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Thread: Am I LSI or SLE-Ti

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    Default Am I LSI or SLE-Ti

    Hi All

    I've always assumed I've been LSI as I've always related to the description but lately I've wondered if actually I'm SLE-Ti. What's prompted the reconsideration is that I've met an IEI male and the connection is just so great that it feels like duality (I know if I'm LSI the connection is activity which is also a very favourable relation). He's 18 and I'm 32 so the connection has to be very good to withstand that difference. And he feels it as strongly as I do.

    So the question I have is how do I tell if I'm LSI or SLE-Ti subtype?


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    extravert or introvert?
    ij temperament or ep temperament?
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    fi role or ne role?
    ti lead or creative?
    positivist or negativist?

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    Muddy's Avatar
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    They can actually be tricky to tell apart sometimes. Some LSIs can seem extroverted in they way they exert their presence and can easily be mistaken for SLE. As a general rule LSIs are very direct, organized, stubborn, unflinching in their motives while SLE tends to be a bit more scattered and "all over the place" in the way they talk.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    They can actually be tricky to tell apart sometimes. Some LSIs can seem extroverted in they way they exert their presence and can easily be mistaken for SLE. As a general rule LSIs are very direct, organized, stubborn, unflinching in their motives while SLE tends to be a bit more scattered and "all over the place" in the way they talk.
    Subtype can really confound things. LSI-Se can seem pretty Se. The best way to determine introvert or extrovert in my opinion is to determine how socializing affects your energy levels. If you mostly get energized by other people, you're most likely an extrovert. If you have that weird thing where you get tired in public and suddenly feel energized when you get home, you're probably an introvert.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ISTj View Post
    Hi All

    I've always assumed I've been LSI as I've always related to the description but lately I've wondered if actually I'm SLE-Ti. What's prompted the reconsideration is that I've met an IEI male and the connection is just so great that it feels like duality (I know if I'm LSI the connection is activity which is also a very favourable relation). He's 18 and I'm 32 so the connection has to be very good to withstand that difference. And he feels it as strongly as I do.

    So the question I have is how do I tell if I'm LSI or SLE-Ti subtype?

    Yeah, with a more energetic version of IEI-Fe (DCNH D?), you could feel that way even if LSI. I've had that experience. Also, Activity partnes often notice each other and strike up a connection way faster than Duals. So yes based on what you are saying, you are probably LSI and not SLE.

    The real differences compared to EIE only come out when you have the opportunity to compare this experience in depth to experience with your actual duals. For me personally, the stubbornness of leading Ni was a dealbreaker more than once with IEIs. And I'm sure some of them view my leading Ti as too stubborn too.

    And that then shows you a way to tell your type, whether LSI-Se or SLE-Ti... SLEs are flexible with their logical explanations and that fits IEIs better in the long run. Also, SLE can more easily put great unfettered energy into Se momentum, this hardly happens with LSI - the Se approach is almost always directed at least a bit by the Ti reason and is a bit constricted-channeled by it. This difference is sometimes more subtle but it's there nonetheless.

    So, that stubbornness I find can be a problem, also extraverted energy is limited with this pairing and after a while you two will run out of it, even though sure, periodically it will continue to come back. Overall though, IEI can work for a long term relationship if all other circumstances are favourable and both parties understand the differences in each other's approaches that will come out more over time. This requires some extra self-awareness and willingness to compromise too, IMO. But this is certainly doable.

    I personally have not been successful with a romantic relationship for long with any IEI yet, though, despite several attempts. Friendship has worked okay more often than not (not always). I'm not sure why the attempts at romantic relationship all died within a relatively short time. Save for one but that died too when it started to become more serious. But the circumstances were not very favourable for it. My theory overall is that this has something to do with Fe from my side vs Se seeking from the IEI's side, with what I said above about limited extraverted energy available to stimulate the other party's dual seeking function (and the creative function too, in a sense). Maybe more of a problem if sx-first.

