Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
I don't know if I'm left or right anymore. I don't know what is *right* anymore. I've been starting to search for humanists and what their political stances are and why. My side isn't globalist, it's humanist and I feel like there is so little nuance these days. I've been coming to doubt the left because it's becoming increasingly radical. I no longer know if I can trust the liberal media at all. The agendas are 100x larger than the news. Who cares about the news, the facts or the truth as long as it supports a certain narrative or agenda, right? Just siding with the left or the right because both are becoming more radical seems like a process of radicalization and I've already been somewhat affected. My head is spinning. I need to figure out whose side is whose, what side is what, and why. And the other fear is to express anything other than the left is increasingly associated with being racist, sexist, and anti-democracy, when it's possible the very things the left is standing for mean the end of Western civilization entirely (and by that measure, the end of democracy). And all the shame/guilt I may feel don't support the destruction and crash of the civilization I come from. Should that civilization change? Yes. But sometimes how something is changing and what it's changing to is what matters most. I want a world where all human beings are safe, free and equal. The left says that's what they want too. So why, oh why, am I beginning not to believe them?
Congrats, you're just beginning to wake up from the propaganda from the media. I find the best way to look at politics is to ignore the semantic us vs. them thought control (left vs. right) and just side with the issues you like and reject the issues you don't like.

You may very well end up being majority left, right or even center, but that is irrelevant as long as your views coincide with your true values and not what the team you are supposedly on is expected to have.

Then you will progress towards having views that align with who you are and you will develop the critical thinking needed to reject propaganda from any side of the fence. It is only when you feel obliged to pick a side's overall values that you fall into the trap as both sides have values that are harmful to society and individuals in different ways.

Another important trait to have is to respect people regardless of the side they choose, there is no need to be tangled in the us vs. them mentality, which achieves little to nothing and distracts you from the true culprits behind society's problems.