Relatively incompatible (antagonistic) subtypes with reinforcing the opposite elements of information metabolism: logic and ethics, sensory and intuition. This does not mean that such people can not get along with each other. Here everything depends on intertype relations, but at the information level it will be more difficult for them to understand each other than to previous partners. But at the emotional level, with favorable intertype relationships, they can feel more comfortable than in discussions and general occupations.

Representatives of the same subtypes - in some respects there may be compatibility, but in others - not in everything.
Here a lot depends on what exactly these subtypes are and in what exactly they interact.

Supplement each other in the work of such subtypes:

1. Intuitive subtype is combined:

a) with an ethical subtype
b) with a logical subtype

2. The touch subtype is combined

a) with an ethical subtype
b) with a logical subtype

3. The logical subtype is combined:

a) with an intuitive subtype
b) with a sensory subtype

4. The ethical subtype is combined:

a) with an intuitive subtype
b) with a sensory subtype

Representatives of intuitive subtypes unite with some subtype ethics some idealism and the desire to change the world for the better, and with the logic (at the level of subtypes) - the relative ability to abstract thinking and the analysis of various phenomena. Subtype sensorics with subtype ethics brings together interest in the specific problems of each other, caring about the comforts of people, and with the subtype logic - the clarity and clarity of the goals and the effectiveness of methods to achieve them.

Despite the difference of all these subtypes, they can find a way to mutual understanding if they learn to use more that which unites them, rather than concentrate on the opposite qualities of each other. It is more difficult, but it is possible to adapt to the opposite subtypes.

Opposite subtypes:

1. The logical subtype is the opposite of the ethical;

2. The intuitive subtype is the opposite of sensory.

There is a law of unity and struggle of opposites. If we apply it to socionics, then the most striking example of the unity of opposites are dual pairs. Even if the subtypes do not coincide, they complement each other quite well, although the commonality of interests, mutual understanding and harmony in the relationship will nevertheless be the best for the coinciding (relatively identical), rather than complementary, subtypes.

The struggle of opposites, of course, will be more pronounced in conflict pairs and, especially, when their subtypes do not coincide. This does not mean that such cases are hopeless, but they will require more efforts for mutual adjustment.

The degree of compatibility of the same subtypes, as, indeed, any other, may depend on various factors. In particular, not only from their intertype relations, but also from the accents of type, temperaments, psychoforms, and also various individual characteristics that may be outside the typology.

Knowing your degree of compatibility with a partner on a subtype level, it is easy to foresee some of the possible causes of disagreements that may occur in the opposite subtypes. Consider them.

1. Logical and ethical subtypes can most acutely perceive their dissimilarity, which at times engenders antagonism. After all, this is a conflict between the thinking and feeling types of the person, the more intensified with the additional, subtype manifestation of these qualities in them. In this case, ethics will suffer from the coldness of logic and from its uncompromising relations and decisions. A logician will experience emotional discomfort because of excessive emotionality, resentment and unreasonable, from his point of view, claims of ethics. A compromise is possible if everyone takes a step forward to accept the other as he is and will try to answer his requests a little.

2. Sensory and intuitivesubtypes will have disagreements for other reasons. This is a realist conflict with the idealist. Specifically, a thinking, practical and impatient sensory, the intuitive type may seem to be an abstract loafer or gang. Intuition will suffer from the grounding and meticulousness of the sensorics, its inability to capture the essence of what has been said or what is happening with a hint. On the other hand, when an intuition starts to explain something, it makes it so vague and difficult to understand sensorics that the person does not have enough patience to try to understand or understand this, especially since he is not capable of associative-imaginative thinking. As a result, both feel that their interests are just as different as the way they think. They will be able to achieve greater harmony in the relationship only if they correctly distribute the duties and will not require the impossible from each other.
a lot gets muddied in translation, but basically opposite subtypes are considered "complimentary" which implies "better" but its not; rather most harmony comes from identical subtypes (contact/inert) because "complimentary" types accentuate conflicting information channels: logic/ethics, intuition/sensing; in other words, they're more like two ships in the night--likely to emphasize different information aspects which is really all conflict is--what you clamp I expand and vice versa. nevertheless there are some advantages to this, and of course people can make it work, but this identical subtype = best is flat out wrong from the point of view of contact/inert