    PS: Wow, and I just noticed the age difference. How long have you two been together? I once went out with an IEI-Fe who was 20 when I was 28. It was great initially and then I dumped him a month later... I hope you two work out better, but still wow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    extravert or introvert?
    ij temperament or ep temperament?
    causal deterministic thinking or holographic panoramic?
    ne polr or fi polr?
    fi role or ne role?
    ti lead or creative?
    positivist or negativist?
    Trying to identify the C-D / H-P thinking styles and the reinin crap isn't reliable to tell type tbh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    They can actually be tricky to tell apart sometimes. Some LSIs can seem extroverted in they way they exert their presence and can easily be mistaken for SLE. As a general rule LSIs are very direct, organized, stubborn, unflinching in their motives while SLE tends to be a bit more scattered and "all over the place" in the way they talk.
    Yeah I get (superficially) mistaken for SLE when I get into my decently adaptable mode, lol. And by some people who've known me more closely IRL because I'm not being very introverted with them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Subtype can really confound things. LSI-Se can seem pretty Se. The best way to determine introvert or extrovert in my opinion is to determine how socializing affects your energy levels. If you mostly get energized by other people, you're most likely an extrovert. If you have that weird thing where you get tired in public and suddenly feel energized when you get home, you're probably an introvert.
    Actually, I don't feel energized when I get home. I just feel normal, as usual. I do feel "ooh I can rest", but I dunno if I'd call that energized per se, lol. By other people, I get energized for a short time initially, it's nice but it's not maintainable.

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    Thanks for the response guys.

    I'm SLE-Ti. I can tell through the EP temperament in relation to the IP and EJ temperaments. With an EIE friend, we get on really well but the relationship feels more like activity due to rhythms being out of sync. But with the IEI it just feels the little bit better, just right. It is duality, it just is. Which is funny as they say the extroverted person usually overlooks the introverted which is dead right. When I thought I was LSI, I thought hang on my dual isn't too good for me lol. I also find an SLE typing makes SO much more sense with my other friendships. Example a good friend of my often gives me advice and he's my supervisor as an SLE, ESI. An ex becomes a semi-dual which also makes a load of sense.
    @Myst, the male IEI is not my lover (well not yet, it would be great to make him so), he's just a great friend. But yes WOW INDEED haha. Funny thing is all my other friends are my own age, this is not me being weird. This is just the power of duality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Andrei View Post
    Thanks for the response guys.

    I'm SLE-Ti. I can tell through the EP temperament in relation to the IP and EJ temperaments. With an EIE friend, we get on really well but the relationship feels more like activity due to rhythms being out of sync. But with the IEI it just feels the little bit better, just right. It is duality, it just is. Which is funny as they say the extroverted person usually overlooks the introverted which is dead right. When I thought I was LSI, I thought hang on my dual isn't too good for me lol. I also find an SLE typing makes SO much more sense with my other friendships. Example a good friend of my often gives me advice and he's my supervisor as an SLE, ESI. An ex becomes a semi-dual which also makes a load of sense.
    @Myst, the male IEI is not my lover (well not yet, it would be great to make him so), he's just a great friend. But yes WOW INDEED haha. Funny thing is all my other friends are my own age, this is not me being weird. This is just the power of duality.
    Np. Can you say more on what is it like in practice with the EIE where it feels like "rhythms being out of sync"? Because the way you put it is really abstract and I'd like to know what you were thinking of with that phrasing.

    I think with IEIs I never directly noticed feeling out of sync but I noticed the effects of it I guess, after a while. E.g. the stuff I wrote about above. Their plans and my plans being too parallel to each other, not getting discussed directly enough, etc. Same for logical reasonings of each party's. And the extraverted energy running out (temporarily) after a while also means we'd just exist parallel to each other with the IEI instead of fully interactive sync.

    I do notice the IEIs easily, I definitely don't overlook them. Otoh I don't notice the EIEs unless they are obvious enough with their emotional stuff, I guess?! I'm not sure. How did you manage to notice your IEI in the end?

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    I probably won't do the feeling justice with words, but I'll try.

    I have an ex-boss who is EIE and has been the best boss I've ever had. We got on very well. But he had a capacity to work tirelessly consistently, like task task task then crash, whereas I could concentrate heavily for a task at a time but would then need a break, sort of more flexible and unplanned rhythm with explosive bursts. And when my ex-boss was speaking to a group he came across occasionally as slightly too formal in my opinion, whereas I prefer a more relaxed style.

    But I know what you mean about feeling 'parallel' with your activity partner. If I spend 4+ hours with my boss in the same room, I get this feeling.

    I had a similar experience with the sister of the IEI friend who is actually EIE as well. She has such widely alternating moods that have a genuineness that astounds. She definitely has a 'strong' personality. Though with her the facebook messenger conversations felt forced, like the rhythms would be heavy teasing and have a formality that gave the interactions an air of falseness about them (though they weren't actually false).

