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Thread: Are you a leftist or a rightist?

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    Aramas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cupcakemonster View Post
    Libertarian (More right leaning?). I might even boarder on being anarcho capitalist.

    I believe in really small to almost no government, I believe there should be zero income tax, I think most things not described in the constitution should be left to the states, I think Republicans are hypocritical because they say they're for small government but they're not when it comes to things that align with their views.

    I believe every citizen over 21 (maybe even 18) should be able to own any guns they want, I don't have an opinion on abortion really (Statistically just as many women have them whether they're legal or illegal. Apparently the lady who started planned parenthood was racist & purposefully put the clinics in poor black & brown communities).

    I think all drugs should be legalized & regulated so that people don't accidentally overdose or have drugs laced without them knowing, I think prostitution should be legalized as long as someone's not forced into it & that prostitutes should get std tested.

    I have zero problem with people being gay or transgender, I don't think people should be locked up for nonviolent drug offenses, I don't think their should be government subsidized programs, I think people should have school choice, & I don't think vaccines should be mandatory or that schools should require them.

    I think people should be able to have freedom over the their own lives & money. I don't think people should be strongly controlled by the government. I think logically libertarianism makes the most sense when compared to Democrats, Republicans, socialism, etc. It's not morally based & pushing those morals on others. It's trusting that most people are smart & capable enough to make their own life decisions for themselves.
    Problem with libertarianism today is that society has become connected over time in ways that are contrary to libertarian ideals. If the tap was suddenly turned off, so to speak, there would be chaos and potentially the collapse of civilization. It might happen anyway, lol, but that would definitely make it happen.

    I like individual freedom, but the Earth has 7 billion people on it, and with so many people, there have to be rules of all kinds to help those people interact without infringing on the basic rights of others. Everyone has a right to be free, and that's the essential problem. How do you put a bunch of free people together and ensure that they can all live and coexist?

    Ideally, everyone could just do what they wanted without infringing on other people. But you'd basically have to give each person their own simulation of the universe to let everyone run amok and be free and do what they want.

    Getting people to work together is a difficult task. Everyone has wants and needs due to their differing natures, and sometimes they work together, and sometimes they conflict.

    Libertarians don't like taxes, but they drive on roads built by taxes every day, use technology every day that had its origins in government and taxpayer-funded research, and so on.

    I'm currently a centrist of a certain kind, but not really an American-style centrist. I consider myself a social democrat, because that's closer to the ideal of a working society that includes everyone. I'm not a communist or a capitalist, and I think there are virtues in a centralized command economy and an economy where resources are privately owned. I don't know all the details of how my ideal society would work, but I'm also not a politician either. I just vote.

    Probably the only universal I can think of is that if power is left unchecked, it typically becomes a problem.

    I don't believe in a world of rules based on sheer principle, but I also don't believe in pure expediency either.... Some of this, some of that.

    One of the biggest problems, if not the biggest, right now on Earth, is the destruction of the environment. Another problem is that those with economic power are using that power to disenfranchise those who don't have their level of power. So I support basic necessities and utilities for poor people like food, water, shelter, clothing, and a little distraction/luxury. I particularly am in favor of helping people escape abusive situations, because I have been through that stuff myself. Before I forget: healthcare.

    I support a living wage so that people don't have to work themselves to death for a basic lifestyle.

    I think helping poor people achieve a higher standard of living would paradoxically benefit the environment by reducing the number of offspring in subsequent generations. People with a higher standard of living tend to have fewer children, not more.

    I also believe in legalizing drugs and maybe taxing them. Part of what draws people to drugs is the taboo of them and the culture that surrounds them. If it were as simple as walking into a store and picking some up off the shelf, some of the mystique would disappear. There would still be addicts, but there would probably be fewer. The taxes would be used to fund education/rehab programs as well as emergency services for overdoses and such.

    I personally don't like guns much, but that's because I've only seen them misused by drunk angry rednecks with personal problems.
    Last edited by Aramas; 06-25-2020 at 04:18 AM.

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