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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Shackleton)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (Shackleton)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (Shackleton)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is the enjoyment of attributes of a thing. Love is a desire for the well-being of a thing. I consider anything that (1) is valuable, and (2) can endure, to be beautiful.
    What are your most important values?
    Speaking clearly, precisely, and in good faith; identifying something of value and defending it; being honest with one's self; being willing to go against the prevailing narrative.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don't hold any religious beliefs because I've been unable to find a convincing argument in favor, irrespective of the attractiveness of the idea of a transcendent being.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    A few wars were justified. Militaries are absolutely necessary in order to have any hope of autonomy. Power is the ability to destroy; even defense is the destruction of threats.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    The longest conversations I've had have been with my friends concerning: personal sentiments towards certain people or their way of being, criticism of stupid decisions people have made, criticism of design decisions in games or writing decisions in other media.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I pay so little attention to my surroundings that it seldom occurs to me to do anything around the house. Doing things on a schedule is tedious, but for me necessary.

    To put into perspective just how little I care about maintaining pleasant surroundings, there are posters and drawings by my little cousin (aged 7) on my bedroom wall, left there from 2 years ago when she used to live here. I'm currently using a powerpuff girls comforter and no sheet, and my pillow is a folded up blanket stuffed into a pillowcase. For breakfast, I had water. The main exception is that I'll clean up anything that has a foul odor, since I can't tolerate stench.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I can't think of anything I've seen on TV that wasn't either terrible or a guilty pleasure. The only show I liked well enough to mention is True Detective, for being uncompromisingly ugly, detailed, sentimental, and blending the real with the surreal in a relatively seamless way, not to mention its grounding in existential philosophy. That said, I don't watch much TV or many movies.

    As for music, I like anything that more or less does the same as above described. I don't care how it sounds.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    The anticipation of the loss of loved ones is the usual cause of me crying, though that doesn't happen often. I tend to grieve for unusually long periods of time. I don't think that bears explanation.

    As for things that make me smile, I like surprisingly blunt statements of fact, and realistic portrayals of people fucking up in banal ways. I dreamed once that I was unable to cross the street due to traffic, and a guy walked up to me and started going on and on about weed and I'm just smiling politely trying to find an opening to cross, but it just won't let up, so I'm trapped listening to this dissertation on the various strains and their effects just trying not to be rude, and thinking back on that makes me smile. I like cats.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I feel at home when people are willing to listen to me rant about things that piss me off, and will join in and do the same. The rest of the time, I tend to prefer to be alone with my thoughts.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Passive, non-confrontational, lazy, inexpressive, distant, timid, at times abrasive and inconsiderate, paranoid.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Perceptive, well-spoken, sympathetic. I've been told I'm funny, but your friends always think you're funny.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I find difficulty in identifying anything worth pursuing.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    See above lol.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    The expectation that I get loud and boisterous is nerve-wracking and unappreciated. I like when people say what they mean and aren't afraid to tell me exactly what they actually want from me.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    The ability and willingness to be direct, say what they mean, and push me to keep moving.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concern would be trying to find a way to expose them to the reality of worldly threats in a safe way so as to allow them to incorporate those threats into their ethos and develop the skills necessary to combat them, though I'd also be concerned with teaching them to be able to discern whether they're being lied to. I think the best way to do that is through fiction, games, and outdoor activity, generally being the adversary that a parent is supposed to be.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    My inward reaction is to try to see if I really understand what they're saying and why, my outward reaction is to challenge them on it on the spot, detail exactly why I disagree if they stick to it, and if it's clearly going nowhere I just avoid the subject or make fun of them if it's not too serious a subject. If this happens too many times, I start to wonder if it's a good idea to keep seeing them.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I'm used to being disliked and generally thought of as unapproachable. I see people as largely putting on faces to avoid exposing themselves, generally too constrained and disingenuous. A prevalent social problem is the conflation of speaking plainly and being a dick.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't choose my friends, people approach me and either they like what I have to say and stay in contact or they leave. Sometimes I'll be trolling or being somewhat impish in an online game and people who find it endearing will stick around.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I say little and keep to myself.

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    I'll be getting a haircut tomorrow, you can likely expect a video then.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Hello @Shackleton you sound almost boilerplate ILI.
    I could do a breakdown if you or anyone wants to push back on that but Id rather not make the effort.
    I like the simple but perfect definition of beauty. And the description of your bedroom lmao.

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    Yeah, I'd be glad to hear any feedback you have. I've been fairly certain of ILI for a long time now, but I wanted to entertain the possibility that I'm full of shit.

    EDIT: Misread what you said, lol. Dw about going into it. And yeah, I'm kind of clueless when it comes to decorating and maintenance.
    Last edited by Mudlark; 01-13-2018 at 10:01 AM.

  6. #6
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I’ve had an ILI friend since middle school, and this could have been written by him.

  7. #7
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    I started doing this before I saw your edit so whatever, I'm up in the middle of the night feeling like shit and don't have anything better to do.