    Whereas with the facebook messenger conversations with the IEI he sort of intuitively sensed my playful antics and jokes and could keep and 'feel' the rhythm. Sort of go with the flow. It felt much easier and he responded more as I expected he would.

    Hope this makes sense? Happy to explain more if it doesn't?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Andrei View Post
    I probably won't do the feeling justice with words, but I'll try.
    Thanks, this actually did give me a pretty good idea of what you were referring to. I can see why you decided to type as SLE now. Funny, for like a decade you were typing as your Mirror. I guess not that much of a difference, both types being beta STs. I used to type as SLE for a while, too. But again I'm curious, what was it that you related to so much in LSI descriptions that had you typing as one for so long?

    I have an ex-boss who is EIE and has been the best boss I've ever had. We got on very well. But he had a capacity to work tirelessly consistently, like task task task then crash, whereas I could concentrate heavily for a task at a time but would then need a break, sort of more flexible and unplanned rhythm with explosive bursts. And when my ex-boss was speaking to a group he came across occasionally as slightly too formal in my opinion, whereas I prefer a more relaxed style.
    Interesting, for me the rhythm stuff is a bit more variable... because I have two modes.

    By default it's "task task task" but not at a high energy level, so it's maintainable and I know to give myself a bit of rest when that's needed (some activities that are mentally easier and a good night's sleep, mostly, really). And then I have my bursts too at times, when I switch over to a higher energy mode, it's a bit explosive looking when I switch, at least some people perceive it that way for sure (some of the Ni-leads apparently heh).

    Basically, I would do a good bit of work at an intense effort before a deadline, then take a break when finished, somewhat like you described it. I will also do it for "emergencies" and for certain more physical activities (not all of them, it depends). I do the steady consistent "task task task" stuff at a lower energy level when it's not just one day's work before deadline or "emergency" mode but a longer project thingy or routine work where I have time to familiarize myself with everything and just work at that steady pace with familiar things then. I have a quite high capacity for work in that mode.

    The one thing I'm not sure about is, what does "unplanned rhythm" mean, can you clarify this part a bit more? Edit: I guess you just meant you work when you feel like it and not when deadline is up, or not as daily routine. Yeah?

    But I know what you mean about feeling 'parallel' with your activity partner. If I spend 4+ hours with my boss in the same room, I get this feeling.
    Is it like you both are taking initiatives for your own stuff or talk but the other party doesn't get involved enough with it, because they are doing their own initiatives etc too?

    With the IEIs it's introverts being in parallel so it's more like we both are in our heads (Ti vs Ni) and talk a bit past each other while deeply considering things in the discussion, or when it's about how to get on with life, our plans are made separately and not synced up naturally.

    I had a similar experience with the sister of the IEI friend who is actually EIE as well. She has such widely alternating moods that have a genuineness that astounds. She definitely has a 'strong' personality. Though with her the facebook messenger conversations felt forced, like the rhythms would be heavy teasing and have a formality that gave the interactions an air of falseness about them (though they weren't actually false).
    I find the more extraverted IEIs have widely alternating moods too. But not really formal or "air of falseness" lol. Maybe the expressions themselves would be seen as "fake" to Fi valuers, but no "air" about them like that on the whole. More freely "running around" with the expressions instead. If that makes sense...

    What do you mean by heavy teasing though? How does that go with formality/air of falseness? I'm not sure I understand this.

    Whereas with the facebook messenger conversations with the IEI he sort of intuitively sensed my playful antics and jokes and could keep and 'feel' the rhythm. Sort of go with the flow. It felt much easier and he responded more as I expected he would.
    That makes sense. I can see IEIs doing this. I don't think I entirely become conscious of how they are looking for this flow thingy, but the way you put it, I can see that. I guess what I can do is I can respond to their stuff but I do not easily add to it to actively make the flow go on much. You can do that, yeah?

    I think I am better off with the other party just having a direction and then I contribute to this and help with adjusting/optimizing the direction or add in my own input on what I see as a better direction, also checking with how/if it fits with in my own direction, or can also do my own initiative entirely for setting one, sometimes.

    Hope this makes sense? Happy to explain more if it doesn't?
    Really appreciate this!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Thanks, this actually did give me a pretty good idea of what you were referring to. I can see why you decided to type as SLE now. Funny, for like a decade you were typing as your Mirror. I guess not that much of a difference, both types being beta STs. I used to type as SLE for a while, too. But again I'm curious, what was it that you related to so much in LSI descriptions that had you typing as one for so long?

