Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
Quote Originally Posted by oyburger
I'm just thinking about some of the things I've read about him, like how he was in it all for the money and such.
Really?? There wasn't that much money in being a church musician. If he was in it for the money, he should have followed in Handel's footsteps and been a court musician and written operas and such.

My sense is that biographical information on Bach is a little scanty, but it seems that early on, he had a certain idealism about writing a new kind of music for the church, based on what he had heard by Buxtehude. Later on, he had more conflicts at his various jobs because people thought his stuff was too hard to sing, etc.

Where did you hear that he was in it for the money? It seems that he wanted to have posts where he could provide sufficiently for himself and his family, but that's different from being in it for the money, isn't it?
I have read that he would turn down more prestigious jobs for jobs that would pay double, play at funerals for extra cash, stuff like that. I think there is a difference bewteen providing for your family and being greedy.

Also he might have been a church organist, but during the sermons, he'd sneak off with girls (before his marriage I hope). Perhaps its all just tabloid speculation, but it just doesn't sound INTj-ish to me