    I'm not really a HUGE fan of breakdowns like this because people can focus on whatever happens to match the type they're oriented towards in the moment (I've answered questions with a different twist depending on the type I think I am, not with the intent to deceive but just because over a period of years of living there's a lot of sometimes conflicting experiences to focus on). What's more relevant to me is how things are said but Im unable to explain that very well. The way you say things is also consistent with ILI to me. Anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shackleton View Post
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is the enjoyment of attributes of a thing. Love is a desire for the well-being of a thing. I consider anything that (1) is valuable, and (2) can endure, to be beautiful.
    Elegantly simple, cogent descriptions lacking flowery language in spite of the subject matter - logical. "Valuable and enduring" is Te themed.

    What are your most important values?
    Speaking clearly, precisely, and in good faith; identifying something of value and defending it; being honest with one's self; being willing to go against the prevailing narrative.
    I think this answer points to Fi/Te values even if it's more or less universally good stuff. Honestly this is in part because it resonates a LOT with me. "defending something of value" sounds especially gamma imo. Speaking clearly and in good faith is something I value a lot but I would never in a hundred years think to list it in response to a question like this - seems logical to me.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don't hold any religious beliefs because I've been unable to find a convincing argument in favor, irrespective of the attractiveness of the idea of a transcendent being.
    I guess this is a "logical" response but really I think any type could say this.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    A few wars were justified. Militaries are absolutely necessary in order to have any hope of autonomy. Power is the ability to destroy; even defense is the destruction of threats.
    I think this points away from certain types like EII, but not at all definitively. Another elegant and simple definition (strong Ti).

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    The longest conversations I've had have been with my friends concerning: personal sentiments towards certain people or their way of being, criticism of stupid decisions people have made, criticism of design decisions in games or writing decisions in other media.
    Personal sentiments and criticism of bad decisions = very gamma. Criticism of design decision speaks to Te ego imo.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    What do you think of daily chores?
    I pay so little attention to my surroundings that it seldom occurs to me to do anything around the house. Doing things on a schedule is tedious, but for me necessary.

    To put into perspective just how little I care about maintaining pleasant surroundings, there are posters and drawings by my little cousin (aged 7) on my bedroom wall, left there from 2 years ago when she used to live here. I'm currently using a powerpuff girls comforter and no sheet, and my pillow is a folded up blanket stuffed into a pillowcase. For breakfast, I had water. The main exception is that I'll clean up anything that has a foul odor, since I can't tolerate stench.
    I don't know if this is really that type related because it could be symptomatic of depression or something. But it's so stereotypically ILI lol. Your flat and factual description of your surroundings was funny and Te-ish (but I can't really explain this).

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I can't think of anything I've seen on TV that wasn't either terrible or a guilty pleasure. The only show I liked well enough to mention is True Detective, for being uncompromisingly ugly, detailed, sentimental, and blending the real with the surreal in a relatively seamless way, not to mention its grounding in existential philosophy. That said, I don't watch much TV or many movies.

    As for music, I like anything that more or less does the same as above described. I don't care how it sounds.
    The way you described true detective sounds gamma. I keep hearing I should watch it....

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    The anticipation of the loss of loved ones is the usual cause of me crying, though that doesn't happen often. I tend to grieve for unusually long periods of time. I don't think that bears explanation.

    As for things that make me smile, I like surprisingly blunt statements of fact, and realistic portrayals of people fucking up in banal ways. I dreamed once that I was unable to cross the street due to traffic, and a guy walked up to me and started going on and on about weed and I'm just smiling politely trying to find an opening to cross, but it just won't let up, so I'm trapped listening to this dissertation on the various strains and their effects just trying not to be rude, and thinking back on that makes me smile. I like cats.
    Crying in anticipation of something presumably far in the future sounds intuitive or Ni.

    I'm getting tired and losing focus now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    I'm not really a HUGE fan of breakdowns like this because people can focus on whatever happens to match the type they're oriented towards in the moment (I've answered questions with a different twist depending on the type I think I am, not with the intent to deceive but just because over a period of years of living there's a lot of sometimes conflicting experiences to focus on). What's more relevant to me is how things are said but Im unable to explain that very well. The way you say things is also consistent with ILI to me. Anyway.

    I agree completely with your assessment of these types of breakdowns and questionnaires, I'm mostly treating it as an ice-breaker along with some data collection. I'm hoping someone will come along and give an honest contrary opinion to give me the opportunity to hash it out in more detail.

    And thanks for taking the time.

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    The internal microphone of the camera I used to record myself failed, so I'll have to figure out some other set up. In the meantime, here's 2 selfies taken on different occasions in the same location. They were taken vertically, I apologize for the orientation.
    Last edited by Mudlark; 12-08-2019 at 10:26 PM.

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    I'm re-adjusting my VI bias, because you VI either LII or ILE, and not ILI. Your questionnaire is ILI, tho.