    Interesting, for me the rhythm stuff is a bit more variable... because I have two modes.

    By default it's "task task task" but not at a high energy level, so it's maintainable and I know to give myself a bit of rest when that's needed (some activities that are mentally easier and a good night's sleep, mostly, really). And then I have my bursts too at times, when I switch over to a higher energy mode, it's a bit explosive looking when I switch, at least some people perceive it that way for sure (some of the Ni-leads apparently heh).

    Basically, I would do a good bit of work at an intense effort before a deadline, then take a break when finished, somewhat like you described it. I will also do it for "emergencies" and for certain more physical activities (not all of them, it depends). I do the steady consistent "task task task" stuff at a lower energy level when it's not just one day's work before deadline or "emergency" mode but a longer project thingy or routine work where I have time to familiarize myself with everything and just work at that steady pace with familiar things then. I have a quite high capacity for work in that mode.

    The one thing I'm not sure about is, what does "unplanned rhythm" mean, can you clarify this part a bit more? Edit: I guess you just meant you work when you feel like it and not when deadline is up, or not as daily routine. Yeah?

    Is it like you both are taking initiatives for your own stuff or talk but the other party doesn't get involved enough with it, because they are doing their own initiatives etc too?

    With the IEIs it's introverts being in parallel so it's more like we both are in our heads (Ti vs Ni) and talk a bit past each other while deeply considering things in the discussion, or when it's about how to get on with life, our plans are made separately and not synced up naturally.

    I find the more extraverted IEIs have widely alternating moods too. But not really formal or "air of falseness" lol. Maybe the expressions themselves would be seen as "fake" to Fi valuers, but no "air" about them like that on the whole. More freely "running around" with the expressions instead. If that makes sense...

    What do you mean by heavy teasing though? How does that go with formality/air of falseness? I'm not sure I understand this.

    That makes sense. I can see IEIs doing this. I don't think I entirely become conscious of how they are looking for this flow thingy, but the way you put it, I can see that. I guess what I can do is I can respond to their stuff but I do not easily add to it to actively make the flow go on much. You can do that, yeah?

    I think I am better off with the other party just having a direction and then I contribute to this and help with adjusting/optimizing the direction or add in my own input on what I see as a better direction, also checking with how/if it fits with in my own direction, or can also do my own initiative entirely for setting one, sometimes.

    Really appreciate this!
    1. Well in terms of talkativeness the SLE can hang back in the shadows, which is initially why I saw myself as an introvert and not as an SLE. Also a lot of stereotypes of SLE guys exist around brash, shoot from the hip, 'jock' types and I'm certainly not that. In comfortable company I can certainly loosen up and say crap that would make Fi types drop the jaws in surprise.

    The biggest Eureka moment came actually from two things.

    Firstly meeting and dualising with the IEI, it just felt too good. Initially I was after his EIE sister but it just never came to a point of feeling like duality (now I know it was activity) and I initially misjudged my relationship with the brother as activity, which is also a very comfortable relationship, but over time it just became too good and we realised we were soulmates - so it just had to be duality.

    Secondly reading Tolstoy's War and Peace. I think, and others have suggested it too, that Augusta was heavily influenced by Tolstoy in coming up with this theory. Not sure if you've read it but it's uncanny how Tolstoy as a narrator reveals people AS THEY ARE and that the characters are so life-like which is why anyone who subscribes to Socionic theory would enjoy reading Tolstoy. But anyway more specifically there is a character in War and Peace, Prince Andrei who when I was reading who he was and how he was, his way of thinking and his beliefs, I identified with him 100%, completely and utterly. And I was looking through this forum on his socionic typing and others were saying he was SLE-Ti, and I initially thought it was a mistype, but after dualising with the IEI it dawned on me that they were right about Prince Andrei being an SLE-Ti and that I was an SLE-Ti too. Crazy to think I spent over a decade believing I was LSI!

    2. By unplanned rhythm, I think I mean that I am motivated by deadlines rather than a steady pace of work throughout the day. Like I'm at my best when I'm under some pressure to perform (a higher threshold than most would like, but obviously not too much to burn out) - provided that there's enough down time. Sort of a work-hard, play-hard attitude.

