I know I made a post about being an SLE instead of LSI. But someone said to me that I might be SLI. And I had the same thought. I don't really relate to most Beta values, and I value Delta values. But could that be from being raised by Deltas? Anyway, I've always had the "live and let live" attitude, I'm a minimalist, I value personal growth, I've always been more mature than my peers, and value maturity in those I socialize with. I don't care about joining groups, and I never cared about social status. I lead a mostly natural lifestyle and I'm always on top of my psychical needs. I can't function before I've ate a balanced meal while avoiding foods that I am sensitive to. I need coffee, nicotine, and cannibals. I need copious amounts of calories and hydration. I am also an Sp so that could be the cause. When I have guests it's important to me that they have everything they need, food, drinks, and the bathroom must have hand towels, soap, and toilet paper (it's a pet peeve of mine that when I am at someones house and they didn't prepare the basics like hand soap, and something to drink such as water, or eating utensils.) I am not so sure I am a judging dominant. I am ultra laid back and don't expect perfection from anyone, not even from employees at establishments. If the waitress fucks up I still tip because they still have to pay their bills and waitressing can be overwhelming, that's just one example. Like the SLI I am blunt, simplistic, and connected to nature. I love animals and they love me. I believe charity starts at home and the best way to change the world is to develop yourself. I don't believe in trying to change other people, it is an infringement on their basic human rights. Changing another person doesn't even work in the first place, and I am using first hand experience, which is something I value. I also learn from other peoples' mistakes and avoid drama. I am not dramatic like other Betas and find myself not relating to them, but I do share their fashion and media tastes. I could keep going but this is getting long and I can make more examples in the comments section.