Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
I am a left leaning libertarian. My political mindset leans towards a smaller government overall. Both political parties generally want to expand the government in different ways, which is why I usually oppose the left and right, but not always.

I have more left wing beliefs than right wing beliefs, but there are still several issues I agree with the right. I think the important thing is to keep an open mind politically. Whether you are in the left, right or neither doesn't matter.

What matters is if you keep yourself from falling into group think and demonizing the opposing political side or anyone who doesn't coincide with your political beliefs and party.

Political infighting solves nothing, while looking at the crux of each issue and how to remedy it effectively is what will solve problems. Also, being aware of the big picture and how both political parties can be used to fulfill a hidden agenda is also very important.
^pretty much this.