    I think a high capacity for work is a commonality to beta STs no matter which type.

    3. Like with the heavy teasing, it's just like its over the top from the EIE sister and then I'm in doubt if I go to far or not. Like it needs 'steering'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Andrei View Post
    1. Well in terms of talkativeness the SLE can hang back in the shadows, which is initially why I saw myself as an introvert and not as an SLE. Also a lot of stereotypes of SLE guys exist around brash, shoot from the hip, 'jock' types and I'm certainly not that. In comfortable company I can certainly loosen up and say crap that would make Fi types drop the jaws in surprise.
    OK yeah that makes sense. SLE-Ti is socially pretty introverted yes, especially if not in an environment favourable for all that Fe stuff lol that you are hinting at here. I relate to all this as you describe it here. I guess a difference would be that for me it probably takes even more to get to this point where the Fi types would get shocked.

    The biggest Eureka moment came actually from two things.

    Firstly meeting and dualising with the IEI, it just felt too good. Initially I was after his EIE sister but it just never came to a point of feeling like duality (now I know it was activity) and I initially misjudged my relationship with the brother as activity, which is also a very comfortable relationship, but over time it just became too good and we realised we were soulmates - so it just had to be duality.
    OK, I see. I find IEIs are very good at making things feel great, that's their specialty. I found it's a bit hard to separate these uber good IEI people skills from what is the optimal psychological comfort (duality) experienced with the dual type. (I did manage to separate them though.) The same applies to what I experience with EIE actually, what is it that's duality and what is it that I can experience with other people too who are just good at people skills and/or are compatible with me on many counts beyond Socionics duality. I actually find this an interesting and quite rewarding topic of analysis lately.

    What was missing from the relationship with the EIE sister? I discussed this topic with an SLE previously and she told me that with EIEs she initially feels great but then they fail to provide that certain sincere deep connection that IEIs are famous of. And as an SLE, this for her is the extra special piece (and specific to Socionics duality for her) for optimal psychological comfort, I guess. For me that is also very nice to have, like it is important to every healthy human being too, but I do not require this experience in the same way she does. A sincere and deep connection is of course important to me too but I do not seem as reliant on the partner to add their contribution to this, because I can add some of it myself for myself and because my focus on things in a relationship is simply a bit different, along with what unconscious (dual seeking) expectations I would have, compared to what an SLE would expect unconsciously. Make sense?

    Secondly reading Tolstoy's War and Peace. I think, and others have suggested it too, that Augusta was heavily influenced by Tolstoy in coming up with this theory. Not sure if you've read it but it's uncanny how Tolstoy as a narrator reveals people AS THEY ARE and that the characters are so life-like which is why anyone who subscribes to Socionic theory would enjoy reading Tolstoy. But anyway more specifically there is a character in War and Peace, Prince Andrei who when I was reading who he was and how he was, his way of thinking and his beliefs, I identified with him 100%, completely and utterly. And I was looking through this forum on his socionic typing and others were saying he was SLE-Ti, and I initially thought it was a mistype, but after dualising with the IEI it dawned on me that they were right about Prince Andrei being an SLE-Ti and that I was an SLE-Ti too. Crazy to think I spent over a decade believing I was LSI!
    I didn't read that, sorry.

    2. By unplanned rhythm, I think I mean that I am motivated by deadlines rather than a steady pace of work throughout the day. Like I'm at my best when I'm under some pressure to perform (a higher threshold than most would like, but obviously not too much to burn out) - provided that there's enough down time. Sort of a work-hard, play-hard attitude.

    I think a high capacity for work is a commonality to beta STs no matter which type.
    Oh I'm motivated by deadlines too. Like I said I've got two modes so I'm a bit between SLE and LSI with it actually. I tolerate that pressure quite well myself, too. I just don't like to have too much downtime after that, I think. And I don't like to do this deadline-motivated mode for longer than 1 day. I can but I really dislike to and much prefer to go with a planned consistent routine to do the work in parts over time starting well before the deadline. I dislike it primarily because I feel like the quality of the work will suffer if I do a too big piece (longer than 1 day or maybe 2 days) in that last-minute-deadline mode - I'm a bit more of a perfectionist there than you, probably.

    As for the bit about high capacity for work, I meant high capacity with that steady consistent lower energy mode for work. I don't think an SLE would say that heh... they start to complain about routine pretty quickly.

