You are hard to type because I don't know anyone with your looks and from the posts it's hard to guess. But let me give you a bit of logic.

From your descriptions, posts and your signature it's clear that you are both F and N. N is very striking, and your signature “When the heart is right, "for" and "against" are forgotten.” which is very likely F thing. So you are NF. So this way you can give up on the ILI. You also said that you like ESE most, which is conflicting to ILI.

You said also you do not have best relationships with EII and IEE, but instead you typed IEI and EIE as better along with two other Fe types and one Ti type. As Fe types are accomodating and friendly so it could be biased, let's assume you like Fe more than Fi. So if we already establlished that you are F, and like Fe, therefore you must have Fe.
This gives two possibilites: either IEI or EIE. Now it's hard to say which one because introversion / extraversion is not how person behaves (but it can predict that but not always), but how person processes information. For example, I am ILE ENTp and everyone unanimously types me as LII, of which I am sure it's not true. Every person I asked whatever I am introverted or extraverted they say I am introverted. And I am as hell. But this doesn't make me introverted in socionics. Same with you, your overt Ni introversion doesn't need to say you are IEI, because you can be also EIE.

From what you say and how you look I can't decide between IEI and EIE, you have quantities of both. It could be you are IEI but you are not pure IEI, as well it could be EIE, however you have only parially looks of one, so it's very hard for me to decide. I am suspecting you of being EIE Ni subtype but also you could be IEI.