It takes no time at all.

    Look, I'm a realist. I know that blitzkriegs can be effective. Force is effective. I can do force. But I also know that it is better to conquer an enemy by making them a friend. It is much, much harder to convince a person of your mutual interests than it is to beat the crap out of them, but the payoff is much greater. And so I suppress that blitzkreig reaction. Learning to do that has paid off pretty well for me, just as not learning it has caused my LIE friend to leave money on the table. But believe me, I have that blitzkrieg reaction. Oh, yes.
    I've been subduing those Blitzkrieg reactions and substituting them with Fi-kindness for so long that I don't even know anymore if I can muster such a reaction anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Functionally extraverted function in extraverts makes person more dominating or stabilizing (D and N). Introverted emphasis increases instability and adaptability (C and H) and this is reversed in introverts.
    Wait, you're saying that emphasis of the introverted functions makes introverts more dominant? That sounds paradoxical, because an ILI-Ni expresses even less Se than an ILI-Te.
    Last edited by Armitage; 03-14-2022 at 09:22 AM.

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