    But I'm curious about one thing. You did identify with the LSI typing for so long... so tell me, how long are you able to tolerate routine and steady consistent work mode, with lower energy, no explosive bursts whatsoever while some people would call this a quite tedious detail-oriented focus. I'm really curious about this one. I did talk to another SLE recently who did the same mistake with typing you did, and while she can do such detail-oriented work if needed, she feels like it's not natural for her, and she has to switch it up by adding some fun into the work. She apparently kind of adores people who find it natural lol.

    3. Like with the heavy teasing, it's just like its over the top from the EIE sister and then I'm in doubt if I go to far or not. Like it needs 'steering'.
    Uh, got some example of heavy teasing from this EIE? Because I have no idea what kind of teasing you have in mind here.

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    if you're introverted, LSI.

    if you're extraverted, SLE

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    if you're introverted, LSI.

    if you're extraverted, SLE
    Yeah just OP as SLE-Ti apparently got socially introverted behaviour. And I don't feel all that introverted compared to him. For ambiverts in general, this isn't going to work too well to decide type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    What was missing from the relationship with the EIE sister? I discussed this topic with an SLE previously and she told me that with EIEs she initially feels great but then they fail to provide that certain sincere deep connection that IEIs are famous of. And as an SLE, this for her is the extra special piece (and specific to Socionics duality for her) for optimal psychological comfort, I guess. For me that is also very nice to have, like it is important to every healthy human being too, but I do not require this experience in the same way she does. A sincere and deep connection is of course important to me too but I do not seem as reliant on the partner to add their contribution to this, because I can add some of it myself for myself and because my focus on things in a relationship is simply a bit different, along with what unconscious (dual seeking) expectations I would have, compared to what an SLE would expect unconsciously. Make sense?

    Uh, got some example of heavy teasing from this EIE? Because I have no idea what kind of teasing you have in mind here.
    Your friend is correct it is deeper with the IEI, it feels more substantial. In terms of heavy teasing and differences here as an example - what actually comes to mind now is an IEI I used to have uni class with. While we were sitting in the lecture together she used to doodle lightly on my notebook in a teasing way. An EIE wouldn't do that, it's just too 'light' for them, sort of doesn't suit an EJ temperament. Like doodling like that is very lighthearted whereas an EIE if she put her mind to it would be far more deliberate about interacting and flirting with me which would almost feel slightly inauthentic (even though it isn't in the opinion of the EIE) to me as an SLE-Ti.

    Does this make more sense?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Andrei View Post
    Your friend is correct it is deeper with the IEI, it feels more substantial. In terms of heavy teasing and differences here as an example - what actually comes to mind now is an IEI I used to have uni class with. While we were sitting in the lecture together she used to doodle lightly on my notebook in a teasing way. An EIE wouldn't do that, it's just too 'light' for them, sort of doesn't suit an EJ temperament. Like doodling like that is very lighthearted whereas an EIE if she put her mind to it would be far more deliberate about interacting and flirting with me which would almost feel slightly inauthentic (even though it isn't in the opinion of the EIE) to me as an SLE-Ti.

    Does this make more sense?
    Thanks, yeah this makes more sense. Examples like that help a lot.

    Sorry, promise, last question - the bolded in here: "But I'm curious about one thing. You did identify with the LSI typing for so long... so tell me, how long are you able to tolerate routine and steady consistent work mode, with lower energy, no explosive bursts whatsoever while some people would call this a quite tedious detail-oriented focus. I'm really curious about this one. I did talk to another SLE recently who did the same mistake with typing you did, and while she can do such detail-oriented work if needed, she feels like it's not natural for her, and she has to switch it up by adding some fun into the work. She apparently kind of adores people who find it natural lol."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Thanks, yeah this makes more sense. Examples like that help a lot.

    Sorry, promise, last question - the bolded in here: "But I'm curious about one thing. You did identify with the LSI typing for so long... so tell me, how long are you able to tolerate routine and steady consistent work mode, with lower energy, no explosive bursts whatsoever while some people would call this a quite tedious detail-oriented focus. I'm really curious about this one. I did talk to another SLE recently who did the same mistake with typing you did, and while she can do such detail-oriented work if needed, she feels like it's not natural for her, and she has to switch it up by adding some fun into the work. She apparently kind of adores people who find it natural lol."
    It's quite funny, it really depends on the work. Sometimes I can handle it quite well, especially if there's an impending deadline. But funnily enough when doing some work that I found very tedious occasionally while doing it every 5 or 10 mins or so I used to groan or sigh loudly and my EIE ex boss found it quite funny. Some others accused me of being dramatic. I think it was the lack of dynamic changes that bothered me and it's tedious detailed nature.

