
I can appreciate Star Wars for it's impact and innovation, but this isn't really what captures me when discerning whether a piece of media is good or not to me. Star Wars is too simple, has little of what i find interesting thematically. Sure, Sci-fi universes can be cool, but there's no extended philosophical dissection of the world around them. It all seems very surface-level, to present us with a world, but never to delve into it's depths or center. It invites us to experience but never to ponder or contemplate the essence of what is going on, the big picture. I tend to enjoy universes that seem smaller, but delve pssychologically or philosophically deeper. I would, for example, rather read the thoughts of the Buddha than experience a detailed, sprawling sci-fi world. There's nothing behind that... I can't really enjoy that for the sake of just enjoying it, you know? I tend to have a general understanding that i incorporate into everything i'm interested in. I tend to unify diverse subjecs of interest into a single worldview. This is not to say that i don't ever enjoy sci-fi universes, i just need something a bit more substantial and nuanced in it's presentation of something supposed to be ineffable or all-encompassing.