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    I don't know that I take VI seriously as a practice, especially from snapshots. Nevertheless, I'll get the video soon.

    In my estimation, Fe is unsettling and Ne is annoying, so I'll be very surprised if I'm typed ILE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hag 2 View Post
    did this video ever happen? not that i doubt your type, but id like the ILI sample for myself.
    No, I never secured a camera suitable for recording video within a reasonable time and then I lost interest. Not likely to change. Here's a couple more recent selfies, closer up and taken in uneven lighting so the shadows can give you an idea of depth and contour in the case that you're using bone structure or any other such metric, with less facial hair obstructing, for whatever it's worth to you:
    Last edited by Mudlark; 12-08-2019 at 10:25 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hag 2
    for the record, i have no doubt you are ILI, but the last picture poses an extremely interesting question: if VI has merit (which i am a staunch believer it does), why does an ILI look like he can be a twin of an ILE? this is not the first time this ILI/ILE VI thing has seemed to happen, so its very strange to see it for myself.
    My initial skepticism of VI was less a way to wave away VI as a concept and more a hesitance to accept any given claim to knowledge thereof, since at the time I had not yet seen any template that made sense to me. I've since given Kill4Me's VI template a closer look and it seems to work in my limited experience, both as a coherent explanation of on-going relations between a few of the people I know on the forum, and as a tool for sorting out my own IRL typings 1v1.

    I played a little game 1-on-1 with family members and a friend where I took images of people that I believed bore any convincing enough resemblance - superficial or otherwise - to me, them, and other people who were physically present from the various pages found here and then asked each one independently to sort them from greatest to least resemblance to a given present person, with a number of options for each type represented, where only a few types were represented for each person for lack of convincing options. After that, asked each to sort those present into whichever group (eg. LII-Ne) they thought bore the greatest resemblance to each present person overall, taking note to tell them "Focus on the eyes, if you get stuck then go with your gut, yes that is Jeffrey Dahmer but for the sake of the exercise we'll pretend they're all prostitutes - all of them." In order to make it feel like a less clinical process, I essentially invited them to make fun of each other, themselves, the people on the lists, me. Each time they tried to cajole information out of me regarding which options I thought were more coherent, I told them "doesn't matter, I'll tell you after" so as to minimize any bias.

    They each independently sorted me into ili-ni , where the groupings offered were LII-Ti, LII-Ne, ILI-Te, ILI-Ni, ILE-Ne and ILE-Ti. During the first phase, I had also included images of people from other groupings- some for shits and giggles, some to just make things more difficult. In more detail, I was consistently told that I physically resembled the ILI groups more, but that I had the same general demeanor as David Lynch - LII-Ne 5w4 so/sx. In Kill4Me's system as I understand it, the structure of the eyes belies the socionics type and the expression/demeanor is more indicative of enneagram, so I believe the synthesis comes out to ILI-Ni 5w4 so/sx, but seeing as I didn't offer them any of the enneagram groupings I'm disinclined to give the enneagram typing much credence at this time.

    Some quotes, for funsies. In reference to the picture of aestrivex in ILI-Te, "I thought you just 'shopped your face onto that guy with the bad hair and bigger chin." - grandfather. "You look almost exactly like Kurt Cobain... or Bobby Fischer but uglier." - SLI friendo.

    Quote Originally Posted by hag 2
    i'll cherrypick a picture/sample of this 'celebrity' later. i must sleep now. thank you for the new pics! very, very interesting.
    I await it with baited breath. Arrivederci.

    EDIT: I've neglected to mention that I also included ESE-Fe in the lists that I ran by them.
    Last edited by Mudlark; 09-30-2018 at 06:11 AM.

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    Seems ILI

    You said :
    In what areas of your life would you like help? -
    I find difficulty in identifying anything worth pursuing.

    Have you ever found anything worth pursuing, according to your own thinking at the time? If you did, did you pursue it with sustained focus or diligence?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hag 2 View Post
    you have done amazing work, Shackleton. ILI-Ni is 1000% what i have always had you as. if E5, then "w4" without a doubt - my experience of enneagram is very limited, im not sure how much credence to put into it, let lone VI of it. but i am very interested - can you link writings on K4M's enneagram VI system?
    The pinterest lists are maintained by K4M. Links are there, but for the impatient: and
    Descriptions on the part of an old user by the name of Marie can be found here:

    K4M's writings are scattered, you'll have to do your own digging there. Google likes quotation marks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hag 2 View Post
    haha. i assumed K4M had megapost type things for his enneagram VI. guess not!
    Lol, nope. Wish he did, but it's not too terribly inconvenient to visit his profile > latest posts > go back as far as you like.

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    Quote Originally Posted by A Moderator View Post
    Seems ILI

    You said :
    In what areas of your life would you like help? -
    I find difficulty in identifying anything worth pursuing.

    Have you ever found anything worth pursuing, according to your own thinking at the time? If you did, did you pursue it with sustained focus or diligence?

    I'll edit this post with a proper reply later.

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