    But that's a paradox of SLE as they have exceptionally good attention to detail but they have a volitional nature being Se leading so that for extended periods or if matters are too dry or removed from the 'real world' it becomes much harder.

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    One thing more I forgot to add that I don't know how LSIs feel about - when I'm on a train or bus I find it hard to concentrate on a novel, I find I can read newspaper or magazine articles of a reasonable length - but nothing too long. I just find in that environment I'm too sensory aware to concentrate. Hope this helps.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Andrei View Post
    It's quite funny, it really depends on the work. Sometimes I can handle it quite well, especially if there's an impending deadline. But funnily enough when doing some work that I found very tedious occasionally while doing it every 5 or 10 mins or so I used to groan or sigh loudly and my EIE ex boss found it quite funny. Some others accused me of being dramatic. I think it was the lack of dynamic changes that bothered me and it's tedious detailed nature.

    But that's a paradox of SLE as they have exceptionally good attention to detail but they have a volitional nature being Se leading so that for extended periods or if matters are too dry or removed from the 'real world' it becomes much harder.
    Interesting. I don't think I ever explicitly feel detail-oriented work to be tedious or too dry, let alone removed from the "real world", hmm. I'd have found your stuff funny though.

    And yeah, I also have a sort of paradox with one side of me being detail-oriented and the other side being more "big picture" action-oriented (not N big picture). But I don't think I have that kind of conflict with it that you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Andrei View Post
    One thing more I forgot to add that I don't know how LSIs feel about - when I'm on a train or bus I find it hard to concentrate on a novel, I find I can read newspaper or magazine articles of a reasonable length - but nothing too long. I just find in that environment I'm too sensory aware to concentrate. Hope this helps.
    Interesting tidbit. I can concentrate anywhere really if I want to. I guess even if I don't try to. The only little issue I can have sometimes is trying to decide if I want to read the novel or if I want to look out the window. I like both equally. But I think I just go by instinct... whichever activity I feel like doing more at the moment, I'll start on that and will do it for a while.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Andrei View Post
    One thing more I forgot to add that I don't know how LSIs feel about - when I'm on a train or bus I find it hard to concentrate on a novel, I find I can read newspaper or magazine articles of a reasonable length - but nothing too long. I just find in that environment I'm too sensory aware to concentrate. Hope this helps.
    i can't either i prefer to drive though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fox View Post
    Not LSI or SLE, but this sounds so foreign to me, I live in my head.

    I don't notice the sights or sensations around me, and can easily tune my surroundings out without thinking (paying attention to my surroundings is actually difficult). If I were on a train or out in public someone could practically be looking down my shirt in a super obvious way and I would not notice... has happened to me before a few times.
    Yeah the IEI I knew who served me groceries would always seem spaced out, I always spotted him first, but once I said hello, in a second you could see him come back to reality and his pupils would enlarge for a nanosecond and it was like an energy emanating all around him suddenly came back in him and was focused on you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Andrei View Post
    an energy emanating all around him
    O_o I just see IEIs as looking in some distance (or inside themselves) mysteriously, what energy is this

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    O_o I just see IEIs as looking in some distance (or inside themselves) mysteriously, what energy is this
    Nymph or Tinkerbell fairy energy, something highly poetic that's for sure!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    Trying to identify the C-D / H-P thinking styles and the reinin crap isn't reliable to tell type tbh.
    Well if you've got it narrowed down to a few types and you're certain enough about certain Reinin traits in yourself it can work, all you need is 3-4 and not the whole list. Since the OP is sure about beta ST, perhaps identifying even one or two Reinins that stand out can help them to decide which Beta ST they are.

    I agree though, Gulenko's thinking styles are usually not reliable for self-typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    Well if you've got it narrowed down to a few types and you're certain enough about certain Reinin traits in yourself it can work, all you need is 3-4 and not the whole list. Since the OP is sure about beta ST, perhaps identifying even one or two Reinins that stand out can help them to decide which Beta ST they are.

    I agree though, Gulenko's thinking styles are usually not reliable for self-typing.
    Better to see the whole picture of type... I find Reinin is subject to bias of interpretation too much.

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