People always misunderstand me and get me backwards. I am actually too realistic and focused on reality so much that it would actually be beneficial to me if I did a little stargazing. I would probably mock that and say its too calm and delta-ish or something though idk. I am too focused on the feces and not the stars. On what is and not what could be. BUT WHAT COULD BE IS TOO WEAK AND SELF HELP-Y AND OPRAH ISH. AND REEKS OF ADAM STRANGE KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR TRYING TO SELL YOU SOMETHING WITH A CHEESY BUSINESSMAN SMILE. Ahhh being too caught up in a reality = you're stuck in a rut, caught like some specimen in a science project that you can't escape from. You need to learn how to aspire and reach for something, it's human.

"Do you still feel like high minded, classy individuals when diarrhea is exploding out of your asshole?"

Depends on if I ate healthy that day. In my 16types adventures novel I had Jason Mraz say "No my shit really DOES NOT stink because of that fancy raw seafood diet we celebrities eat" or something like that, after he kept bragging about how much money he made. I consider this both inspiring and realistic. Combine reality and ideals for art, wittiness, and humor.